June 18, 2012

Self Empowerment Is The Key

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June 8, 2012


Money is fundamental  to the exchange of goods and services in modern society and object of virtue and  value and curse everywhere both to accumulate wealth and poverty .Money itself by value hardly depreciates but the exchange of money perpetrated by market forces too  foreign  to it , does change automatically  but imperfectly to reflect this changing value . When money by value declines ,  it is the exchange that declines by value of its flow that is affected .The consequence is that faith-a metaphysical fiduciary  powers  reposed in paper money also declines .It is this faith in paper  money being the original intrinsic and extrinsic value which could be affected by the flow and exchange spiral, leading to inflation and economic crisis . To curb this spiral and contagion affecting the metaphysique of money  and to stabilize the value of money and make inflation positive –the only phenomenon of economic growth , the liberalization of exchange of money , to perfect  SONACA is the only antidote ,  the commodity value can then spread wealth to every consumer in an economy irrespective of economic status . Consumer spending would hardly decline as long as exchange stability[stable money supply ]  is maintained and sustained .Growth in consumer spending would accelerate investment , boost savings in the long run automatically tackle recession and maintain the economic boom until an economy is willing to apply techno-cession  .To understand the stability of the word ‘money ’,we must understand change cycles and its implication on other vital economic cycles and how they reflect on monetary value .
When money changes hands , it is the value that is exchanged .Exchange keeps swinging periodically affecting the monetary value even though this value is stable .How do we preserve the value and spread the value and let it bear on the exchange ? This we already resolved above .The commodity value of money which is gloriously tied to the apron string of human faith is ordinarily stable and a source of real wealth of commodity money that has not been tapped .But the circulation value of money called money supply which abets inflation influenced by unstable exchange often have an unbearing influence on the general value of money and the economy controlled by credit arbitragers .So . in real terms , the commodity value of money hardly or does not  change hands to contribute real value . When this happens , the word money adopts a different and repugnant  nature discouraging real wealth creation , real economic growth in place of nominal wealth and nominal growth that can only be possible if commodity value is restricted in the dunghill.
If encouraged , this boosts the transparent flows of disposable credit money  in a robust credit economy for the  purpose of universal welfare  .
                              Basic Micro financial functions and economic exchange
The essence of microfinance ,not just the exchange of goods and services but basically to redistribute wealth and circulate the commodity value of money through disposable credit income to every needy economic agents .
Basic economy of exchange is sustained by extensive  credit  arrangements albeit haunted by structural and institutional  inadequacy .In determining the value and volume of money exchanges  , the annual credit income per family and annual credit income per capital both determine the quality of annual per capital national income per annum .What is the size of  this disposable national credit income on a sustainable basis that can back up with each man ‘s naira or dollar of gross and net national income ? What is the turnover rate of each naira or dollar of disposable credit income annually ? Is it 5o times or 100 times turnover rate per year  ? It is this ratio upward quality trajectory devoid of distress market and tight credit cycle can ensure sustainability of desired economic growth on the SONACA  Para-macroeconomic indicator  .This is  made possible by channeling savings  into redistributionist investment though not all is invested which is vital to grow standard of living .
                                   Changing Pattern of Investment
In modern society ,we admitted  those who promote creation of wealth do not promote real wealth but rather nominal wealth back up by nominal GDP growth in contrast to redistribution of wealth and circulation of commodity value of money .Real wealth has  been discouraged with possible consequences of boom and burst cycles .Without  real wealth , marginal savings can also take place but not real savings to promote universal wealth based on heavily restricted business opportunities. Promoters of investments  have been able to dip their hands into these savings not owned by them to promote concentration of wealth while original owners of wealth languished in poverty  .
There is constant flow of savings but the exchanges are not vastly different and adequately efficient  in the circulation of commodity value  ranging financial and microfinancial instruments to communicate values to agents .  Consequently , a non-redistributionist society does not parade a uniform credit cycle or egalitarian cycle of credit arbitration in credit assets or credit  evenly contracted and expanded its efficient use  to over every potential needy project .LIBERALISATION OF THE ACESS TO CHEAP CREDIT is a fundamental challenge to redistributionist oriented society than the former in which circular flow of credit and credit money or income is evenly endorsed to  promote capital development .This is a fundamental basis of free market economy .No free market exists without a robust  national credit trade .
A free market economy until now hardly exists a farce an illusion and impossible without a robust credit trade or credit economy with extensive patronage of  financial sovereign intermediation .More than 200 years after Adam Smith free market is yet to exist .This is a shame to western scholars and the pattern of investment must be determined by the nature of this free market economy .Forget about western neoliberalism .The first free market economy model is the neomarxist free market which is represented by everyone an only be endorsed in redistributionist society than a non-redistributionist oriented society that discourage ordinarily even circular flows of funds among its citizens with incentives pummeled by arbitraging bias .This is the very first reflection of free market in mortal history and the 1st generation of seven free market macro economic models evolved by market redistributionism as we endeavor to exit modern age civilization to golden age civilization under Potage Golden philosophical templates .
 Mobilization of Savings and Multiplier effect .
Loan able funds arise from disposable[net ]  savings [money not needed by savers over a period of times ] excluding gross savings are channeled to safe investment when mobilized by third party .The facility usually regarded as credit has not been well utilized for a long time as an instrument of wealth creation .What is the proportion of  net national disposable savings to back up meaningful  investment per annum in an economy ? The use of disposability is termed as gross credit oriented to promote credit income by the borrowers after a satisfactory repayment .What is the proportion of  credit  income  required whether loans are rolled over or not  to promote  a befitting  standard  of living  for the borrowers  ? If sustainable after repayment , how can credit and credit income be value added enough to continually run a marginal project without recurring recourse to loans on a periodical basis ? It is pertinent to observe as we know  usually  that  a repeated credit purchases is necessary to improved  business performance .Guiding against credit risk even for tested borrowers is a great challenge to microfinancial institutions .
Most importantly , the volumes and value of microfinancial instruments to gulp the existing cumulative savings are a meager lot if not a rarity,  do not exist in the financial systems world wide .The cost of mobilization of savings  is too cumbersome  and the use of savings does not really  have value and very costly in every sector of the economy .In real sense , in modern societies , channels for their effective usage do not exist . channeling  savings and net national savings to where they are most needed at the right time , at the right place , at the mass and at the right price with the least  cost  and satisfactory convenience to necessarily equate the targeted desired level of growth projected  in an economy.
Micro financial  Management in the free market society
The movement of capital credit  and credit income through various grass root acts of exchanging goods and services profiting largely from disposable savings ,with the sole aim of grass root empowerment   and SMEs capacity building funds deployment for optimum informal sector performance can be regarded as Micro financial management .Though can be noted as  a branch of financial management having secured a foothold on its own given some appreciable disciplinary evolution over the last 30 or 40 years is finally charting  its own course with vital autonomy to enable it add more economic value to general economy.
Actually , microfinance is the origin of finance to say the fact ,  in the much same way in which  we enthuse that micro credit  is the origin  of the modern  credit. Likewise , we need observe that informal sector is the projector , the insulator  and cradle of  the formal sector but as human economy grew complicated , the harbinger was left behind and modern man regarded it as too naïve and  a fugitive even in its backyard; and by conniving with  its siblings betrayed its legacy  , this they did  in the much same way as they have regarded freedom a fugitive in our world today . Informal sector was left to rot and die if indeed it can rot and die .The reclassification in the modern times is sequel to change and growth in the finance technology of the age bringing it under the shadow of a new world of civilization .
Microfinance , if fully perfected academically , technically and practically is far more effective , advanced and broader than mainstream finance and should not be grouped under it in any way  whatsoever even though micro[grassroot/unbankable  finance ] is n’t much different from the word ‘finance’ but not  with the same level of expertise especially in developing countries with large informal sector economies .  The larger spectrum of world society  does not have access to it which indicates the study of finance theoretically and practically is still evolving and can only be matured  until microfinance  by usage and spread  has found its final footing  and bearing in the field of credit trade which must be discovered  and thus world economy can now be rebranded and reclassified to have grown from the level of western primitive finance and jungle finance textbook and moribund nature of microfinance into the broadest field of macro finance , thereby giving birth to macro financial system from the present wobbling and fumbling inhuman structure of financial system that Robert Kiyosaki popularly regarded as a large ponzi scheme scattered all over the world to the system  in which every one is represented .This inadequacy we may not know it and  ignore it , is the fundamental basis of world economic crisis .
Potage Golden templates  and its diverse types of macroeconomic and free market economy ’s models is to guide  in the transition from the present stage of  neoliberal age to the final stage (in which macro financial system is fully matured –that is to serve all) .Microfinance though gained renaissance in 1960-70s which originated finance but was denied glory and social status by existing social forces and betrayed by its own seed  through the noted arbitraging  , crumpling its integrity and dignity sunk  for millennia before the rediscovery by Muhammad Yunus , Grameen Bank and Accion in Latin America among others in the new waves of finance technology sweeping the globe. Unfortunately the credit trade arbitragers dominating world financial system were contented to award only face saving Nobel prize to a world hero  compared to Nobel price for economics despite the fact he had more even more than or could be rated in the same category like Adam Smith or Keynes .I really don t know why he had failed  to receive such attention . Being the father of unexplored microfinance macroeconomics ,  he is far more better than these fellows because his policy or technology  touches close  to 80 percent of world population if well exploited .Now that he had been unfairly removed from his position at Grameen did not speak well of the way an hero should be treated .Is that how to make relevant someone who had contributed to world peace than all of western finance and economic professors put together   ? To be candid , it is the greatest discovery in the field of finance and economics and the luminaries deserved noble prize for economics not once but even twice .The rebirth markedly opened a new chapter in finance and economics revolutions and a new dawn bringing finally to an end the lifelong denial by the mutineers  to save world economy from landmines that economic vampires had supplanted and unleashed on its well being for the entire stretch of human history  .
The way in which microfinance is being managed has a great strategic impact and redefining powers  to revamp the characters of our socio-economic system  and a revolutionary to affect its optimum performance in a way to transfer wealth through the disciplines of the market to the marginalized segment of humanity .This  aims at maximizing  the quality and quantity of economic freedom over all , restructuring where possible for the purpose of universal welfare .We shall have to evaluate existing customs and tradition out there from the study of financial institutions to the reflection of the new role and new development and set corporate governance rules for the budding micro financial institutions among us or new ones as is possible and practicable in real  world .
The  Study of Microfinance And Changing Technology Of Finance .
Therefore like finance and economics , Microfinance , micro financial management and micro financial economics and its ilk’s must be studied in virtually every tertiary institution of the world or relevant studies of finance modified so as to promote and broadens technical and professional expertise in the field .This is vital for a field that has more to offer  in real world ,has great potential in spreading real growth ,real wealth and real standard of living among citizenry of  the marginalized societies .We shall have to inquire more and improve ways in which all this dithering models  can impact heavily  on fundamental human rights  and individual empowerment enterprise lagging behind in mainstream finance markets  .


