February 23, 2024


At this connect point with the right intense security apparatchik of social politics,we grow sustainably the coefficient expansion of human intelligence opportunity cost (HIOC) a sole antidote to balloon social intelligence opportunity cost (SIOC) as the main muse of growth and development of mordern civilization in the long run

Given that social system is formed by the age of childhood, types of family relation genres,the tradition of human relations, social relation web, peerage pressure and politics of social interaction formalises social strata.The level of social interaction between human relations and family relations in the tradition of human intelligence and social intelligence opens up a sustainable tradition for complex nature of social politics.The failure of family relations could lead to failure of diverse set of successive generation of human relations dunces strategic quality of human intelligence and social politics at large.Society often times in the regressive mode when this setback is noted otherwise the progressive mode accelerate the quality of social politics and the evidence of social stability could only fathom the more tranquility impregnability of the unforeseen ages to come


To be frank family intelligence does not always beyond being a musing field unless the two human entities are pluralised eggheads as missionaries in the crusade of intellectual rebirth with avowed quotient of submissive humility the bickering of tradition across families could affect intellectual development of their byeproducts and sometimes in the crucifix of insulated critical imbalance the superduper motif of intellectual freedom could be a benediction to quality of social politics and moral investment of social intelligence reducing evaporating human intelligence at the connect point for a balanced social system or stable society.I think the best formula for social crisis management like every resolve of a rational mind should begin at the family relations level.
I repeat it your success depends on you.

I think the casework at the social level begins here and ends here at the foundation level.Any critical miss or moral failure here leads to the future breakdown of law and order.However challenges remain as the human entity in the various task of human relations exit the family level to kickstart a new level of human relations accumulated values from prior family relations tend to fall due to complex influence of peerage pressure and unmanageable complex social temperature as family values are usurped by social values and the lure towards to material wellbeing,the byeproducts of prior family relations tend to be forgetful or oblivious of the childhood era under delusions of economic power and material freedom.The emergent of new acquired values provided it is not enriched by innovative innocence tends not outlived the bearers and society looses the increasing quality of human intelligence as family byeproducts mix and react and interact with their immediate environment and social environment at large.We are particularly concerned at moral decline of the human intelligence opportunity cost in the long haul where the true originality belong.You know when there is high survival rate of the human intelligence at this connect point , society in the long run is assured of technology freedom.


In the abandonment of family relations where insulated critical imbalances persist,we should relinquish the orgy in desideratum of the abbatoir of balanced family relations in gross theft of social education safety net to campaign for insulated critical imbalance to avers that both serves almost critical measurements excluding socially educated family relations.We make reference to those forms and typical genres of family relations from beleaguered family relations or critical imbalance or single parenting,insulated critical imbalance or industrial single parenting,socially educated family relations or industrial family relations and non socially educated family relations or non-industrial family relations.This complex status of family relations sculptured by human relations formalises social interaction as the social strata bequeaths to mankind social relation web at large thoughtfully defined as the social system as the complex system of social environment .

A society is bereaved when the consumption of knowledge drastically declines irrespective of the moral assurance of this sancrosanct welfare of these variegated genres in the context of social politics and social stability in the long run.We should lament if sociophiles and sociophilliac impact to indicate the erosion of bibliophiliac generations across the identified family relation genres is declining in the society to be evidenced by rising momentum of social Instability.This remains fundamental truth of social history and their growth and decline,rise and fall determine the rise and fall of great history and obviously methinks for the umpteenth time the patronage behind the growth of objective followership to influence objective leadership seemingly the biggest muse in the context of historical reconstruction .


Auditing disparate human environment that throws up human entities with distinct experience and distinct way of life to procure human relations and later family relations and perhaps when broken down with critical imbalance human relations persist to some extent in the beleaguered family relations so to say web of single parenting ought to be a mandatory disposition in the disposal of the hidden facts and unveiling factory of facts about disparate human entities prior to signatory to the contract of family relations in the long run.This testifies to the immaculate axiom that love alone does not survive a marital union let alone make a success of the intended union.The success of family relations insures social intergrity of social relation and and social relation web in the long run protects the society against the social disorder and intermittent exposure to social disorder.Together with insulated critical imbalance on the rise,we prevent the growth of social malaise grow the quality as well as quantity of social politics we bargain for driven by politics of social perception beyond the nostrils of social prejudice to catapult social stability and society where social equity is fully ensured.Unfortunately such utopian society is hard to come by in mordern age and we re under every muse of open gesture to conjecture ways and means to acclimitise and adapt those critical measures to ensure the protection of social psyche and avoid social liver from breaking down and with the entire anatomy of our mordern nation state system.


