August 11, 2024

Benison At Vicissitudes.part four

Not for his gusto's ecstasy that that plaudits they pour him but accolades in the merchandise of posteriori ,apriori and a fortiori set him a bomb ala carte àlà mode the abampered utterances of monotribes to which ages woo him not in vain and boo him dauntless surmount be.The abatement of a nuisance in their navel not the instincts of navel gazers,optimises glory of hidden lamp whose carriage whacked by basis trepidans wobbling knees and shaken hands once suffocated by abashment abdicated from abcoulomb of Gallantry which sometimes never was aproned beyond the umbilical cords of hallucinating decameter.Not in nebulose naysayers where animal spirit was lifted jawed up it was never in doubt what the meters of abducion were abduced in the elation of abducens muscles and abducens nerves dancing to the gusto of accolades where diatribes was alien.It hardly matters should octopus decided to join either as Abel Tasman or Abélard in the abecedarian jungle.Had he not stuck to his gun the abhorrent abila of his abience to refrain the abetment of abeyance even in the reveling ecosystem of abettors,sinking times might have persist.They in their reprisal abjectly abjurated he in the indulgent ablative of the ridiculous but ablactative absolute.This pedigreed ablaut set him ablaze in the contentment of his decagramative  liniments.Ableism in the gradient of ablism abnegated he from the abortifacients of sunny sides to which they contended darkly in gropes.Aboulia did not speak to him in the modesty of decagram neither its abracadabraic bent nor a lucid censure on the abrachiac abradance.However probity of intergrity stood aboveboard in the abrading stone of Abraham's bosom but first must be Abraham stoker beyond the summit of abrasion to congregate and sing the epitaph at decagram's graveyard.Oh those abrasive materials may they be overwhelmed by abscondment and absenteeism in the absence seizure of the impatient abseilers who utter guiles for a just world ? Perhaps not yet the absolute threshold or absolute magnitude to identify the stressful tunes of absolute pitch nuttied by cataclysm and relapse or elope from the abecedarian jungle?An absorbefacient in the ruthlessness of its fraction was never absolvitorial and instinctively shameless at the absorption coefficient.Who shall betray this acataphasiac cabal that absquatulated with the mankind's spirit of nirvana ?How come acalescent feet much domineering on the rampage in the city square with their accelerando and vituperation not dissipated so easily into dungeon of obscurity?Who feeds accessory before the fact and accessory after the fact? Caveat the acculturative accumbents of the gallantry club where hilly beans assimilable assimilados assimilated a handful and still yet caveat undermined with public contempt.Acerose club on the acheronian achilles heel achromasias achromatic in the pitfall with achromatic vision on the acicular.Who flies the banner of this republic's salvation and correct the accumulated ademomegaly and acuminated disorder bugged down by acrophobia, agoraphobia, claustrophobia,acroanasthesia and acousticophobia and monumentally irreverend dominated in the metropolis of octopus raving party and avert its demise by aerobiosis?None act of terrorism by choking gall worse than this terrifying embarrassment,worse than anthropophagy!None whatsoever!The true sin of apocalypse.Agape love wails far away and agerasiac agent provocateurs not yet on the stampede .Oh apogean apologetics of hardihood woo them with exemplars .Waow quite a strong apologue,apology and apothegm to club visitors and apopemptic addressed in apophatic mode.Are they the arboracious arborescents and apopletoids willing to let go vile utterances in the apopleticform, vociferous obstreperous vitriolic vituperators from the pit of hell distinguished and distilled in aposematic coloration?When the gallantry by apologists speak sometimes it sounded as if they utter archdegreed archaicism and how long at arm's length to cajole armada of arm twisting ploy to catapult this much maligned club of golden hills?Standing in the right mass of armillary sphere to spot empyrean stars astrogated travels of the aficionados in the asynchronous operation across the galaxy of gallantry might not be in vain.Of course was never a vanity to the diehards who hardly failed to comprehend auditory agnosia unimpaired by auditory aphasia or hallucinations in the wordsmith of confessorial robotism .Like Augsburg confession in the midst of ferocious trial twist and turns auriculate,auspeate and aureates the mainstream audio eroticism even in the guillotines.Avouch of a bachanalian reveler tediously mistreated and misfired in the public space and failed to glorify avouchment,a stylised repugnance of some sort!What a balagan in the midst of confession?
