February 13, 2019


Add blog posts to blog Carnival.com, SEO and search engine marketing,podcasting,advertising and ppc,public relation and bookmarking,updates your blog three times a week and daily better,comment on other blogs.
Image result for the photos of world greatest bloggers

Write on hottest topics celebrity,entertainment,and emerging technology,offer helpful solution on Q and Q sites like Quora and yahoo Answers,offer regular webinars and communicate schedules and topics on your blogs or websites.

Hire a ghost writer through outsourcing services like Elance,Odesk,Iwriter and outsource specific tasks like virtual assistant function to third party,etc.

Create a compelling infographics,install google analytics on your blog or site,install google sitemaps XML plugin for wordpress that automatically send updates to google and other search engines about your new posts,to get indexed your materials faster.

What about google  authorship, which when you set it up allows your face to come up near your post, during google search results.Submit your blog or site to blog or site directories,like yahoo,bing,google,alta vista,go.com,excite,aol,hotbox,gigablast,lycos,galaxy and alexainternet.

Ebook marketing,creating its audiobook version,syndicate your blog with technocracti,include your blog or site in email signature,do joint venture with another marketer and run solo ad,placing banner ads on other sites,post free ads on craiglist,backpage and classifiedads.com,.
Image result for the photos of world greatest bloggers

Write a compelling press release and post to free press release sites,begin affilliate marketing and ebook sales,promote yourblog

Above all content is king and when look all this magic powers ,the best bet is the content and the consistency with which  they are marketed .Where is there is an increase in your blog posts,there should ordinarily be a consistent traffic flow.


Getting traffic and getting consistent traffic,obviously is a primordial intent of website owners and bloggers alike.No matter what you do,it is a natural of succesful blogging .

Geting traffic is possible,even a million daily according to Rex Silo,a tech reporter" is possible but one thing for sure is that this takes a serious time and lots of hardwork."

I do agree there are hundreds of ways and means of driving traffic online and infact thousands as more discoveries experimentations are made.And definitely that is indisputable and incontrovertible.
Image result for the photos of world biggest bloggersImage result for the photos of world biggest bloggers

But one strategy stands out of the tons of the most voluminous articles i have read on exhaustive strategies evolved on traffic drivers

And before i go on to nail the poser,let me review the established and standard benchmarks,widely used and known.It wouldnt break yImage result for the photos of world biggest bloggersour cheeks,but just a reminder.

These are well tested norms and basinal practices but not limited to,social media instant traffic method,getting traffic through contextual ads like Outbrain,Zergnet,facebook,twitter,pinterest,
 adsense etc.

Others include word of mouth strategy telling your friends and famillies,video marketing or vlogging.makes your site loads faster,deploy traffic apps,listbuilding as they say,money is in the list.

Convert your blog articles to pdf and offer to scribd.com;commenting on other blogs;join niche related forums and blogging communities.

February 12, 2019


If both foreign and domestic rates are constant,based on short term expedite possibility,nominal exhange rate depreciation leads real subsequent depreciation as proposed under the MARSHAL- LERNER conditions,and this affect aggregate income as well as exert influence on the balance of payment mechanism.
It is generally known that in the case study of expansionary monetary policy,there is reduction of official rates,similarly depleting the cost of credit that free lending to the private sector.This implies an expansion of lending and thus will use the liquidity excesss to buy financial assets,ConsequentlyImage result for the photos of printing presseses and mints of currency

,on the securities sector,that trajectory of  upward pressure,on prices is ordinarily spurred by volatile but increasing domestic demand which also exerts further presssure on nominal interest rates,given the inflation expectation that reduces real interest rates.The atttendant evolution of demand boosts business investment and grow household consumption.
With this four mechanism,including level of information available,they not only played a paramount role in the context of high risk,high uncertainty,where operators not only make forecast but also directly forecast about economic fundamentals,with the level of information available and also the probity of the operators,cannot be detached from its growth motif .
Hence monetary policy mechanism is more or less,by which assets prices and general economic conditions are basically influenced or afffected by monetary policy decision.These decisions influence aggregate and monetary circulation and credit in order to affect aggregate economic performance.


