April 14, 2020


THE MARSOLIST MANIFESTO AND THE ABRAHAM'S LAW : THE TRUE INVISIBLE HAND.12.the nominal debt interest rates with scanty impact on real debt rate. In addition,higher expected debtflation rate tends to be built into the debt income rates  increases where the market rates are applied, using her  effect on how debt monetary changes influence real income.
Moreover, the relationship  response of debtflation and high unemployment and inequalities of wealth.There are so many possible measures of price debtflation,hence it refers to  a rise in the exchange of debt prices, relative to reaction of  market driven debt cycle and debt monetary transmission mechanism respectively.The broad credit price index, assumes the standard benchmark as the overall consumer credit price index to measure the market for debt goods and services of the broad economy.
The per capita debt consumption expenditures that measure aggregate debt money demand and the GAP debtflator are some of the few consumer credit broad price indices, available for use by policy makers.DEBTFLATION will show also the growth rate of GAP per annum, in the debt economy being the GDP equivalent of the mainstream economy and we can add them together when they interact at the  domestic exchange,including broad COMO and broad OMO respectively.
Then rising debt turnovers, debt money velocity rate, not necessarily debt money supply, and the rising activity of debt goods and
Inside The Wall Street Journal, Tensions Rise Over 'Sick Man ...
services including broader set of microfinancial assets, reflects the..


THE MARSOLIST MANIFESTO AND THE ABRAHAM'S LAW : THE TRUE INVISIBLE HAND.12.the nominal debt interest rates with scanty impact on real debt rate. In addition,higher expected debtflation rate tends to be built into the debt income rates  increaseswhere the market rates are applied, using her  effct on how debt monetary changes influence real income.
Moreover, the relationship  response of debtflation and high unemployment and inequalities of wealth.There are so many possible measures of price debtflation,hence it refers to  a rise in the exchange of debt prices, relative to reaction of  market driven debt cycle and debt monetary transmission mechanism respectively.The broad credit price index, assume the standard benchmark as the overall consumer credit price indexto measure the market for debt goods and services of the broad economy.
The per capita debt consumption expenditures that measure aggregate debt money demand and the GAP debtflator are some of the few consumer credit broad price indices, available for use by policy makers?DEBTFLATION will show also the growth rate of GAP per annum, in the debt economy being the GDP equivalent of the mainstream economy and we can add them together when they interact at the  domestic exchange,including broad COMO and broad OMO respectively.Then rising debt turnovers, debt money velocity rate, not necessarily debt money supply, and the rising activity of debt goods a
nd services including broader set of microfinancial assets, reflects the..


THE INDISPENSABILITY AND IMMORTALITY OF HUMAN THINKING.PART.2.lifespan and response rate and intelligence quotient of human conscious age,
lay in the depth of knowledge field that on a particular topic, event or issues at hand.Its telesco Pl ic telestation receives exterior and posterior or interior strategic impulses from shinning sun of postconscious mind age.This is the mind of the universe, the sole fillet that fills the subconscious mind, and in the same way, subconscious ages of the mind barely retreat from its implosive impulses,so do the conscious and the unconscious minds,refrain from the domineering antics of the subconscious mind.
Infact to be precise based on various medical spiritological case studies, there is psycho -cosmogonic empirical evidence that in the anatomical spectre of the human macrouniverse, there are seven macro universes that correspond with the seven external macrouniverses of nature and the seven senses or sensors of man in general and their galaxies at large.
First let me define the word consciousness before we move one in this particular psychocosmogonic extraction.A modern dictionary definitely defines it as the condition of awareness, of inward knowledge of something specifically your existence and one's right.A condition of being alert awake to understand what is happening.knowledge of feeling of a certain kind that is not clear.It refers to awareness and all the ideas, fe
Creating a Successful Laboratory Training Program | Lab Manager
elings and opinions. To be precise it means to be conscious of one 's


THE INDISPENSABILITY AND IMMORTALITY OF THINKING.PART.1.We are bent to endorse the indispensability and immortality of thinking and thinking practice, with sheer grit of unrestrained ego.With it, we contend for the utmost prize of glory.In the thinking enterprise, we communicate with the inner man, a pure psychlogical stress and entertainment. That we are bound to encompass our being with the indispensability and immutability of thinking s the operative mechanism of human existence,tells us of its eternal quantifying magnitude as the sole everlasting alimony of ontology.Strategically,the operative mode of human thinking could come in different forms,types and brands as maybe advertised by the generation of psychologic and cosmogonic waves that underpin them.They are in most cases influenced by the strategic direction of the subconscious powers of the human mind.According to medical spiritology, the subconscious mind as the operative theatre of human thinking activity could be regarded as the center of the human universe that utilises hired brain colourful images to influence and catalyse the behaviour and tradition of the unconscious and conscious mind psychology.Through the senses of the visible and invisible eyes'communicative powers,in patnership with other six macrosenses,using their reactionary and responses metering devices, it influences the behaviours and habbits,customs and tradition of both conscious, unconscious and post conscious minds.First
of all, the aggregate


THE ARTS OF TIME:THE PROGRESSION AND RETROGRESSION OF HISTORY IN AN EXISTENTIALIST ERA.part 1.We shall be contented to review happenstances and circumstances surrounding human pedigrees in which we are acquainted with in recorded times.Hence for a vast swathe of mortal history, myths and legends, to the ignorant folks,might seem frittering away judicious use of time and squandering mental energy vital for development practice.The passage of time provided a solution when Hesiod and Homer put those complex myths into writing and created a platform for the legends to be debated.
This struck out thraldom of fear from a man's psyche and exploded explosive growth in academic scholarships, and ever since there was clearer understanding of the sorcerers stone puzzles.Human thinking rose ferociously to quell the previous illogicity of fallacies that held sway over the preceding ages.This evolution opened the floodgate of intellectual freedom for the first time in recorded times and paved way for the plethora of mankind's ideological freedom.They debunked the tales of the gods as mere invention of man and these myths mostly religious myths when debunked allowed not growth of logic and ideological freedom, but over time the foundation of mordern science and technology erupted from its rubbles.
Those epochal discoveries that traversed through time, engendered quantum leap that afforded us explosive growth in mordern civilisation. The main task behind ideological freed
Where is the world's windiest city? Spoiler alert: it's not ...
om was to challenge the


HE ARTS OF TIME:THE PROGRESSION AND RETROGRESSION OF HISTORY IN AN EXISTENTIALIST ERA.PART 2.the proposition of traditional thinking that squandered judicious use of time for the advancement of scientific reasoning that ultimately vanguard the institution of freedom.They carried the debates basically known as the intellectual freedom through timesm and space, from towns to cties, nations, nationalities, customs and traditions,until the institution of intelectual freedom was laid as harbinger of mordern civilisation.
 The outburst of remarkable progress was more than proven through the empirical evidence that held the primacy of the fact that the superiority of scientific reasoning over traditional thughts, could not ben disputed for once.Unknown to some pundits am there is no complex thinking beyond the cajole and steady interactions between these modes of reasoning, that afford us the sustainable growth of mordern scholarship.They ensure the progression of history, due to their time rencmelevance of necessity's moral exploitation.Consequently nobler modes of discoveries were made, through thibust interaction.
Hence, the glorious light of mankind, hakm97rdly caught for so long in a contraption, even in the medieval was responsible for the growth of the progression of history as it were from the ancient until now.The transaction of vast information production over the ages and institutional interaction between the two mo
des of scholastic thinking, enables human history to rise from