July 16, 2022


and grazing fields balkanised with infernos aftermathof looting spree.Lithe,spright,elfy,faying,pixie,nisses and elpfins,leprechauns,brownies lepidopterologically.Be on alert.Let no bygones be bygones in a depressed olive branch till flaps crashing down.'Little bloke itched in eastern trenches as if bounded with manacles and legirons,trenches'immobility wary of rampaging lefthanded compliments and blitzkrieg with impromptu procession at the velocity of fugacious cavalcades.A squandron first acors perdu a huis clos and subsequently ala carte were deployed for the hatchet job and endangered abomb shelters.None abalienate,none capitulated and the smother a bumper harvest.Hardly had the sun's emaciated gown wore its ocean blue's labyrinth and ecehomos's afferent neuron's afflatuses revert back from hypnosis and mesmerism to sedate yolk,maximus and the pyrates had struck and fled the mainland's riverbank in one fell swoop.As the golden boy resurfaced from trenches not disarmed with beautiful anectdotes,did he


Dig you dig forest's trenches?''Nope your broth's boy broache perfectly?`'Oh my sibbling in trenches?`stood up brawl to flex as eagle eyed contempts fleetfooted huffy departure bade home for abesi's trenchwarfare'Damn you goddess of hell to dare him stratified.Larcenous struts a durable peyote not the last ditch eagerbeaver'and with turbocharged fury shrieked'Lazareto!lazaretto!!lazaretto'.'You laggard,lazybone of a mermaid,a dumbwaiter, lazy susan at my couch,how dare you break loose,lixiviate and bum off to wartorn leaches.What lazaretto?'held her tight,defenseless,aberrated beaten parts,high and dry,left in the lurch and disenchanted.'fall not from grace,no stone untouched,not straight and narrow.The forest at alupluto under siege,Maximus ringleader annexed the coast from river abesi.Plead thee with mine legalis homos,legerdemain and legerity ransacking leitmotif,lend me thy hollistic ear.Lemurs and gorilla in forest rampage,lurk cadavers furtively for ambrosia.Take pabulum.'bended knees suffocatedstoodup


Dig you dig forest's trenches?''Nope your broth's boy broache perfectly?`'Oh my sibbling in trenches?`stood up brawl to flex as eagle eyed contempts fleetfooted huffy departure bade home for abesi's trenchwarfare'Damn you goddess of hell to dare him stratified.Larcenous struts a durable peyote not the last ditch eagerbeaver'and with turbocharged fury shrieked'Lazareto!lazaretto!!lazaretto'.'You laggard,lazybone of a mermaid,a dumbwaiter, lazy susan at my couch,how dare you break loose,lixiviate and bum off to wartorn leaches.What lazaretto?'held her tight,defenseless,aberrated beaten parts,high and dry,left in the lurch and disenchanted.'fall not from grace,no stone untouched,not straight and narrow.The forest at alupluto under siege,Maximus ringleader annexed the coast from river abesi.Plead thee with mine legalis homos,legerdemain and legerity ransacking leitmotif,lend me thy hollistic ear.Lemurs and gorilla in forest rampage,lurk cadavers furtively for ambrosia.Take pabulum.'bended knees suffocatedstoodup


How come you bimbo forgot kids thrice fairer than senile do not roses unmade.A stain to the nymps,adults of prejudice and aberration invariably more dark and dank than they themselves much at strife to themselves to wither muses at dusk.Till his seizure at sweatening palm alakazam for the resulgent abesi,all entreaties for subjic metropolis iberation and obeah doctor,gashed frosty crave for messiah of the heavenly necromancy!.Lessemajeste!lessemajeste!!Lessemajeste!!!chichi and aspish etchelons,hegemonious ladida,macabred cavia porcelluses and labrats and rodents,holoipolois yet to board ferries to lalaland,golden bear state,golden poppy state,hardly does this laborious labour of love,a labrum,a labium and flange of immaculate bears that adorn the lactescent,lacteous,mikwhite regalia,a lady of fortune in lagniappe to the lady of the bedchamber.Behold a fugive justice,a scapegoat,a lamb to the slaughters.Laminous coast so much lament irretrievability.Who gets us snippets and the packets from my trenches?


