March 6, 2020


The battle of freedom is the greatest price to be paid for a quality standard of living and pathetically we barely concern ourselves with the purposeful institutionalisation of its significance,trading them instead for passing frivolities.The battle may not be won in a lifetime for the majority and someday one midas touch could guarrantee the actualisation and attainment of universal freedom.The majority barely see the future and with the superficial mind they routinise the day.
Those who are cheesepairing with facts will not sacrifice intergrity for the wits'end.We club together the misfortune of a lifetime and not the glory asthe fortune invariably the heritage of the destined ones and the longsited.When we are freed who knows we might have safeguard by so doing the intergrity of our generation in a lifetime of continence.We know the contingency of purpose is as weighty as the contingency of intergrity.To consumate a purposeful drive requires an extremely concomitant contemplation of the lumi
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naries and their

March 2, 2020


The greatest challenge to the development practice of mordern era as it were over the ancient,is how get men sufficient sanity and mobilise them rational decorum with the right fortitude ably to know the past for us toclearly see the future.We know that without the past we cannot see the future and how absurd is it toassume the most insane dictum that'without seeing the future we cannot truly know the past'.It clearlyindicates that the future is written in the past and it is clear enough to see the future,made of samelaw.
The entire complex forces of nature are made of the same laws and written in the same language of mathematics.The purest verdict of nature is a settled price of freedom,exchanged at the rate at which history is written or being constantly rewritten.We are at war,with ourselves and with nature when we hardly yet unravel the true price of freedom with which to free the unborn generation.We would have created them serfdom,had
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we not relinquish the partriarchal and matriarchal power of childcare.


To jettison the great charters of liberty is to be glaringly absconded and better still kidnapped even before our very humble eyes back into slavery.We are slaves then of our fellow men,of mighty men,of distinct realms,of superior nations and of complex forces of nature.We are simply a reworked bone and marrow of these forces that some sectarian class of mankind,claimed to have dominated.The great charters must have indeed spread its tentacles and dragnet over all realms for humanity to be truly freed,not excluding its operative spheres of constitutional restraint.It is absurd to assume the potency of the economic and political freedom in an environment declared bankrupt of the commensurate students of history.Who will rewrite the checkered antecedence without the golden pen and declare moribund and unkempt the rational means of attainment of the golden antecedence?Mountains would not glorify mahomet,where this clarity is missing.Weare freed by what we know and this strictly defines its mundane basic texture.


Economic freedom like political freedom,without intellectual freedom is at the rootstock of human misery and a malediction to mordern civilisation as it were over the medieval and enlightenment.Infact its murky fog is an impossible venture to wade.And considering the growth of institutional and legal freedom of mordern era,there is no clarity yet over the nature and size of liberty,required in a social order system,that guarrantees social order and equity.Let the eyes of men be opened to demand their freedom of the type amply sufficient to engender social equity and justice.The liberty of the mind,the libertas of the spirit and the known democractic freedoms such as the freedoms of speech and association are vital components of the intellectual freedom architecture.They conformed to the relative structure of the architecture to be energetic with fortitude to demand the value chains of great charters.People are truly freed when they indeed are truly freed from the mind,spirit,soul and from the environment.


there can be no true economic freedom and without intellectual freedom there can be no true ideological freedom.Without ideological freedom so says the great charters there can be no political and social freedom.Intellectual freedom upon its attainment will ensure and guarrantees partisan cultural freedom and not untill the attainment of technological and spiritual freedom,aggregate economic freedom is practically downright impossible to attain.The first prime movers of great charters specifically the flightand revolution of intellectual freedom are undoubtedly the great students of history who at their lowest ebb of human wilderness discover glorious holy curiousity with the penchant to rewrite the villainous part of that history.The majestic embrace of discipleship someday catapults its prominence and stardom.It travelled faster than the speed of light when mated and weaned from the umbilical cords of those men oriented to trade its charters even beyond the stanchion and confines of ideological freedom.


We barely unravel the great charters of liberty two hundred years since the adam Smith,yet we have managed to get the road paved towards the dawn of economic freedom.We think we move faster than history itself and we cannot be perplexed now by the ignorance of how to embrace the great charters for ultimate economic freedom.Economic freedom over the years indeed becomes a mirage and though intentions of policy makers and scientists are heavenly,but nobody did tell us how to get there.We are as boring as the dreary charter that galvanise our procession and as great as the great charter that drives possesion.The latter will speak for us in the new age of marsolism and this era of universal capitalism.The first prime motive of the great charters is intellectual freedom and the sole harbinger of the remainder value chain of freedoms,vital to attain true economic freedom.Intellectual freedom is the forunner of ideological freedom,sculptured to attain social freedom and political freedom.Without political freedom,..


