February 15, 2021


A HOICK OF THE HOLOIPOLOI-A POEM FROM THE ANTHOLOGIES OF ST.BLUES QUEER STREET. PART 3.to cart him away ovation,did the bragart at the court,revert to carol his aplause.And a living heir of the deposed court bridgeheaded revert to the throne. I t was brevity.What deposition aposite to olive branch, the golden patriarch,and then brusquely bumpered with grim death briddles of bun fight.What a burlesque of good graces,of unbunged and unbungled chidhood,not of the bad graces'bunkum that welded Alupluto.Gone for a burrow,in this court,bustled his brisly butches of burnish,cockcrowed the impending golden morn, schooled by progeny.The capricious borderline,guillotine crazy and bloodmoney, tensed capillarity,cartooned caskets'casinos,plunged deeper still at atrocious carnage of the demeaning ambush.Long after her cavalcades,moors and meteorics humbled,at this cerulean grid of cause celebre,still her hoick's brutish and slutish castellation with the fifth columnists,hardly their cavity cawed.


A HOICK OF THE HOLOIPOLOI-A POEM FROM THE Anthologies of ST.BLUES QUEER STREET. PART 2.At planting and harvest (autumn),they bellylaughed the green fields, the serfs and the Squireaachy, swindled bellyful,the benefactors and the season' s benediction. Hardly,the sunrise tis the sunset that the fifth columnists,did not beset greenfield,blottoed with benefaction,did not for once,take cognizance of the blithering blizzard,blot and blinking bloodshot and bloodcurdled,bloodmoney,nor its pang calibrated.Still this blindspot,a blackspot,sensatedly they blinkered, bittersweet,black and white,tis the guillotine blade had come down,like a sledge hammer,upon this Queen's court and its nebula,at the battle of River Abesi,where maurauders'waterloos struck baptism of fire.Blags and blaggers took rampaging on bling bling,blinking its blackspot blackeeyed,blackened blaze,the boors of the hoick lay with the street maids,at the forest bosky ground,nocturnal lewds with the bandits'raid,frills at carted booties of the boon companion,to booze,binge, sloth and bop their hoots.The bard was hung upon the trees,sometimes immobile to pull himself up at his boobstraps,at sedentary aloft.The borderline bounteous,coarse with botches'bouts,booties and bouquet for the fifth columnists.Not until the golden bay's patriarch,at nocturnal glees brandish the witty spears,spoke his wrath,maneuvered the Queen's courts 'briddleway,grooved with all the brickbats thereafter to cart..


A HOICK OF THE HOLOIPOLOI-A Poem from the anthologies of ST.BLUES QUEER STREET. Part 1. Oh pour not adulation on he,The adventitious adrift of silver moon,Athough thy libation be long and tiring, That coat of arms shall not refrain the grafitis of a pedigree,nor its waxworks coarsened,What a feint felicitous being so fatheaded and feather brained, to so much impugn himself,yonder the hoick of the holoipoloi.Are minnows farcical and fatcats, farthest pedagogue, not faraway,from living obscurity? Nancy teens,naifs and nambypambies,at the plow,nailbitten by gales nigh and farthest astray.Necropolis needleworks, never do wells and mongolian navel gazers.Yet still,with a neaptide of silvermoon,a mere hoick of holoipoloi,And lo they that neign do well the nemesis catch.Mutinous mudslinging,mules and gutter middlings that spared,not the idiosyncratic muffs, slingshots'hooded Jack Robinsons,barely silvermoon amiss,Approach the end of the tunnel and perseveres the muddy waters,yonder the midgets and middlings of the middle of the road.What miasma of milchcow,thou art been booned,legion of necropolis,leeched by humorous sungods and sungoddess,silvermoon's milchcows,navel gazers and haphazard trojan horses, forlorn kindred spirit of the nirvana,jetlagged jeremiads , forsooth silvermoon jailbirds.The bedridden Aluplutan neither belayed nor belicose as her holoipoloi's hoick, nor behindhand belligerent ,the berserk hoicks and oicks of the Queen's courts.


