December 8, 2024


Mothernature.Specie 2

Would the cosmos in her palm gorgeously undissolved by abeyance of resistance?Would gravity have ordnanced existence at the rickety palm of resistance? Would nature have been contrived without the dissolute atrophy of this conceptus ?The Whole caboodle springs greedily from resistance valves beyond the cemetery of gravitational valves.Most times conceptus treats him fair moist hand grimace with the pantheon of cosmos forces been like a minstrel whose concerto Grosso in the womb of silence broke border barriers ricocheted everywhere.Boisterous crows bombarded unfair plows of unruly beast.
These Confucian confreres congealing and gelatinously acclimitised themselves within their purlieu and congeries hitting target with orthomophic projection beyond the confines of conformational entropy.Adorned in their sweet courses and not as conniptious  and venomous as the conium maculatum or Nebraska fern.Dickensian dicky bird-dickheads,o Dickens froth, endangered with dichromatopsia ,whose diddly of diddly shits and diddlysquats stole their precious time and mortgaged lifetimes with bagatelles,evasive dinero hunting of the distributaries of the disbuds ,dithered and dingled with diluvial of diluents and dilly-dallies .Dithyrambs,ditch diggers  of diuretic ditchwaters,ditches and  ditchy dockwallopers in the dockyard of ilks the dodgy dodos,doohickey,doojiggers ranting in Doomsday .What a doltish dog's breakfast dog trotting  in dogsbody and  dogshit!Doxastic logic downward aching cast downdrafts of its downgrade in alien soil.
Gust of blushing roses ,envelope his claps
Still hanging by the sour languisheth in the mystery of the Cosmos yet indifferent to villous temperature of existence an encrust at mothernature's loin.
Waow this consaguineal still yet unknown integer of existence by consanguinity authored the whole caboodle.
Those eye surfeit that pine the maw those poor birds of bestial passage
O motherwit thou art the conventicle of existence they thy offsprings deity's Providence and the Cosmos conventioneers and contestees of the plain time and space.
The fairest evidence of sunny frill in the burnished plough whereon the sightless suffocates from estrotopia or convergent strabismus that barely dissect the forlorn cradle of existence.
Who are thou mothernature in the pristine lores of time and space?
A foremost divine atheist was stoned to pulverise the providence in amphitheatre of dubiety who was bombarded with questionnaires painting oblivion in the face of affection that faints in the coliseum pale -faced lounge lizards,collocators in their bombastic collogue ,colloquially collimating on the colinear with the collimator of perpetual blindness.Yet they falter to apprehend him dubbed a plague to modern muse to enthuse mothernature as the colony of existence.Unfair arms to burn him to nethers for the blasphemy and sacrilege against providence.
Black power in the backwaters of unprecedented ideologie his muse was tedious and outwore them in freaking hell.
Strong force or color force and weak force who has drawn their color line?To subscribe to the polemics of evolution their sacrilegious invocation pissed them off and those who confer big bang or steady got freaking passed out.Where did come from ?Oh my gosh in the jungle that knelt nothing of evolution a thermostasis of hagiography!Across to the cemetery he eloped and dug the graveyards of the Newtonian buffoons and interred them alive.Not withholding manslaughter even among his colony of collocators preposterous evolutionists tormented in their colour vision blindness or deficiency yet they grope the cosmos in broad daylight, ambiguous sights stolen by nesciency of ambivalent sciences .
Black power lampoon's them with unfair bad morrow for the hilly beans left overs.
Coltish wanderers compared in comatose of prevision .
He hearkens to the voice of the nightingale within and hastes to chant them applause some twine and he was agog with axiom of the Cosmos.
Shell shock , combat fatigue fallen in trenches whereon his trenchwarfare enslaved them, eternal goons at his foot who had survived death for thousands of years wreathed up in the magical strokes at his foot pedal and foot brake.Like providence had mastered ambiguity of existence by his casuistry and lo he lives in the infinitude of existence.
His teething contemporaries who fell behind met demise in their time but not he above the mortals sempiternity befriended his veil whose mysticism did tame the combat zone of choky sheol ad infinitum.How come he surmounted Denise in his unveil yet no mortal neither could they surmount combat neurosis nọr 
dare the combat mission:the zone of death!
Their swelling dug aptly break their  strident apall;a thousand cemeteries breaking their mound,proud clapping apparitions making a mockery of homosapiens.
If they be all dead who can dare nor try as the black power movement had done to outlive generation yet unborn to spite providence in the face as sole mortal in the wolfish clothing of divine atheism.
Whence cometh he his gradeaur that he wrought such marvel in the unscrupulous gloss of the imponderable maneuvers?
Providence will curse him eternities with this smote.Did he ?Of course nope for there was none like black power who breached gallantry of death at his footsteps.What mysticism?Who can unfold him beyond he?Yet he reveals condescend yet the goons apprehensive craved graveyards to sleep their sleep of death.O revelation!He had unceasing rebuttals and pour tirade on the spirit of god and personalised him spirit muse-spirit of black spirit of kunlesco and stuck by it.
Thou art providence fiends for thee fail to uncover meta genesis of the whole shebang.Now he cares not for their basic vigour.
In the trance providence saith unto black power"thy logic transcends time and season and thy glorious episode worth mine eternal preserve ;for there's none practically none not even Christ could transcends thy sublime hold of cerebration.Fiasco in their loincloth for the penal of which comeuppance was slammed for karma.Thou art survived this iron grid of nether griddles o spirit of good hope o spirit of black power salute thee eternity beneath thy footsteps.
Crystal sights cheers on her cheeks never burn dry quote no fairies but victories at the bough of forlorn nethers.
Now dumbly unveil mothernature.Who is mothernature?'a toddler met him at the alcove and saith he unto him:'Waow, little kid mystery child ,unravels eternity's holy curiosity, beyond the anathema or commination,what can he become  thereafter?'Embarass himself to enthuse the gerotoncrazy of geomancy willeth goeth the thespians of days of yore but flabbergasted to witness this gimpiness of a maze that glistens cerebration.What a goonish ghostliness  of a ghost word!See how the glib tongue glibness glide bombed in broad daylight and restless nights.
And did he bicker?o salute cerebration;for oft the eye veil barely falls when the brain at carthasis is not troubled.Comminute particles in comminuted fracture freaks of night blinded ness and what nemesis;sheol the indertaker.Mortals dié not because tis nature to die was legal than tis the mortals'wield to brandish apposite cerebration no exit to the commination of death! Hardly a gizmo peruses thee!
Did providence exist as motherwit rather than as biblical spirituality apparatus in the fiend of piety? of course nope .
Then he the divine atheist spoke in allegory to the toddler beyond early childhood, capable of flawless cerebration."Now here goes the story of the Cosmos 

