May 22, 2018


See ,here an epic of the golden morn greedily saunters
 the bland and groping sun hollers,
A hoary homilectics hoes the crying earth ,tingling the
bemused genre of avant-garde holloipoloi,
Not coronated by histrionics of houlier-than-thou  coyishness  and
 hoops of homologous dunghill;
Stoned I  hoofed and hooched on a hollowing crest ;
Hoisted on a hurl of fibrillated tendons ,hums and caricature
 of bayoneted charm ;
Hurtles and hustles bobs enbloc diadem ,whose enamel 
and enamour  enchanted this genre .

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Image result for pictures of sOYINKA

Hoops-jumpers  , honeyed and horological ,horrendous
but trudge like a  husky on a hussar;
 plough subconsciously  the sedentary horoscope;
Twerking  impedimenta  and impetuous  ,implausible as it sounds ,
curios imploded   ;
And the nobel erupted ,endearing its crust and firmament on  the
 impolitic afrocentric literary landscape;
-its quintessential  playwright and dramatis personae has come to
 stay  ;
Emoted ,denigrable and embroiled in an improvised ambush ;
The impulsive genre in an inflammatory emoliental  suburbs of
grey matter ,empathises  not black machismo .

Fiddly as it may,let it fiddle and let it cavort  with much ado ;
-a curlique on a smearing dub  as  cur and gallivant  of  irredentist
cumudgeon  and  bulshied  bogey  of ethnocentric jingoism  cues in vice ;
 Cretins in the jungle , cretinous and crispy , crappy and cowering
 cosseted the jungle;
Engross ,thou impertinent , the vibes and clickety-clung  of the bandwagon
jumpers ,clods and clumps thy fiddle ;
From clone  to clone-headlong ,clodhoppers like clockwork ,clinches
 to cosset;
Cipher  hound of climacteric hangover , de-cinched its tonic circumlocution .

A blarney stone –kisser out in a thump from a lonely cloud ,Soyinka ‘s
 grenades  ;
biblio-atomic missiles and ballistics fired from  its mortar and cityscape;
 worth more than its circus of cityslickers ;
To chaste the crying  earth and cages its burrowing lawns  ;
In this playground and playhouse ,the witty playcard is infested
 to intrigue with the bayoneted charm ;
Leaning on the grenades ,the musketeering of the jungle out of the medieval
Prowls ad-infinitum as grenadier’s gallantry dances on the sands of Sahara .

Howling mounds of picketed bathos wrangling wrought with dissipated steam ;
As gregarious chants in its fiefdom bastes this generic landscape  of the grey
 hack press ;
Detonated on the African soil –a diadem that could  have taken a millennium or half
 to  attain ;
The grenadier struck in adroit equanimity and untangled equipoise
to salvage this genre’s  sagging machismo;
Emaciated in this embankment , batsmen of acrimony and battalion of dudgeon-grovellers  
banters adnauseam .

Catawauls  o blimey they blink struck celerity with  the goblet of bayoneted  charm ,
to stab double-thinkers  to refute their  misgivings ;
A dour  on this peddlers of generic  leers  to douse its animosity  of the
grenadier ‘s milestone;
Turn to shred hoops-jumpers  and pitched behemoths and grenadier  in
A contest of nerves .
And thus in the latrine of ego-stripping they brawl-;