Credit trade arbitraging 
Money and finance  are twin face of an economy –a basis of development in modern societies .Not many  knew an economy is subdivided into two based on this  dual purpose category  .This subdivision in the long run  gives birth to dual macroeconomics .This comprises of monetary and credit system .Redistributionism  believed since they play a different role but similar objectives facilitating economic development  , they should each be given their separate autonomy inasmuch as we have recognized their separate but complimentary role strictly for ease of quality discharge of their obligation .

Though money and finance are strategic twin  faces of an economy ,truly speaking they do not reason the same due to the nature of risk transaction involved .The modern societies have not come to term  with it and the least they can do is to virtually reform everything and how viable will they be? A monetary system and a credit  system should operate differently .But because almost every economic agents that are involved in the monetary system have also been caught in the web transaction of credit system buying and selling   debt to either  prosecute or bail out marginal project depending on timely investment decision   .Along the line , due to lack of effective model and poor perusal of change cycle,  this dual purpose or twin faces were complicated  together in modern society as the financial system even though have mingled for millennia .This was instrumental to unprecedented human prosperity and also tussled with  re-emergence of boom and burst cycles in an economy has proved otherwise .
Initially , the dual nature of an economy had long been recognized long before the merging bias by modern economists because credit and money grew slowly with the first civilization in whatever form they might be and the  first generation whose cradle arts and crafts  were instrumental to later development  .This changing motive was dictated by moral precedence of economists and policy habits later disputed by successive rationalist economists .The dual model purpose still today has long been neglected  .It is true that if we subject our financial system in to intensive study perhaps by public commissions seeking to ascertain  the quality in the discharge of their obligation ,we would however found them wanton with this original device. Economic crisis everywhere is a proof   .This requires not regulatory changes really per say since its abets inflation should be deemphasized , without a perusal of its effect on inflation nor does it require a reform really but systemic changes not reforms needed to put back the financial system on track.
The persistent modification in structure and the very objectives of this volume stresses  vital reform not needed but rather systemic changes motivated to reposition the financial system fairly well as the common asset of the public .We have come to believe that the merging bias might not be the problem really but insensitive pawn brokers and the  economic vampires who spill blood of the poor and constitute social threat to economic growth . The inherent inequality of wealth that Marxism admits is the fundamental erosion of social sanity is also the  very primogeniture and everlasting patrimony of business cycles .  Revamping the financial system models and modeling character is central to effective resolution of man ’s greatest economic challenges . Nothing can be compared to efficient financial system in which everyone is represented not one yoked by the repressionists avoiding a large scale operation and undue patronage of ponzi scheme popularly regarded as the financial system being run today is a task that must be done for the problem not to persist and heavily curtailed even beyond the confines of mainstream banking for the good of unsafe  posterity  wherein we are headed .
The primordial role of microfinance is simply to strangulate and possibly eradicate the credit trade arbitraging a worst form of development arbitraging ever noted bud nipping its syndrome and banish this arbitraging noted in modern societies .Those marginalized  from formal sector yoked with high indebtedness need not  have the same mentality as those who profited heavily from the ponzi scheme  .
                                    Merging Bias : Credit Trade Arbitraging ( CETARB)
The dual face of an economy however from the antiquity to the modern times basically shares this linkage .Credit income which is to draw from surplus[savings ]  mobilized is the super structural  linkage of the two faces but the system of national credit income account  (SONACA)  hardly exist and has not been considered even for once in the much same way in which we have recognized system of national  income account  .In America , Simon Kuznets  opened the way and gave us the latter .Who will bail us out of this knowledge theft haunting humanity and humiliating economists worldwide ? Hence all economic crisis can be resolved . This neglected system is the most important resource and the final arbiter to bridge inequality of wealth existing in human society  .That is the original intention of market redistribututionism  .
A sound financial system rests largely on both legs but not so with the whole [dual system]  jumbled together today  .It can not be ignored that both legs occupy the same level of importance to human body .An amputated financial system whose credit economy is strictly cut off to be dominated by inefficient banks can never avoid business cycles .The financial system worldwide is resting on only one pony trick and the capacity of an amputee is at best inadequate to support the level of market activity vital to ensure   desired growth of an economy  protruding from actual growth of a nation ..To boost desired growth not volatile  GDP growth and bridge against this arbitraging which ordinarily occurred as a result of lack of  effective dual macroeconomics model  , we must perfect the  system of national credit income account [SONACA] first and its GAP[GDP] co-efficients bridging Kuznets missing link [KML] , for a sound deregulated  financial system which deals with circular flows of fund in a redistribututionist economy  as opposed to non-redistributionist economy to be harnessed  to serve as the common property of all a sundry .The perfection would give us a robust credit economy and therefore the attainment of dual macroeconomic stability is possible to effectively counter business cycles for universal development not arbitraged development .
At the time the monetary and credit systems were lumped together the pawn brokers and the usurers who have taken over the domains of the fraudulent system  totally failed to accommodate the unbankables and marginal borrowers not because of lack of credit history  or something but due to  poor banking model whereas the marginalized segment that control the  population base which is the real wealth and not the capital base controlled by wealthy class which is the nominal wealth have refused largely to relinquish their hold having  profited largely from the arbitraging trauma that supplanted the system which is the fundamental causes of economic crisis in all of human antecedence .There is no alternative unless those excluded from mainstream white bowl of porridges to be eaten and consumed by all  be fairly accommodated .That both must be capitalists and owners and workers is the sole essence of a neomarxist era  .These porridges provided by nature must be consumed by all humanity not for capitalist prosperity but for  universal or equalitarian prosperity .
To restart free market economy all over again ,  which presently does not exist , we must go back to the basic and create capacity for the two legs of macroeconomic body  each with its own autonomy and ethonomy to walk effectively  and perfectly well and not like an amputee whose life dreams were long truncated by terrible landmines – Then it cannot only crawl but walk , stroll, then  jog and later run like a gazelle or greyhound ,slow down when it pleases and then speed up .Right now has not yet started to crawl let alone adjust to walk  and the entire flexibility isn’t just there and a major reason behind intermittent financial turbulence  that comes not once again every century , with the emergence of the great depression of the 1930s to occur  twice or thrice even in a decade .Rampant economic crisis  shall be a thing of history when every one else  eats from this bowl of porridge .
This remains the fundamental aim of neomarxist era to be maneuvered through the instrumentality of market redistributionism and microfinance .To redistribute wealth in this context , we can crush the arbitraging mendacity that separates indigent men from development market and the inequalities that causes inflation –a fundamental economic problem .This is a new dawn in the history of macroeconomic study and of mankind making the world a safer and a friendlier world to live .Here , we have come ,  the intention of the book is known , let us now begin from the scratch .
Next article - THE  NATURE  OF MONEY

