February 20, 2018


Guttersnipes,street urchins who live the despondent hapless moths by the sloughs of the trough,call for a noose,a placebo and a thrust from the edge of the precipice, What a succour from being beaten blue all day and weary by the sun, "With no gazebo and no summerhouse appealing in sight to hide and ease this stress of distress,"a brokenhearted lamented"brightest rays might soon abscond forever from these darkest hours."We crave for silvermoon from this bickering strands of golden bough",Then i observed how come tarnishing troughs were tergivesated and mutated into golden trough.if not for proactive engross of the bald pate,sunken delights may have in this treacherous numb,downright infeasible without pragmatic foolproof of the golden bough's glacebo.This comics amidst a gathering,then the flocks enthused"But how shall we abscond the tarnishing trough without the gazebos of the golden bough.We in this bedevil,flex the last bout of the tarnishing bough to exit the treachery of this howling wilderness."

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