December 31, 2018
We do not envisoned the eminent embroidery,the designated floral patternof a civilisation posterity,to empathise with first class,ensnared with the tacit gesture ofthis dissidentleague of barbariologists,whose core competence enshrined in inequity,injustice and enshrouded with eggregious darkness a marble dust oftheir sovereigntrademark,carved with treachery and mischief making.How unfortunate the eyes of the civilisation are mischief makers,indulging their historical reputationfrom the gross slanders of epistemology or truth in abeyance.I cannot but make a mockeryof the absenteeism of their universal impact.They have mortgagedthequality of quandranting and humanism badly needed to preserve the posterity and glorify justiciable heroism that they had tarnished.This class of buccaneers basedon theirprominence are widelyspoken and eulogised in mordern societythat requires their immaculate absorbence into thedustbin of history where they ought to be silenced.And it seemstheir eloquence rides largely inthisdeceit
In the nascent or renaisant society,apolitical or not,harrassed with the sated satiety and plenitude of barbarians,the legendary exploits of first class heroical tradition been under the magical spells of the hegellian coagulation of the subjective spirit,objective spirit and absolute spirit tradition.
This eponymous heroism,doesnotreceive ample compensation and esteem being accordedto itsextracts whose templatethey used for their famous thrillsand fromthis account wedistinguish,the quality of historical mental behaviour at everyavailable time.
Mordern civilisationhasbecome so constipatedandchronically congestedwith the avalanche and monumental verbosed pantheon of barbarian intelligence,glued to the exasperatingcamouflage of a convulsive civilisation that disdains equity andjustice.This coil or convolutionhas reneged on its therapeuticprospects tothe glorification,coolied by itsconvoy of barbarian philosophy.Its longevity of unholy questand defamatory eloquences speaks volume
of rising miseryin acivilisation
This eponymous heroism,doesnotreceive ample compensation and esteem being accordedto itsextracts whose templatethey used for their famous thrillsand fromthis account wedistinguish,the quality of historical mental behaviour at everyavailable time.
Mordern civilisationhasbecome so constipatedandchronically congestedwith the avalanche and monumental verbosed pantheon of barbarian intelligence,glued to the exasperatingcamouflage of a convulsive civilisation that disdains equity andjustice.This coil or convolutionhas reneged on its therapeuticprospects tothe glorification,coolied by itsconvoy of barbarian philosophy.Its longevity of unholy questand defamatory eloquences speaks volume
This not only creates a new mode of human,economic,material cultural,political,and social identities forcircumstances,modules'priotisation and time management,butalso a template to spur historians in their critical rendition of fabled orfactual historical accounts,for the compoundment or resolution of complex societal puzzles,puzzling man and social psyche at a given period.In the spot analysisofthe postmortem's arts,the gallantry or loungelizardryas main boon or impediment of a careeristthat in the long run,configures the nature of its historical quandranting be it a betokened poignant intelligence,indomitable spiritthat clingly deeply to religious or irreligious roots.The leftovers this genealogy in question shares both fortunes and misfortunes altogether.In most cases,first class heroical tradition is often abhorred,been castigated,to wrongly ascribe legendary status to its extract,the second class and thirdclass heroical traditions.We can make tremendous references,to the archaelogy of historical texts.
The memorabilia of the-not-too distant and distant heroism,cast in guise of the artist in question,by glimpses of its human reflection can be unveiled by the historicistic pedestrians,wielded at the necessity of appreciable artistic spotsurvey.It is this they this pedagogical or scholastic gilds of historicismwith the first hand information,not nebulous historians,engrossed in the ever changing highly dynamic fields of human epistemology;that undertakes the extrapolation ipsofacto and expostfacto,with standised theoretical postulation the assortmental sensory data extracted with the pragmatism of the artist's historical mental behaviour.Thisartistic spot analysis does not asphyxiates the ambidextrous expertisefrontburner and backburner of the historicistic epistemology,a boon to empirico-rationalism,when observatorial audition andauditing of the human posthumous effigies are endorsed and evaluatedfor the benefit either as a fact of benediction or a malediction for the legatees of history,mankind in general.
