April 16, 2020


THE MARSOLIST MANIFESTO AND THE ABRAHAM'S LAW : THE TRUE INVISIBLE HAND.13. Performance and active  engagement of the debt economy, GAP wise, both tangible or intangibles. They include agroallied services such as food,commodities,  then rentals, other tangibles such as microstocks, stakes, microbonds traded at investment exchanges, and other intangibles that contributed to balance of debt trade deploying debt factors of production, in the vast debt market production line driven by debt finance,that is through cheap access to microcapital, with amortization plan being done by vast strategies of consumer microcredit methodologies warehoused at the investment Assembly' s office of the exchequer,the central bank for microfinance-
CBM, its treasury market and various credit exchanges, operating in the debt economy. We shall monitor growth at the COMO employment index, COMO prosperity index,COMO inequalities of wealth index and the assembly's official bulletins and gazette respectively.The core debtflation is a measure of debtflation for a subset of consumer credit price indices that exclude medium to longterm loan, jumbos reserved for macrocredit indices, after the borrowers'weaning or embryonic period.
They deal with SMEs and microentrepreneurs, which should be more volatile,easily rise and fall than other form of debt prices at lea
stin the short term.The federal consumer credit reserve board or CBM,should pay attention to such loans at this weaning period measuring the gross.....

April 15, 2020


ibikunle laniyan ibikabram@gmail.com


Snowboarder Freerider Standing On Top Of The Ski Slope With His ...

TRIUMPHANT HILLS, A POEM FROM THE ANTHOLOGIES OF ST.BLUES QUEER STREET. PART 2. over sacred hill.The proud entente of lake river abesi itself jubilant, eloped to cart away more bouquets of flowers, where its squadron rides.Not an aloof ride where this spectre apologia greedily trumpets and jubilant hours feasted.Pines wane,flutes dance to jubilate the trickiest battle royale ceased, minnions beat alabaster cups and horns of dread.And thundered feet become flying feet to make mountain the home of the gods and wolves on the mountain,like whirlwind from wolves beneath. Millennium of grief,stricken fine dogs and deadwood, could with mere putsch of the knight of old's dragnet pulled them into stardom.How not like goody goody, shouldest nigh comport,on a gormless gosh and gnash of piffles.Not the gourmand of the vulgar and the vulgarian fraction,that quashed it beneath,Aluplu
to's to this gory height to abhor the gooed twain and silvermoon's gooseberries,What a gallimufry and godforsaken goddess outshines the encumbrances, And they gabble but chaos and they gadabout but banditry menaced, and so this gaggle gaggles yonder its friable frippery.Now miser ,with the fortuitous foxes of the foxhounds, clenched at the Alupluto's forest creeks unclothe this hideous fracas. A thousand grenades had done this witchcraft and when the flurried hot spots had been fluxed out, nirvana emergence but not surfily wherein forest battalions unleashed the flotilla and the auxiliaries fretted


RIUMPHANT HILLS, A poem from the book'ST.BLUES QUEER STREET.'. Spears of tremor fallen upon my navel, Avenging spires, to an allegory of kindred spires, maiden's shrieks blush brazenly cheeks , at the strand of iron eyes, giddy feet hath summoned the squirels and dances of the thunderdrums, to spawn pikes of craven hills, insooth where brave lads, so dire a zombie, agonise over the daughters of eve, celebates of wondrous fairs, who quail with solemn brow and tense derision, steeple throes, corronated by hangman's noose, over fickle punches and blunted sparsely spears where friars' beauties, desecrated and repugnant. Those  glorious herald seem not to wink, not in draught to fall into naught, of those goofs who could not set thames on fire.That rap that almost treat the weary to spread mine toast of bread ,unfilled and unarmed cup in the fire, where wood merchants had briddled nuances of forest tales, to quell inferno that stiffled lumber trade.The faggots have eaten my intestines, to a hamstrung bounteous bounties, on thumbscrews and racks, And assailed by suicides, who being stuck to the logtrade,miaowed by leeches,whose eloquent tones,flows and rots like humus of the forest leaves and droppings of the sweet poppy syrup,hung over this earthly drones, where mammoth lay their dreary cheeks.Crownlands in the ride, boulevards,culdesacs,streets horn aloft in triumphant trumpets,knights in purple robes,gallant horses, anthropomorphic hoods infested strode


TRIUMPHANT HILLS, A POEM FROM THE ANTHOLOGIES OF ST.BLUES QUEER STREET. PART 3.over the forest peninsula.O triumphant hills, thou shalt float thyself but with a stratagem, a credence and steadfast levers flown above the floodgates of erstwhile flotsams.Never a flinch,not flippancy, not fragile fret on flimsy trudge. Now set thyself thy face as a flint, triumphant hills faraway at thy ensconce infatuates greedily the bumpy road into triumphant hills, is but a revel, a hewn of the credence, flung at picturesquely plough.Take me to the hills, take me to the top and glorify my boodle.Not a panchromatic, to this gale of pandora box, to avert the pander,the abyss where banditry has plunged them into. O how sweet is sweet victory and its haven charm to the palatable psyches, painstaking and steadfast, in this agonising pageantry, will not oscillate thee, thy Rubicon passage.In this guillotine of forloath souls, that defied ossification.When this benign osmosis, opinionated and salubrious , shall in the nick of time,be obsessed, to envelope this plateau, amidst obloquys and numskulled cheeks, vanquished for its muniment as nutriments, be cast over the sea blues. It might be that thou thyself art been whisked to cart the glorious guerdon of the triumphant hill.Oh that nothing succeeds like success and nothing fails like failure.Nought gladiator, nevermore but victor as wilful as a fox, and as wilful as a mule, shalt thou thy crucifix bears, to spite at sea blues this obloquy.


