September 20, 2017


The first part of this poem was posted on my facebook and you can go through it searching my name ibikunle laniyan.The post below constitutes the remainder the poem.Enjoy The reading. The microbes of my cephalic index,by your antithesis and synthetic frequencies, palladium thrifty.O the eyes of the owl,my sacred missionary,asphyxiating my darkness,from my asychronous ado,my brisky eyes lens,applique my glance and attone for brighter days.My ayes avers it to be so.Eyes of the owl,a cerebral motion pictures,scribbled by its screenplayer,retrospection to scrounge,medula oblongata,for a scrooge,scrimp and lavish the screen play on its screen,O the screen of materialistic hustles,my eyes of the owl,that sculpture semantics of the cosmic ados,patched by its serendipity sensuous mottled images.My stevedore of vision,a sedulous spunk of stertorous ados,strictured by its owlish eyes,suppled with sunlight,succulent prowls the fugacious winds with my feet of clay.From the sunset to the sunrise,the morning

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