THE CONCEPT OF LEGAL EGALITARIANISM. A TURNING POINT IN WORLD JURISPUDENCE. PART 2.dawn of Hellenistic era.It was first focused on the first principles of natural law, civil law and then later the law of nations.While general jurisprudence is subdivided into several categories, based on diverse kinds of scholarship interrogations that sought solutions and resolved by divergent theories laden with diverse school of thoughts and they proffered solutions to the questions raised.General jurisprudence, albeit its transition snowball at a standstill,is held under contemporary philosophy of law and deals with legal problems as a particular social institution through law addresses puzzles that attracts larger social and political institutions, in which it exists and operates.There are tripple distinction overtones and branches of thoughts,in general jurisprudence.First, ancient natural law,that was begun in Egypt,then popularised and rackeetered later by Aristotle believed that there are rational objective limits to the authority of the rulers and legislators and that only through reasons shall the foundation of laws be accessed.Whereas the analytical jurisprudence,being classificatory disagreed with the school of natural law,


GREAT CHARTERS OF LIBERTY.PART 9.Economic forces cannot solve and pay off social debt outstandings completely without the support of political and social forces respectively. In a benighted clime ruined by social instability and related chaos, it is so so because here there is no freedom equity and that jeopardises power hierarchy and order hierarchy respectively, but in a saner clime, freedom equity balances the power equation that forces the periodically intended interaction betwixt the substructure and superstructure to move development cycle transition, equity and history forward.It does not necessarily implies whether the society or its economic system moves from free market to socialism or vice versa but this solid interactions must often ensures there is equity in the power market economy.Infact in most cases, where social stability is ensured, a middle goal of the state social inequity in the power often transcends into structural imbalance in the social interaction and the inequality of wealth among the people.It goes with the saying that society should look beyond social stability as basic goal of the survival of mankind but put in place optimal growth plan or structure to attain equalitarian order in the long run.Of course we know abuse of power as evidence of this structural power market inequity, a social iniquity,is rampant in every mordern state advanced society included which requires complete overhaul of social scientific thinking basis.In the marsolic age,


GREAT CHARTERS OF LIBERTY.PART 7.The welfare of development, development planning and management looks bleak where it is impaired and to attain the strategic ideals and reap the dividends of the great charters,might take an eternity to dream.This indicates we have to invest in our local tradition and customs.The movement up the development cycle as evidenced by rising temperature of the great charters is proven by the consequences involved and the changing texture of SOA principles and components. They include the principles of order hierarchy, social contract including the power hierarchy and great charters of liberty cultural contract itself including cultural components that make up the cultural architecture.The first existential contract to be appended by mankind ever since the transition from the spasm of nature into the tangled web of the society was the social contract, but the transition itself was sealed by cultural contract a signatory to our existence and survival. Now the first existential contract prior to the transition, cultural contract pioneered human society and social contract became the manager.The strategic essence of social contract is to manage SOA with the goal of social order systemic stability or so to say ensure social stability.With the formation of the society the author now became the foundation and to be precise,highly distinguished historiocists sometimes might not see huge differences between them but certainly cultural contract is broader.


GREAT CHARTERS OF LIBERTY.PART 6.undertaken in action translations, then it means egalitarian order and it is the climax in order politics.Whilem"the strongest will always translate strength into right, the weakest obedience into duty and slavery. So, social order is the constitution of social, political and economic development and the sole institution of existence.It sets freedom as the purpose of history and structure the purpose of freedom or main goal as universal justice and the essence of order politics, mankind civilisation.In most nations of the world, where social stability is deficient, the primacy of social order politics is injured and sickly. It refers to growth inorganic and organic instabilities as basically social order system related.Social order system is basically fit and proper society, where social infrastructure and social safety net including the universality of free basic facities and quality living standard exist.This ensure equalitarian order and almost closes the ratio of inequality of wealth and mass poverty below 10percent.In a socially moribund society the right of the weakest will always be hijacked by the right of the strongest.As a better organised social groups, the right of the strongest ordinarily better organizes social leverage that prepares them for the swindling of confidence games with robust organisational powers that undermine the weak .This flags off the growth instability and evidence that in social order is critically impaired.


