October 24, 2020


of life,through the first law that makes one doubt everything occupies his aim.The rationalist believes in principle was possible to doubt every and this ordinarily informed his intellectual freedom to think,philosophise and theorise himself out of the scientific lacuna that early mordern age was inflicted.It is by no means certain the mordern age would advance philosophical quest by relying on the outdated philosophical norms of the antiquity and pelucidly began his thought construction.He believed not their deception and instituted mordern rationalistic culture that had lasted till this day.


He opines unless we can clearly perceive a thing,that we cannot accept them as being true.This requires breaking down compound problem into compound pieces,broken in diverse single factors as many as possible.This allows us to form logical conclusion.It could have been similar to Galileo's concept of measuring the immeasuring but certainly Descartes believed philosophy should move from simple to complex and consequently,one can construct a new insight.To reach such philosophical conclusion requires constant calculation,enumeration and deep discretion.He was a mathematician,father of analytical geometry and a great contributor to algebra science.He was fond of using mathematical method for philosophical conclusion.


The basic life principle according to Aristotle present in every matter and organism was the soul.He was able to identify and categorise them as plant soul or animal soul and they could not be conceived as separate from the body.The radical division of soul and body by all ramification was not introduced by philosophers until the dawn of 17th century.And it was nt feasible,given the fact that they were seen as one big indivisible mechanistic entity,that is all material objects'motion,body human or animal and plant invnm


The basic life principle according to Aristotle present in every matter and organism was the soul.He was able to identify and categorise them as plant soul or animal soul and they could not be conceived as separate from the body.The radical division of soul and body by all ramification was not introduced by philosophers until the dawn of 17th century.And it was nt feasible,given the fact that they were seen as one big indivisible mechanistic entity,that is all material objects'motion,body human or animal and plant involving mechanical processes.To believe that there must be esoteric connection between body and consciousness,clearly influences Descartes' thoughts and theory.


dogmatism.Religious sects such as anabaptists and independents,were influential behind the most notable spiritual types such as Diggers and Quakers acted on divine revelations.Prebysterian program was the most influential in the house of common.The sect type dominated the army independents or congregationalists to which Oliver Cromwell belong.The influential sect Levellers was led by the most eloquent orator John Lilburne who translated Christian doctrine into political terms.He also advocated parliamentary reform and suffrage extension and organised them as a party with mass meetings


that the earth moves,.."...,.considering the fact that in the past"learned men .....have proved that the earth rests immovable in the middle of the heavens as the center of the universe.For a long time therefore i hesitated whether i should publish my comments."..,.considering the"scorn which i had to fear on account of the newness and absurdity....." " But my friends made me change my course inspite of my long continued hesitation and resistance.First,among them was Nicholas Schonberg, Cardinal of Capua,a man distinguished


compilers including magic stones'collection and lists,medieval herbs and bestiaries,curious learned men like Fredrick 11's anatomical dissections and other later dissectors.The converted works of the antiquity such as the works of Aristotle later debated and disputed and the thoughts of other ancient scholars like Galen,Euclid and Ptolemy,great Arabs such Avicenna,Lycurgus and Hammurabi,were extremely influential.They


that despite retarded intellectual output,borrowed from the medieval such as rudimental propositions of the prepythagorean geometry;the use of counting frame or abacus and some decimal fractions,so that by the end of 13th century,the mathematicians were tackling advanced pythagorean theorem.What the middle ages took over from the Greeks or the ancient they did not very much enrich. With this discovery,they were to change the situation with Renaisance as the magical response

October 23, 2020


The same with Johannes Kepler German Astronomer in 1600s both extensively utilised telescope to pointblank observe the heavenly bodies.While Galileo became the first scientist to formulate the law of inertia and noted the moon had mountains and valleys similar to planet earth,extensively studied the moon's craters,kepler presented a comprehensive evidence that planets move in eliptical or in oval orbits with sun at the center. 


They also saw language as an organism.Infact,the entire material world like a poetic work was a living organism.Hence,no sharp contrast exist in between them and they bear testimony to the vivid presence of world spirit in people,culture not just popular culture as nature and art.They collected folksongs from distant lands,captioned as the ebulient voices of the people,of which Herder was their preeminent forerunner.He said folktales was the mothertongue of the people.For instance,Brother's Grimm and a host of others collected folk songs and fairy tales in Heidelberg.

October 16, 2020


 When  he entered the compound earĺy morning breeze blew his suspicion away cuddling his android phone close to his chest and raised his cheeks to witness the new customer's entry into the cybercafe.When he collected his ticket he resumed to browse ratheŕ involuntarily as if it was a vogue thing to do.Theŕe was so much authority stamped upon his voice when he spoke and unleashed the bombshell, the writer's breath was blown away.Ņot long when his boodļe was interred in the desktop, his long waiting aficionado began to interogate him."Emmauel  could you please recall what you told me yesterday about Coveņant University "he withdrew his engross from the screen and shifted his attention to his countenance.                                       Now downtoearth, Emma with gusto reeled out statistics once again, looking sternly."I said í was shocked to the bone marrow two or three years ago at the students affairs dept.of the school as an employee,to notice that about 500 students awarded first class. "remarked bitterly."Jesus christ, ňot even Soyinka finished first class .'' "You mean it?" "Hé said he graduated with second class upper" "Uhmm.....I didnt know .You can clarify those facts .They were simply giving them marks.Assuming they score 40, they 20 or 30 more marks.Ýóu know why? Their parents paid exorbitant tuition fees.We are talking of millions here.Corruption in Nigeria is official. "  "So, first class