November 16, 2020



ibikunle laniyan

Wed, Feb 12, 5:32 PM
to ibikunlelaniyan

TRIUMPHANT HILLS, A POEM FROM THE ANTHOLOGIES OF ST.BLUES QUEER STREET. PART 2. over sacred hill.The proud entente of lake river abesi itself jubilant, eloped to cart away more bouquet of flowers, where its squadron rode.Not an aloof ride where this spectre apologia greedily trumpeted and jubilant hours feasted.Pines waned,flutes danced to jubilate the trickiest battle royale ceased, minnions beat alabaster cups and horns of dread.And thundered feet became flying feet to make mountain the home of the gods and wolves on the mountain,like whirlwind from wolves beneath. Millennium of grief,strickened fine dogs and deadwood, could with mere putsch of the knight of old's dragnet pull them into stardom.How not like goody goody, shouldest nigh comport,on a gormless gosh and gnash of piffles.Not the gourmand of the vulgar and the vulgarian fraction,that quashed  it beneath,Alupluto's to this gory height to abhor the gooed twain and silvermoon's gooseberries.What a gallimufry and godforsaken goddess outshone  the encumbrances. And they gabbled but chaos and they gadabout but banditry menaced, and so this gaggle gaggled yonder its friable frippery.Now miser ,with the fortuitous foxes of the foxhounds, clenched at the Alupluto's forest creeks unclotheunclothed this hideous fracas. A thousand grenades had done this witchcraft and when the flurried hot spots had been fluxed out, nirvana emergence but not surfily wherein forest battalions unleashed the flotilla and the auxiliaries'fret.


 TRIUMPHANT HILLS, A poem from the book'ST.BLUES QUEER STREET.'. Spears of tremor fallen upon my navel, Avenging spires, to an allegory of kindred spires, maiden's shrieks blushed brazenly cheeks , at the strand of iron eyes, giddy feet hath summoned the squirels and dances of the thunderdrums, to spawn pikes of craven hills, insooth where brave lads, so dire a zombie, agonised over the daughters of eve, celebates of wondrous fairs, who quailed with solemn brow and tense derision, steeple throes, corronated by hangman's noose, over fickle punches and blunted sparsely spears where friars' beauties, desecrated and repugnant. Those  glorious herald seemed not to wink, not in draught to fall into naught, of those goofs who could not set thames on fire.That rap that almost treated the weary to spread mine toast of bread ,unfilled and unarmed cup in the fire, where wood merchants had briddled nuances of forest tales, to quell inferno that stiffled lumber trade.The faggots had eaten my intestines, to a hamstrung bounteous bounties, on thumbscrews and racks, And assailed by suicides, who being stuck to the logtrade,miaowed by leeches,whose eloquent tones,flows and rots like humus of the forest leaves and droppings of the sweet poppy syrup,hung over this earthly drones, where mammoth laid their dreary cheeks.Crownlands in the ride, boulevards,culdesacs,streets horn aloft in triumphant trumpets,knights in purple robes,gallant horses,Nigeria divided as never before under Buhari - Soyinka anthropomorphic hoods infested strode


 The path to golden age civilisation from this mordern age civilisation as it were from the ancient has not changed abit down the millenia-a natural law of freedom immutable as the gods and the medes and persia. As contained in the oracles of the great charter of liberty this law of freedom begins by paving the road towards intellectual freedom as the most ideal platform to unleash idealogical freedom .Heypresto the avalanche of psychological freedom and its sedentary thrust of objectivity that previously lay dormant within human and social psyche is quickened by artistic ingenuity to ferociously demand for social change .