GREAT CHARTERS OF LIBERTY.PART 5.so to say deployed by the business people or business organization written in respective order Then they can handle a properly organization that srlls to the outside world.No parliament ever betrays order paper or order book.They having standing rules or standing custom to comply with and truly indicates social order as noted by the French political philosopher is the most sacred right of all human rights.It is the executive summary of all rights from human to nature, or from nature to human immortal, determining the ultimate destiny of the human,social and mankind or civilisation in general.Ordinarily, the entire human, political,and economic orders are guaranteed by freedom of social order architecture (SOA) principles, human society's prime order custom,the sacred basis of all rights reserved development objectives and they barely come from nature, but byeproduct of human arts.The attainment of these principles simply means social stability and social stability is the same as social order stability, stipulated for growth and development cycle transition and mankind civilisation.Social contract and its motherboard cultural contracts are basically social order papers that must be complied to grow living standard and robust institutions. Here we quote Rouseau again that " the right of the strongest is never strong enough to make the weak weakest "If it were to be translated into the law of action and pragmatic action undertaken and persistence


THE GREAT CHARTERS OF LIBERTY.PART.4.like army, navy, or airforce; the logistics of defence or the kind of clothing worn and material carried on stated duties by the military such as in marching order; the manner of activity or way things happens; The division of things into group like social group either in plants or animals or in class or family, social strata;the honour system of the society, in which group of people received special honour from leadership,for service in a bravery like the English order of the garter system.All this definition certainly impressive but take a look at this one to better appraise the resourceful depth and quality of the definition if not the best.Now read this"The acceptable norms for the eradication of disorder.The proper ethics of compliance issued to laid down rules in order to avoid disorder and social disobedience. This is done so as to comply with the rules, needs, exact discription and plan of that person or society.It refers to institutional orderliness of the mandatory nature of the order itself like in the phrase"orders are orders"that is it must be obeyed and subject to compliance of the relevant authority .It refers to the transparency and honesty of the mandate;And where it is a moral law,it bestows a moral duty,like the ordnance issued or command of a king or ruler.In a standard institutional settings or public institutions like the Parliament there must be orderbook or its charters or the constitution or so say structured ethics


THE GREAT CHARTERS OF LIBERTY.PART.3.to churn out its maturities using this mutation curves of knowledge fields polishing quadrants to undertake the mechanical transaction of climbing the development cycle In the timely exigencies of mothernature a strictly driven spiral of necessities.The operative mode of transmissible thinkologies gets accelerated with this emergent or perambulatory node of robust organisational structures and sustainable capacity building wrought by mothernature, wherein the rising spectre of mortal activism and social management builds its strategic impetus.The timely rate of mutation,incorporated by these fields,in the long run gives filip to the gradual institutionalization of the requisite unction standard of the great charters of liberty to rapidly climb the development cycle and achieve the purpose of freedom itself.Then we are forced to critique the word " Order".What is order in the layman point of view?It means command issued from its ordnances and charters or set of norms or things properly arranged, fitness for use or for operation; special way in which group of things, or people are organized, in connection to another.It also refers to power of a person who has right to command for something to be done.A request to supply goods or good supplied in accordance to the mode of request; a written paper, a thing in which allows a holder to do something with its command or rules; the arrangement of men or technology like ships, aircraft etc or defence or the


THE GREAT CHARTERS OF LIBERTY.PART 2.this sacred right without with freedom its grandchild could not be justified or guaranteed.As the prime basis of human rights,the inherent scial stability it procures guarantees this voluminous brands of human, economic and social rights that ensures that fredom when procured must in like manner guarantee universal justice.We recall that Rouseaua's submission,without like most philosophers of political freedom,did not lay emphasis on the coevolution forces of socioeconomic order in that the substructure of social order is the political order,then the superstructure economic order provides framework for the stability of social order populary known as social stabilty, and by agregate composes the nature of socioeconomic system at a particular period,hould there be any structural maladustment,mordern society is bound to guarantee social instability,where dislocated socioeconomic system,impinges social rights at guaranteeing not just social order but also actualization of the ideals of great charters of liberty.Human,social,economic,political and cultural rights do not operate In isolation,often known as socioeconomic right and its procurement powers,are structurally aligned to the immediacy or exigencies of knowledge fields transition where the mode of cultural architecture of the state and its relative and tolerant epistemological tendencies,grow to maturity,from one culture age to culture age.Societies as it were over the ages tend


