October 6, 2015


Zeutergeist wails before iconoclast;
Repertoire-arabesquely garb of punsmith artesian wells
dazes the groping sun ;
Benighted in the gall  of the odds , the bandwagon of
thegregorian chants , fogs the downpour ;
In whose benumb and chaste, were they  welded
And moulded to tangle not aloof, that bred the golden pearl
In trenches ?


A lonely bard of the kongi harvest wrought in the blind marvel
of the abyss ;
Even in the trepidation of the gully mire and the besmirch of
dark age earth ;
Crests gumption  and  jade on the wailing epoch  and wailing sun;
 To brazenly outshone the matrix of the crying birds and the forlorn

Hurled into promenades,crying earth moans but disdains paradox
in the pipedream ;
We salute thee,thy creeds weed out ignoble foxes –thou icon
bursting necessity of our golden checkered antecedence ;
On the sands of groveling timology ,indelible landmark cannot
be impugned;
May thy bliss enraptures me even though crying earth ,cries in
vain and singing earth sings in vile.

As ateliery sings thy panygery ,greyhounds and babblers ;
Romping bacchanalian ,dolts avant-garde  landscape;
Backwoodsmen from backwater ,backstabbing and
wheelclamping ;
Baddinaging and badgering ,balsam of  baloneysoafed.

Hungs on the savages ,ballyhoos of banalistic brats and
Ambling ambivalence on the treasured honeypot of an
Feeding its porridge in this ladle ,lagoon of laggards and
know-all hymns of praise knuckles down its rap;
Heypresto,jawdropping , a nobel came ,jazzy ,iddylic and
it was ,pretty dead silence for the ideologues .

The byzanthine before the sun and the sun before the
byzanthine ;
Sings not its solitary confinement –that vile on a crying earth ;
Milestone romps  into milestones  ,even cantankerous lawn ,
Lammed by intrigues still groans;
Still straddling the colossus ,dearth of nobel wails at the  wailing
wall and the crying earth.

Not jejunedby hue and cry , jested by dearth  and plumped by jazz
ofjene sais quoi ;
To avert nature’s jibes and joculars,the poetaster hollered;
‘WoleOSho-yi-mi-ka  ,only you ,we have .When shall we rejoice a
new dawn?’
Did a ballboy not replied oracle –‘here ,send me ,I shall go ‘.Thou
hast given birth to alumnus –thy alter-ego ‘’.

And the banters thus began in the rumble in the mumble
Poetaster:’’Did you say , I am the PAWS of my generation ,
Even long before the grenadier’s exit? ;
True, for  every exit ,there is an entry  but will you find the
momentum ,to wallop this bandwagon and to  betray the filthy
lords of lucre ?
Everywhere in the public square ,the oaks of sentinel  has long
 Sentry dogs  long gone on exile and the prostitutes of logophobia
Crenelated fortresses .

Gone berserk , gone foul stampedes battallions of flotsam and
jetsamand the city moans;
Does crying earth ever cry and pawish singing earth sings,
that vile may cry in vice  and singing earth may sings in vile?
Until the sentry dogs return ,singing earth sings in vain and
crying earth cries in vain  ;
And the vile of  a crying earth adnauseam  prowls adinfinitum on
the sands  of sahara.

Flee now from the jungle to till the parched fields  and  the
places ofthe wilderness  ;
To herald the return of the sentry greyhounds ;for in that gazebo thou
shalt have wreath  and bouquet of flowers;
Sing on O singing  hell and cry on  O crying hell;whence cometh from
Paradise the magical ball boy?

A lonely bard of the kongi harvest wrought in the blind marvel
of the abyss ;
Even in the trepidation of the gully mire and the besmirch of
dark age earth ;
Crests gumption  and  jade on the wailing epoch  and wailing sun;
 To brazenly outshone the matrix of the crying birds and the forlorn

Hurled into promenades,crying earth moans but disdains paradox
in the pipedream ;
We salute thee,thy creeds weed out ignoble foxes –thou icon
bursting necessity of our golden checkered antecedence ;
On the sands of groveling timology ,indelible landmark cannot
be impugned;
May thy bliss enraptures me even though crying earth ,cries in
vain and singing earth sings in vile.

