January 10, 2022


Egregious wimple on the wick,tilts the windmills at Alupluto,willynilly on the wickerwork,Oddysey on the boomerang,willothewisp at blue funk.On the whisk,in a whirl as they whisk,whippied as whipping boy, egregious wimple waspish celibates,hagiologies in peonage, whimpering with mafioso and dancing stuporously the tammanies'tambourine at River Abesi.Foklores hurled at this boggey of tall tales swooned squadron's nostalgia at sea.Sweltering wimplers, superlative suppine, swindled at the sweettoothed swine of squawking squaws.O,their stabbing comeuppance! Egregious on the wimple, wimple on the egregious spoliated dimple of sporadic spoors.A spooky spool of the squemish squaws thumping thumped up the bettenoires and edentate senoras and nixes gallivanting with the squadron's sport to spoke the pyrates wheels.At one split,they splurged, at others,splenetic split personality,they splayed, mermaids as they vent the spleen and lo splintered at the Providence of lucre and spirituous sloth.O what a tall tales.Like sorority, frequented the squadron.Snowfalls of snippets fallen in the snowcladed snowdrift,silentitious snowline like snowflakes,in the snowfield.A snowhite snippets in their clandestine packets of snow storm overwhelmed Sherlock Holmes snowlined snowshoes.Themselves in the meantime melange not bugged with snowblindness to curry fortune with the golden pall of snippets and Rubicon to traverse Jubilant hills.Squadron beseech the Holmes,Snoop and Snoop as they steed to buy.Golden snooks in the Snooker,snoopers in the sleuths of snooty snooker hardly snoozed nor snore tis massacres of the mafioso filibusters reprisal.


Many a moon mince a silver moon.Damn they funkies the dagwoods,on the vintage madcap.My Reuben,thick club sandwich,my dagwood Sandwich,my open-faced sandwich! Oh my Daddy Warbucks crimson vertebrae cleaves profusely.Refrain now a daliesque,a surreal surrealism in the marroon roses.Those physical jerks worth the salt of the daily dozen deluxe and every facsimile,it exults retreats a Coronach but my decalcomania my John Hancock,salient days'folklore sings.Gone with the winds and seabank hardly contains,my iambic pentameter,dactylic hexameter,my macaronic,fascenic and hudibrastic verses,swept beneath the decalescent junkyard of hallucinatory decapods.Silvermoon returns for the africana Jones,yet their kabala far away.Now, it cleaves to my archipelago,my Joe six pack a dimestore and a bazaar of daddy Warbucks.My crater,jar,urn,ewer and amphora,a plenitude of mazuma.Which Kodachrome do I get?A melange of this penumbra,held aloft the penurious caisson of kozenstrationslagers.Many a spike in the dessicated marroon John Jane Q publics'melange drowned in scrapyard.Oh you mean kayak, pirogues,coracle and outrigger on the high sea?Sound petty, nutty to envisage floating wreckages at shore!And which kibuttz,kolkhoz will we coop the lost Jones?Let them dream.Dreamland voyagers not Maelstromed at sea! Africana Jones banter,jest,jive and spoof juicy morsel.A dimidiate of Joe Dokes and Joe blow.Pour me my libation of kyphotic kudize.A matronymic matrices, marshmallow of mermalading Lollapalooza.Yea,my Daddy Warbucks,my John Hancock,my abala,manila of manicure clings greedily at my quest of byzanthinous surrender.When Daddy Warbucks the cosmopolitan Globetrotter and Zurich gnomes of silver moon Bodega sojourned metropolis, Joe six pack jived and made jest,nab and funk.Oh they fret mea culpa!Did colonel blimp retreat?Nope,whereon it persist as they smudge and smother ateliery with myocardial infraction,yeah myelagic encephalomyelitis.Varicose veins bleed profusely, nakedly bugged down by alakazam of mythomaniasis.On the cambric broth of fleckled maculated macules,Joe Does bunk,cant and drivel, kvetching bellyching Daddy Warbucks'decretum.And the madcap of penury prowls the main Street.Much more dessicant,parched,torrid, dehydrated salmagundi persists.Yeoman averts this goobledygook and spook of marinade.What spoof,as they jazz in vain?They fret marasmus bounce and jounce :blue funk at funky frith,kablooey and koing.Africana Jones piously synonymous with penury.Supposing my marginalia and the kriegspiel for the wandering Jones,to salvage doddering coracle,I a troubadour from Alupluto nails the octopus poser:To kosher as amphora,as jardiniere,hurl onto the pinion and may gallantry avalanche cleaves greedily to the horse hoofs.Oh Daddy Warbucks my John Hancock!The world is your oyster.