September 25, 2011


In reply of postscript of May 26 written by Dapo Fafowora in The Nation campaigning for the adoption of market neoliberalism

This axiom is undisputed for all time :that freedom is the salvation of man under sun and the commonwealth and godfather of all social progress and human civilization is the ideological freedom .It cannot be so successful to achieve its desired ends unless intellectual freedom is leveraged to transplant it from the nursery and preserve it into the main field .When they mature culture is reborn and refined which is the mother earth of all progress and the foundation of the universe .How so great if we adore them and we shall preserve our civilization for all time or launch imprecation that may take eternity to cure when abhorred. It is the greatest challenge in mortal history-indeed it is the greatest battlefield of freedom –author.

 It is imperative to note that a society or a nation evolves based on the existing capacity of her economy and the available competence and core competence respectively needed to mobilize mass development cannot exceed this capacity rigidly motivated over time by wiles of nature and human instinct .

The development of human capacity , mainly human capital and human resources using these changing caprices predetermines the extent and the ratio of capital development that can be mustered over the long haul .Development therefore , no matter how small or big cannot go beyond the pedigree of social capacity at a time .

 However , inasmuch as it is pivotal to mass development , without development ideology or ideological freedom , the uniqueness and the quality of capital development which is the totality of mass development at a time cannot also be sustained over the long run . In stead of long term sustainable mass development , or capital development , capital underdevelopment roosted by increasing development mortality had become a lasting patrimony in the developing territories .

In one of my previous posted articles ‘the concept of capacity building and economic development ’ l categorically shed light and appraisal on the mobilisable proportion and importance of capacity building and unrivalled influence on not just economic development but sustainable economic development and the ire effect and imprecation of brain drain over Africa .

 Similarly , in my two books ‘Neomarxism : How to conquer world Poverty ’slated for publication in America and especially its African version ‘World Development Ideology and the Age of Microfinance ’(note:ebook version available } I also shed light on the effect of ideological subserviency over Africa ,diagnosing and proffering solutions to world wide economic crisis while using Africa as a case study , to nail the poser once and for all .

 I also believed this is the first time in history in which development system is proposed for each territory of the world based on prevailing local macroeconomic climate .In my successive studies , even it is plainer to a layman or casual observer that the problem of Africa today or most developing territories is lack of ideological freedom .In these researches ,I highlighted the rise and fall of African civilizations and successive ones .

Today , after the fall , no attempt had been made and accumulated complacency [bibliomania sis ] encouraged the latter triumph of slave trade , the outburst of successive neocolonialism and relentless blind patronage of modern neoliberalism . No development ideology, nothing! Why? Even where we have some philosophers and economists or some good thinkers coming up making a giant stride like south western Marxism popularized by great Awo, they seem to be basically pro-west like Edwin Madunagu or a Neoliberal advocates like Soludo, Sule Lamido or Dapo Fafowora .

It is certainly clear that the gain of erstwhile banking reforms had be come moribund and effect unsustainable. Even the newly rescued banks according to AMCON will take 10trillion naira to be liquidated rather than 1.5trillion naira needed for recapitalization .The banking system is in a colossal mess. The economists and the policymakers are the major bane and bone of contention .This ilk’s hardly think out of the box .No one thinks clearly nor get rid of this bias .

 To liberate African minds from the yoke of western ideological trap had become an arduous task .Even when their scientists and economists have been trying hard to relinquish and jettison past moribund theories which led to previous boom and burst mainly from the great depression of the 1930s to the past meltdown, our so called --African avangarde are still stuck in between , eating the excreta of dejected western moribund theories and proffering them as solutions to deter our nightmare . The worst part of this mess is that even a slight modification of these theories had been hard to come by.

The best we had was southern Marxism and effect not sustainable with the successive generation .Madunagu is an unrepentant Marxist .I have known him for long as media incendiary probably more than a decade now when I was still a vendor , before taken on journalism and writing as next target ,though we never met . A friend of mine was a core aficionado and is still very fond of him .He had so many followers like this guy and bequeathed nothing but trash to them .This guy hardly believed there were other intellectuals in the country that were far better than him . HE USUALLY CALLED HIM FATHER –‘ baba agba’ in Yoruba meaning somebody unbeatable and a leader in the field . All attempts to convince him he was no brainier sounded like the hoot of the raspberry .Fortunately , he is a scholar of repute and have strong sense of history .

Anyway , we can not take that from him .But my worry is that he would have been very good original luminary if he had challenged Marx AND contributed immensely to expand or refine Marxism in this country, besides being good historian because he is the nation’s no.1 Marxist and knows the terrain very well in and out .

 It is particularly interesting to note that the propagation of ideology must be preceded and succeeded by a good sense of intellectual and ideological freedom .The crash of Soviet Union came as a result of lack of intellectual freedom for the people of the old Bolsheviks .