Sat he on a banquette and pour egregious utterances as remorseless mudslingers as if charmed with the immunity of banzai attack sealed with banzai charge that none karma whatsoever for the vile utterances.See bird brains in birdcages in the felony of amnesiac aphasia as if inundated with blaxploitation, blockheaded blood and guts,prevalent across the archipelagos of jiggaboos and blackamoors whose blaiai zimondal threshed with such diatribes to thrive the gangsters of octopus in the piety of decameter -decamon. 'That they shall live by what they see that they shall feel by what they see,that they shall move by what they see,that they move by what they think,that they who think by ideal are not worthy of survival of the reality.'octopus opined.'That you re not compelled by compunction to bestow credence on the ideal makes you a bird of prey of the unpredictable outcome that your realists cannot read with clarity.Preparedness might fail and optimism with no Credence could fail you and unless hardihood your watchword or slogan in war times with the loop of positive greymaterisation you re never sure of the unpredictable.Let them blow no more stack and blow no fuse no more and no more worshipers of decamon beneath a pinkie of panygery.'Blackpower coalesced to tongue him beneath as if tormented with blandishments of blameworthiness discountenanced him gash in the bland faced smithereens of white power.Alembic aldronate of the algopholiac in the Alhambra of allantoic allargando and the allegory of  allegro con spirito in the rosy clouds and ambiversion of ambagious ambages.Ambrosial ambuscade.Ametaboulous amigo!  What a blatant blast furnace of pervious blarney stone and blasphemous blast trauma!' Oh that blend of worshipers in the allotography churn out civilization and scientography of sciences.How shall we escape with none civilization?"as black power who wore best bib and Tucker in bifid bides,bullied once again the engross into culdesac.'Permit your manumission where your piety hardimon adherents of hardihood salivates with no remorse whatsoever where guaranteed modesty of decamonites oleaginous parades beneath virtues of hardimon in dearness of dearest dearly won which shall maintain the modesty and let a million morning roses bloom and pour accolades on hardimonites !The world is their oysters! They cry no blue murder in every blue moon .A blue joke with no blue law in a head stream or blue Nile  or a blue ribbon weighed by bluejury of golden necessity or  compliment?Of course a compliment and a blue ribbon a blue print for wits of the ages' winces and persevere.Blue ribbon of compliments intered in the blue ridge mountains and hardimonites as hardwork in the gullible hardwood can find them.Blueribbon permeates the blue sky of the wall of silence when ado of hardimonites soar beyond the blue sky.The planet earth mourns enmasse when the retribution of the decamonites the blunderers overtly and covertly mutilate the blue sky .Blunderers in their blurbs of bluish violet suffocated the mankind with blunt injury and let them expurgate from the book of the living and exit into piety of hardimonites for nirvana to return.Bogeymen not far away from death hair,with death instinct on the death knells in death roll of despond's deathvalley hooded with death mask in death camp for death chamber from death house for  pilfering the jaded tranquility and trumped in bollocks,boggling the bohemian of the boneheaded, boneless and boggled earth.The planet earth mourns of whose solecism, fauxpas,in whose fluff, fumble,gaffe,in whose gaucherie,muff,howler,boo-boo and mistep that we may retreat into sedate archipelagos?When that mess of decamons was dissipated in their boondoggle encroaching avalanche unveiled,in every boondocks of backwood men or frontiersman,need we say more in whose blame did we attribute the lacuna?Still yet too easily exonerated from this pantheons of inferno and of planet's infractions and affliction.Quarrantine them the decamonised Boones!Bootlaces,boothoses,bootblackers and bootleggers,bootlacing,bootlicking,fawni g,bootlegging in their bootjack and bootstraps bootstrapping the bop of decamon as if boozed like a schizoid with  tequila,vodka,ardent spirits,ardvavik,Arak,aquavit ,mesca,auzo,shnapps,bitters,brandy or firewater enmasse more than a borderline schizophrenia.And lo for by no means shall we demarcate the borderline thrashed upon this brass monkey tis every butchery of invidious vilification unveiled?Belle de nuit on the ravishing glory of bellhops,the bellboys bell bottomed by belles-lettres of