The greatest price of freedom ever discovered lies in the evaluation and valuation of the wealth of history.The competition for glory,entrenched in the annals of history and its chronicles of the successive times of human progress and failure as the chronicler and archivist of the human existence,is unarguably the most powerful libido of human existence.We are forced to repeat glorious times and sometimes challenge them.The shrewdest mind will not maneauvre to quit and every walk under sun,will be motivated by the shadow of glorious times and barely quittill they are challenged and such records broken.Every generation must pay this price of freedom with the singular motive of advancing the cannon of mordern civilisation far beyond the threshold of previous civilisation.Cummulatively,it requires collective interest be advanced as general self interest is progressed,in the rewarding climate of nations'succesful capacity building and innovativeresponsibility.We have a price to pay and it is this price of freedom


We are planted on the soil of freedom,enriched according to our knowledge of the great book of history.History often paginated by philosophy,is the greatest antidote to conservation of existence and survival preservation.To be learned of it is to exhibit expertise good enough and discharge outstanding responsibilities of a nation and be responsible by aggregate to the entrenched custom of its people.We risk bear the consequences if we are allowed to be driven like a sloth and slave into allien land,in the event of calumniating our roots and origin.We shall live to fight another day when we have remembered our history and the epochs of golden antecedence once rewritten by golden pen.When we are fed up with that yoke of slavery we shall once again return to our glorious heritage and rediscover our cultural civilisation,the best of its kinds worldwide.We pay the greatest price of freedom,when we have read and master the memoirs of our great history and then execute action strategies rediscovered in a new way .

February 26, 2020


The wisest thing mankind can do under sun is to contribute meaningfully to the riches of their history.The future of a nation and people belong to their history and it can only get betterfor the wisest nation with the richest history.First let them grow theirintellectual history,a repertoireto enrich cultural history and a vocabulary of intellectual freedom,indeed,the magical charmof realfreedom.Who knowssomedaymight produce once again great students of history who willonce again rewrite the great historyofthat nation to the rapturous embrace oftheir disciples.The path ofdevelopment and the practice for alargerstretch of history has perpetually traverse the linear synopsis ofthis quintessence.We arefreed by history,for them if wefail to know it,then weare enslavedby history.Togrow the population of the students ofhistory,we risk nothing but gainso much more a highly cerebral gradient of homosapiens.It ushersin the dawn of a new civilisationthat can only be accelerated by the revolution ofintellectual freedom


greatest is the confidence the real audacity of hope.The entrepreneurship spirit of the attributes begins with faith in the vision and ends with it.When you cannot see above the spiritual challenges of the vision,the mission is dead long before arrival or being conceived.We are the greatest watchers of our freedom upon the pillars of freedom,above and beneath we lay hold of posterity,of distant clouds for which the generation before us may not have conceived even before their time.The task of seeing ahead of time is quite uncommon even among the visionary leadership and a lonerager perhaps in a thousand years is permitted to open up the perilous canyon,penetrate the jagged cliffs and the deepblue seas to make thevision a reality.A good personal destiny assesment is needed when golden antecedence constantly written and being rewrittenby goldenpen is reviewed.The innovative mind will pick up the gauntlet and advance thefrontiers of golden antecedence beyond the chargrin ofextant generation and thoseyetto come.


The exemplary of leadership artistic beauty or core values'aesthetics lies in the uniqueness of vision.It measures the strength of inner direction of the leadership,the problem solving charm,a sense of the human intergrity,both in words and deeds.It also the charisma of potential action budgeting and action respectively and the brilliant capability to effectively communicate the vision to the general acceptability of the followership.Just like Ghandi'I must first be the change,i want to see in the world'and so leadership is the first change agent and the last change agent.And good change begins first with that glorious vision for which history sometimes find it hard to repeat.The general attributes of visionary leadership from creating the legal framework,creating the opportunities,confidence charming to garner followership,innovation to high expection and great optimism,delegation,recognition of natural talent,maintainance of balance in action and words to the challange of assuming general responsibility,the