December 21, 2018
In the juxpository and exrapolatory spot survey of a postmorten arts'historical mental behaviour,there is nothing like frontburner survey except for the prognostication of a birthplace.So,for the posthumous,it affords only backburner historical debit ofthe impending spot survey in question.This guides historical quandrantingand then pedigree evaluation,especially the martial influence of its martyrdom on the corruscatingpages of history.It begin withthe gallows of timing andtiming allotments,granted on a timing schedules from which mankind either mortgage or salivate its posterity with the roses of the blue sky.In the prologue ofhistorical spot survey,taking a backburner position,weknow historical artist first by thequality use of timing allotment,spouse left behind,genealogical welfare and their pedigree.Then,thenature and theroot cause of the demise and quite often ifnot by natural cause,could in mostcases be linked with status battlement.It may however castigate the villain involved but glorifies history.
In the juxpository and exrapolatory spot survey of a postmorten arts'historical mental behaviour,there is nothing like frontburner survey except for the prognostication of a birthplace.So,for the posthumous,it affords only backburner historical debit ofthe impending spot survey in question.This guides historical quandrantingand then pedigree evaluation,especially the martial influence of its martyrdom on the corruscatingpages of history.It begin withthe gallows of timing andtiming allotments,granted on a timing schedules from which mankind either mortgage or salivate its posterity with the roses of the blue sky.In the prologue of historical spot survey,taking a backburner position,we know historical artist first by the quality use of timing allotment,spouse left behind,genealogical welfare and their pedigree.Then,the nature and theroot cause of the demise and quite often if not by natural cause,could in most be linked with status battlement.It may however castigate the villain involved but glorifies history.
In this rendition of historical survey,we evaluate human and mental behaviour of historical artist postmortem, to deduce the unknown universal laws of mental behaviour and its pure egotistic economics.To evaluate the author's note,beyond its quandrant equilibrium juxtaposition.This juxtaposition is done by weighing and measuring quandrants against timing,environment,vision,planning and strategy,preparedness,artistic growth and human development and impact generation, measurement andmanagement. This controllableenvironmental tools are freedom benchmarks for the measurementof the quandrant productivity of a given historical artist.In the quandranting of historical rendition and spot survey,the environmental power of the roots,birthplace,and locality and infact palatable or unpalatable genealogy of thequandrant artistic power,knitting its waysthrough dark arrows or golden fleece amazingly matters alot to the behavioural surveyors of the ephemeral machismo.We do begin such spot quandranting survey,from backburner
In quiettessence of human mind burrowing,cast melifluously or cacophonously as astringently over a given lifecycle perambulation or stability point,the martial influence of itsmartyrdom and the fixative masonry of its historical practices postmortem can be evaluated using the human quandrant charts and indices that the artistic power left behind.
The author's notes basedon its patent fluency provide therich storehouse for contemporary students of history.The liberty of history with which we tutorand preserve our soul provides accessibility to this opulent repository,that ages exhume fromhistorical burial ground to sharpened human verdict forthegrowth of human civilisation.
We need not bury this aphorism unlike Francis Goya that the sleep of history produces primitive ages,notbeing wrapped in astigmatic shawls and garbed in the rainment of cimmerian darkness,over a misbegotten and untowards efforttohidetruthfrom its commonplace bazzaar of mortal conscience.To do so otherwise then amount to being misc
onstrued .
The author's notes basedon its patent fluency provide therich storehouse for contemporary students of history.The liberty of history with which we tutorand preserve our soul provides accessibility to this opulent repository,that ages exhume fromhistorical burial ground to sharpened human verdict forthegrowth of human civilisation.