Prior to the contract of family relations how does an average human entity manages himself as distinct byeproducts of prior family relations in the context of Generational biological wealth transfer?What is the quality of human organisation being the established criteria for measurement of available human entity?We say human availability to comprehend the readiness of human disposables or disposal to undertake exterior obligation such as pending family relations like any withholding or outstanding transaction of business interest.This begins with optimal decision management and when we audit the quality of human relations that satisfies the dual aforementioned concepts we refer to human organisation as satisfactory eligibility to undertake family contract.The obligatory interest of this critical alibi must be well disposed and much complied with for a fulfilling mission.


The quality of human relations in the critical attempt to catalyse family relations in the responsibility budgeting and responsibility forecast and material expectations of the external human relations to whom nuptial knot is desired,must conform to the required capacity building that guarantees the attainment of stable family relations in the long run.The concept of capacity building in this context ensures the stability of family relations but not to the betrayal of the concept of compatibility in the long run and when we audit successfully this possibility process family lifestyle routine(PPFR/PPROFALIRO),that incorporates this two concepts to accommodate disparate human entities I think the formation of family relations could last the long haul.Otherwise it breeds extraneous factors emotions when the other part or both human relations or the two brokers in the contract of family desire to be freed of each other.The mutilated choice of being freed is informed by the lack of institutional contentment and moral satisfaction of the human entities involved in the family contract.This imbalance family relations constitute the moral threat to the sancrosanct welfare and moral intergrity of social relation web and spuriously motivates the long run breakdown of social order.The last saving grace to avoid the ultimate social risk of this critical imbalance is to bequeath avocational capacity building and moral quest of social education to the byeproducts of this critical imbalance reduce the proportion of potential human intelligence loss at the connect point to the social relation web at large.The magnitude of family relations web comprises of human relations and the inherent human environment that throws up the average human entity brokering the contract of future relations .To those who contended that "family is everything"like perception is everything are not intelligent fools afterall about the fundamental theory and fundamental practice of followership welfare in the insulation of the long run quality of leadership in the mordern nation states.The envisaged moral damage of this critical imbalance reduces when byeproducts of the failed are insulated with required capacity building and social education safety net.The extent of social risk reduces moral risk and envisaged structural damage on the quality of social politics that maybe motivated by the disparate human politics in the variegated historical identities of human relations basking in their euphoria of distinct human environment that produces this prism of historical identities to be exploited and chiseled for uncommon historical reconstruction.


In this context of dearth it shows there is egregious detest of objective followership and objective leadership seemingly in bereft of the mensrea maneuvered to observe the great charters of liberty and ensure the immaculate adoption of development trade model in the most strategic dimensions to enforce development cycle on the porous nature of development market.To the exclusion of marsolist theory of development market almost all other theories are backward oriented like business cycle theory .The truth is where there is no social relationship and subconscious moral enforcement of social responsibility pine away,they maybe no demand for development let alone unveil the destabilizing volume of those who could grievously supply development and allied resources to architect development and development assymetry from the horizon of social architecture.Objective followership and objective leadership seemingly demands for mass development in view of their intense passion for information arbitration.This is quite worrisome for the subjective followership and subjective leadership who as information arbitragers depress the information market as development buccaneers and butchers them at will.In the natural law of social architecture,the conversion of information market resources into social activities or catapult social activities fabricate the organic realm of social psychology.The same information market resources must be fed with latest technology to produce currently avoided social rationalism in the context.