the clarity of the mission,the organisational spirit of the leadership and virtually every part of him must be workable to that specific goal.The human artist often stakes visionary eyes on the main horizon,the final shores of dreamland,working on shared sense of purpose,with uncommon passion,insight,unpopular imagination and credible but unsung visualisation,to get the bigger picture into reality.The golden words and action must be undertaken with the intentionality of fulfilling the ideals of ministry of purpose,that the human artist ordinarily subscribe to.And it is pretty simple,every action driven by the vision,its strategic plan must be compatible to the final goal.I call this process'action budgeting'that also measures critically the impending strategic impact of such action before they are taken.The uniqueness of the ministry of the purpose is the staking of visionary eyes on the final goal.The visioneers initiate action and possibly enlist the participatory spirit of action of fellow stakeholders.


fulfills the accomplishment of a lifetime.That mysterious inner process that enables him to work his magic over the larger world and mobilises the generality of the people or collective interest with him to achieve the greater good popularly known as vision must be his breastplate towards getting the energy to execute the roadmap and plan to make the world a betterplace to live.Faith and passion must bind his operative girdle and when achievement to a certain level is generated,each generation of mankind is endeared to do self analysis and social analysis to enable them to gain foresight into the extent of social progress made.
The preface of the plan in a visionary style of leadership should be based on a balanced expression of spiritual,mental ,emotional and psychological values that better stimulates valuable relationship and innovative action.The progress of innovative action is clearly unraveled by the visionary leadership of human arts involved.A cohere
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nt vision gives you the clarity of the mission,

February 25, 2020


We are made to serve our fellow men and this prickly of an etchinated incontrovertible fact that in the service of mankind we rise and in the same service of mankind we fall.The best value we can add to humanity is in the service of mankind,growing the artistic beauty of history beyond the reach of diverse generation before us.We raise mankind a notch higher by one smarter effort at serving humankind better.By the service of mankind,we glorify the beauty of history and accordingly epitomises the quality and quantity of service at our disposal as the sacrificial lamb towards neplusulstra.Mankind cannever rise above the quantity of service it offers herself at a particular period.The greater the service,the greater the reward and one unifying factor for the entire mankind inextricably linked to glory of the service,mankinddesires.Devising the matter to strictly get quality service at the disposal of necessity.Timely eloquent services disposed at the orgy of needy condition will through the perseverance of art


The moment of truth invariably comes once,in a life time.But many birds truly speaking will never get to their destination.The fortitude of the eagles cannot be compared with the enduring might and the unruly velocity of the falconers.Yet both are amazing migratory birds with a mission to accomplish,organise effectively and the flying waves to charter.
The characters of the workforce and the grits of what they do,in the ministry of purpose,with truly amazing followership of a chosen course basically reflects the lonely walk of a destiny and a foundry for leadership development.The critical choices we take and human reflections that follow them increases the quality of a decision.
This biased framework will be raptured with apposite behavioural custom and a robust habit formation pattern undertaken will maximises the quality of the decision and the most rational choice.The stability of pursuit otherwise known as persistence and perspiration with the timeless piece of human action ochestrates the wits'en
10 Boxers who have died in the Ring | I Luve Sports


Every history is written in the mood of its time and not to be disputed by the sanctity of time that authors it.Beware of the great watchers on the great walls of freedom and the iron curtain that separates the muleteers from the sagacious.
The templates for efficient authorship of golden history are almost the same all over the world and share the same responsibility by the opposing arts in question.Believe in yourself,believe,never quits,never quits,sound so hollow,but the same gospel ever preached by the most audacious motivational authors and speakers.
It is not given to every one to do as they will,do as they please,will as they wish and wish as they will.It sound so grotesque and maddening to travel the road less traveled by the majority.We are betrothed to our golden dreams and ambition like the tendency of a conjugal knot.Avoid the nightmare of a nuptial knot and bad betrothed,the same for humanity for the long haul predisposed to make wrong choices.However,the incorri
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gible notion of the perilous pattern


antecedence to be written by evasive golden pen.It cannot be disputed so to say incontrovertible to avers that to be written by golden pen,there should be commensurate golden antecedence,otherwise laborious age without pity could be whiskeyed into obscurity of history.
The change of history,a long chain of automated time tested verdict management by mothernature scores practically low the obscurity of history.The task of being written with golden pen is a critical choice to be determined by the human arts involved.We are known by virtues of history and writteninto existence by the extramundane and innate golden pen of unbroken antecedence.
We shall soon be written off into obscurity at the exit of allotted time of life and with that broken antecedence we are written down forever by the orgy of time,the author of the book ofculture,history.To make the mark,identifying the invisible hand we might live forever someday and if not we are bedevilled with the errone
A Trans Man Steps Into The Ring – And Wins His Debut As A ...
ous choices of the unsung.Great historians make it.