GREAT CHARTERS OF LIBERTY.PART 1.Why are we slaves to those things that are supposed to make us free?Then I was forced to endorse the brilliance of Napoleon Bonarpate who believd th basis othe fundamental basis of developmentis order not liberty. The same mode of thoughts was entertained by Jean Jacques Rouseau in 1762, when he explained the concept of social contract, under the subheading,"The Right Of the Strongest."He observed"man is born free and everywhere,he is in chains.One think himself the master of others and still remains greater slave than they.}.Why did he ask? "how did this come about? It was because he was frustrated with dubiety and was moved to interogate nature.Then he said"I do not know"Really interesting and also lamented its legality when he said, "What can make it legitimate?That question i think i can answer"If i took account only force and the effects derived from it,I should say'as long as people compelled to obey and obeys, it does well; as soon as it can shake off the yoke and shakes it off, it does still better; for regaining its liberty by the same right as took away, either it is justified resuming it, or there was no justification for those who took it away."Now listen to the most impressive part,"But the social order is a sacred right which is the basis of all rights.Nevertheless, this right does not come from nature and must therefore be founded on conventions"Indeed the primacy of human arts and social contract must be guaranteed first in.


THE DISCOVERY OF STARS:WHY THEY THINK?3This terrible landmines,lucidly looming and hanging over the jungles, they left behind,persistently stare us in the face and mankindin groped the dark over outstanding social debt, left behind for generations yet nunborn, the main quagmire of mankind in general. ?.To be clung to the most unsecured foothold and deolate pawn of history, would be to taint the moral fibre of a becoming and anticipated dreams of lifetime.We barely disagree with this humilliating and unruly flashes of philistinic heaps, trapped artistic prowls in this embellished reprobate's paroxysm of godless spot, not exempt of the cryptic dusk, of which moral aversion should not tarry within its leaps and bounds, of a grueling passage that might glorify checkered antecedent.We hardly avoid stress of pervasive taint and accelerate its scutctheon,skirted by the obscurity. Zbigniew rationalised from the obloque of tarnished heels and terraced by obnoxious guilles.

February 13, 2021


THE DISOVERY OF STARS:WHY THEY THINK? Part 2.forces of great achievers.At this crossroad of stardom mongering and impulse polymorphosis that swallows human resolves and causes us to quake tremulously, quavering under duress for our golden place in history.This is quite much more than scalpel of mementos, left behind for the legatees of history but much more than that and best reckoned when the artist in question charts his everlasting exit from the obscurity of history.This distinction, clearly distinguishes the lovers of history rather than to be befuddled by the pettiness of loungelizardry,with its spirit of mediocrity and vulgarity,that bar us from the mastery of magnum opused expertise, a requisite for the golden place in history.The simpletons hardly vacillate in their crass of irresolute and irresistible bunkum, denuded by the farce of history.Methinks, the basis of this ill mannered and irreverent mediocrity and allied posture,can be loudest brutal massacre of the ed human intergrity by the sloth of mass ignorance, that besets its patients.This was responsible for its cult personality, in casting their souls into nether obscurity beneath.This nothswithstanding,not minding the obscurity depth of this plunging gorges,specifically its crash from the verdant foothills of this glorious light, where they ought to be,from the vulgar quest,where the potential stars hibernate,a juncture wherein we are apalled at the brutish spell,it cast on the primacy of the human personage.


THE DISOVERY OF STARS:WHY THEY THINK? We already know why great thinkers think and certainly we have no erudition problem. Time and space will often afford us to argue with the relevance of relative facts drawn from the checkered pantheon of history. .This is explored often to quell the untiring myths anf draconian controversies and stigmatised legacies that they left behind that even the conundrum of history, its tethering rope trailed, with all travails left behind in vain.In the jagged peak of this osmosis of the spangled stars' unrulies, the volcanic eruption of their colorful speek, by its exotic pedigrees that intercept our agregate reasonings, blanketed with thick swirls of cloud, for the sublime antecedence that they left behind.This forsooth would continue to observe and afflict our seared and smeared conscience,for manifold years to come.But should we be rational enough to make our marks in history, then we are compelled to make valiant strides and act to overtake my this myth or the nebula.Then this turn of events becomes fashionable and even palatable, to lovers and observers left behind us, who may be forced in due sense,from the trounce of sleepy backwaters and mental backwoods, to reenact same golden parcel of history,they have read, pull in legatees in the not so distant future and still be relevant to unborn generation.What they have read about they were made reenact ever greater chapters of golden history.Hence,this purport provides the gusto for the natural