bellestric scholarship who had punditry in the unknown ideology of hardimonites.Their caustic bellow and bellywhoping or bellyfloping bellyfull, beyond bellybutton's belly land, if any by bellwetherly bellowers of the pious realm be filled with oracles of positivism an exemplar for transmigration and followership to bellyache decamonites to a standstill.In their blackguard and rally ,raz and jest,had bemocked this realm in their bemused bemires,the crying earth for far too long than eternity's memoirs could recall.Do they bend over backwards the appeal of bend sinister to bench clinch haphazardly from the coarse mould of hardimonites?Of course hardly grope in the dark and o Kismet slain them the Benedict Arnolds or traitors of the murdered earth.To marry them off into new dawn,may the population of benedicks,Benedicts and Benedict de Spinozas on the amplitude, benefactors and benefactresses to desist from the armpit of bellowed denudes.Decorousness derided muses of decortification in its blue sky.Deconstructionist tendencies to betray sinful tendencies of this decalescent decalogue and contextual decalcomania hardly a quest, barely decompressed this thistle of riddles decoked and decollated from decoction mashing.A butcherbird's butchery too unwieldy to bear from the fury of a butcher Cumberland's butcher knife in the barnstorm butcher off this brutish flesh of nefarious species the caruncles and carunculous.Where are the undertakers? Practically none!A chauvinistic, chawbaconed chatoyant a cheapjack perfectly fits the fiddle in this genre of cheap shot for this immaculate revel in the cheapskate wobbly fond of a cheese pairing cheesemonger and a clueless decamonite effeminate to terminate the tangled chelation,imperial chelicera and cheliferous cheilosis of the nauseating che-f'oeuvre.The Benedict de Spinozas and the Benedicts in rarerified code, insomuch as decipherable decoupage concern, chill out too quickly in decreasing monotonic from the crusades of conjugal knot.Behold there were no chiliasts among them with the chiliastic fever in the parentage gusto of chiliasm .Chills and fever overwhelmed bellyflops in their chimerical chimney of broken navel .Let the world into the new delicacy the choice morsels of hardimon and be welded into the chocking coil of its electric charge, sancrosanct than any piety elsewhere.Stuck in the colonnade of colour vision deficiency colorblind decamonites defying color wheel appaling colorimetric analysis or its bereft accentuated this stigma of astigmatism and the planet earth mourns in silence still unmoored.Colosians as colossus of Rhodes not in their Colosseum to defy the earth in concubinage the conchologists of sunny hills and breathtaking paces of Colombian mammoth.Common racoons in common scold,composite fraction in composite lull.Coteries and Cabals in their Cabala and cabaret of mongols with the Cabasset of rusticated animae.Were there any vavulotomies whatsoever in the raptures and ruptures of vintage circa to quell this quirky oddysey of vampires and vampire bats in the vamperous jungle and obscene bungle of strappado by cannoneers held aloft in the cannon crackers to strike vambrace of transmogrified animadversive anima ?"Black power bombarded the three some included he with tales in a monologue of their frogman's  relationships and experience of decriminalized decubitus and memoirs in the last two decades and the world in general why defanged and defeminized claws of hardimonites and not decamonites in deerstalker's deerstalking and deer hunting should take the gauntlet and control planet earth?The hardimonites invariably with deferment on the defervescence, suffocated under affliction and despond of delusion of persecution to concede the medula of delusion of grandeur to the decamonites defiladed by negligence whacked by strappado and degust on the receiving end of delusional disorder.How shall we escape if we neglect such a great disciples ,the adducers the adducents and the arrythmical in the arrythmical heartbeat of arrienre pensee? Bid them no fracture of addience those who bade farewells to place embargo on the motive of adducents .Wail no more the adventurous adventitia and lay them young from the dancing aroba of arrivitse wherein they bid arrivederci erstwhile momentum of rusticated decamon into obscurity of history.May they in amplitude be enamoured to comprehend this epimetheus' azimuth of  ayurmeda from which epimorphic roses of encomium play their worship songs? Jubilate the epiphenomenon of hardimonites' epiphany from the culdesac of raving obscurity.