However the theories that underpin and catalyse social change cannot be so reliable as to detach itself from the intergrity of social freedom needed to catalyse social change-itself an ablution of an appreciable mass of economic and political change.This indicates that as natural law of freedom characterises  the substructure of the societal fabric it must be in aligDonald J. Trump | The White Housenment with with material


 Kunlemicrofinance deals with economy and this includes economic matters and other

sent October 28 at 1:04 PM

I need a write up about it so from it I make a video

You sent October 28 at 1:08 PM

Yea I understand my connection is breaking that is why I didn't complete that above write up.just read and copy tem ı start again

sent October 28 at 1:09 PM


You sent October 28 at 1:17 PM

Other topics include poetry, microfinance, philosophy, short stories, entertainment and science and technology. The blogger in the piece

You sent October 28 at 1:29 PM

entitled"PHILOSOPHERS' STONE.PART 1-144 "wrote the longest philosophical treatise in africa .He also wrote the longest sonnets of any poet in africa entitled"PROFESSOR ABRAHAM SONNET DIARY".

You sent October 28 at 2:11 PM

He wrote the longest book of poetry by a single poet overtaking Ferdowsi an iraniZDB an, now but then a persian a feat he achieved with the book SHANAMMEH .St . Blues Queer Street is a thriller book of poetry over 3,000 pages yet unpublished and some of the poems were published on the blog.

You sent October 28 at 2:16 PM

He is a freelance journalist at vanguard newspaper, at National mirror and entrepreneur a founder of Meddlesex

You sent October 28 at 2:31 PM

He started blogging January 2011 and truly believes blogging like every form of writing is a medicine to the body and spiritual travel that we barely know. According to him writing takes the best part of him and made him a better person."To me writing is the best form of therapy to cure and to prevent stress, stresful rout

sent October 28 at 9:34 PM

Ok I'll re go through it

You sent October 31 at 11:23 AM

Stressful routine leads to ailments but with writer's stress, hidden emotions that could lead to psychological stress even before normal are let loosed for the human freedom and healthy lifestyle.Otherwise should they be hidden would lead stress to terrible ailments. "Therefore he believed writing is an emotional purging instrument best form of Freudian therapy for the soul, spirit and body.Although not everyone can write he advised audio books for nonwriters as a way to purge emotional stress that could lead to bodily stress and inability to belch the carthasis leads human ailments. First our daily routine when they pressured gives birth to stress and the best palliative is excite the routine not to be stressed and at best lightens its yoke.Writing therefore provides the everlasting to excite the routine and similarly prevents stress and when we re stressed too also provide antidote for the carthasis tribulating its victims to be belched too quickly.However he enjoined that positive writers either lived much longer or last much longer in the readers' psyche.

You sent October 31 at 11:23 AM

When words spoken by mankind are stamped and written in the tablets of human mind and pile up for a considerable period of time, specifically negative ones invariably leads to stress and then human ailments. It is irreversible unless they are purged ailments are inevitable and writing is the best form of therapy known to mankind.

You sent October 31 at 11:23 AM

In the "INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES".PART 1-60 published blog and a host of other almost a thousand inspirational quotes on the twitter@kunlemicrofinance, the blogger spoke extensively on the inevitable price of history and the significance and strategic impact of freedom enterprise on mordern civilisation.In "THOUGHTLESSNESS"PART 1-60, he brought to the frontburner the strategic imperative of thoughtfulness, to human development, development enterprise and human civilization. In the HAMILTONIAN UNIVERSE, PART 1-10, he explored the indepth virtues of the man who founded America and the greatest in living history that ever lived.In a local newstand in Lagos, Nigeria, like 3 or 4 of the local newstands, he frequented for two decades, where with polymathic midas touch he argued extensively on world history and philosophy first as a vendor, then as free reader,he was propelled one day to counter the argument of a fellow dicussant."You are wrong to say that Jesus christ is the greatest man that ever lived.No, it was Alexander Hamilton, the first treasury secretary of the united states who singlehandedly initiated and founded America, the world greatest civilisation ever . Sorry sir, but that is the gospel, the latter uses brainpower not spiritual power."Then he paused in consternation after the bombshell.