 Hence , people were alienated from social ,political and economic freedom reserved only for the elite class who enjoyed the boon of ideological freedom .With the emergence of Stalinism , Marxism was heartlessly raped for good three decades and capital development was attained at the risk of intellectual freedom .It is the greatest empiricism in modern times as far as dispersal of ideological freedom is concerned .
That in a society where ideological freedom is ensured , intellectual freedom sown over all citizens must be allowed to roost and distribute the gain of great charters of liberty over all .This was experienced by the Anglo-American or western Europe beginning from the Renaissance era and tirelessly keep mustering its steam for a good five centuries persistently clining even in the post-industrial age . We can imagine the kind of challenge a society without ideological freedom is facing talk less of an embedded disability potential entrenched in a socioeconomic system via the distribution of ideological freedom over all .

That is the ideology must be absorbed and fully imbibed over all irrespective of demographical differences prior to evolution of capital development so as to sustain ideological freedom –this is intellectual freedom .If the framework is abused , mass development could be strangulated which requires muses from the people for its success

.This remains a tall creed in the great charter of liberty .That a society to be liberated through ideological freedom must be mandated to also imbibe the fruits of intellectual freedom prior to explosion of capital development .This defines the essence of development cycle in a cameo which should be repeated by every successive generation so as to maintain and sustain growing antecedence of human civilization . Inability to adhere to this creed , better explains why democracy ,neoliberalism , nationalism , Marxism and the gains of economic freedom had failed woefully to materialize or yield result in most developing societies . 

The great soviet society did attain this up to a time and capital development attained was not sustained with the next generation due to abuse of intellectual freedom .70 YEARS LATER led to its fall. It is necessary to observe that local tradition usually grows or patronizes new ideology use so slowly .But when intellectual freedom is entrenched in human tradition via psychological behaviour , ideological freedom can grow so quickly with mass development and then capital development nurtured as cycle graduates and flow sustainable .

NIGERIA IS A FERTILE GROUND for ideological freedom especially in the south where mass enlightenment is a bit higher-a proof that intellectual freedom can be cultivated as the sole insulator of ideological freedom being the baseliners in the great charters of liberty . WESTERN NEOLIBERALISM : A SINKING SAND Madunagu’s unbridled and blind support for Marxism would not help Nigeria or developing countries in any way without rethinking Marxism and refining Marx to gain required aptitude and eligible standard for adoption .

That is an imperial fact .On May 26 ,2011 , I read ‘Searching for new Economic Perspectives ’a post script written in The Nation by Dapo Fafowora—a veteran essayist and young Nigerian mind making waves in this arena which informed the kernel of this article. I noted with rapture and bamboozle his erudition and perusal which exhumes the unworkable antecedence of socialism in most part of the world where it was adopted and how it was overtaken by Neoliberalism .He noted China , India and entire BRIC countries forming this nucleus and thus concluded that the model should be adopted for the Nigerian economy while declaring null and void the efficacy of socialist model .In my new book [African version ] .I call this mentality and prejudice ‘Biblio Myopia’ not common to developing countries alone .Mentally enslaved people hardly think out of this Pandora box of repression and especially we-- blacks are confronted with this problem as the most culturally subservient race .This stigma continues to confront us .

These men and we have similar features -- ideologically famished minds. Unfortunately , a Nigerian was calling for the adoption of the same model that led to great depression and the meltdown that thoroughly thrashed 5 out of 7 American investment banks into dungeon of obscurity .AIG , Merrill lynch , Bears Stearns , Lehman brothers and U.S. mortgage banks --Fannie Mae etc.all fell without remedy IN THE FOURTH QUARTER OF 2008 .A period in which MILLIONS OF Americans were bankrupt and homeless and countless marriages crumbled .

 When the sub prime crisis took the world by storm in 2007 , not many knew it would lead to credit crunch of this magnitude that detonated the toxicity in 2008 .On September 15, 2008 ,Lehman crashed with the largest bankruptcy filings in U.S. history .Then Merrill Lynch ,the largest stockbrokerage company in the United States also went bankrupt and was bought by Bank of America .The same banksters behind the economic holocaust and the new depression with no financial education even though claimed otherwise , are still being looked upon , teaching people everywhere , proffering solution to the crisis they perpetrated .AIG ,Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are still mired in depression , in serious trouble and haunted by the crisis .

Today , Warren Buffet a notorious criminal and the world leading bankster, running the world largest Ponzi scheme empire is still being courted by government to help proffer solution to the nagging crisis mustered by their empire .Seeking help from a bankster who helped midwives the crisis is unfair and who sold the toxic mortgages known as the derivatives to government , pension funds and investors around the world , after rating the same sub prime mortgages AAA through Moody -an agency he controls [like Wells Fargo , General Electric , American Express and Gold man Sachs ] can be regarded as a fraud .According Robert Kiyosaki in the new book –Unfair Advantage , he regarded selling sub prime debt packaged as AAA prime debt a ‘fraud ’.Yet his companies have received billions of dollars worth of bail out fund from government after the crash .

 Is it not unjust that somebody behind the world largest Ponzi scheme empire is still being regarded as the smartest investor in the world ? Millions of homes are now under water , worth less than the mortgages .Retirement funds in America is short of 6.6 trillion dollars according to Kiyosaki and Boston college report 2010.These looses would leave Americans unsafe after retirement .In just one month alone August 2010 , approximately 108 billion dollars worth of defined benefit pension plan assets of the top 100 biggest corporations recorded monumental loses .

This means millions of Americans who contributed to this pool are in serious trouble of unsafe retirement and may not receive the guaranteed paycheck for life .Besides , the university of California retirement system –Calsters that was unfunded by half a trillion and engaged in risky investment , the Californian government pension agency ,Calpers –a public retirement pension system that accounts for 1.6million public employees ’health and pension benefits was also in serious trouble having lost more money than all others combined.

 The spill –over effect of the successive financial contagion even in the immediate post –meltdown era has not yet abated .What a rascal we would be if it is adopted! Fafowora himself in the post script concluded that – ‘‘currently , three European countries-Greece , Portugal and Ireland have asked the EU for financial bail out to avoid falling into economic depression .The British coalition government has introduced savage cuts in public expenditure to reduce its huge budget deficits ’’ I believe these are short lived measures and inadequate options .Madunagu was right to interrogate the quality of Neoliberal free market , he proposed to liberate the nation from economic quagmire .

 Then I burst to laughter a bit when he said ‘‘ So far Nigeria has been able to ward off a depression ’’I can ’t understand Fafowora linking it to a surge in unreliable oil income .Are we not in depression already or now in a country in which 15 million graduates are not employed and unemployable and 90 percent of the people are below poverty if we use UNDP poverty profile and not world bank poverty line concept .Great trouble is imminent if we adopt western neoliberalism hook line and sinker .Although , I quite disagree with Madunagu as a remorseless Marxism in most cases , but he was right to lampoon Fafowora ’s ignoble doses ‘with a populist passion ’ or any such ‘was bound to fail ’.

Truly speaking , it was a total failure in almost all developing countries .And mind you , market socialism not of the type preached by Madunagu had always been the savior .During A. Lincoln era besides the civil war [1861-65] James Garfield ’s 100 days in office and Kennedy ’s 1,000 days in the white house , the attempted introduction of U .S . green backs during the period to the era of Roosevelti an New deal that ended the depression at the end of world war 11 but disapproved and branded as national socialism by the supreme court in addition to Clintonian boom of the 90s –the golden age of U.S. economy
An era that created more than 22 million jobs and over 500billion dollars as surplus piled up in the treasury cannot be whisked away in a jiffy . The Marshall plan introduced during the end of the second world war to liberate Europeans from the miseries of the war cannot be forgotten but they blinkly unearthed some of its hidden potential

They same banksters behind the land speculative crisis of the 1830s were behind the great depression and who also profited immensely from the finance of world wars 1 & 2 helped induced the meltdown .During the depression, thirteen thousand banks crashed in America prior to establishment of FDIC in 1933 and from the end of the second world war till the 70s inflation not employment blanketed the nation. At the root of this problem ,the Fed .stood as the major catalyst of American economic crisis .