He wore his dasiki and sat on the cavement in the front of his house breezy day alluding to waning sunlight and dusk arose in the transition of natural evolution.Octopus phone rang and they spoke:"Any outing today?""none are you coming home?""None"" We have a discussion.I saw you bullying a little boy on the road with uncouth tongue""I didn't beat him""But u did with nefarious tongue.Why do you lie?Am at home come""Hello Boss am all ears"and the phone rang and dead in seconds.He watched with fun the kinetic energy of the little kids in transit of fleeting images and the tireless shouts on the imposing playground as the traffic gathered in the ensuing day.The school was closer to the bazaar of his groceries adjoining the background home.Evening gathered and parent returned sat on the benches and trenches witnessed kids to pay the last devotion and started recalling them home.Some settled for drinks to celebrate them ,some frowned faces against erring kids and sometimes slap and dangled warnings and threat of discipline to the handful wrongdoers and cryings .Some had gone home straight,others had started summer school immediately and some had gone for show and event ,a couple of drinks then dinner in the adjoining districts or far away.
She took her children early to nearby school and speeded far away on a long trip and later in return wheeled through the gathering clouds and raced the growing evening from Osogbo moved into Ibadan for the weekend vacation .Hours slid by with immaculate velocity her brand new wheels speeding through the road bombarded by noises of hawkers steady whisk of traffic bleary himself flurry with intense would finally pull the vehicle to a halt behind truck packed at a furlough to her brother and husband Octopus infront of his house where he sat and fed on stack of books and journals to pass the breezy day.He had wanted to visit nearby restaurant for a picnic and changed his mind on seeing her packed behind the truck.'Oh so she went out yesterday with a car.'as she moved closer for the anxiety's  bombardment and normal banter.Only the days were different today light faces and settling to enjoy the weekend and she moved closer and dropped a couple of refreshment that she brought from Ibadan and was shocked 'So you took the main vehicle out and travelled 'He was shocked and before he could say jack his hands went straight to the long bread of 2k and accompanied by a thousand naira sardine."Wait a minute the school was closed for the day I had forgotten the kids'oh you right be fast .oh my God I didn't never forgotten."she hurried off"but you won't ever forget to find them a beautiful cane"frowned as she went.The school closed and two kids bolu and Sola two and four years old sat in the waiting hall for their mother.She came back in a jiffy with Bolu crying and the moment she saw her father teasing refreshment away tears dropping stopped in magic hours that sighted nourishment.'Why do you love food like that and where exactly do you learn this from?"he said as Sola the older went on her knees to greet her father"You re asking me? Wasn't that your behavior?Didn't they learn it from you?"goofed at him"God forbid Sola picked reading from me but this boy picked that trait from you"she frowned face and moved nearest cleared the half and a whole lump and fed the hungry kids "Give my children food o jare stop bombarding me with jamb question."Same kids were down with sticks and bruises all over their body yesterday.One thing I would never forgive you which I learned from a friend never to use uncouth tongue on my kids."He bombarded with frankness."You talked as if you were a saint "she retorted as bolu swallowed bread closer to her sister who was agog with Daddy's set of books bigger than her"Am not saying am one but never was I involved in using it against my child.I beg you.See she's reading that's my girl and your bolu consumed a morsel of three lumps in just ten minutes arrival and you don't assist me to let this boy take to reading time."he fired in anger."Be calming down they re still young and they have time to adapt .""No don't say that this is the time to do it and before they enter and exit middle childhood like 5 and 6 they would have been wonder kids.""Uhmmm... your trouble is much.See the kind of books you re forcing Sola to read she's growing too fast What is she turning too reading philosophy books at age four .Am scared you expose her too quickly where older folks struggle to learn.""That's the magic of starting too early and you get used to this grey area of comprehension.""Don't disturb me again.""Anyway I don't blame my friend is coming you would automatically run away from here"he laughed hysterically"Which of them black power or white power?""Of course you know we go kill you here with thesaurus and what we call punsmithing as gunsmithing .We LL gun you down,pixon,pixon,pixon.Sola am I right?""Yes daddy pixonnnnn""That s my girl .""Oh Daddy black power is coming ""Yes my dear"as they banter and spoke the phone rang"Are you coming Blacky?""Nope meet me at the usual joint for gunsmithing""No no come here my people want you come and infect them with vocabulariasis not elephantiasis and convert them to gardening and hardimon religion.""No no later just come hurry up.""Black power coming?Am dead!"the wife Salewa Demimonde dropped the bread to bolu and ran inside."as octopus laughed hysterically and phone went off.He left home and joined his friend a kilometer stroll away strolling with daily newspaper Punch in his hand.

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