Achebe-:Tell  me  do you even merit  that nobel ?It’s my birthright and
You only use charm to stab  my back and collect what is mine .You never worth it-not
 even a dime of it ‘cos I owned and authored the African bible
Osho-yi-mi-ka-:Which birthright ?You vacuous ,plainant pointificate of a dour and
A coveted sebaceous bough ,you better think again.Which African Bible I beg your pardon?
Achebe :Things fall apart ‘of course having sold over 10 million copies and translated
into over 100 languages and one of the top 50books ever written .
Osho-yi-mi-ka :Oh I see ,you are befuddled by that bleat of  intimidating credentials of a sheer raconteur ,wheezing like a grampus ? Does that qualify for a nobel?If those were yardstick ,John Grisham ,Jeffrey Archer who sold over 250 million copies of his books or J.K. Rowling –the world most powerful ,richest author and also with the highest number of books ever sold –a staggering 450 million copies of  all Harry Porter Series or the man behind Fifty Shades Of Grey with whooping 125 million copies sold would have been a nobel laureate  by now .Apart from the Holy bible that reportedly sold over 5 billion copies-the highest  ever sold ,the guiness book of record and then  several billions sold by Quran,what  of Hardley Chase  or Dan Brown with his Da Vinci Code sold over 100million copies .Angels And Demons by Dan Brown also sold over 40 million copies ,what about that ?How many of these luminaries  were so awarded
Achebe:don’t be stupid my friend  you are not worth it .You are  not worth it .
Osho-yi-mi-ka:Damni it you lour, if you have nothing to say you probably keep quiet  .
Achebe:But I have more proffesorship chairs,doctorates  and laurels in my entire lifetime career than you do.How come you boast?
Osho-yi-mi-ka:You ranting of an ant ,a single  nobel exceeds all of these your voluminous verbosities  and trash put together .Be contented with what you have –a raconteur  of the highest order .Come to think of it .You are master novelist but am a  master of all trades jack of all-from prose ,fiction ,poetry ,dramatist and all gamuts-name it  .Am an epitome  of  high art,my works are of pristine values am a wordsmith or a pun smith  as they call it ,writing from the original culture of the most original tribe –Yoruba in the whole world  .For your information ,nobel is not a popularity contest .Do I craft as you craft –a pun-smith sovereign general of the federation and African literature So,hide your head yourself in shame and keep quiet.
Thrown into a huff galled by grenadier’s missiles petulant saturated ,Achebe  with capsized  visage  and battered psychosomatically , evanesced and was  later confined to a lifelong wheelchair.WHO KNOWS THE PSYCHOLOGICAL DEFEAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN RESPONSIBLE FOR THE AC CIDENT ?An envious mind hardly sees clearly when he drives or subconsciously might infect even  the driver , colleagues and allies    .It hurts though  he might never have admitted it .Poetic dialogue travels into the spiritual world of the two writers to unmask subconscious words , spoken beyond the physical realm that we speak every day.

Bayoneted charm –a pathetic stab on horseback of a  paranoid
and the impudent of garrulous  insanity ;
See, how the grenadier  ‘s grenades  perhaps sealed  untimely 
daisy –kick of the Behemoth;
Success is golden and the grenadier is no equal to grovelers;
Like the incandescent light bulb that penetrates deepest darkness and once a
 champion,always a champion.

Now lounging on a luscent –lushes ,the lumberjack  of the
 kooked mules and knuckle headed luddites ;
Jousting  like a plain pikestaff  romping on a pizzazz,pattering
,peregrinatory beyond persiflage ;
Painterly praming the ovarian outshine of his judgemental
Jubilant in the joyride as the old sleigh bells to relish its inundating
See, how he outfoxed  amidst the out-triggering sails to break the
 jinks,the jihaddists  and the jinxes;
In this jocular jockey, raming regurgitates its mount Olympus
 Melodramatic odyssey .

                                       KONGI’S   DOSIER

With the Swamp  Dwellers  in 1958 and Dance Of The Forest in
Though  salvo was fired first as a playwright ,a bard and in this
Forest he first danced to bankroll the figment of Thespianism
And Nigerianism in the sixties ;
A jolly,jollier  and jolliest  of the Kongi Harvest ‘s inveigled nature
of teleology;
To unwrap and wriggle into being seventies’ eco-genesis  and   the
polymorphosis of the motion pictures industry ;
Garlanded by the inversion of time to invoke the inviolable
 paradigm of black machismo ;
Heypresto , with munitions and biblio-atomic missiles ,his rocket
 alights ;

To shoot the genesis  of golden pen dipper with Keffi’s Birthday
Treat in 1954, topped with  The Invention  in 1957 ;
And the dwellers that swamp,erupted  in 1958 and wreathed by the Quality
 of violence and the  Lion and The Jewel
As they wrestled for ovation  in 1959 wriggled with the   trials of Brother
Jero  ;
Like the Dance of the Forest ,the Cosmopolitan journeyman ,thronged  stardom
 With My Father’sBurden which took the sixties by storm ;
Strong Breed , Before the Blackout and Kongi’s Harvest coasted to press
 in 1964;

Unlike The Road in 1965 and the Mad Men and the Specialists in 1970;
The Bacchae of Euripides ,Camwood on The Leaves and Jerro’s Metamorphosis
Thrived in undissimilar fashion;
Churned out like a hatricks in 1973 and in 1984 ,Sixty-Six Short Piece and A
Play of Giants complemented this  momentum;
With The Death And the King’s Horseman  in 1975,the coast was clear for
 a Nobel ;
Erupted in 1986 with bucketful of global accolades for this bingo of binoculared
 black.a.moor ;
 Bespoke as a nobel  and  out in a thump as a chevalier  ,with psyche that grins ;--------smiling at problem
like Cheshire cat against  apparent  oddities ,to rise to the bait of apotheosis;               with his faith

