October 21, 2018

Thoughtlessness part 23

The magnitude of what is known is dependent on the fertile soil of what is believed on the quadrant equation. The natural corollary for a seamless transition or artless passage towards accomplishment or dreamland is for complementary but strategic vision to be conjugated into th minitry of mission, being the Last vestige of  a becoming.  The automated modules, for the industrialisation of  the industrial accomplishment and seasonal boom of the strategic human progress are well fudged within admissible confines of quandrant equation.In the architecture of human progress, articles of faith often times are first subconsciously drawn, pending the adoption of  the outstanding physiques of what is thought. If the strategic values of liability persist, to appreciate the opportunistic prejudice of necessity, the immanent but elongated power of what is known,realligned knowledge management, into ministry of mission, where existentialism strictly matters and fulfillment for a stressful life. We are forced to change our pattern of lifestyle, given the mean s to ensure its survival. The brightest minds, that scientifically make apposition for its pragmatism, unknown to them, are sampling doses for succesful  enterprise. They are forced to decline in relevance as the strategic values of  necessity equally dwindles and sometimes swindled by down trend of liability curve. To render a good service by quandrant artistry, is to be tied to the pendulum cycles of this new mode of leverages. We are not spared of the consequences of brutish environment, but hallowed hands hardly deny the laying of much emphasis on the equation that we subconsciously live with and barely apply. The jurisdiction of the equation ordinarily releases the brain power and enables freedom of the arts.

October 20, 2018

Thoughtlessness part 22

There is empirical evidence that our thought is the reason for a lengthened lifetime or shortened lifetime. Even though mothernature has an inherent influence in our survival of the entire journey of a lifetime struggling sojourn. We are fac with challenge of managing a virtual cylcle of such challenge all things being constant should we exclude the inherent force s of mothernature in this context. We quite agree that necessity is the mother of invention and we cannot be influenced by such forces until we have been raptured, by the inherent condition that ordinarily necessites that transaction of necessity. Then the quality and quantity of this exploitation is predominantly determined within the confines of  industrial arts of mankind. Mankind in general flocks to trial balances of essays with least resistance and every enforcement by rigorous ado is invariably resisted. In the article of faith that is we believe in what we think and know that must ordinarily precedes what we do. Consequently, it creates a good leverage to help us explore variegated benefits that doctrinal forces of necessity aptly avers us to boon by benefices as providential benefactors and not as innate or birthright thing. Every privildge makes a man an apology of deterministic opportunism and ordinarily we are frced by willpower to exert essays productive or not to invest in Providence. The rise in the inherent risk of liability invariably aggrandises the appreciable mass of necessity as alternating force o reap the harvest of a providence invested and further investibles. To have easy access over this norm of success quadrant,the self imposing nature of this leveraged transaction  being automatically witnessed or diurnally experienced in their arts and customs can be scientifically exploited for fulfillment. The enabled ecology of this factual leverages operating in strategic alignment with the success quadrant tends to distinguish failure from success and the artistry of its artists.

October 13, 2018


Quandrant management grows effectively with crisis situation and which requires anti.crisis therapy and strategic exorcism respectively.Crisis situation is a natural challenge to every arts and it requires a unique management set theory not less or more than quandrant management to induce fire brand politics.This men have a voice and you can link them to their sources.The inherent application effectively revamps its techniques and methods and can adapt quandrants in different conditions at different times.Environmental condition tends to shape crisis climates and the various types of crisis or quadrant management techniques applicable to different times.Man as a quandrant artist,is invariably positioned in a crisissituation at a particular period to formulate policies and artistic programs that are suitable to various crisis condition at divergent times.Failure to gain foresight otherwise can lead to quandrant failure and artistic failure.Those who fail in a given environmentfailed not because they incapable.