Social relations architecture or SRA comprises of social relation web, social strata and various stratifications, social rationalism, social psyche or social psychology and information market.
I do believe because society lacks social relationship and due to this dearth it does even know it lacks or fail to observe the fundamental concept of social responsibility.This appears to the greatest challenge in mordern society the total breakdown of social relationship and jettisoning the praxis or practice of social responsibility.To avers that a society is socially irresponsible is the highest spell of moral disrepute and organic self esteem.Little wonder it tends to experience total breakdown of law and order, social instability,institutional Injustice as kith and kin of rising momentum of social debt.We examine the concept of social relationship in the context of social architecture and social relation web respectively.


Man s greatest challenge is how to garner appropriate capacity to govern and control natural forces and is quite an impossible task that nature poses at the doorsteps of social politics to attain on a daily basis.First and foremost man must understand the controlling parameters that could superimpose in the social context to govern natural forces and without this wisdom it is not given to mankind the appropriate capacity to control the diabolical natural forces and to surmount this calamity of fate,to acquire ample capacity he turns to science to save him and succeeded to earn a better life.though the level of wealth distribution however leaves much to be desired.Having been able to govern natural forces to a tolerable margin due to the power of social forces that it contrived man devise means to control and conjure nature using science as defense this natural forces hedged against by social forces defense albeit at a particular time morally inadequate requires periodical impact review both in terms of the knowledge management and general technological impact to fulfill the concept of wealth distribution and redistribution.Natural forces however through change in climate history invariably induces the periodical change in the direction of social forces can go as influenced by natural forces indirectly behind the growth and fall of social progress at every twist and turns of historical growth.We examine social system as a composite composition decked with both man made or artificial or social system architecture and natural system with the concept of natural system driving the nature of growth that social forces could get at a particular period.A standard society is made of social system and natural system where the former is the superstructure the later the substrate substructure exponentially composed to manage the social life in the ambiguous journey of cultural life evolution and natural system submission.This definition applies strictly where the marsolist theory of social life is enforced.The head of the society is the incontrollable morthernature as the mastermind being the growth of natural forces and the body is the social system proper so to say social architecture.Due to this context of inconveniently and incontrovertibly incontrollability man for the umpteenth time devises science to unleash social forces that catapult and exert certain level of control over changing environmental resources of natural forces.Although mankind through the social life could not control natural forces as well as natural intelligence but imbibes through mimicry the art of natural politics to boost and motivate the art of social intelligence and social politics.The purpose of social system historical growth has moved from the concept of survivalism into the concept of universal prosperity or universalism as the sole purpose of the golden transition.Reflectively by the transmission mechanism of the golden transition the strategic quality of affordable social life is determine by the nature of social architecture being core component of the theoretical and empirical entity of social system.Social system is infact social architecture proper and indeed social relation architecture .


In the subsequent chapters we examine the significance of social relationship towards a coherent ideologically inclined nation building.The art of knowledge management must follow the laid down principles of social system theory of marsolism
Hence the marsolist theory of social system a kind profound stipulation for a thoroughbed successful social life.We critically examine the place of social system in the utmost security of affordable social life and the true purpose of social life guard jealously the affordable access to basic amenities of life and the attainment of universal prosperity


The arithmetic and arithmetic sequences in the social enterprise of growth and development management as a barometer of socialised sphere of social progress and catalysed by same oliflationary phenomenon of power triangle and regim ented by himself for the most ideal direction regardless sociopathic blast
We exult the operating mechanism of social system regardless of the positive impact over the period which was not refined by development arbitragers ever since the atavistic portraiture of the neolithic era was born from the golden pen of historicists and historians alike .We treat history indeed operating history from the base pyramids of effect kudos to my idealogy to whom notional terms in egregious dimple was found wanton to usher an unusual epoch in the brisky expedition of development trade and developmental history respectively.


Every society as a documented but living evidence of social arts and perpetual empiricism and persistent theoretical entity of social movement held on rampage in the treacly trajectory of social relation web must be socially refined periodically to grow politics of social perception to sanctify the educational antecedence of prior and later times.When they fall behind as a worst development setback for the social movement the purpose of historical growth is defeated let alone intensifying the golden attainment of historical reconstruction.The level of social interaction in mordern society tells volume the quality of social relation web at the disposal of the state and the polity.

