August 16, 2019


He says it is not the individuals that find it but the world spirit itself and becomes conscious of itself in the individual.It passes through three stages to become conscious of itself and this includes the first stage when it becomes conscious of itself in the individual.He calls this stage of world spirit subjective spirit and later reaches a higher mode of consciousness ranging from family,civil society and state.He classifies that as objective spirit,given that it shares interaction with people.Then the third stage being absolute spirit where the world soul attains the highest point of self realisation.The tripod of art,religion and philosophy composes the absolute spirit and through the world soul philosophy is able to mirror the world.                                                                                            We quite agree that Hegel successfully critiqued hiscontemporaries and succesfully publicized himself as the most influential Romanticist but the high point of the period and thereafter as we noted,was the  ascendancy of the existentialist era and philosophy took a new turn entirely. Inasmuch as I do not fully support ,Hegel and even Marx and Marxists in their critiques of Hegel, and the rest of philosophers including existentialists , I beg to disagree with most of the views highlighted in the  144 parts and series of Philosophers'Stone .                                                                                                                               They have nevertheless shaped our intellectual views down the millenia that we are hardly inspired to formulate better theories that could chart  new dawn entirely.Radical philosophers like Marx are sparsely seen or thrown by history.Let me throw a critique of both Marx and Hegel.In line with Hegelian dialectics , history cannot be betrayed given that in this context, it travels in linear distance.JOHN LOCKE BELOW
John Locke

August 12, 2019


Macroeconomic stability is a vital requirement for sutainable economic growth Ibikunle laniyan the blogger examines its strategic imperatives to sustainainble economic growth.   When an economy has minimised the vulnerabilities to external shocks and then increases its prospect for sustained growth,in economic parlance, we call it macroeconomic stability.Contextually,in the global market ,it acts as a buffer against currency and interest rate fluctuations, though a vital but inadequate requirement  for growth.The root of economic crisis and a crash in G.D.P. can easily be linked to exposure to currency fluctuations , high debt  burdens,despicable and unmanaged inflation.                                        Note, not just the I.M.F. and the E.U., the developing economies should place more emphasis on macroeconomic stability for sustainainble economic growth.Little wonder, the Maastricht Criteria measured stability by its five factor variables.They include low and stable inflation, low long term interest rates, low national debt relative to G.D.P.,low deficit and currency stability.                                                                                                                           While currency stability  allows exportimporters to evolve long term growth strategies, reduces investors 'needs to manage exchange rate risk  and also due to national account ing,reduces threat posed by debt issue in external currency, with 2.5% maximum permitted fluctuations; low deficits prevent growth in national debt, capped at 3percent according to Maastricht criteria.                                                                                                                                                       Unstable inflation threatens growth, with unhealthy demand at the market place.Ominous inflation  alters the value of longterm contract, increases risk premium and uncertainty in the market place.Given the adjusted nature of many tax rates, by average inflation, volatile inflation tends to decimate government revenues ad trigger individual liabilities. Maastricht criteria capped inflation maximum at 3%.However keeping inflation low implies the stability of the economy and Maastricht restricted long term interest to 9percent.                                   Using tax revenues in terms of low national debt  to address domestic needs of the economy is determined by government flexibility or policy Ideology rather than my he pressure to pay external contract ors.The incentives of lenient fiscal policies during economic crisis period, are permitted by low national debt. Maastricht capped it at 60prcent of  G.D.P.

August 6, 2019


We are intimidated by everyday challenges that impatient life throws at our beck and call.I believe getting or setting your priority right is much more a cumbersome task  than can be imagined by a risk aversed human arts . This methinks appears to be a major burden and we should hardly worry about it rather than any other challenges. The point is how do we identify the rihght set o f priority  and then follow the lead?First, we require enormous amount of data to make decision to be worth while onough o r commands needed quality to follow the lead.

S o this causes us to think and moved to set up plans that we undertake as top priority .This requires enormous time investment and time investment products to make it work.. So get d o wn to the brass tacks to begin no think about them, those  you can  devise to improve your own living standards.