 It would be surprising to note that American government did not have nor own a central bank because the Fed .does not belong to it .The private Wall street bankers owned the institution established by Woodrow Wilson in 1914.Here is an institutions that was created in violation of article 1 section 8 of the constitution which restricts delegation of the right and power to create money and regulate its value beyond the congress or o other body .Despite the fact in 1935 supreme court ruled against delegating this power to another authority , it acted contrary instead against the law .

By the time the President eye opened to the ponzi scheme , it was too late .A full trained Professor of Law-a senior intellect was deceived to defraud his country .The Federal Reserve Act gives private bankers the American sovereign powers and the most important of all powers .According to Stephen Lendman in the ‘Grand Theft America :The untold story Of global economic crisis’, is the one most of all that governments hardly relinquish which is the power to print money and control its supply .This is the greatest calamity ever bequeathed to ADAM Smith philosophy of free market .Not only control its supply but also determine its value or price its scarcity mainly through federal fund rate manipulation and through changes in the monetary policy .

It is graphically absurd to charge government interest on its own money and later returned the same flat with no interest to owner ,creating money out of nothing and mortgaging the future of generation yet unborn . When on June 4 , 1963 , with the Kennedy issuance of the executive order [EO] 11110 , it gave the authority to the President to issue currency, ordering the treasury to print U.S.treasury notes replacing the Fed . notes and attempted a process to let government owns its money and resided with the power to print money and not Fed. banksters .

Several months later he was killed and Lyndon Johnson took over government to reestablish the Ponzi scheme to the glory of the Banksters and continue with the statusquo of fraudulent monetary policy shift , contracting and expanding interest with no government regulation and oversight control while the taxpayer foot the bill .Does it make sense to create money out of nothing transferring wealth to the banksters from the people ? When Nixon came , in August ,1971 closed and ended the gold window which once backed local currency , suspended its convertibility into metal beginning a new dawn contrary to Breton Wood core provision.

 Few greedy men had mortgaged the posterity as faith in the dollars declined on the altar of profligate policies and unbridled corruption . According to Lend man half a century later after the great Jefferson statement ,Lincoln narrated his vision : I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country ….corporations including bankers have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow , and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the republic is destroyed .

’’The Fed today is the world largest Ponzi scheme . It is the most fraudulent central bank in the world controlled by greedy banksters who were behind the killings of three American presidents for trying create one .Economist Michael Hudson and critics Stephen Lend man in their critics of meltdown reconstruction efforts had regarded EESA ‘cash for trash ’as a give away and not bail out .It indicates simply transfer of public wealth to the few banksters and insiders –a sort of financial coup d’etat and the largest and the most inequitable kind since the 19th century. That is why I have contended that inequality of wealth leading to reguflation causes inflation.

.The critics lamented this inequality and were angry at the amount of deceit and relentless fraud going on in the system .Having dished out junk of all sorts –structured finance or SIVs ,credit default swap , securitized mortgages , student loans , collateralized debt obligations such as car loans , credit and corporate debt , special purpose vehicles [SPVs] repackaged arcane and commercial papers and more later resorted to costly hedging ,when the bubble burst to socializing losses at the expense of hapless taxpayers .

 This enriched the fraudsters to cripple the economy .A system that rewarded criminals and crashed industrial capitalism replacing it with the kleptocrats .Little wonder Jefferson regarded the banking institutions as far ‘more dangerous to our liberty than our standing armies . Already , they have raised up a money aristocracy that has set government at a defiance. ’He further noted : the issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs ’.

There is a great deal of secrecy going on in the Wall Street . Some have blamed the universal banking model as the real culprit but indeed not really . In the banking crisis of 1930s the reform advocates during the period blamed losses on the reckless behaviour of securities’ affiliates of commercial banks .The universal banking model which entertains full gamut of both retail and wholesale ends of the chains offering services across diverse sectors and regions was scrapped with the emergence of Glass Steagall Act of 1933 repealed in 1999 which stipulated and enforced legal separation of commercial banking and investment banking .

But during the period subsequent perod have shown that those institutions without a security arms had a much greater threat and tendency to fail .Whether both studies are good and reliable or not is a matter of intellectual debates with the emergence of great meltdown .It is inadequate to link the problem really to lax lending practices , poor savings , poor credit rating , credit crunch and poor regulation .This happens everywhere .

These are secondary inconsequential factors . This indicates that the system is the problem and inadequacy entrenched in the neoliberal free market would keep crisis reappearing unless new model is evolved .How can few private banksters and greedy individuals in the country mortgaged the right to central banking of a sovereign and most powerful nation like America to their own parochial ends ? What they did not know is that inflation and recession are twin arms of inequality of wealth.

What a calamity will we caused our nation if adopted ! .About 13,000 banks crashed during the depression and was speculated that in a decade about half or more of 9,000 banks would soon go if the present model persists. We should not be a rascal to adopt this moribund theories here in Nigeria. Not many knew that even before the laws of the market were discovered by Adams Smith ,some scope of communism and extensive practice of unrefined market socialism not really the sort preached by utopian socialism was endorsed in Europe .

A long barren medieval abetted this practice . Moreover, this lasted from the late medieval for instance for good 800 years in France even after its revolution of 1789 [ref.Robert Heilbroner: Economic Revolution, pg.137,shaping of western civilization explains the mood of the era ] .The Renaissance movement that started in Italy became the sole catalyst of modern free market which began in Britain and lucre was the sole motivator .The trenches of disillusionment he noted with neoliberalism in the 70s and 80s and its total failure was due to ongoing ideological rivalry of the period or so called cold war a period in which it was reborn and resurrected by P.M. Thatcher in G. Britain and President R.Reagan in America . They adopted the philosophy of Adams Smith followers-Fredrick Von Hayek and Prof .Milton Friedman .
When Soviet union fell , democracy and political freedom [ not economic freedom ] swept the world like tidal wave –a major reason behind its growing patronage and increasing world poverty prevalence 

But the problem here is that Karl Marx had no ideological disciples like Biblical Jesus , Prophet Muhammad or like Adam Smith ,whether in support or in opposition of the baseliner model .Smith had masters before him . Thomas Mum ’s mercantilism came before him and free market existed before him fully entrenched in human tradition left unexplored We also have people like John Law and the share trading of Mississippi company .When he came he reorganized this field of economics and had a large followers who succeeded him consistently polishing his thoughts .For instance , from the classical economics to neoclassical economics that produced the like J.B. Says among others to people like Joseph Schumpeter or historical giants like Milton Friedman ’s monetarism and Hayek , the world had become a better place to live ushering in unprecedented prosperity whose views were heavily adopted and respected around the world .Though Nobel laureates in economics are awarded on annual basis contributing their quota , broadening the study , many more challenges and hurdles however still remain to be mounted .--- The Keynesians and the era of macroeconomics were also influenced by classical economics ’s theory of larger market , mass production , division of lab our , laissez faire etc. [ref.later study on macroeconomics ] .

 Whereas Marxism suffers drought in this regard .Besides Engel , I barely knew or read about a prominent philosopher or many of such expanding this field of thoughts --Marxist economics .Practically none . Yet, it is the sole alternative study and the most reliable to spread wealth evenly ,or near evenly to ensure universal prosperity and banish poverty if well refined . The utopian socialists before Marx or prior to 1848 European revolution were prominent historical figures who mentored and indirectly influenced Marxism and Bismarckian nationalism, drawing inspiration from the failure of the revolution .