THE THINKING FACULTY. PART 1.There is no doubt that in the entire known Universe the biggest known faculty of human arts ever created is the brain anatomy.Let us first define the word'thinking'withut with words like thoughlessness springs like cancer and then we shall examine the thinking faculty.First, what is a thought? It is the art of thinking and thinking enterprise.It refers to intention, serious consideration, some thing thought as a result of thinking product, a particular way of thinking, idea,opinion,tribe,a particular way of thinking of social class, tribe and country. Whereas thoughtlessness refers to a state of unthinking,selfishness,lack of thought and consideration.Not paying attention to people wishes and feelings.Now , thought incorporate the art of thinking and thinking practice and we can narrow it down as the act of using one's mind to mint and produce the works of arts.It means an opinion, verdict or judgement and ideas and also refers to excessive thi .nking or thoughts about something.If we look at the verbal apposition, is the power to make judgement, take decisions ,use the mind, to form images, then opinions.Note, first burning of images, make decision, and also refers to careful consideration, understanding, bring to mind, plot and plan, intention, to remember, expect, focus, that is to direct the mind to a particular way. In the above definition, we note the properties of thought or thinking as follows:1.faith.2.intention.3.opinions.


THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ARTS AND DEVELOPMENT AND THE COMPLEX ROLE OF THINKING ENTERPRISE. PART.3.the urgent socialist social responsibility is to evolve egalitarian tradition where laggards and imperialists equally importantIn the egalitarian trade of tradition of the middle course, where thy artistic cycle, develpment cycle and cultural cycle respectively, that equates cause them also equate themsel. First development begins at the level of the individual and indiduality is the basic essence of human development. Growth and development often interchangeably used begin with arts, or growth in skills and capacity, then institutionalisation of cultural vlues that emergent custom and tradition give the human artists at every point of evolution and radical explosion. Human development, implies material well being of the mankind but first of the arts. Human development must continually generate growth in the form of personnalism first.Personal development is synonymous with human development, not devolving market imperial tradition.Human civilization,cannot survive without material relation which generate human development and such human development is tied to the emerging social groups


THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE ARTS AND DEVELOPMENT AND THE COMPLEX ROLE OF THINKING ENTERPRISE. PART 1.If we consider the long road by which we have trodded and journeyed from the bank of savages into freemen, this tortuous road indeed could be nasty a labyrinth to peruse.How much worse,from the evolution of arts into the industrial institution of development. The blogger examines the case study and proffer market solution. -AUTHOR. In the dispensation of arts and cultural management, we shall have to contend the tardy evolution of professional arts itself, in the much same way, we have comprehended growth and apprehend it,at least the growth of traditional art into industrial arts.This also includes the evolution of traditional thinking into scientific thinking and joined by stategic thinking the midwife in the entire thinking enterprise right. Now, the dispersal of professional art, by voyage of its system of artist cycle,that feeds cultural cycle must be distributed evenly.Otherwise the dispersal of arts,precisely to say to professional arts or where technical evolution of environmental forces favour evolution of one generation of professional arts,over the other generation of traditional arts.If left uncurbed,such inequal distribution of information freedom,triggers high inequalities of the wealth.As the former automatically ascends the knowledge power curve, the other fallen behind, the sturdy structural inequalities is bound to persist.


CHAPTER 5.THE ART OF TRADITIONAL THINKING. PART.3.This pest of bombardments barely sway the mental energy of the softline knowledge consumers and they are not freed until the uperio rgum ment of the superior tradition.In most cases,the softline knowledge consumers, with parlous data processing mentality, lackadaisical mode and in most cases,are vectors, devoid of first hand information and rumours and hearsays,are effervescent traits of this mode.Sometimes artist's lack of preparedness and qualitative contribution to emporium's mode of argument, automatically leads to poor presentation.During poor presentation,discussants u nder weight of an intensive argument,bugged down, by mental stress and then terminal exhaustion of logical viewpoints can lead to presentation of prejudice with unguarded precaution.Mental stress tends to ochestrate such psychological assaults,experienced by so ftline knowledge consumers,when they crash under yoke of superior argument.It does not spare hard line punchers too,who can be lulled into downhill presentation,a meltdown period of memory loss.In this context where a huge.In this context,a huge database load of fact is explored in dissertation like discourse the suffocation of latent stress instantaneously leads to mental convulsion,causes amnesia and prejudiced discourse.On the hand, a witty fan or discusant might be particularly disposed to assault fellow discusant and adopted wearing downs tatics.It may be in a quest for native intelligence,to