There is empirical evidence about the nature of quandrant chain power and its interaction with responsive human art to explore its logical analysis before action is undertaken and effect applied.The frankness of what is believed,faith quadrant tends to accelerate brainpower,alsothe quantity and the quality of whatyou think.If the retentive memory is robust,accretion to knowledge grows,is instrumental to logical action.A logical action is a type seededby purpose and can only aids habbit formation,routinisation,adaptation and fulfilment.The pattern of logical action must follow the operative mode of knowledge administration.It also emphasizes the rational evidence of inherent knowledge bias where actions are undertaken and the transaction of the first two quadrants by nature,must ordinarily be subscribed to by the latent coherence of the last two quadrants.This is quadrant unison or quandrant consensus and their emotive capital is in line with the general purpose and work accordingly and strategically.

October 12, 2018


In the economics of thoughtfulness,the operating cost is higher when you hardly believe what you think.And as you raise your capacity to believe with borderless thoughts like the open minded class,the quandrant economies of scale increases as you grow your learning.We know men by what they think when judged by other quandrant power criteria such as what they believe,what they know and what they do.We do not for the entire lifetime grow beyond this set limit of quandrant chain.To change your statusquo,you must change your existing quandrant formula.Since not everybody can be able bodied borderless thinkers,a fully determined success quandrant soldier that hardly say no,is forced to raise his potential capacity to fit into this liberal class of open minded people.The best strength is to be able to massively compete in the quandrant battlefield.Solving the quadrant equation,a lifelong challenge must not invariably be done consciously but we should be able to program our industrial art subconsciouslyaccordingly.


In the economics of thoughtfulness,the operating cost is higher when you hardly believe what you think.And as you raise your capacity to believe with borderless thoughts like the open minded class,the quandrant economies of scale increases as you grow your learning.We know men by what they think when judged by other quandrant power criteria such as what they believe,what they know and what they do.We do not for the entire lifetime grow beyond this set limit of quandrant chain.To change your statusquo,you must change your existing quandrant formula.Since not everybody can be able bodied borderless thinkers,a fully determined success quandrant soldier that hardly say no,is forced to raise his potential capacity to fit into this liberal class of open minded people.The best strength is to be able to massively compete in the quandrant battlefield.Solving the quadrant equation,a lifelong challenge must not invariably be done consciously but we should be able to program our industrial art subconsciouslyaccordingly.


This law guides human success in every spectre of endeavours,from material,economic,social,political,cultural and infact physiological,medical or healthwise respectively. Scientifically,we use subconscious and conscious quandrant power to control or governmind body mechanism and in case their defence is offended by consciousness ofhuman art,the breakdown of such routinised statebeing its natural consequence is the rapidity of stress and stress related ailments. There is no laws of power elsewhere beyond this quandrant equation and the natural challenge is how to raise our capacity.This impliesthe borderless thinkers hardly failand every empiricism seeks to polish previous encounter.Every human action driven by the missing but error link in the quandrant power,the human emotion is largely sterile and unconvincing.To follow quandrant chain power and explore its domino effect is to reduce our ratio of thoughtlessness and get the dreams into fulfillment,at record numbers.To think without faith is simply burning


We musttherefore fully peruse the law of success quandrant to break even.It is a natural law that the action quadrant should not precede the knowledge quadrant and to do otherwise in the cosmic nature of human art is to risk setback and paybackgiven its subjectivity is slavery and then failure.In first two base metal of quandrant power,the same law applies and you cannot produce slavery and subjectivity whenever they are applied.Objectivity is a primordial attribute of great achieversand you barely looses where creativity is involved.To disturb the flow of quandrant equation implies spirit of slavery,planlessness and then thoughtlessness.We must make decision to think and to believe it and to make quandrant sacrifice shows a man a natural planner;how much more with detailed metric.There is a special grace to believe in what we think and it comes naturally and also a blessing to a meagre men whose thoughtfulness,has no boundary. For the majority,the chances of success are indubitably muchmoreinfinitesimal


Quadrant and then action quandrant,as basic tools of the planning metrics can be as thoroughbred economics of success transition and environmental adaptation.Success cannot be possible without their input,input analysis and effect application. Forget about physical and material or tangible resources that many consider an impediment into the actualisation of dreams and ambition or vision.The success quandrants undoubtedly are the metaphysical forces behind planning metrics,accomplishment and rays of survival and optimism are not considered alien to its success radicle.Once,you know that in the same way in which quandrants provide life to the planning metrics,the metrics itself provide fuel to fuel accomplishment.There should be operative scale or meter at which they operate,which the strategy map could quietly provide.The quandrants are not elitists and badly needed a good sailor or a good actor to achieve in the tiring success transition process.We are not our own identity and have not power whatsoever