 I believe that lack of disciples in the development of this field and the nature of stiff resistance meted out to opposing schools especially during Stalin era strictly accounted for the fall of old Soviet . Several countries that adopted it like Cuba or China couldn’t survive solely with it. And even Cuba would cave in sooner or later to free market deceit like China because lucre is a deceiver .The reason is simple : Marxism was regarded as ‘ unfinished revolution ’because many details and grievances were left unexplained and unsettled .Several principles that should form the nucleus of Marxist Scriptures guiding the transition of social institutions towards the communist homeland were not expatiated and clarified . In ‘Adam Ulam: The Unfinished Revolution ’Ulam noted ‘‘How different will the better world of socialism be from the old one of capitalism? Marx and Engel have notoriously little to say about the wonderful new world their criticism and theories imply ’’ 

So much references were made in regard to the nature of capitalism compared to skimpy evidence of socialism .The Marxist world of Western Europe in 1880 fell mainly to Engel but his view was not that vastly different from his great companion .When he died in 1895, Ulam concluded ‘‘the canon of Marxism was frozen and vital questions of socialist role in parliamentarianism of the nature of transition from capitalism and of socialism itself remained to be fought over by revisionists and orthodox Marxists ’’As noted by an American ‘ain’t no disciple gat no appeal ’. I want to believe the anticlericals that form the nucleus of the reformation of the 16th century by the nature of their roles were socialists The Martin Luther king Jnr.Malcolm X. Rosa Parks among others who redefined American values , racial equality and the course of black history were no less socialists in the modern sense .

Little wonder, the permission obtained by Edgar Hoover from the U.S.attorney general of the period to ransack and scrutinize King’s private life found out shockingly he was no communist but indeed his action showed otherwise .If there were disciples shortly after Marx and Engel to polish this ideology , it could have been a more powerful force in mortal history .The role of ideological disciples [ as opposed to mere followers] is to maintain and sustain the tempo vital in the distribution of ideological freedom transplanted by early golden age thinkers in the field .Darwin also had great followers like many of the world great religion founders. 


Charles Darwin had a good history to draw from .According to Robert Wright -the author of Moral Animal , he noted after the Origin Of Man ,a great revolution began with the emergence of an increasing body of natural researches beginning from historians like John C.Greene and intellectual reactionaries such as William Hamilton ,George Williams ,Robert Trivers and John Maynard Smith encouraged the deepening that occurred thereafter in the study of evolution .

This broadened the instinct of evolutionary biologists opening the long withheld mysteries behind the social behaviour of animals and man .Wright concluded when he noted the existing defects that two epoch making books such as E.O.Wilson’s Sociobiology ,(1975) and Richard Dawkins (1976)-The Self fish Gene’ which spoke relatively little about the influence of human behaviour no doubt contributed their quota to increasing global appeal of Darwinism . The study of Darwinism or evolution is by no means peculiar to Darwin .Charles Lyell is the pioneer in this field had already advanced the study prior to or as at the time that Darwin started his thesis drafting 35 pages and expanded it to 230 pages later. While Newton discovered the laws of nature and dominated the 17th century ,Darwinist thesis on the evolution of man also competed during the period .Jean de Lamark (1744-1829) had earlier challenged the immutable fixity of species envisioning a comprehensive evolution from worm to man using the theory of acquired characteristics to explain the evolutionary process .Karl Marx also applied this to social sciences that social institutions were constantly in the process of change .

The thesis started from 1840s upward . In his ‘Progress ,its Law and Cause ’Herbert Spencer applied this to all phenomena. Whether commerce , Production , social development , language ,science ,literature and art all undergo simple evolution. This I described as ‘development cycles’ which rests largely on the institution of freedom .The social Darwinist who adopted this philosophy utilized its belief to justify the golden age of colonial expansion and Darwinism was enforced to justify imperialism of weaker race [i.e. blacks] .That colonies were instrumental to the survival of great powers .The philosophy of the aggressors-Marxists , Bismarckian nationalists and social Darwinists may not serve well Africa because it was meant to keep us as a perennially defeated race . The resistance and loggerheads between Darwinists and creationists till date serves to broaden the horizon and study of natural selection spreading intellectual freedom beyond initial scope that could have moved even Darwin in his grave today .

 The successive development created so many schools of thoughts and later refined their world view such as the belief of social Darwinists .On the other hand , in the Greek society , Several branches of philosophy such as Epicure , Stoicism and existentialism were evolved .But by the nature of their evolution had finished their assignment booking a place of pride I n the world civilization ’s history - It is necessary for ideology itself to evolve like every field of human study , it has promoted .This eradicates the irregularities and shortcomings involved in the original context for the benefit of universal welfare . 


The socialist movement debuted as an intellectual and ideological institution in the 19th century . This created a means to counter the problems posed by rising tide of industrialism and launch protest against liberalism .Socialism as a word and ideology first appeared in 1833 and 1839 respectively .It simply re-emphasized the need to return to pre-liberal traditional society that once existed prior to explosion of industrial revolution .They were concerned with the social challenges created by industrial evils and the inherent trespass on right of man .That a society exists for the benefit of all its members as advocated in the middle ages ..They opposed the free market powers of the individual bourgeoisies which they believed had prompted social misery of industrial workers. They advocated social cooperation ,state capitalism and planned economy . Even though they could not cope they represent a rising conscience against the evils of capitalism .

 In France , count of Saint Simons (1760-1825)a bold aristocrat held sway who also fought alongside the patriots during the American war was the first to realize this challenge. Rene Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865) a self professed anarchist of French peasant stock also consolidated socialist influence in France .He was hostile to state and opposed private property .Robert Owen (1771-1878),a successful textile industrialist believe in good education and a good working environment would lead to human progress .Simon’s most vocal critics –Charles Fourier distrusted all centrally planned authorities and believe large bureaucracy would certainly lead to anarchy .Nigeria should learn from this .Whereas Sismondi a swiss economist entertained a popular stance believed all class struggle occurred as a result of world scarcity of goods .He could have been a great Marxist economist had he being that popular with that viewpoint a world model like Smith. 

My view on Neomarxism is a bit similar to this ends. He believed that with the new means of mechanical production an increasing floodgate of goods if left unchecked would lead to class war far more incomparable to previous wars. In an attempt to gain market share over temporary market rivals , increased competition induced by increase marketing , would create lower wages and increase working hours which would in turn lead to economic crisis and internecine wars between capitalists and further ballooning artificial poverty . Isaiah Berlin commenting in ‘Isaiah Berlin : The Utopian Socialism ’noted ‘‘Fourier ’s indictment is the prototype of all later attacks on the doctrine of unchecked laissez faire ,of the great denunciations of Marx , and Carlyle , of Daumier ’s cartoons and Buchner’s plays ,no less than a communist ,fascist and Christian protests against the substitution of new forms of privilege for old and against the enslavement of the individual by the very machinery designed to set him free. ’’ When Charles X was expelled during the revolution of 1830s bringing the Louis Philippe to the throne of France ,socialism gained impetus once more reviving literary revolution .

A tireless succession of books and media freedom attacked social evils of the day and proliferated remedies .The Lamar tine or Cremieux softly liberal proposals ,and the developed state capitalist model expounded by Louis Blanc and semi-radicalist demand of Ledru Rollin or Marast .Blanqui and Barbes also proposed drastic socialist policy using their journal L’homme Libre endorsing abolition of private property or violent eruptions . Apart from Pecquer , Blanc and Dezami , other scholars , who followed closely either popularized ,altered and diluted their original thoughts and doctrines. With his Christian socialist ‘words of a believer ’Lamais --a catholic priest in 1834 , published his revolutionary ideas .Also In 1845 , the ‘Bible of Freedom’ appeared and was circulated by Abbe constant . Fourier ’ s disciple –Consider ant also gained popular appeal when he supported and declared in favor of the abolition of private property .