The practice of monetary development has a long checkered antecedence,and invariably begins by the tradition that monetary policy bequeathe to it.The most important port being the dissertation of the the circulation of money supply which can be achieved by the monetary policy transmission mechanism.In this edition,the blogger IBIKUNLE LANIYAN,examines the strategic impact of the mechanism on the larger economy as a whole to boost growth and development.
Monetary policy transmission  meImage result for the photos of printing presseses and mints of currencychanism has been defined as the channels though not mutually exclusive through which monetary aggregates evolutionary effects invariably alter,macroeconomic variables and dtermine predictable intervals of the level of product and services.There are four phenomenal instances according to economic literature which were identified as the main mechanism through monetary policy influences price level and national income.They according to Mishkin1993 also inlude financial assets price,intetest rate,domestic credit and foreigh exchange respectively.
While the expansionary monetary policy tends to exert upward pressure on financial assets prices,increasing firms market value,in terms of financial assets and prices value according to Tobin in relation to the cost of capital,and positively influencing household wealth;the domestic credit strictly refers to transmission channel of  the commercial banks credit assets,in terms of corporate finances and securities portfolio and by agregate spur growth and positive effects on household consumption and business investment.Changes in monetary policy tends to encourage commercial banks to reallocate the credit capitalas they find it profitable.The monetary expansion can increase their reserves,making them more liquid and one of the most effective channel to invest the surplus is the domestic credit,to make positive growth and economic development.
Whreas the monetary policy exert a different toga of change entirely on foreign exhange,been a channel where increasing the amount of currency tends to result in a reduction of nominal interest rate.And when this happens,this leads to a negative or adverse differential between foreign interest rates and domestic rate.and in the occassion of perfect capital mobility and perfect substitutability of financial assets and given the simultaneous growth in the demand for foreign currency,in the invasion of a decline of local worthless currency supply in the foex markets,a depreciation of nominal exchange rate is posible.

February 11, 2019



Whacked by supercilious brat and invectives infested uncouth tongue,the repressive durress within that ambience circumnavigated,ignited his tacit and so,he by temper swung,stood at a convenient hiatus,to the rampaging art.
Elegy.that in my heart,thy guilles all but interred ,wherein nature's heels,taught thee how to unfold chaste's flex at thy cloven hoofs.The more i say,the less thou art observed.Thy scorn art scold abhored,thou shouldest not abhor mine utterances,but in selfesteem,thy adore should be,if thy self esteem is blotted,more guilles at thy household,comes home to roost.
Contro.Sonnet--151-Chaste is too benign to abscond,where conscience pleads;yet who knows not how to chide,is born of scorn.Chaste Is too senile to know what foibles,to patch,yet,who knows not moult is crust of adamantine,then a greater whore,importunes her juicy sport,lest of mine refutation,thy aggrandised self elated be,for thou scornful of entreaty ,i do not elope.Mine intergrity,to part thee,of vile,mine fiend doth shoot as thy ignoble den,that thy household might trump and triumph in lust,as moult stays farthest behind pleadings.But rising impetuously as thy tolerance facade of licentiousness doth contendest with no patent guilt,contented with dreary eyes and thou art pleaded and pleased to dwell by the wayside.No fathomed piety,without conscience,hold nefarious fingers in high esteem.That 'chaste'for whose dear crust censure,i still sell thee.
Contro.Sonnet-152-In thine chide,that chaste is chaste,that saves multitude of souls.But thou art to be scolded a thousand times surfice.To thee that chide,might transact piety and break fallow ground.,for thou art not sworn,to thy piety vow'd.And breach,evidenc'd in thy fortitude,art strayed thy household,And all mine chaste and scoldings,sank its titanic and dreadnought,beneath seashore,flat fell,for the graveyard itself barely smears an earth for the dead.And every resolve is pothered by guilles of sentiment,and to elope thyself at thy writ and grit,consumate i nebula,or made thee slaves,at thy achilles heels;for have i mourn,a thousand fall unfair,as more perfidies,at thy faith,to cajole and censure a mammoth,with the pariah outcast and the wickedness of their gluttonous behind.
Contro.Sonnet-153-Scorn laid by brute barely fell asleep,a maid of honour,it glides thy marrow,And thy context,scornest kindled did sway with recompense,in an ephemeral, hedonism of lampooned chaste;wherein filial piety disdain'd uncouth lips,lively feeds,unfettered by rabidity doth abrasion kinky froth,which yet all foibles pleased to fathom,but at the guise of misty eyes,direst crowd frigid.
07/06/2017 7:51am