As ateliery sings thy panygery ,greyhounds and babblers ;
Romping bacchanalian ,dolts avant-garde  landscape;
Backwoodsmen from backwater ,backstabbing and
wheelclamping ;
Baddinaging and badgering ,balsam of  baloneysoafed.

Hungs on the savages ,ballyhoos of banalistic brats and
Ambling ambivalence on the treasured honeypot of an
Feeding its porridge in this ladle ,lagoon of laggards and
know-all hymns of praise knuckles down its rap;
Heypresto,jawdropping , a nobel came ,jazzy ,iddylic and
it was ,pretty dead silence for the ideologues .

The byzanthine before the sun and the sun before the
byzanthine ;
Sings not its solitary confinement –that vile on a crying earth ;
Milestone romps  into milestones  ,even cantankerous lawn ,
Lammed by intrigues still groans;
Still straddling the colossus ,dearth of nobel wails at the  wailing
wall and the crying earth.

Not jejunedby hue and cry , jested by dearth  and plumped by jazz
ofjene sais quoi ;
To avert nature’s jibes and joculars,the poetaster hollered;
‘WoleOSho-yi-mi-ka  ,only you ,we have .When shall we rejoice a
new dawn?’
Did a ballboy not replied oracle –‘here ,send me ,I shall go ‘.Thou
hast given birth to alumnus –thy alter-ego ‘’.

And the banters thus began in the rumble in the mumble
Poetaster:’’Did you say , I am the PAWS of my generation ,
Even long before the grenadier’s exit? ;
True, for  every exit ,there is an entry  but will you find the
momentum ,to wallop this bandwagon and to  betray the filthy
lords of lucre ?
Everywhere in the public square ,the oaks of sentinel  has long
 Sentry dogs  long gone on exile and the prostitutes of logophobia
Crenelated fortresses .

Gone berserk , gone foul stampedes battallions of flotsam and
jetsamand the city moans;
Does crying earth ever cry and pawish singing earth sings,
that vile may cry in vice  and singing earth may sings in vile?
Until the sentry dogs return ,singing earth sings in vain and
crying earth cries in vain  ;
And the vile of  a crying earth adnauseam  prowls adinfinitum on
the sands  of sahara.

Flee now from the jungle to till the parched fields  and  the
places ofthe wilderness  ;
To herald the return of the sentry greyhounds ;for in that gazebo thou
shalt have wreath  and bouquet of flowers;
Sing on O singing  hell and cry on  O crying hell;whence cometh from
Paradise the magical ball boy?

Zeutergeist wails before iconoclast;
Repertoire-arabesquely garb of punsmith artesian wells
dazes the groping sun ;
Benighted in the gall  of the odds , the bandwagon of
thegregorian chants , fogs the downpour ;
In whose benumb and chaste, were they  welded
And moulded to tangle not aloof, that bred the golden pearl
In trenches ?

A lonely bard of the kongi harvest wrought in the blind marvel
of the abyss ;
Even in the trepidation of the gully mire and the besmirch of
dark age earth ;
Crests gumption  and  jade on the wailing epoch  and wailing sun;
 To brazenly outshone the matrix of the crying birds and the forlorn

Hurled into promenades,crying earth moans but disdains paradox
in the pipedream ;
We salute thee,thy creeds weed out ignoble foxes –thou icon
bursting necessity of our golden checkered antecedence ;
On the sands of groveling timology ,indelible landmark cannot
be impugned;
May thy bliss enraptures me even though crying earth ,cries in
vain and singing earth sings in vile.

As ateliery sings thy panygery ,greyhounds and babblers ;
Romping bacchanalian ,dolts avant-garde  landscape;
Backwoodsmen from backwater ,backstabbing and
wheelclamping ;
Baddinaging and badgering ,balsam of  baloneysoafed.

Hungs on the savages ,ballyhoos of banalistic brats and
Ambling ambivalence on the treasured honeypot of an
Feeding its porridge in this ladle ,lagoon of laggards and
know-all hymns of praise knuckles down its rap;
Heypresto,jawdropping , a nobel came ,jazzy ,iddylic and
it was ,pretty dead silence for the ideologues .