CHAPTER 5,THE ART OF TRADITIONAL THINKING. PART.2.by mudslinging,could be source of operating argument. Sentiment or prejudice could form source of an argument and prejudice, can be intricately linked with the ignorance of the discussant.It implie and mere analysis can form the whole bulk of knowledge.We might not be forced to contend that ignorance itself is a stage in knowledge formation.Knowledge logical or illogical can spring from diverse sources,namely the ablution,that include,sentiment,fact, opinion and a host of other source.I classified it as illogical in contrast to fact based or logical.Generally speaking, argument sprouts from different dimensions,flows in counterclockwise direction.Sometimes,its clockwise direction can be punctured by assymetry of standpoint and ensuring safeguard of fact at hand.The mode of argument partly formed by prejudices,might not be punctured by emerging fact, but also by the nature of clarity and logic that supplants the emerging fact.When the clarity is convincing,ample evidence of the presentation distortion automatically warrants the emergence and presentation of the fact at hand, to tarnish the riddles of the haunting prejudice.Although these sources along side sentiments tends to make discussion thick,and undoubtedly,illogical discourse with high ratio of ignorance quashes and decimates the quality of discourse.Hardline knowledge punchers and consumers beyond its facial impression of argumentatives are pissed at its bathos herald


CHAPTER 5 THE ART OF TRADITIONAL THINKING.part 1.Every spoken word is determined by spoken thoughts. Those spoken thoughts unheard in most cases,by majority refrain into subconscious untill utterances in question s are made..Similarly every written word is dependent or determined by written thoughts, though unseen, prior to its documentation, in physical terms.So, nothing happens by itself, except if it be by a moving force.Now, we are poised to peruse the extant mode of traditional thinking and scientific thinking and more or less its mode of its argument. In this case,we examine the first mode apriori or posterior respectively.Various research into traditional mode of judgements,informed this verdict,specifically through its juxtapository process,follows its hysterical rendition.These modes of argument were unveiled by the author,based on empirical evidences evaluation of newsstands surveys,where he was fortunate and frequented periodically for two decades where he was embroiled in such intellectual wrangling exercise,with free readers and few hotbeds.Arguments and counter arguments,by discussants in all dimensions, be it social, political, economic and cultural nuances, reflects the fortitude of africana Jones'mental energy. The traditional mode of argument often follows the editorial logic of the day and argument in general comes from general sources.Apart from opinions, sentiments and statistics, assumption resulting from undue pressure, after a long diatribe, crimsoned


CHAPTER 4.SCIENTIFIC DECISION MANAGEMENT:Part 1.The scientificity of traditional decision making and management rest largely upon the tussles of volition per capital and the psychocentric amenities that its quandrant based dimension provides in which responsibiity management, and the market rational scale of opportunities,offers itself the strategic capacity in reacting and altering the cultural components,interacting with the immediate environment. The moral architecture of scientific decision making and management,is catalysed by doctrine of market rational forces and sometimes the sentimental apparatus,from which they are driven,demanded for and shuttled or discharge of its obligationfrom the point of causal and time investment,launching activity and undertaken activity management for the survival of satisfactory life.Scientific decision making opens advanced traditional thinking and then scientific thinking mode of activity administration.Besides using the strategic thinking enterprise,to manage their innovative solution, specifically in their paradigm shift it also in both cases, through strategic thinking manages their induring industrialisation of obligation. On a diurnal basis,we take decisions, proper or improper, hinging every strategic motive on every strategic move and task at hand.Scientific decision grows exponentially, but not with strategic demand to accelerates their material