Hoaxes .Specie 1

O the fairest mover of the unfairest plough in dingled cloud grampus !
Chawbacons or bumpkins in the bunced bumfight 
Eloped to thy tent postures as the mechanistic scum of thy thoughts
Who were you to tilt away punditry at the 
sham of a bunco game rimmed with rimless rimose?
Brothels and bunny girls in your streets,licking their buns,boozers honkytonking in cabbarets,casuists in your jaw,ditched by karma ,carnage on the road,manslaughters of all sizes and bandwidths,illettered foxes,vulgars in their bungholes,truants in academies,bungling bollix ,o gaucheries,o howler o snaffu,solecism o clanger,o fluffy boner in the bunglesome ditherings,butcherbirds rollicking the jungle of its ass by hook or by crook.Lagard bunts in their stinking smuts.
O unfairest mover in the fairest plow !
Would thou bunglesome as i am etched into my boner, would my bunion have healed in no jungle of unfairest plow?The hounds over the echoes of blooper evidentiary, in calandos of trigger to moult unceasingly transmogrifies machismo.
Let it pass and learn!Let it pass and learn!!
Do they fathom a remorse? Behold a factoid and not a fact.What a sparing facula that may never be;a faecalith indeed,but in whose ripple and guggle of etiolated embryos porridging fluffs like the oatmeal or burgoo,would they launch the trigger,for wits to burp and hawk liberty?
My boner's steed is punditry;my bolix's strewn of meeds,not in surfeit is punditry the wedge of wisdom's isolatry,
Gush of windy clouds,trash in your bunker,emporium of erudition in the unfathomable eyrie;may it thrive with bunker mentality for the continuum of effluxion.Not like the frontiermen burins barely burl ill divining souls dead in their clasp of ungainly footsore,barred of nirvana in their bedchambers and alien to sound leaps of humanistic embracements. What reason to season to bawd like catarpillars of tender leaves in search of fairy godmother over subtle tyrants'scar of impenitent motives?They breaketh chins in merciless pitch and wild waves that glide above medula of venus and adonis in the cosmos of no return whereon the mordern john bull calls it' addiction'.A sneak thief like the sneerer sniding that steals passion by admiration of immanent custom and lo habitual in the twinkling of an eye sometimes warddrobed with deficiency of catatonia schyzophrenia .Not a factoid therein that hoaxes and frontiermen in their impenitent plenitude quite unarguably a fraudster across wiggles of self unabating rim and sweltering verissimilitude of broken vicissitude .Forceful thoughts upon the earth's bleeding grouchs,who in their hellish breath blame bereft and theft  of heavenly moisture to refrain calandos of bolix in their fluffy grampus.