The Dionysian bard in 1977 electrified audience  with Opera Wonyosi ,
 Requiem For A Futorologist unmasked  in 1983;
And  From Zia with love in 1992,two radio plays – A scourge of Hyacinths
 and Document of identity rolled out in 1999 ;
The beautifications of Area Boys in 1996 and King Babu in 2001 ;
Etiku Revu Wetin and Alapata  Aapata  unveiled in 2011 to the public ;

The coastguardman  of pen-dippers  , sole Afro-punsmith sobriqueted
like William Shakespeare ;
And the sovereign prime editor   of African literati and its marathon comic
With the dexterity of expressionistic-impressionism,this firmament that struck --somebody that express
Explicitly with high explosives.-----himself clearly with great force both by feeling and real experience
Still flat-spined ,fleeced and soiled in the fogbank of African fleapits ;
Might be undone for millennia its forbears and forbidden ground ,
Let alone play footsie its forbidden fruit with the resonating prowls
of fledglings in its forays and forages;
A deity has been added to African pantheon of gods and goddesses ,
Still we know it not in a garrison town where garbages of acrimony ,
Littered the biblio-centric and biblio-philic landscape;

Genuflect ,you  mountains ,condescend you hills and valley ,you  hatchetmen
And helmsmen Of the jungle ;
Hobson choice fain thee to detest and a hemlock dregs -gulped  worthy penal
 can exit  derisive bird of passage
And garbages incinerated could  heave  homosapien a sigh of relief . 


A clangor went out from the west
Like the spheroid went out  everywhere
Swankily ,swansong capsized .
Grouching , swashbuckled enclave swarmed off its sward
And thus from the spigot,  it thus began anew
Remote clangor suspended no bridge
Goons synecdoche ,alarmed  and relinquished syncretism
Syrupy glands dissuade from the backwaters .
As tacky velvety tabulates tact in tantrums of

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old greybeard
Tilted into a filth  and the stench like a meteor had  fizzled out .

The forlorn mnemonics of the tardiest  engross , tilted and steamnumbered
Tinkles on;
Engross in the tingle , totebag peddles threadbare of the tittle-tattle;
As tinder pot fizzles out , tintinnabulation hurled into dunghill;
Western clangor  cast  down with the   sadomasochism  and the
clangor of the clansmen , sickled totty and tousling –a white
elepha nt hedonism  hot-blodded by the clangor of the clansmen ;
Ebullient in pruriency,dine-bibing and wine-bibing ,winpled nest  rarer ,gone
on exile .

Behold ,the treasure trove’s travelogue ferret  traps even as treachery  hung
 its treacling molasses over Alupluto ;
The boon of the grappling hook trots the Trojan to work like the Trojan ;
Veneer parole and parody vending, dismayed  with the last straw of the
trump card ;
Whacky and whamming  cascade pummeled ;
                                                    THE CLANGOR OF THE MOUSES
With a burnt midnight oil on a sofa ,pummeling claws squashes ferret ;
Puerile pugnacity,  pudgy-crawls tumescence ;
Pullulation  was mischievous and dead ,pulsing and pulsating,
Puling and puking nestling ado ;
Behold ,  the puffiness of the pulverized bloke now ,cold blodded- a pukka heraldry
 raptured at the binge of the pulchritude  ;
With pun, pounced into  punch, prurience  punctilious so punchiest, 
Puppy love punted  ,quarried  and quavered ,rack and ruin did he go
With a raft;

With troucing tinkle squashes ado
Quirk of little quaint ,hung in Rabelaisian racecourses, feast on ravishing ire;
White elephant ravens frost and razzle ;
Upon this pond ,he trods on treachery ,rockier and rock solid ,raveling and roosting
Salacity like a whore;
…………………………………………………………..contd .

Alas in the tempest of the dusk , a seafarer with a ferry at River Abesi ;
Rankling with barrage of scurrility ,scuzzily  scuttles golden seasons  get on seas ;
With pending seagoing seamless and searing , the seadog thus banters
Was begun ;
“Bandits sauntered  the waters
And demand thee a ransom –a ransom of thy soul;
Holoipoloi gutted with serfdom  as they abode the high river ;
Gather crest for wit,writ and summons and now,Abesi  held as
 gunboat diplomatic spot ;
Pry no more whence  I come and pry now more whence i go and
 We Aluplutans,whirly-whizzy , assailed and war -clouded  by maurauders
 , hung on a precipice ;
Pinked  with alarming presages  and unsettled by impecabble prescience;
 Go no plonker and a marvel at the writ of thy kindred ;