They lasted for a quite a while and later evanesced as a movement especially the Saint Simonists .Unfortunately, they later became the same capitalists,--railway magnates , rentiers whom they had lived for all time to preach against .The previous gains of ideological freedom nosedived in to obscurity as intellectual freedom developed volatility. Sharing and suffering the same fate as the Marxists .Can you imagine ? That is the power of lucre . They lived only to fulfill at least one out of their master ’s prophecy . Communist settlement was funded by the fourierists in America like the Oneida community that attracted popular American thinkers. They could not sustain the tempo and pressure in the defence of what they believed like the Capitalists .Time pressure was against them –an advantage that the capitalists had exploited to the full altering the forms of the society as they deem fit .The capitalists and the merchants after the overthrown of feudal lords were able to exploit not only the gains of intellectual freedom but its proven merit of better standard of living derived from the fruit of technology , tested and applied to advance the course of capitalist prosperity .The socialists who promised universal prosperity-a far better alternative have fallen far behind .Most especially , the socialists have been seduced by lucre, and according to V.Lenin , have sold themselves to the capitalists think not of the future of their children or grandchildren but they themselves. 


We know that the original pre-Marx Socialists and original pre-Bismarckian nationalists were conciliatory , peaceful ,evolutionary , pacifist and tolerant in the great liberal tradition .Robert Owen , Fourier and the rest were derogatorily regarded as utopian by Marxist socialists .They were so labeled because in binging about peaceful change without class war such as the Scandinavian socialist reforms .That they need not sacrifice civil liberties to get the job done . The pre bismarckian nationalists like Herder [1744-1803] in Germany and Mazini [1805-1872] prominent in Italy .And like their historical brethren failed woefully in the revolution of 1848 .

This failure erupted the iron and blood nationalism preached later by Bismarckian and Marxist socialists ,opening a new vista in modern history .The so called Machiavellian was nothing new but not until 1870s was it systematized effectively and never before the age of Stalin and Hitler was it practiced with such ferocity and coordination never seen before in mortal history .The iron and blood nationalism that followed after 1870s culminated in Nazi Germany and fascist Italy and also led to Soviet Russia advancing iron curtain from Europe to Asia. It instigated like social Darwinists both world wars and global crisis .In the great words of Cavour who accomplished Italian revolution ‘‘if we did to ourselves what we do to our country what a rascal would we be ’’ 


 Rethinking Marx and reforming Marx is the way forwards for a nation ready to develop or in love with this revolutionary idea .That is why I have taken my time to advance neomarxist free market economy , dual or meta-macroeconomics and neomarxism respectively for Nigeria .I briefly appraised them in my books. I wonder what the fate of Nigeria would be if according to Madunagu, it is the BEST option for Nigeria .I believe we are in Neomarxist Era - not neoliberal era and the world economy if adopted will swing from neomarxism to post Marxism as humanity transit from modern age to golden age civilization . The ideals of neoliberal as may be relevant and neomarxism can be merged to create neomarxist free market as sole alternative to conquer world poverty .There is no alternative for both developed and developing countries .This I believed if adopted , Nigeria can grow quickly and we can do in 5 years what could have taken 10-15years to achieve under normal circumstances . We can begin with this platform and then leveraged subsequent unique models as entrenched in this package to usher in universal prosperity for nations that adopted it .Nigeria ’s problem today is lack of development ideology and not corruption or mismanagement as such which is secondary factor .We are in new dawn we must change our mentality and prepare for the adoption .


Not many know that the essence of this blog is to advance the concept and practice of microfinance which is the centerpiece of neomarxist free market economy and neomarxism.It basically deals with strategic impact of the microfinance industry worldwide especially Africa which is to be by content , 60-70 percent for microfinance and 30-40 percent for general economic analysis .Though I posted the African Dilemma –a political essays , this original direction will remain .

It is sometimes expedient for consideration of general economic analysis to be exploited to better align them to dire need of microfinance in an economy .It is by this initiatives that we can weigh its utmost important and optimal effect in economic planning and nation building .References and exposition of macroeconomic models are also needed to compare with the new solution being proffered. It places more emphasis on the fact that foibles in the mainstream formal financial system cannot be resolved without reference to common men to be served by microfinance being the economy of the poor .

Our special reports , interviews and related articles dwell on this axiom We must assess the role of microfinance in poverty alleviation , grass root productivity , microindustrialisation and self empowerment and how relevant are the effect of government policies to their yearnings and plight .Microfinance through its unique free market model would be the beginning of a new dawn in mortal history and the battle to eradicate mass poverty is more than real with this micro financial model. We proffer solution therefore to world macroeconomic problems which I believe cannot be solved unless micro financial model is adopted .

May 23, 2011


It is a common knowledge that an economy is the very survival of man and by sustainability is the capital arts of development  . It can  also be  mutually conceded that an economy matures at its own pace based on the development and  the structure of its financial system and market functioning efficiently with inherent macroeconomic stability prevailing at a given period .It is often well argued that a good lubrication of this system can never be possible without the efficiency at which capital is mobilized and optimized as a unit factor influencing  enhancement effect of  productivity growth .This cannot also be possible without institutional efficiency in addition to labour efficiency  .The role of finance and this framework is extremely important complex and irreplaceable  to facilitate and accelerate appropriate economic growth desired by economic agents and nations at large .The mobilization of these productivity factors in alignment to structural and regulatory  incentives forms a financial system as economy perpetually evolves and consequently can better serve the public mainly improving standard of living. That is why in  a sensitive clime intensive study is often extended  to  the financial and monetary system  which  is periodically  surveyed and appraised to determine its overall macroeconomic impact .

In 1961 the American financial system  was heavily surveyed according to Jacob, Farwell , and Neave [1972]whether ‘it was indeed serving the public as well as it might ‘ .According to the reports and findings of the Commission On Money And Credit it concluded that ;‘Our monetary ,credit ,and fiscal  policies and the instruments and institutions through  which they operate must be so designed that they can make essential contribution in the decades ahead  to the improvement of our standard of living through simultaneously achieving low levels of unemployment an adequate rate of economic growth and reasonable  price stability .And the more successful we are in achieving these goals the better able we will be to  achieve our most  fundamental growth ; to enhance the freedom and dignity of our citizens indeed of men everywhere and to ensure the survival of our country and  its system of government ‘.

These lofty objectives did work out today  in the U.S.By 1982 Geoffrey Whitehead  commented and quoting Professor Galbraith regarded American society as ‘ an affluent society’ .That ‘affluence is wealth and there can be little doubt that western civilization today is wealthier than any previous civilizations .We have more  material things more useful goods than any civilization before us’ ……Thirteen  years before the Commission enquiry the GNP was estimated to grow by   more than  50 percent  to reach  close to a trillion dollars in 1975 from the previous  figure of 600billion dollars annually in 1965.With productivity growing at astronomical proportion household wealth in the 80s towered above 10trillion dollars adjusted for inflation had grown over the period 1974 to 91  nearly 4 trillion dollars including financial assets and real estate rose from 3.75 times annual disposable income in  the former period to 4.5 times in 1991 .

The combination of housing boom of the 70s and the long economic expansion of the 80s in addition to low inflation and high real interest rates skyrocketed the historical boom in the value of household assets  . Today reflecting the vision of the Commission riding on the golden age of the  90s Capital market assets in the U.S. ballooned to 50 trillion dollars more than a third of the world .This indicates that strategic vision , national self critical appraisal ,robust policy , effective human capital deployment and most especially  the hands of providence  including the productivity factors noted usually  mobilize  a financial system into sustainable growth and development. Hence the robustness of this system determines the strategic outcome of such strategic vision of any nation which has carried the U. S. economy thus far with better economic sovereignty and better  standard of living at the top of the world .