swings.Ebb and flowed,pitched as heaved across the ebrakes flung his memoirs to ransack the forest pyramid and somewhat cold frail,temporal pecking order of peasantry's ecehomos tattooed over this encroaching salmagundis.Once an ecdysiastic,exotic,bump and grinding burlesque queen bickered with spouse's remonstrances grew discomfiture golden boy's hunting escapade.'Once your echoic, onomoatopoeic broth boy's streets'gambols rollick was over,was smirched not to undo reflection and strolled home.'mutterring as quilts fell off onto cough.'Sneaker boy barely threw into towel,umbrageous and self effacing did frenzy in cahoots with prejudice to abscond.Braggadocio tauromachian eaglet,velvet-sheen boy!'bellylaughing'slip of tongue!'askance on the sofa.'Sure,wiles of counterespionage a peyote.'cheeky jubilant'Child soldier?''What?You gondolier's obdu sloth,with flight suit that made you look a bald pussycat,raving malkin,grimalkin,ochre,you odd chestnut obscene.Your putrid caramel,auriferous ricochet of inaudibles'


His rocky and pageantry,atteliery's thermoluminescence radiometric dating with the floral sparkles of illuminating species, and intelligence radiotelephonical radiothon,jaunty telethon raffish swung his raffle wheel,a roulette wheel tied to radix plug not like the big six wheel of ragamuffins,sailboat of hobos nor in their schooner,catamaran,skiff,sloop,ragboat adispose and arenacious.Never in this arca of somnabulist dreamers,feretory of simpletons,binging reliquary of pigeonholed renegades,commode of disconsolate ire,bathos of pyxis in retroflux his repellent retroceded tragic folklore sings.Nor did alien allusion of paramnesia,retrospective falsification lure him into this revelment,a revue of revulsion revved up his sordid distance from the reliquaries.To whom the politick of convoluted,circumvoluted,cockling,crinkling,corrugated ringdoorbells earnestly fathoms.Never for once in the rinkydinky cheesy of grieving closet did he a ringsphony ring the blues.A rivalrous riverbank of rockgilbraltar his pendulum


where rabeting and bashly as dinting as if with cloak of rabbit's foot,a amulet,phylactery watched them glow in dingy sun.Himself a foxhound hounddoging as rabbit hounding over the hunting forest's courser's rein,in the fetish sport of bombastic braggadocio and dissentious,subversive and malevolent rabblerousing.His pertinacious carthasis by sarcophagus in pinto,bin,coffer,trunk,chiffonier,caisson,crib,cayuse,mustang,racehose,scampering pad and trot caddied with bluefunk.Wobbly as rachitic but not roast lamb,crownroast as rack of lamb,rack and ruin daunted,anecdotist of the fifth columnists'sharks and mobsters racketeering sentinel for packets of snippet and countersespionage.Over this courser's rein,adjuvant with the radical stimulus whose lonely burrow of time infested dendrochronology a vicious froth from sunset to sunrise hung over this radioactive cloud.Waow a autonetics,radiodynamics,clandestine telemachanics robotised carbon 14 dating of counterespionage radioed from contours of deadwood's trenches.


The sun had not pleaded eerily for the morose lawn and by the time,the > eliptical oval had lept with pang to beseech the berserk hours and > withdrawn its tantalus of tentacles,the lachrymal grief of morose > field,was imponderable had gone grey.Fresh variety make them all > blokes twisted bramble,all red and pale,as time's beguiling sport all > too dainty and crotchety smothered the encroaching thorns.A thousand > sweet kisses boldlypluck them lull yet still unapt to coy,blessed > coons at the nimbly coast.So soon as the morose sun was gone,pleading > his stupedous girth as he was restrained.And now lost to > fortitude,doth she remorse to avert the downpour not to suspend her > lips from the immaculates of sacrilegious fouls and stoop them dry.Now > impecable feet struts high and mighty a tauromachian matador of > mischievious blanket therein catapults the umbilical torero of golden > morn.Over his couser's rein of gusto impasse,dingy they flock to > camp,to masticate stratagem for netherstrike.The golden boy gliding > hid in trenches where