The byzanthine before the sun and the sun before the
byzanthine ;
Sings not its solitary confinement –that vile on a crying earth ;
Milestone romps  into milestones  ,even cantankerous lawn ,
Lammed by intrigues still groans;
Still straddling the colossus ,dearth of nobel wails at the  wailing
wall and the crying earth.

Not jejunedby hue and cry , jested by dearth  and plumped by jazz
ofjene sais quoi ;
To avert nature’s jibes and joculars,the poetaster hollered;
‘WoleOSho-yi-mi-ka  ,only you ,we have .When shall we rejoice a
new dawn?’
Did a ballboy not replied oracle –‘here ,send me ,I shall go ‘.Thou
hast given birth to alumnus –thy alter-ego ‘’.

And the banters thus began in the rumble in the mumble
Poetaster:’’Did you say , I am the PAWS of my generation ,
Even long before the grenadier’s exit? ;
True, for  every exit ,there is an entry  but will you find the
momentum ,to wallop this bandwagon and to  betray the filthy
lords of lucre ?
Everywhere in the public square ,the oaks of sentinel  has long
 Sentry dogs  long gone on exile and the prostitutes of logophobia
Crenelated fortresses .

Gone berserk , gone foul stampedes battallions of flotsam and
jetsam and the city moans;
Does crying earth ever cry and pawish singing earth sings,
that vile may cry in vice  and singing earth may sings in vile?
Until the sentry dogs return ,singing earth sings in vain and
crying earth cries in vain  ;
And the vile of  a crying earth adnauseam  prowls adinfinitum on
the sands  of sahara.

Flee now from the jungle to till the parched fields  and  the
places of the wilderness  ;
To herald the return of the sentry greyhounds ;for in that gazebo thou
shalt have wreath  and bouquet of flowers;
Sing on O singing  hell and cry on  O crying hell;whence cometh from
Paradise the magical ball boy?

May 29, 2015



How come the lilies become the lily-livered at the bellows

of the ranch of rancour?

Tis the random haze spurs beckons at thy beck ;

An atrophy with so much spits about sheltered from the scandals

Of its consequences ;

A lacuna that aeons fail to decipher ;

Hurled in uncommon knack-o fair sighted gallows canst not binge;

Steeped in the garrulous hanker of mutiny and robed with the

Girdle of a rocky mound and steely-grey-hack scribe

A retionated glee with much vaunted rejuvenation at the dunghill,

The old grandmaster wishes to go again ;

In the tempest of mangled vein ,knackered resolve and bruised ego ,

Clandestine bade it a Jolly fellow farewell ,

Not bellwether friends but fair-weather friends,

Like gales that blew as terror guns in the most dreadful hurricane of

human canyon;

Frenzied with tremendous winds that sought to smash to splinters

Mortal intrigues ;

And indisposed mien hung aloof on a caisson ;

Swept up in a monsoon and boats hurled In foaming billows and

flung overboard;

A terrifying power that struck mortal ego asunder for the surgery

of phantasmagoria psychophobiacs and jewel of indecision.


Cast amidst stormy seas ,blokes avalanche in fiasco mended no bruise ;

And deluged by tidal waves of bandwagon cascade;

Scribed in the pamphlet of astigmatism, a nebula of icon-bursting,

Genealogical malediction ;

A jittery of incertitude beguiled by denudation of unforeseen posterity.

Remorseless until the gallows fail to relief .


Well now, rebuke no more of repugnant verbal powers and ill-disposed customs

Glorying in the vile worm and dark spirit of disorder ;

See that revel in the minion of superficiality and superfluity of the gal ;

And may ease succour for miseries ,cajoling public treasure in trenches ,

The gargantuan prodigy of stale and a wondrous pale of derelicts

signifying nothing ;

But fire and brimstone parvenu and verve and gusto of pomposity.

Why hangs thee up thy braggarts of a brawl and heaves thy ilk’s up

above the rising tide?