The collective rational growth of social perception evidentially proven by rising momentum of social intelligence increases the quality of social politics on one hand and raises quantity of social capital on the other hand.Contextually,the operating assymetry of social impairment politics can not be exonerated as being catalyst to vicious social malaise in the face of protrusive social vagrancy fed up from the pantheon of social debt.


We marvel by the paroxysm of development setback we ve had over the vain course of historical trajectory why seem not to lead again as it were in the last century when Nigeria set the pace of development in the continent especially the transcendental growth in the subsaharan Africa.We should not be embarrassed simply because we don't have development manager like I obafemi awolowo again and in the unforeseeable years to come if we don't marsolism there is no solution to the survival of this nation that we love so much whose clarity of custom has not been too easily defined regardless the fact it has produced some of the most brilliant minds of the last century and this emerging century.

The answer for the umpteenth time we barely have social transformative intelligence and the type of awoistic mindset that may take thousands of years to uncover a vain traverse that could be nipped in the mud with rising population of objective followership and objective leadership respectively to pay down social debt in the long run and securitises and redeems social debt's time investment bond when the rising foams of social debt are mated with the commerce of information arbitration.


The praxis of development trade does not just begin with social debt identification specifics, problem identification,solution management including specifics, identification and vision settings, ideology and great charters of liberty seconded by development cycle and development cycles transition management and surveillance activities of various institutions, agencies and authorities to regulate and deregulate the growth and development management methods at every strategic interval of time investment of the social system that should thrive on the consumption of information arbitration under control of power triangle but rather hijacked by information arbitragers and development arbitragers.In this dearth where development management and arbitration hardly takes place social politics hijacked by the oliflationary league of power triangle supplanting invidious growth model to trash social justice with their critical choices of social impairment politics nothing tangible equalitarian could grow to ensure highly impactful social progress.We should credit the success of social reforms and social engineering to keep survival in line with timely population time bomb albeit unprecedented growth in plethora of social debt militating the spirit and soul of social system.What do we really wanted to achieve with the social enterprise of growth and development management in the 21st century and beyond?Satisfy our conscience and that is achieve universal Prosperity eradication of mass poverty and inequality of wealth reduced to the barest minimum.This we choose as specifics of social debt and identification solution and vision settings.


The undignified insignificance of development generation and development management in the strictly due process etymological sense of the word 'Development'appears to embarrass the nigerian people and the landscape as a whole so much so that they hardly could not believe sordid eyes what they see around them nor condone the chronic level of intense underdevelopment grinding them nor convince themselves they merit the obscenity of banana republic status we were confronted with either as subjective followership or subjective leadership bequeath unto ourselves mired with inferior social senses underperforming human and social intelligence dearth of social politics to rescue themselves from this calumny of development arbitraging rather than development arbitration that social perception could give us in the most ideal web of equalitarianised social relation.Thus it cut off the critical link between growth and development,but first techniques and capacity  and then technology and capacity to transplant and transport development trade to where it is needed.