You sent October 31 at 11:23 AM

With the new found entrepreneurial spirit as the founder of Meddlesex cosmos, an investment holding multinational, he intends to challenge corporate orthodoxies and even better still macroeconomic orthodoxies.To counter, tons of extant macroeconomic theories, specifically the most influential ranging from the classical economics of Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Thomas Malthus, father of mordern population study and a host of others down to neoclassicals like Alfred Marshall, the keynessians that erupted during the great depression of 1930s to counter the wage theory of the neoclassical with their total spending theory that eventually nipped depression in the bud and then the monetarists that resolved the stagflation of the 70s and George Lucas generation, he was inspired to theorise Marsolism.Hence launch the most comprehensive in macroeconomics since it was begun from the golden pen of that giant economist Maynard Keynes, the chancellor of exchequer during the great depression.

You sent October 31 at 11:23 AM

He believed economists and theories barely tell us the truth let alone rational enough about the new changing world economic order. And like Joseph Schumpeter and Karl Marx, he was forced to conclude that should the mainstream orhodoxies persist and stinking statusquo not altered,capitalism would soon eventually crash.He enthused that Marsolism is the last panacea and the first apologetics of true free market economy. In the letter to the investing public published in the Meddlesex cosmos he noted universal capitalism is more than possible specifically within the powers of multinationals and not underestimating their strategic capabilities at eradicating world poverty and mass unemployment. He criticised economists and prejudice an distrust at guarantee full employment and he posted tons of essays and treatises on the blog about his new macroeconomic findings.Based on the intelligence report of , on some of his macroeconomic papers,he had extensively cited in many universities worldwide . From the faculties of philosophy at the university of freiburg, university of frankfurt and a host of others down home in Nigeria, where the citation was first made by Uthman Dan Fodio university and down south by Lagos Business school top 50 business school worldwide, a unit of pan African university.He intended to establish the Lagos School of Economics to domesticate the theories, challenge unworkability of western theories administered to underdevlop African economies.This ushers universal prosperity in Africa and charity begins from his country, will seeking research money from donor institutions.

You sent November 3 at 10:49 AM

Given the fact that mordern societies think rationally the way human minds think, created extremely complex situation which a far more human cerebral theories to propell the sustainable growth of equiproportional development enterprise with optimal verve to absorb societal subtle riddles of chronic underdevelopmental challenges.

You sent November 3 at 11:03 AM

He also admits every clime is by nature suitable to different brands of economic principles as may applicable to diverse societies at divergent times. Hence, he campaigns in favour of paradigm shift and aversion of intellectual terrorism and subterfuged imperialist doctrines of the west.He lampooned developing region like Africa, strictly in the context of poor greymaterisation , retarded intellectual freedom and conventional inability to think or take vital decision as lamented Albert Hirshman as the greatest challenge of developing societies.It therefore behooves that the sole panacea to clean the augean stable and avert mass perdition of developing region predominantly and ethically Africa is to regain the modulated frequency of greymaterisation and spectre of intellectual freedom.It is the greatest price of history and the greatest economics of a civilisation. We are fallen by the same price whereon we stand in this contraption and which could not be paid by the entanglement of societal warped ethos that warranted the disconsolate ire of this intellectual pitfall.Nature gives them freedom elsewhere where this contextual laws of development are obeyed.

You sent November 3 at 11:12 AM

whereon we rode pillion of this spectra similitude for thousands of years that was begun from the crash of great Egyptian civilisation to the dusk of the long forgotten but still traumatic colonial times.Territories and races have moved, nations and nationalities had been born and dead, yet the connundrum of bespattered serfdom and particularly thraldom of fear still persist beyond the confluence and confines of defeated times.With marsolism he believes the era of golden age of african civilisation would soon begin

You sent November 3 at 11:22 AM

Moreover,mass human and institutional development and sustainable capacity building ladened with massive capacity gaps are chronic underdevelopment ailments afflicting beleaguered African societies and he took the pain of conceiving the unprecedented businss methods and pristine corporate models to liberate Africans and the world economy at large from the etchinated aspersion of western and occidental institutional terrorism.He concluded"We shall move on, we shall aspire and we shall succeed".