May thy soul descend into abyss. May it descend indeed for the favour

of eternal bliss

Hewn in the paradox of stormy spikes ,with cavalcades trending hostile

Vessels amidst hostile storms ;

Alas ! drooping mules ,not dampened by foul effluvia of its obstreperous

Ships and cantankerous voyage ;

Had serfdom not the lot and prime heirloom of the apostate and devout serfs


Like spigots and geyser that never ceased its fountain .a pithy blanket and


Cascaded a tercentenary and a half until the find siècle




How well and ridiculous it turns the piety of the ages and courted flirtations

of the mighty ;

We jest , we fest ,we wrest but not clung to rabid wings ,hypochondriacally

and sallow-feast ;

Barrels of broken promises glided the seas in dread of logo phobia

To enhance the meanness of shallow orgy .


On a secluded island ,serenaded with tacit tales of gales ,

garb of epistemological robes and shuttling vessels of eschatology ,

Bled down ropes to the sea and scooped up sea water ;

Amidst extinguishing blazes inquiring for the hurricane voice ;

Tons of windy supplication sunk below seabed


‘’To which harbour shall we sail to find arbiter ?’’

Bombastic guttural of a captain lamented on the eve of drowning seas

with drooping mules ;

Never will the provincial bumpkin fits the saddle-prowls ,

Nor the high chaste and high hurdles of aristocracy ,erect a monumental

carriage ;

Asseverating and assertive enough to fit the fiddle of blarney stone- kisser

Without stench ;


Waiting for the hurricane voices frenetic pawns on the ages;

Neither yearning for the hurricane voice nor a zealot scribbled ,doggerel

Rhyme and thick shelf of grandiose scribe ;

With swooning gravity of martyrdom ,laden with the severest satire ;

Of the existentialism of human species .


Till frantic a demise to goof us dire

Till bliss to die and goons forever .

Tis the promptitude of fugacious drill of lofted pitch

Unction's artillery and munitions for headstrong hurricanes ;

A loin upon which we can regiment and the identity of true nationhood

To roll out the fastidious garb of the gunsmiths ;

upon the hurricane voice crocheted little horses filibustering ,

there is no end to search for a true identity of the drowning man.

May 26, 2015


Blackfazenaija -a ragga,raggae ,dancehall musician and one of the most
prolific songwriters the nation has ever seen like Bongos Ikwue and
Tuface Idibia is also an Idoma of the original extraction.He was born
in 1974 at the Creek Military Hospital ,in the Obalende area of lagos
to the extended family of Mr and Mrs Ahmedu Ocholi.He is from Ogwule
,Aghatu local government area of Benue state .He was a founding member
of the defunct Plantation Boiz group which was formed in 2000
comprising of Tuface Idibia and Chibuzor Orji popularly known as
Faze and his humble self.The band released two albums-Body and
Soul{2000}and Sold
Out{2003} and they broke apart in 2004 though briefly re-united in
2007 for a 3rd album-Plan B.While his rift with Tuface over the hit
song-African Queen escalated,he maintained however a cordial
relationship with faze
Despite the cover up for Tuface ,some music fans still believe
Blackfazenaija was responsible for the hit songs that redefined the
career of many musicians. Already the beans had been spilled that

he did not only singlehandedly wrote African Queen all alone-a
personal confession (published on www.myspace.com/blackfazelive} even
though he claimed otherwise cited synergy but it also included loads
of hit songs.Others include hit songs-my Car(Tetuila),African
Woman{Weird M. C.} .The MTV Europe Award Winner(2005) in the best
African Of the yearcategory.
After the break up of the group,he started a solo carreer,on May
 ,2007 ,he released the hiphop album ,` Ghetto Child'-a collabo with
several artists.The remaining albums include-evergreen,Jungle
Fever,Me,Music and I,including dancehall.In the latest interview with
the correspondent ,the late release of the new album-Defender is
linked to piracy issues and the prospect and optimism of the incoming
government coming to the rescue and saving the day.
Blackfaze was shortly married for 8years to Dayo with two
kids-Caroline and Sam prior to Divorce.
Though the lifestyle of Blackfaze has changed over the years and is poised to ruggedly promotes his new album-The Defender with 19 tracks according

 to him is the most challenging . In the words of his manager-Whenu  Ayomitunde

he noted blackfaze major problem is basically selection problem- what
type of track to

 publish or the kind of singles to be selected and put on air.With a good

management team and proper selection strategy the nightmare of obscurity

may soon be over.