We are not what we claim to be in the larger sphere of social entity when we think what we ought to do is to morally addresses social decadence or social malaise from the angle of institutionalised ethics of social reform and I make bold to declare that it would not work in the deranged context of periodical reforms.The first time and the last time Nigerian society experiences social engineering ordinarily also known mother of social reforms was under Gowon regime when chief obafemi Awolowo created state system and nullified regional system.It did not happen in a day it took him a decade of monumental social reforms harnessed by a flurry of uncommon socialist indoctrinated programs induced by social egalitarian spirits and there was not developmental reform nor any reform again and until the eve of the civil war and we did not have reform but something quite unusual when the state of mass programs even before it was begun necessitated the initiative and the emergence of state system.Out of the 18 state system he initiated he managed to create the first twelve states as unveiled by professor bolaji akinyemi.Have we fared well thereafter with the first social engineering system?Of course yes but to a larger extent no because tribalism,religion and corruption three cardinal problems completely truncated the expected benefits of this mother of reforms and basically that type of social engineering was the prime reason for the survival of Nigerian geographical landscape to which the author of same awoistic method of social engineering aptly refers it "as a mere geographical expression"given the fragility of the social system that lacks human face.This inherently summarises the problems as lack of socioeconomic ideology albeit our survival as a nation in the context of social impairment politics in the face of relentless salvo of social instability.Many thanks to this venerable sage that we still survive as a nation suffering and smiling in the midst of pantheon of Pandora boxes.With coherent ideological resolve getting a solid state of social relation web we can afford to rebuild the nation of choices and recall or rework or exceed the golden age of the fifties,sixties and seventies driven by awoism and unleash new global macroeconomic order of marsolism to obtain the most ideal redress we could get from the nation's checkered antecedence. Nevertheless we need observe the fundamental framework that was laid for the success of awoism was laid in the social reforms that came thirty to forty years before and same was also preceded by educational and religious reforms that were widely accepted in the tercentenary period much earlier.We should have three or four generation of reforms before the emergence of awoism our first and clear national ideology.The first was colonial and religious, second colonial and educational,third was nationalistic vanguard and Macaulayian in spirit.Three waves of social reforms experimented and d last was authored by homegrown initiative and Herbert Macaulay was the principal actor in the league of extraordinary gentlemen and pragmatic politics that was begun from the days of African youth movement.The first homegrown social reform paved the way for independence and was the most successful reforms till date in the nation's history be it pre or post independence era.In this era Obafemi awolowo also imbibed the Macaulayianism to perpetrate the best Marxist reform in the history of Africa.He was tutored by the waves and the spirit of the period to complete that reforms in the fifties.The era was divided into three stages the prereform struggle a period of conception of African youth movement,down to the dominance of Macaulayianism in the spirit of NCNC and third era emerged with the formation of action group.This last phase appears to be most holistic and most trouble some period in the nation's history when tribalism and religion tore apart the yet unborn nation.It also gave birth to the most distinctive ideology that distinguishes the nation as a unique black nation.Permit to say though we're accustomed to the history of the first two eras of social reforms however were also elaborated in this edition.The growth of history in Nigeria in the nonlinear context could be proven to be no growth and we wasted more than two hundred years of zero growth and during the period we were bestowed with the social resources for growth or rudiments for growth generation but we hardly use them.We know where we fall off when we dissect this divisions and eras of social reforms and almost all western methods had failed us.

Every society devises the nature of their socioeconomic system at a time invariably not intandem with the alienated propensities of foreign aggression to cease the national path of rational choices in the management of centrifugal and centripetal forces of critical fathom of nation building.Awoistic period of the third social reforms was a trailblazer to be accorded a scholastic period of reform on itself a bridge builder that fabricated the new history of a people or culture making it about four generations of social reforms we ever had prior to the social engineering of the seventies a proven testament to imbibe the the empiricism of the wars as the most comprehensive erudition in the pragmatism of nation building knowing fully well almost all major human and technological inventions were a byeproducts of warfare.Nigeria was not an exception as the immanent civil war brought out the state system and we imbibed it hook line and sinker.The truth is that we may no longer cherish much longer the protracted debate about the contribution of successive states to the polity at large and whether they were excess garbages to the welfare of the nation might be another spectre of argumentative and disputative embellishment for donkey years to come .The prejudice for and against the crictical choices of nation building might be not an imprecation to moral service of social perception at large without which further expedition of social reform expediency not faded in vain nor possible.


The social relation web is the moral personality of the state and the solid state of the social system at a particular period and exist as the sole particularity of the State that must guarantee the tangible extent of social stability and periodical historical growth to be truly certified ingredients of its moral existence.In the meandering context of social dislocation and the internal structure of social relation systematically impaired or ruptured by social impairment politics consciously or subconsciously the solid state dissolves and dissipate meaningfulness from the strategic purpose of positive historical growth, social engineering provides the legal framework for systematic redress arrest social impairment and eliminate social prejudice where possible and restore the solid state.It is not so easy for the contour of confusionism to be addressed giving the avalanche of social intelligence misled by information arbitragers and development buccaneers as kith and kin of the power triangle phenomenon that warrants unbridled trench warfare prior to the restoration of solid state in the encapsulated interregnum.