We need not bury this aphorism unlike Francis Goya that the sleep of history produces primitive ages,notbeing wrapped in astigmatic shawls and garbed in the rainment of cimmerian darkness,over a misbegotten and untowards efforttohidetruthfrom its commonplace bazzaar of mortal conscience.To do so otherwise then amount to being misc
December 18, 2018
Given the aesthetic and serialised space of storied antecedence,subjectto the review of its afterglow,it is apposite to affirm on an empirically adhoc basis that the historical identity of every artistic providesthe undeniable but substantial evidences to exhume its true nature be it admissible or not admissiblebystandard pragmaticconsensus orexisting theoreticalpostulation.It is not rationally admirable todeny the accuracy ofattitudinal and historical data abouthuman and mental behaviour,based ontheir quandrant charts'monumental evidences.All mortals,in much the same waylike plants and animals,albeit a minoralteration,tend to be governed by affirmatorily,a fixed pointof mental expression andhuman behaviour.Thedearthof reliable or near reliabletheories makes historical data gathering in this context,costly,unaffordable and impossible.We should beable to clinically appraisethe appreciable value of the historical afterglow,aftermath,aftertaste,aftereffect and afterlife of humanand mental historical performance.
Each of the quandrants composes each other.The properties of the belief system are basically the remainder of the quandrants in addittion to belief itself and same applies to the rest of quandrants. When there is a vision and its derivative extract,purpose solidifies,then it signifies that in the conjugal interactive affinity,the quandrants often constitute themselves as each other's properties.And so that,in the event of visionisation,when the evolution of the cycle begins,they not only denigrate environmental forces,but utilises their unison to secure miscarriage of failure.
This is inherently possible when quandrant deism or deification is exuberantly manifest.To deified each otherinthe ministry of action,in defiance ofenviromental liability,whichthey seek to defile,reveals industrialisation of faith in thebattlefield. Quandrants'puritans die where the defference fails and to deactivate the defilement,neccessitates reversion back to the euphony of their heroworship.In their sphere of activity,each a deity. 
It is scientific then to define faith itself a quandrant character beyond religious or hagiological bigotry principles as the consensus texture of the cycle and the compatibility of quandrants including timing and planning schedules to oppose the environmental forces that often supplant their competitive reaction.While quandrants take a progressive colouration ofthe immanent artistic power,the environmental forces ofresistance whichthey invariablyopposetakes a retrogressive approach,in the ledgerof malediction.The unison of thequandrants as an institution to fightthis resistance is scientifically regarded as faith in the world greatestbattlefield.No humanity can truly price freedom,incondition withthe evasion of the unified quandrants that should be decisive to uncover liability cost ofcondition.Of course the commandos must visit thebattlefield and have a taste of war firstandforemost,to amply tabulate and collate data,for the true pricing of freedom.When billowsof circumstances stir us inthe face,we must act
It is amazing and intriguing,how nature devises her ways and meansof moral activism.It is an incontrovertible the most accurate pricing ofhuman freedom by the quandrant cycle can only be determined by the contumacity of condition.That is to say the pricing of freedom stems largely from the pricingof circumstances,to which the quandrants are ordinarily betrothed and conjugated.
The quadrants enables fermation with the stubborn condition to appreciate its buying power or its theatrical and pragmatic artistic power.When these laws are adhered,quandrants then appreciate when logical actions are applied;that is to say if normal quandrant cycle fails,a strategic thrust of extralogical action applies.
It appreciates at the point in which necessity rises measured by the unfavourable climate of the stubborn condition that is when its institutional liability rises.If perception is not wise enough to identify this pending liability to devise an escape route,the appreciation may not a priviledge to a bonded artistic power.
The quadrants enables fermation with the stubborn condition to appreciate its buying power or its theatrical and pragmatic artistic power.When these laws are adhered,quandrants then appreciate when logical actions are applied;that is to say if normal quandrant cycle fails,a strategic thrust of extralogical action applies.
It appreciates at the point in which necessity rises measured by the unfavourable climate of the stubborn condition that is when its institutional liability rises.If perception is not wise enough to identify this pending liability to devise an escape route,the appreciation may not a priviledge to a bonded artistic power.
