HAND.13. Performance and active engagement of the debt economy, GAP
wise, both tangible or intangibles. They include agroallied services
such as food,commodities, then rentals, other tangibles such as
microstocks, stakes, microbonds traded at investment exchanges, and
other intangibles that contributed to balance of debt trade deploying
debt factors of production, in the vast debt market production line
driven by debt finance,that is through cheap access to microcapital,
with amortization plan being done by vast strategies of consumer
microcredit methodologies warehoused at the investment Assembly' s
office of the exchequer,the central bank for microfinance-
CBM, its treasury market and various credit exchanges, operating in the debt economy. We shall monitor growth at the COMO employment index, COMO prosperity index,COMO inequalities of wealth index and the assembly's official bulletins and gazette respectively.The core debtflation is a measure of debtflation for a subset of consumer credit price indices that exclude medium to longterm loan, jumbos reserved for macrocredit indices, after the borrowers'weaning or embryonic period.
They deal with SMEs and microentrepreneurs, which should be more volatile,easily rise and fall than other form of debt prices at lea
stin the short term.The federal consumer credit reserve board or CBM,should pay attention to such loans at this weaning period measuring the gross.....
CBM, its treasury market and various credit exchanges, operating in the debt economy. We shall monitor growth at the COMO employment index, COMO prosperity index,COMO inequalities of wealth index and the assembly's official bulletins and gazette respectively.The core debtflation is a measure of debtflation for a subset of consumer credit price indices that exclude medium to longterm loan, jumbos reserved for macrocredit indices, after the borrowers'weaning or embryonic period.
They deal with SMEs and microentrepreneurs, which should be more volatile,easily rise and fall than other form of debt prices at lea
stin the short term.The federal consumer credit reserve board or CBM,should pay attention to such loans at this weaning period measuring the gross.....