A pie eyed piggish monster whose archery long lost to the grappling hook ;
Demented piece de resistance ;
Pilloried by pigment , piecemeal piecework and patchwork hung  pillocks
Being galled to guillotines and nethers was plain as pikestaff’
A thousand bandit playthings,a plenitude of plebeians  and tens of
thousands of puppeteer struck into sheol at River Abesi ;
Cannibals pounced on pyromaniac and pyrotechnics as potbelly
Preens precocity craft ferried in Alupluto;
Here we sojourn but not forever –promenades-in-transit ,welded clangour mongers ;
May we not be dismayed as sojourners ;
Amidst the mouses hurled down by whams and whiffy ,sniffing the whiffy ,moult
 mounded for adventures ;
Now muckraking embellish ,muck as mucilage in the west ;
No muchness elsewhere as muddle and mulletering interred on a mulch ;
As multimedia perchs loftily unfolding the mugshots ;
Necromancy and neurosis unwinds nuke and nozzles;
And nought ogles away as clangor mongering resinated ;
Opacity templates disposed with omnipresence oozes  its agate.

Pacifism fades away as we sojourn ;
Banditry palmier than ever before zooms off with frozen pale beyond
Pale annexed  annex the clansmen ;
Where  palatino’ s punditry heed the pamphleteer’s pally for stratagem;
Clangor monger mongering panache gins to flex ;
Paragliding of paroxysm and punchline bamboozled raids paunchy ire;
Headed to Alehouses and the bottle of wine,the lumps of scabrous  and
sloven sloth resonated and sauntered ;
where snake charmers and white elephants dulcified witchcraft;
Lost in the smokescreen the smoothiers smouldered and smooched
to hedonism;
And the hades as smoke fire went everywhere ;
Smutty ,sooty  now soluble fungue –blokes evanesced to the east ;
Battalions in their triples waded through the  stagy ploughed sonority ;
To augment the stanchion ,the beamlight malls greet greadily ;
Jubilant as the old sleigh bells ,dine and wine ,;
Swamp of old boggy slumbers and sloughedvrising meteor ‘
And dampens veneer parody ;
Smalltalk and smalltime smarmier ,giddying offences and playing stallion;
Venerations and verisimilitude separated by a mile smeared of vestry ;
Cicero’s blarney stone as lean as Sancho ;s ass and lazy as toad detest ravenous
 wolf ‘s nature to salve ; 


Cocoon of  skullduggery  skirted in a skulk ;
Thatched with skid row romp and Sisyphean of  a gully ;
Slams of slanging match slather the siblings of a whore ;
Sloppy and sloggy gulls its slobbery ;
And slushed with Machiavellian scrimmages  the scud –diver amidst
the Sisyphean of slakes scribbled with schmaltz  and schism of the trolls ;
Tsunami of hurly-burly ,howling as tug of war thronged nature ,singing
And striking its  strings of thub-thumping bells-its tubular bells;
Shindig and shibboleth not yet sewered  to shilly-shally witly-sentinel;
As skimpy froth unslakens  sleight of hand

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, slunk in broad daylight;
Sob-narratives and soap boxes hurled   in public square , vacuity-detached ;

That they as sniffer dogs dare no sneaker-detest;

Thraldom of  sodden –fountain spangled human and Moorish sod ;
Sobriety   sombred at the solitude of ill-bliss fountain’s variegated soi-disant ;
Turpitude-turn turtle, twigs the twilight of twenty-twenty vision ;
Schmucks  and pillocks , benighted as they come ,benighted as they go;
Twilight zone not yet prowled that sclerosis may bleed and heal ;
Behold cramp here hilt to thresh ;From a flotilla  of a filigree and  a filigree of
 farrago  ;
Hence the farce and the fable of the hodge-podge  enveloped the public square;
Sulks of sulky submergence circumvent stymied squeaky clean apogee;

O Sisyphean of slakes ,why did you err?
O Sisyphean of slakes ,insouciant and iridescent , thou babylon of slatterns
and supercilious subterfuges;
Haunted with ironworks of the irreverend smokescreen ,censure and subjudice
waylaid thee at the bickering of strands ;
Deadbeat and dead duck unctions its cubicle of the strands ;
Uncouth broth of candour , refutes remorse feeding upon the glee of banality.

Refrain time refrain pawned season as benevolent sulker stalks as the dickens
 for new moon  ;
Corpus whacked dunghill, pale yellowish, hungry wolves ,cognoscenti of
the nethers;
Coldblooded and cold hearted cringed not , nor  pine away to croak;
Sisyphean deafens deathknell  and the earth groans  ;
Treacly of treachery hurled into trenches of treachery avalanche ;
A zone not yet thawed  remorseless twiddles the slakes;
Still they bulge off the trolley with the twain of the trolls ,higgle-piggledied;
And the revels  of the clowns smote on ………..contd

Trojan horses –the zone’s gladiators  serenaded on exile ;
Behold rampart is fallen ,where are the gladiators ?
A flotila is gone  and the forester is long dead  .