A standard social system is reflective of the general essence of social engineering ensures pragmatic use of social intelligence, bequeaths positive direction to social relation where social politics undertakes the workmanship and management of social strata to partake the effective use of politics of social perception decelerates if not possible to abort morally grinding context of social prejudice in the catalyst of social equity.We afford to undermine social stability and therefore pay the price of social instability nourishing social inequality at the expense of the societal justice in general.

A rising momentum of social vagrancy promotes empirical evidence of social disorder,a plethora of institutionalised insanity exploited by power triangle phenomenon as critical alibi for their social relevance.The growth of social intelligence not disoriented in the manipulation of social politics with concerted effort of purposeful social relation driven by politics of social perception decelerates the moral decadence and grow social intelligence in the interaction of the social strata with the objective purpose of positive historical growth.This motive of growth management and capacity building does not bestow moral gains and instant attitude to the periodic state of social system but s gradual phase of social engineering transition of systemic transition in the long run.


Mordern society has fails to realise the achievement of this equalitarian growth of history, socially dampening veritable choices in the context of humanity a critical underminer of the social stability and therefore undertakes the critical attainment of positive historical growth.This I classify as social vagrancy a pluralised indiscretionary emulsification of collective human vagrancy where critical emission of social intelligence reducing sum total of human intelligences to the barest nothingness in the much vaunted vastly undertapped social space.The elementary norm for social moral redress some sort of social engineering ensures the reduction of such social vagrancy to the barest minimum by growing human intelligences and the interactive purpose for the utmost good of positive historical growth.


We can be what we choose to be and sometimes the critical pillar of greater achievement is the depth of social safety net we create in the social space to illustrate the meaningfulness of human intelligence interacting with social intelligence in the long run.The core competence of social progress at large in the social space emanates from the golden choices we make as social animals in the context of social relation and collective humanity of sustainable capacity building .To go beyond the status quo the critical sustainability of such tradition accelerates the quantitative exploration of social intelligence to absorb the collective interest and institutional goal of social existence.In this context we are emboldened to consumate the operating essence of historical growth.Society exists to safeguard the operating goal of social relation in other words subscribes to the mutual collective interest of this institutional stability without which it works in vain when the collective interest fails to materialise social stability.
Evolution of social system is based on the evolution of collective human intelligence



Now in Lekki going to Chevron and orchid Rd to inspect the properties 


I had reached obalende in my unusual expedition trying to inspect a distinct set of properties 


I was in the bus going to Lagos Island when I took the photos or did the photoshoot.


My tour of Lagos brought to fore the growing slum of Lagos cities even in the so called Lagos Island 95 percent slum.With my project great mountains of Nigeria GEMON we hope to make Nigeria have the most beautiful cities with the tallest skyscrapers and best robotic cities 
In the world.

February 9, 2024


Point could be remarked positively as d failure of two human relations in the management of complex relationship that could have been simple relationship in the long haul.Be it simple or complex understanding the behavior of knowledge factory embedded in the factual comprehensibility of this relationship commerce brings us closer to the management of responsibility economics that constitute the epicenter of social relation web management in the long run.In this context the broader study of economics is incomplete without its comprehensive studies that prevents the crash of any social system of the mordern era and beyond.


We should worry invariably why society remains what it is frustrated by development setback and counter developments by all ramification and every sense of direction benighted as it were adinfinitum.We cannot attribute this missing sense of belonging to the narrow prejudice of this fractured web of social relation but much more to the lack of social intergrity embroiled in the tattered embroidery of this fractured web that guarantees predictable omen of social inequity.
To galvanize long lasting web of social relation we shall have to comprehend the tiring refrain of comprehensive family relations first and foremost to save the social liver that is the web of social relation being the social psyche from breakdown as it were which ordinarily leads elongated duress of social disorder.The use of human relations indicates the wiser deployment of rationalisation of human affairs at managing events both within and beyond positively rewarded.The use of contractual consensus liabilities that tie two distinct human relations together at symbiotic moot point for a beneficial existence with strategic acceptance of offers and consideration of all parties is what mordern society describe as family relations and a beleaguer'd relationship indicate the failure of this miasma.The collapse of leadership at family relations level at this