MARX,MARXISM AND NEOMARXISM:WHICH WAY MOVES HISTORY FORWARD.2.The father of existentialism. They both took their departure from Hegelian school of philosophy and tha put an end to the epoch of great philosophical system that was begun from Descartes in the 17th century.Hence after Hegel,philosophy took on a new course entirely,driven by Marx and Kierkegaard,and existentialism simply means the philosophy of action, and Marx, even thou-gh he was a Marxist, became the greatest of all his existentialist colleagues.His notable words-That 'philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways,the point is to change'and that is what he had done through Marxism, though still leaves much to be desired.Marxism vs Hegelian:Marx himself became a Marxism, after the European revolution of 1848, brought Marxism to the front burner, to the frontiers of European cultural Renaissance.Contrary to Hegelian, that world spirit was driven by spiritual relation moving history forward, Marx disagreed that Hegel, the best of the Romantic scholarship, was turning things upside down and he showed otherwise.He had believed it is the ownership means of production,that material relation moves history forward. He contrast sharply that it is the material change that affect history and that spiritual relation do not affect material relation.It is the other way round, that material changes,create spiritual relation.Antiquity's philosophy and science were mere theoretical proposition and the economic...


MARX,MARXISM AND NEOMARXISM:WHICH WAY MOVES HISTORY FORWARD.1.The emergence of Marxism in the 1840s changes everything in the adventure of western philosophy.The blogger Ii Ibikunle Laniyan examines the critical significance of Marism to history and the comparison with Hegelian, to to determine the quality of Marxism.Enjoy the reading. The development of art and culture according to Marxism,including economy flourishes through the interaction of the society's substructure and superstructure.Karl Marx(1848-1883)was often fond of historical materialism and this dialectical interaction, through which history and world spirit progress that he made it the cornerstone of his philosophy.There is no doubt that Marx and Marxism had an indelible influence on the scholarship of history,historicism, philosphy,art and culture respectively. There is no yet freeing the hassle that the cannon of Marxism,waslong after him nor an ample claim after his departure, until we have learnt to change history and then the world.When in 1841, Kierkegaard went to Berlin,according to an historian he might have sat next to Marx, at Schelling's lectures.The former had written his master of arts ' thesis on Socrates, which Marx did his doctoral thesis' On the materialists of Antiquity,' specifically Democritus and Epicurus.Marx became the father of marxism mm after 1840s, in the much same Soren Kierkegaard became the


MARX, MARXISM AND NEOMARXISM : WHICH WAY MOVES HISTORY FORWARD.3. Life of the community including production was based on slave exploitation or slave labor, desecrated practical innovation and that is a true evidence of how materialrelation influences societal orientation. The basis of the society according to Marx, include the material, social, economic relations, while the superstructure include morals, arts, science, religion and philosophy.And by proving various interactions between these opposites, Marx,was labelled a dialectical materialist and not a mechanical materialist that could not prove their interaction, in the assymetry of history . I n the basis of the society, Marx recognises the mode, means and condition of production and the question of what was morally right was a product of his basis orientation, where the society's ruling class sets the norm of what was morally right or wrong. He concluded that who control the ownership means of production are principally, the moulders of history, moulders of people's destiny.That these interactions are not autonomous, and that the society's superstructure had no independent history of its own and no one functions in isolation. The changes in this basis had accounted for historical development, evolving from the antiquity into the industrial society of mordern age. More over, for the entire phases of history, there had been conflicts between two classes, for instance, in the antiquity's slave society, they had slave and


CHAPTER? THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS OF THOUGHLESSNESS .PART 1.Thoughtlessness or Witlesness as a reprobate affliction of the social psyche,can be guded against by preventing the occurrence of its seen deadly sins.We examine the delicate path, man must must avoid.Now, take a look:1.See meaning, if you cannot see(sightlessness); 2.If you cannot feel(emotionlessness);3. if you cannot show willingness, lack of volition(apathy);4.if you cannot taste,no appetite or have a foretaste(tastelessness);5.if you cannot think, not using your horsesense (senselessness); 6.if you cannot hear (hearlessness/tympanum death);7.if you can not believe (faithlessness).The first five objective sensors correspond with five human senses and then add horsesense making the 6th sense and then the 7th sense, the faith sense.Hence contrary to Grecian claim that humans have five senses, it is seven senses rather. We hardly use the core senses well,talkless of the whole lump.Now,it appears majority of us hardly use it well and we are confronted with thoughlessness like epidemics or pandemics.They are supposed lit our way through every mission, with cultural task at hand. We are bound to fail, if we abhor them and because of ignorance, we proliferate these deadly sins that underpins our moral failure.We cannot use our vast potential,reduce us to a mere bland observation,without a recognition of these glorious light of mankind.And because of this artistic insubordination that the light is darkness we are damn dead.

