September 14, 2017


At a everypoint in time,every man is caught in an intricate of one succesful action or the other,and this apartnumerous failures.The difference between success and failure isnot just basically the increasingrate and velocity of succesfulaction turnovers,but the appreciation of this actionable glories,greased in the most precious yarns of fortunate hours,how timely they are struck and theratios of actionable leverages and impact,they exude. Man,a dreamer is not betrothed with consequences'patchwork,but much estranged from this illbred homiletics,that distinguishes its groove from practical politics.Smart actions require smartest outcome and whatconsequences matter so much to thesuccess artist,smacks as a vain derelict,to the most profound dreamers in the universe.The two poles,are wide drift apart and what apalling,a bereft art can be,a stranger to a satisfied and contented life.In the ministry of a puporseful life,the random success artist,with this set of values is highly content and his mind not volatile

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