The battle of freedom is the greatest price to be paid for a quality standard of living and pathetically we barely concern ourselves with the purposeful institutionalisation of its significance,trading them instead for passing frivolities.The battle may not be won in a lifetime for the majority and someday one midas touch could guarrantee the actualisation and attainment of universal freedom.The majority barely see the future and with the superficial mind they routinise the day.
Those who are cheesepairing with facts will not sacrifice intergrity for the wits'end.We club together the misfortune of a lifetime and not the glory asthe fortune invariably the heritage of the destined ones and the longsited.When we are freed who knows we might have safeguard by so doing the intergrity of our generation in a lifetime of continence.We know the contingency of purpose is as weighty as the contingency of intergrity.To consumate a purposeful drive requires an extremely concomitant contemplation of the lumi
naries and their
Those who are cheesepairing with facts will not sacrifice intergrity for the wits'end.We club together the misfortune of a lifetime and not the glory asthe fortune invariably the heritage of the destined ones and the longsited.When we are freed who knows we might have safeguard by so doing the intergrity of our generation in a lifetime of continence.We know the contingency of purpose is as weighty as the contingency of intergrity.To consumate a purposeful drive requires an extremely concomitant contemplation of the lumi
naries and their