September 16, 2017


Fear Kills him many times,before he dies.And as boldness saves he many times a manifold bliss,before he wins and he dies many times,before he dies;for he that dies in this sloth is he that wishes to risk no evil.He lives in bliss of nirvana,he that fears no foe and no evil.He plows the farthest seas never plunged.If you are bred to bleed,you shallsoon be bled to breed.Life is a wanderlust,a peregrinatory writ that struts its stage upon the blue seas and with his canoe,a rudderless buoy someday bound to capsize and a nether city its final resting place. Life Is a ridiculous wind,a mockery of the ephemeral gaunt of mortal breath and is long gone even before the wind set to sail,let alone tame its maelstrom.And lo,its meteor signify nothing but that man a porous dream and a vapour before time.Light the light,but also dark the dark;mfor both light and darkness too have a final resting place.He that brawls,brawls the wind in vain but the genteel hands of justice,history the remains of the earth,cannot forget.

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