Contextually, the thinkologists peruse deeply at night, the ferocious influence of thinking upon the Commonwealth of mankind. Thinking by nature and by the language of the image goes beyond what we may  contend. The power of imagination, can be extremely complex even to discernineg eyes, to unravel.Nonetheless,the burning of images exceeds the influence of  any other components in the properties of the thoughts and brain respectively.
The indefensible nature and sublime particularities of thought, is crowed by the complex portraiture of conditional labour of thinking tradition.There is condition to every arts and custom, once time investment flags off the intergration of cultural components into cultural cyle.Conditions that supplant the this cycle are superimposed by the doctrine of necessity and liability. This propels the reflection of human thoughts subject to the scholastic perception and neurological operative mode of brain propelled images.
It produces brain captures,snacks of snapshots, telemagnetic motion pictures,video images, resourceful texts,graphics and photographic contents, complex vista,interior brain waves,burning and nagging perspectives,viewpoints,opinion boxes, panorama ,telestation lightnings,sensual shocks,brain quakes, stress management curios,work rate adjustment and management,stress adjustment therapy,mechanistic and quandrant components,
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neuromedicine,immunity system support ....


 THE THINKING FACULTY. PART 1.There is no doubt that in the entire known Universe the biggest known faculty of human arts ever created is the brain anatomy.Let us first define the word'thinking'withut with words like thoughlessness springs like cancer and then we shall examine the thinking faculty.
First, what is a thought? It is the art of thinking and thinking enterprise.It refers to intention, serious consideration, some thing thought as a result of thinking product, a particular way of thinking, idea,opinion,tribe,a particular way of thinking of social class, tribe and country. Whereas thoughtlessness refers to a state of unthinking,selfishness,lack of thought and consideration.Not paying attention to people wishes and feelings.
Now , thought incorporate the art of thinking and thinking practice and we can narrow it down as the act of using one's mind to mint and produce the works of arts.It means an opinion, verdict or judgement and ideas and also refers to excessive thinking or thoughts about something.If we look at the verbal apposition, is the power to make judgement, take decisions ,use the mind, to form images, then opinions.
Note, first burning of images, make decision, and also refers to careful consideration, understanding, bring to mind, plot and plan, intention, to remember, expect, focus, that is to direct the mind to a particular way. In the above definition, we note the properties of thought or thinking as follows:1.faith.2.intention.3.
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A  HOICK OF THE HOLOIPOLOI-A POEM FROM THE ANTHOLOGIES OF ST.BLUES QUEER STREET. PART 3.to cart him away ovation,did the bragart at the court,revert to carol his aplause.And a living heir of the deposed court bridgeheaded revert to the throne. I t was brevity.What deposition aposite to olive branch, the golden patriarch,and then brusquely bumpered with grim death briddles of bun fight.What a burlesque of good graces,of unbunged and unbungled chidhood,not of the bad graces'bunkum that welded Alupluto.Gone for a burrow,in this court,bustled his brisly butches of burnish,cockcrowed the impending golden morn, schooled by progeny.The capricious borderline,guillotine crazy and bloodmoney, tensed capillarity,cartooned caskets'casinos,plunged deeper still at atrocious carnage of the demeaning ambush.Long after her cavalcades,moors and meteorics humbled,at this cerulean grid of cause celebre,still her hoick's brutish and slutish castellation with the fifth columnists,hardly their cavity cawed.


A HOICK OF THE HOLOIPOLOI-A POEM FROM THE Anthologies of ST.BLUES QUEER STREET. PART 2.At planting and harvest (autumn),they bellylaughed the green fields, the serfs and the Squireaachy, swindled bellyful,the benefactors and the season' s benediction. Hardly,the sunrise tis the sunset that the fifth columnists,did not beset greenfield,blottoed with benefaction,did not for once,take cognizance of the blithering blizzard,blot and blinking bloodshot and bloodcurdled,bloodmoney,nor its pang calibrated.Still this blindspot,a blackspot,sensatedly they blinkered, bittersweet,black and white,tis the guillotine blade had come down,like a sledge hammer,upon this Queen's court and its nebula,at the battle of River Abesi,where maurauders'waterloos struck baptism of fire.Blags and blaggers took rampaging on bling bling,blinking its blackspot blackeeyed,blackened blaze,the boors of the hoick lay with the street maids,at the forest bosky ground,nocturnal lewds with the bandits'raid,frills at carted booties of the boon companion,to booze,binge, sloth and bop their hoots.The bard was hung upon the trees,sometimes immobile to pull himself up at his boobstraps,at sedentary aloft.The borderline bounteous,coarse with botches'bouts,booties and bouquet for the fifth columnists.Not until the golden bay's patriarch,at nocturnal glees brandish the witty spears,spoke his wrath,maneuvered the Queen's courts 'briddleway,grooved wit
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h all the brickbats thereafter to cart..