August 14, 2024

Counter Terror And Master Terror Nuclear weapons part one

The world is becoming unsafe with lethal weapons and proliferation of lethal weapons and it calls for moral precaution to insulate endangered  species from the magnifying wrath and cumbersome peril of the terror bombs and missiles or munition we faced in the mordern age .In this 

The planet Earth is no doubt threatened with extinction more than we acknowledge and it is vital for us to take precautions before mankind as an endangered species is wiped out from the planet earth .What can we do avert this self evident disaster and indisputable cataclysm?
During the second world war on August 6,1945,a B29 bomber from America carried this monstrous weapon and detonated the atomic bomb nicknamed the little baby measuring 3meters in size and weighing four tons weaponised with isotope Uranium 235 in Hiroshima and after locking in the target the Pilot removed the safety pin,initiated detonation sequence and speedily evacuated .The timing mechanism was set  and a few seconds later air pressure vent triggered its activation and when it descended to 580meters above ground the tail fuse ignited the detonator the forward explosives were lit causing the uranium core and target to converge through the propulsion mechanism initiating a chain reaction of fission.The fission reaction began with neutrons colliding with atoms and splitting them into two atoms and three neutrons releasing energy equal to 200million electron volts . Neutrons persistently collided leading to a rapid of chain reaction completed in less than a micro second.The immense energy released precipitated massive fireball accomplished and accompanied by  intense gama rays and electromagnetic radiation waves exterminating the whole caboodle in its vicinity .Infact its destruction spanned 1.7km away equivalent of released 15000 tons of TNT with unimaginable destructive power 100meters away its brightness was felt and instantly claimed the lives of 70000 people and another 140000 people thereafter.It destroyed two thirds of the City area and three days after it detonated another bomb the fat baby a bigger terror composed of isotrope P.239 in Nagasaki even the trenches went mad and by August 15 Japanese surrendered and the world war two ended.
It is a common knowledge that about nine countries of the world have nuclear weapons and the size of nuclear weapons has shot to over 13,000 nuclear weapons and more than 2,000 of them are ready to be launched within minutes of receiving commands or warning.Mordern nuclear weapons are more than three thousand times ferocious and powerful than those detonated in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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