.female psycologist
It should be borne in mind that the fertile soil of the belief system is the thought system supplanted by the doctrine of necessity,oriented in the actualisation of a purpose. Ordinarily,in that doctrinaire cycle of necessity,the postulate or the recyclical renewal is not complete until thought system itself is sown also on its knowledge system.And the knowledge itself is sown in the customary system of action.This cycle can also be called quandrant cycle and the interaction between these ego-cosmogonic components determine the fate of human accomplishments.A good triumphant entry must imbibe these core components'competency of human culture.The miscarriage of success often termed failure,ensues from subtraction of any of these quandrant vowels and consonants of success.The strategic imperatives oftiming and planning balancing withthe quandrants to deemphasise on human emotive capital,stuns failure.It not only stuns it butalso optimises human existentialist capabilities to take charge of sensitive destiny
December 4, 2018
that they popularly called history,is inevitably and invariably been leveraged upon to infinitely transmute the perennial but spurious mole of the human nature. We are drawn over this porous nature of data architecture,to humanly manufacture beyond reasonable doubt information and embryonic information motives,optimally for the survival of life and ontology.There is no school of thoughts including nihilists,anarchists and autarchists who are not predisposed with the metres of truth,that the vast production of information first through information motives of the homo sapiens,later enables the mass production of its vast assembline,is not meant to refute,sustain or derail,growth and developmentover a given point.The thought system cannot be activated,ifthe belief system is less robust to actualise its dreams and vision andthen inferrence from successive convertibles to bear on lack lustre action.This vainly wobbles with passing winds.Then human nature detached from reality into the ideal of idiosycracracy.
initiated,that doesnot identify the gross disparity between painful pleasure andordinary pleasure of the living,castaspersion to the moderateness,precaution and precautionary motives of hedonist club as albeit maligned bythe highly sophisticated capitalist civilisation.How shall wenotbe amply justified to castigate karl Marx submission as prescholarly proposition and preliterate postulate of the mordern world?The spirit of quandrant cycle of behaviour that basically includes belief system,thought system,knowledge system and activity system comprising of habbit formation and inherent behaviour is driven by information age whose vision is basically freedom.The age is divided by time and space and then change.Logically speaking,the model subtantiates its quantitative postulate by drawing its items from the purview of cultural cycle,that they are cultural components.Where they interact logically with the material environment they can change human condition when they create new pages of history and this creation..
or quandrant behaviour to be so enthused tochange the human environment.So,for metamorphosis to be effected as supposedly believed to be influenced by Jeremy Bentham's Utilitarian school,it is certain that the pattern of what is known must be conformed to change mantra,by the nature of human faith and resourceful thought that should basically supplant them and then inbetween knowledge and action,the techniques of vision therapy to be applied must be distinguished and absolutely related in equal capacity to effect the change mantra.At this critical juncture,social or human resistance should increase and the method of association or work routine and habbit formation,must turn a new leaf.Existing tree of knowledge or knowledgebundle or aggregate knowhow of the artist in question,badly updated or a clinical overhaul if not reliquished.Man is certain for a lifetime,emboldened to make farreaching choices that can relieve him pain or gravitate toward badly needed pleasure.The dementia that the utilitarian universe
Having acknowledged the fact that the outcome of every quandrant manifest is thehuman behaviour that is ordinarily subject to the doctrine of neccessity and liability at a particular period.Nevertheless,the operative mode of every condition is infinitely determined by the leverage of this same doctrine.Sometimes,this doctrine through its liability do outlives its usefulness.Infact empirical evidences show vividly that they do sometimes in most cases.But unfortunately the condition remains,long after necessity has been turned into liability wracking up the inherent outstandings of social debt.When this happens,it requires that the operative mode of quandrant behaviour to first change,prior to effecting a change in the acclimitised pattern of human condition.The routine of failure and failed motive,ends at this traverse. To clean the augean stable to the hilt within a long lag frustration weather effect of tiring time and space,enduring character would be the keystone.It is instrument that catapults quandrants
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