I am like the wanderlust that floats on the high seas waves, that foams over hills and vales,on the lakes beneath the trees and the forest,Dancing with the breeze as they gyrate,gritty as the old sleigh bells twinkles my verve for a dent in my painstaking pang,My vacuous legs stretched at suicidal pace,though barely sullied by sulphurous escapades,tossing my head in sprightly comedy of gutter dance,even as the waves themselves personified,did dance before me seductively like a geisha girl and i the gigolo,For Oft in such a jocund,in my pang when upon my couch reminisced,brooks of brood triumphant as the old sleighbells,raptured my petite solitude.For a manifold of footsteps,footloose do i make as the old sleighbells,to bliss my dreamland,that flashes of imageries,romping my bald pate,fructify be and then with epicure in its sly,my heart pants still. Still my dukes upward maul for this phantom of delight'triumphant as the old sleigh bells'cherished me to chant and chantgalore
That was my phantom of delight of dreams not broken,of grImage result for the photos of greatest  poetsaveyards not enriched.When first,it gleamed upon my weary sight and hazy feet. At one moment's thrills,starred my eyes as the stars of the sky,A modest wraith,in dancing rigmarole to ecstasy fathom my bleeding heart.Eulogy,plaudits,gusto and deification,poured on this inspire.As mouth agape open,the bliss of a conqueror borne out of indurance,foresight horsesense and a nobly regalia,swaggered with angellic mission not far away, Triumphant Shall i chant 'triumphant as the old sleighbells'raptured my heart.Tis no space for a lachrymal infection,tis the worst pang is over,in a twinkling of an eye,I am as triumphant as my lofty heights and the old sleighbells. That neither the past nor the present or the unborn age,whenever my heart's dread avails,with grievious theft evicted,when that inspire thrills my badplate,stupefied by diurnal beguilling sports,winds impatience,gripping upon my navel,to flex with pledges and oaths yet unattained,do i my appologia
braggart in reiterated engross enthuse my catchy phrase. And then one more step,then one more salvo fire,And then one more step and one more salvo fired, i am as triumphant as my dreamland un-suppines unfurled and as the old sleigh bells a cheerful merry bore. They came into city and they could not triumph meet and hence they departed. Oh they came into the city to fleece triumph,still they could not triumph meet and once again they departed like the Sisyphus,pulling the stone adinfinitum.There is triumph before triumph,there is triumph after triumph,there is triumph above triumph,there is triumph beneath triumph,there is triumph in the seas,winds,land and space, All is triumph in their divergent escapades, As mortal marrows being expectant,jubillant as the old sleigh bells,all day belabour for the purple birth of the rising sun. Triumphant At The vale,jubillant at your mountains,jubillant at your caverns,maketh thee not a discontent when phrases and verses speak.
That oracle is my verve,in the howling wilderness,when i with nothing for nothing pacifies. When I with the trip to the barbarians for a nigh two decades throbbed,to assuage my agonies that glorious verse,thwacked them to my tendon kept yelling and chanting'jubilant as the old sleigh bells.And bare feet,did i trod it myself,none exasperated tis my facelift at the dying times,my potion and trauma flees,tis my dreamland arcane overwhelmed tis my starry morn eulogy appended,indeed jublilant as the old sleigh bells tis my glorious herald,starry nights bade farewell.
12/08/2017 10:47pm
12/09/2017 12:18am
Lord Dickens came to town,treacherous and oggling.Three bitches of the sorcerers stone, sorcerers of maiden dusk,In the trenchwarfare and the trenches' magical impulses wreathed,Dotard bitches,cheesepairing accustomed stings in the potion wring.Wryly and scarily,they scary torment feckless gowns,with the effrontery of hell and the vitriolic vituperation of oracle and magical spell invoked on the unsuspecting prodigy,in their efflorescence of dickesian plow cast.Hours and hours,hours by hours,hastily they vent,by Belzebub's ordnance,Dickesian wights outside the castle,on a booskied playground,stertorous stinkers cannabis smokes,as boozers boozed.Dicky throng etiolated,convulsing amidst laborious toil,Boshes of convulsion,contemptuous bowls of boors and boon companion frequent the isle,a splenetic windy sail,a scorch on coltish limpet clung. What a ridiculous bonvoyage for the evasive birds of passage,spoliated and sponge thrown too hastily.
Of the spoilsport,splodge of spoliation defied,a spatulated spank,its springtide spawned,a spine chiller's spinetingling spill,calumniating bed of quicksand upon which the latter's modus viviendi's booboos were supplanted in misery,yet disparate bookish cannot see,yet bonfire cannot burn. Thrice troublous plain's misery assiduous ensconce,Of the pyrates of freedom,ascension they browbeat to submission,in the inferno of sorcery stone.Quirky charms and spells,ethereal incantations cooks its cauldron speaks.So,froth a dickesian hours,tripple potions' ungrateful and uncluttered flock they a spangle to fleece a blueblooded clasp. Like Rome burning,like hell burning,broth and bail doth the gnomes ignominious,but bubbles,eyes of the owls,nocturnal awakening,sprintly thawed,to the sorcery of the sorcery stone,a tang of the tangential knot,so,fastened. Plutocracy is unworldly rodeo of voodoos and brotherly cult beware.