We strive hard to write a good history for the good of mankind.We offer the best legacy that money cannot buy and to be remembered by history,it takes a contribution of golden antecedence to get there.We cannot make history brighter if we fail to make ourselves greater.We make it boldly written by golden pen for it to be remembered for the long time to come.
Triumph of history collectively is the triumph of the golden pen and golden antecedence,of whichdearth of such trophies grieviously stares us in the face.We takethe best option possible and unravelthe cheapest means to attain and resolve the most difficult task possible in living history.Every man has a destiny but we choose carefully which type of action badly needed to get us there.We might not see the rainbow in the sky but we can read the stars in the sky enough to make cogent decision and avert misharp often linked with destiny mispresentation.
Let us make ourselves brighter and brighter each passing day and there will be much abundance of golden
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Do not underestimate the powers of your action when you have taken a good decision,from the basket of numerous choices.It has the powers to make and unmake you,die and resurrect you,form and reform you.The powers of action are infinitely material,indefinitely creative,scientifically inventive and good or bad,judiciously outcome oriented.
When we cannot create a thing or a substance upon this framewok,then we barely know the optimal value of time and time investment returns.Ages are made to grow stale or old,dungeon for the prisoners of conscience and animals to move in pairs,perhaps for the mating period,but those not given to the right custom,let alone yearn to motivate themselves,will be dislocated from the expected benefit of union's benediction.
What a material laws of success.Then a diverse set of people had refused to nurture those skills to garner themselves attendant benefits,speaks of the lethargy embedded in human capability perpetually engrained with sickly intention and p
Ethiogrio - Is this Britain's worst boxer? 'Human punchbag' gets ...
rejudices to make wrong choices.


The different between the rich and the poor lies in the choices they take.Prejudice should not be the calculated risk of the latter but they are so tied to this tangled knot and umbilical cord of misery andfound it downright impossible to extricate them.A bad habit formation spurred and motivated by prejudice,arduous nut to crack.
The only power for transformation is the type that begins from within and i believe themost ambitious should changetheir association.Toget it right they should desire to emulate the success principles of succesful people.
To those who aspire to be kings and queens,they are expected to work and associate themselveswith princes and princesses,kings and queens battling forthe crowns and thrones of confirmed kingdoms.And to those who wish to climb the mountaintop,they should endeavour to climb everest first.The challenge is not whether the imposibility is possible,but whether there are enough valiant minds to take the diffic
Steps can be taken to increase the safety of boxers in the ring ...
ult decision and plunge into the sea.What we know will free us.

February 24, 2020


Human choices are definitely intergral part of the nature and proportion of accomplishment,we desire to make.Wise choices then are basically identified by the outcome of the outlays that empirically supplanted them.We are either dignified by these choices that we take or ridiculed by them.It is therefore expedient to choose wisely and it takes an art or science to plunge into the deepest seas unscathed.The decision has to be positive enough to float on the high sea or risk being drowned by the tapestry of uncertainties.It is this inherent risk mostly associated with action that we are bent to guide against.Amidst several or voluminous choices,taking a decision to choose the right goal and set a vision or ambition,requires enormous amount of data and data analysis or contextual facts with the right instinct or observation to get a softlanding.We are simply investing time in such benchmark of uncertainties and the quality of wise choices and decision would be known by the longrun manifestation of this outcome.


distinguished in whatever we do without getting our priorities right.We have an equal chance like archimedes to stand on the mountains of himalayas and the everest to change the world.The dignity of labour like the dignity of destiny does not afford us such uncommon fortune.
It may take a thousand years to master that monument unless we are adequately informed and amply predisposed to master the optimal benefit of strategy management and execution over a given vantage point of expertise,we might not be so lucky to reach in due time our much vaunted wits ends.Time investment can be wisely and profitably invested on good habit,a fertile soil for rapid returns.
With such credible investment,time does fly away in vain without reward for the time investors.A good habit formation both maximises the quality of empiricism and time investment and it properly indicates a purposeful life.A good time investment speaks positively of a good history and a good education properly left behind,to be emul
Welterweight Boxers Fighting In Ring Referee On Side High-Res ...
ated by successive times.