Quadrant and then action quandrant,as basic tools of the planning metrics can be as thoroughbred economics of success transition and environmental adaptation.Success cannot be possible without their input,input analysis and effect application. Forget about physical and material or tangible resources that many consider an impediment into the actualisation of dreams and ambition or vision.The success quandrants undoubtedly are the metaphysical forces behind planning metrics,accomplishment and rays of survival and optimism are not considered alien to its success radicle.Once,you know that in the same way in which quandrants provide life to the planning metrics,the metrics itself provide fuel to fuel accomplishment.There should be operative scale or meter at which they operate,which the strategy map could quietly provide.The quandrants are not elitists and badly needed a good sailor or a good actor to achieve in the tiring success transition process.We are not our own identity and have not power whatsoever


For the umpteeth time,i make bold to say,you cannot rise above what you think.You are the reflection of what you think and it speaks volume largely about the fact that you think what you believe.Very few personalities can do that and to be bog down by such setbacks though at times could be a blessing is to postpone your destiny.The distance between failure and success can be surmounted by this affordable success quandrants in general.When they are well harmonised where talents and exquisite potentials meet,the gap disappears with naivety.To receive power,to raise your capability beyond average measure,we are forced to believe in what we think first before taking action in the court of first instance,over what we think.And then first and second quandrants,would ordinarily influence what we know and then what we do.These Qandrant points are commercialisable only where written and detailed plans are available,to redefine our statusquo,at a particularperiod.The faith quandrant,the thought quandrant,the knowledge

October 5, 2018


And in most cases,man given the overbearing nature of this mystical powers,manoften not in control. Consequently,we record more failure in a lifetime than successes per capital put together.To be beware of this road carnage by a sensitive journeyman is to profitably risk the projection of a calculated risk for a nonnegotiable softlanding.We cannot form a good character or habbit when we are truly confused,to believe in what we think.And that means that the volatility of what we believe which implies what we really do not believe,would in the long impairs what we think,whether we like it or not,the entire chain is headed into dunghill.Sometimes,if not in most cases that can be judged by returns,we rarely know when we believe in what we think and how we arrive at a verdict that propels our action.But it is the subconscious mind and its metapsychology that can provide this most elusive answer.And i do know that the ratio of failure manifested in a human action,invariably implies the evidence of this truth.


Methink that the image of human thoughts,in its truestform,lay active in the night when its automaton,its natural vector,the body is at rest.Although,the ministry of mission,being evidence of action at its vertex,cannot be disputed is basically needed in the communication of dreams coded into vision,ambition and aspiration into being,but the operative range of the human thought,its mystical powers cannot be demystified for its outstanding result.In such world of logical thinking,it smacks of a foolhardy to capitalise on luck or providence to produce such outstanding outcome.Why we bear the fruit of what we know,is because it is recommended and endorsed by nature that we bear the fruit of what we think and what we believe.And as what we think influences what what we believe and what we believe nurtures what we know,it is naturally expedient to endore the fact that it would automatically influences what we do.Hence,we aggree by all sundry that habbit formation good or bad,has a long chain of stressful exercise.


I would not cease to say,you are what you think and even by your deeds of derring do,you cannot write what you think.You see yourself in what you think;for the spirit sees them knows them before you think them and also set the domino effect through your willpower to do them.And long after they are forgotten,the reward that you see as returns good or bad tells you vividly that the outcome of what you think is not just what you do but the satisfaction of what you do without necessarily recollect its brewing process of mutation.Sometimes,we break down into trauma when we are smitten by returns of poor thinking process and we tends to blame either on charm or badluck.The scientific trends in mordern civilisationdoes not say so,with convincing evidences of how the brain works and actions are formed.We are the consequences of what wethink,even in the same way,in which existentialists enthused,man is responsible for every action undertaken under sun.When we do not mean those action attimes,they can be influential