Persepolis the city of fallen dreams

May your tours and ties at your catherine wheel,be sufficient  vault and ample volts of your catenulated but carthetic catholicon to flex orthogonality at your despond squib? Otherwise they may not be perplexed with perpetual warrant of thy perpetual motion machine where wits and not mere writ but plough of wits tameth the biggest dough and not ditched by cathasis none whatsoever at the mote.Oh they seek tedious the fetish oracle like Persephone or despoina the queen of the World and occultic ecclipses.They took cover and disguised in persnickety  at pervaporative and pervious Persepolis the city of ancient ruins in vain a beleaguered pesthole of persimum  and lazzarettos not pestled by the mortal of five wits fron the jungle to which bunglesome ditherings butcher.Dissidents bad broken down the petalous petards composed by melange of peter pans,shysters,cavillers or petifoggers,blowhards or vaunters  and petting zoos whose petitio principii had assumed peter's pence would insulate Persepolis,the city of weaklings.Bloodsucking parasites in bloodlust and bloodhounds,those nature's forgers in burning crevices upon mountain's mischances melts the city of dreams in dingy clouds.Barren petals,prodigal maladies,heresies of catherine wheels,bloodthirsty bloodsucking hirrudineans dry sucking frangible bloom of youths,of unfair arms and merciless splodges ,mottles or blotches deprived of blowhole benediction tis the ruins was blown.Behold a blowout erupted from the north country where the jamboree of triggers and pyrrhic victory swept the blowhards like the big bang.
O Persepolis the city of dreams why art thou fallen?Corpulent breeds,paunchy steatopygia,snivelling avoirdupois oozed in gallantry rescession met comeuppance .
O bludgeoner naturewit why art thou cunning and frame this bludgeon tis their downfall? O bludgeoner remorse'And it saith to the freethinker a meticulous observer'why art thou not blue Violet blue ribboners?You dread the Blueblood?You mock gallantry?Not in Persepolis do they belong.'Imprisoned with tears eager to void the dumb play. Babylon fell into ruins in aftermath of Seleucid's fall, Jericho like Persepolis desolate for more than a tercentenary .Rome a city of a million inhabitants fell to couple of thousands a century thereafter.Tje rise of Roman Catholic actually saved the city.Troy yelling beneath fallen bricks in Anatolia northwest Turkey,a despicable nest of fallen dreams nerve center beyond the Mediterranean sea and the bosphorous strait.Did the move heavenward to establish Constantinople capital of Byzantine catalyst to its downfall?Time clicks and travel to Carthage in North Africa where the Carthaginians conquered Rome and lost later in a reprisal with the third Punic war of 146BCE.Did the Romans not rebuilt it to make fourth biggest city in the empire prior to Muslim conquest? Teotihuacan,in Mexico,gutted by fire linked to invasion.Droughts and climate change had exacerbated the remains by the 6th century.In four corners of the south west U.S.Mesa Grande inhabited by pueblo people or the ancient ones or Anasazi, in navajo,a wonderful city in cliff was abandoned.Babylon was abandoned for some time until Alexander the great took it from Persians. Machu Picchu a beautiful city in the Andes was abandoned by men with fallen dreams.Detroit, Michigan fell  obstinately and abandoned properties slowly decayed. Pripyat a large industrial city in Ukraine was abandoned when Chernobyl struck.Centralia a city in Pennsylvania in 1962 through landfill fire was abandoned too.Infact most of Ukraine cities went under.From Angkor Wat to Petra,desolate cities fell into disrepair.Dhanushkodi in India,am ancient town was destroyed in 1964 cyclone.Thatched roofs crashes,interiors exposes,broken walls crash, lightning strikes and causes fires,mudbricks crumble,mosses eat away stone, saltwater percolates,
A sojourner in south west Asia perturbed at the hills in flat plain grounds,Wade into the veil of ancient cities contrived of mudbricks pervious to subsequent water bricks erosion back into muds,fire clay erosion melted by rain wind and earthquakes.Nature in vengeance through natural forced reclaimed matters through roof leaks,wood rots, crumbling stones, mudbricks erosion.
Upon these ruins do I pluck my dreams to build eternal cities of gold,in the new galaxies where inhabitants live forever .I take the world by storm and beyond mt.olympus gallivanting with indelible footprint on the immortal sands of time.
It shall be built with gold and precious stones