February 10, 2021


 LARA'S AT ST.BLUES.A PLAY FROM THE ANTHOLOGIES OF ST.BLUES QUEER STREET. PART 5.JOHN:Hearken now to bankrupt your tedious reticence, away from your gibberish and retire to labour "Involuntarily, they resumed labour on the farmfield. And to her office, she was headed in huff, looked obscene, at the officious temperament of her employee director and banged the door behind,in the quandary escort of the director, who was later embarrassed over her weeping.                     

  John:Why the yell madam.A worker must work to get paid.So, what the fuss madam, weeping over your sloth labourers, that you seem to engage them in untimely discourse?Will thou avail them from labour, so you can pay sloth for their indolence? But this much of your grief, want to exude clemency for grief. Why the yell, I do still perplexed much of my navel.                                            

 Lara:See, let me weep, if you m indeed cannot, I can weep.Let my emotive bank its catharsis tear apart .   John:Then what weep, weep do you weep?                        

 Lara:I cannot choose but to weep, for my brethren.Now, they serve me.                                                   John:You mean you know those sloths.                              

  Lara:Dont embarrass me please.You call my old school mates sloth?                                                                                                                                              

Image result for photos of prostitutes
Image result for photos of prostitutes
Image result for photos of prostitutes
Image result for photos of prostitutes


LARA'S AT ST.BLUES.A POETIC DIALOGUE FROM THE ANTHOLOGIES OF ST.BLUES QUEER STREET. PART 3.Oh what sacred plough in her poohpooh, for still in her pooh pooh, ploughs a lonely furrows . Never did herself a red herring, drawn across the rail, ev me ince her red flag shot.She was engrossed for a pound,from being in for a penny until the days of reckoning. They behold that Rome was not built in a day, what pyrhic victory, beckons she; for history barely cast pearls, before nebulous swines.See, how history exhume the escutcheon's blot, in a turtle of dual deconium.And so the dead horse was flogged to death.                       

Enter the labourforce and exasperated. Clara and Adeoti.                                                                               Clara:Oh we are the sport of stigma, another fortune's tool.                                                                            Adeoti:What vile beginners of fray are we? Did I hear it right that capitalist is a gorgeous maiden, still in her early thirties.                                                                                      

Clara:what piercing steel for us, of a colleen in our age bracket?                                                                    Adeoti:Had we not sojourn offshore brothel, that we be not mewed in this haunting heaviness, from which bliss,we could still have reveled.Let it flee.


Image result for photos of tired people
Image result for photos of tired people


LARA'S AT ST.BLUES.A POETIC DIALOGUE FROM THE ANTHOLOGIES OF ST.BLUES QUEER STREET. PART 2. .Either be stoned,before depression, be, boredom or by the stress of distress, restricted from trenches. Transit not in thy state:I'll be on

the tapis to enquire the silvermoon, and it shall be boon to mine golden age. Every good charm to thee, that much vaunted stalwarts to your relief.Give me a breathing space tis farewell to my distress, bid I riddance, And that joy that exceeds joy to soothe my navel , kiss me with my laurel.                 

 Clara:Have you convinced her? I've been thinking so, time by time's laughter ridiculous ridicules, mortals its kinsmen. And so I did not notify myself. Well we were made to bliss and stress, peradventure stress and distress bedridden, but to exit this distress, anew, let this plain by us depart.                      

  Adeoti:this woo fell on her deaf ears, earshot amiss, and to her limpet, she was clung.                                Clara:Why the refrain to accord the Rubicon, in rough and tumble ? A rolling moss gather no stone.This ropes I did blatantly know without prejudice and none wire pulling could unmake her to turn her turtle and fortune smiles that eludes the minnow's tritons.Had the nine days wonder at the twinkling of an eye, not vamoose into obscurity of history?Solitary confinement, pays her earnestly with a lone ranger's pedigree, baring to the plough, to put her back


Image result for photos of tired people
Image result for photos of tired people