At the centre of this argument or polemics is the prominence of financial institutions envisaged to play a vital role towards capital development of any nation  being regulated by CENTRAL BANKS worldwide . Evolution of central banking was bedrock to modern commercial banks and the latter also preceded it by cradle  .They are controlled by economic necessity and preoccupied with the religion of  regulation and control of monetary expansion and discretionary contraction  of money supply .
 Several school of thoughts have debated and disputed and supported the viability and expediency of central banks in an economy or a nation .Is a Central Bank necessary . Both the free banking and the Cartalists schools were at loggerheads with each other  in which the former asserted that a Central Bank was not necessary and also believed that the metallic content of money determines its  monetary value or the inherent  value of money  .Whereas the  Cartalists argued in its favor and supported the issue of legal tender currency  and that its management was equiproportional to national sovereignty in the long run .Some countries that established  central  Banks earlier in their history, like the Riks Bank of Sweden—the world first central bank came into operation in 1656 ,followed by the old Lady of Thread Needle street in 1694 and the bank of Canada in 1935 .

Some of these institutions did not start as  central banks but became central banks by accident or chance ;as they were formerly known as commercial banks , established by government as cheap sources of capital mainly in the period of war  so as to  protect national sovereignty which paid off  as the cartalists believed  and were also used as a leverage for maintaining price  stability by  restricting bank notes issue .Where they were not monopolies in the issue of bank notes and the last lender of resort functions were given special privileges and regarded as special institutions as long as they received operating charters from governments .By the dawn of 1900s only 18 central banks were found operating  world wide  as far as modern definition and modern use of the  term  Central Banking is concerned .The major obstacle here is that their obligation was  to provide cheap sources of finance at below market rates which in turn constrained its ability to maintain price stability as core objective in the long run .

To provide an enabling climate for the economy to grow Central Banks perform various functions and being saddled with diverse responsibilities today as the challenges grew in the system .Some of the functions include ;issuance of legal tender currency ,monetary control and Credit, external reserves and exchange rate management , settlement and payment system management ,financial system stability maintenance, and regulatory and Banking system surveillance activities .Other functions were derived from legal provisions and banking ordinances of respective countries .In the developing region they  ventured beyond traditional functions taking on responsibilities such as public debt management ,Capacity building and development activities and providing needed stability in the system .

Although a central bank still performs several roles like these such as employment creation  and ensuring safety in the financial system  its core mandate is still price stability. However the core mandates which tend to differ often indicate the idiosyncrasy of each region  and infact in some countries regulation and supervision of Banks [i.e. Bank of England ]and exchange rate management were excised from the confine of a central banks monetary authority .
Below let us take a look at the principal objectives of policy world concept; tenability and market relevance ;and strategic impact vs. sustainable economic growth .
The relative importance of price stability cannot overemphasized in a usual macroeconomic settings as a precondition for sustainable economic growth .It connotes a low inflation or zero inflation climate .While the opposite builds when general prices rise very rapidly and varies over time .It is a situation where the general level of prices rise very slowly or  does not grow at all. Inflation is the major determinant for price stability success or failure .A country with price stability has zero or low inflation .Inflation affects people with fixed incomes or fixed monetary value causes unfair distribution of incomes promotes uncertainty with dire consequences and discourages foreign investment .Moreover besides economic fundamentals such as exchange rate  money supply and productivity another factor that determines the level of a nation’s competitiveness which refers to national ability to compete in the international market is inflation which potentially erodes this competitiveness by discouraging both foreign and local meaningful investment It also has overriding influence on noted factors .Exchange rate instability excess money supply high wage structure against low productivity background is highly uncompetitive internationally .National competitiveness improvement is a progress in the relative share of economic profits measurable by investment and output expansion .The inability to spend more in Nigeria and spend more abroad for instance contracts demand for local goods and services increasing unemployment .This affects national productivity which is the output per man hour or an underlying measure in the growth of living standard .

This factor of inflation usually restrains or erodes this productivity and most importantly the national competitiveness vital to boost economic growth .For instance  a sudden rise in the Nigerian rate of inflation will discourage Americans from  demanding her local products due to expensive nature .This contracts foreign exchange inflow while the Americans products will be cheaper attracting more demand leading to capital flight crisis  and they can also import more cheaply from America  .Consequently leading to foreign exchange outflow from the country  . The combined effects of outflows and increase in imports leads to depreciating naira or exchange rate instability .All other things being equal when a country rate of inflation exceeds its trading patner her competitiveness declines automatically .

Also a period of higher outputs did translate into a period of low inflation .In the united states  the pre-1979 especially late 1940s ,50s 60s and 70s were a great period of high inflation –a major economic problem as  opposed to unemployment barrier of the depression .But relatively through better monetary policy had a relatively low inflation shortly thereafter using the policy to preempt rising inflation in contrast to earlier period in which the fed.  tended to wait for inflation to become a major problem before tightening .This happened in the 1960s and .70s. This delayed attitude needs more aggressive surge in short terms interest rates with inherent risks of recessions. Since then a more proactive measure had been put in place and the fed.  with consistent credibility  and appropriate  policy  taken to hold in inflation in check  .The low inflation and low short term interest credibility in the states had persisted   learning from the failure of past unsuccessful  policies .The lesson is that the policy tends to be effective when it preempt rising inflation as a guiding principle .

Therefore in the architecture of macroeconomic policy the central objective often remains the promotion and attainment of  domestic price and exchange rate stability which acts as catalyst for the attainment of sustainable economic growth and external sector viability . And more specifically the essence of stable macroeconomic environment is to catalyze economic output boosts employment generation and consequently impact heavily on quality of life index .However we need emphasize that  development oriented  macroeconomic policy shares the  following attributes and features such as low and manageable inflation rate, low interest rates ,favourable balance of  payment position exchange rate stability and sustainable fiscal performance .And most importantly the quality or state of  institutional development is also a major determinant of development oriented macroeconomic environment  in the economy at large

Although economic growth  is determined by a host of economic political institutional and social factors  which are uncontrollable and controllable monetary policy exogeneity  The core competence of monetary policy however is the pursuit of  price stability which upon attainment is a full indication  of macroeconomic stability and a reflection of growth oriented  macroeconomic environment . This is so because inflation  as usually observed according to Freidman   is a fundamental  economic problem . In the quantity theory of money he concluded ‘ inflation  is  everywhere  a  monetary phenomenon .That in the long run increase in the money supply leads to increase  in the price level ‘. This corroborated  Irvin Fisher ‘s way back  in 1922  which postulated that changes in the quantity  of money  have a dire impact on price level . And the main determinant  of  non inflationary economic growth  is the pursuit and  attainment of price stability which encompasses  all  main areas that apex banks can maneuver to attain macroeconomic stability in the long run. ..

The fact is clear ;the pursuit of price stability  is multidimensional and multi pronged approach implies indirect pursuit of all other economic objectives  which are price stability induced ;ensuring that money supply is at a level consistent with the absorptive capacity of the economy  safeguarding non inflationary growth as the ultimate institutional bias of  policy outcome  and monetary macroeconomics  [Sanusi;2002 ] That is why the paradigm shift in monetary policy objectives worldwide has come to favor it irrespective of multiple developmental objectives of central bank worldwide  [Uchendu,2001]

Over the last few  decades  an  increasing  body of literature have laid more emphasis on the depth of this objective   and adoption . As nations evolve through developmental phases  making more information and empirical studies  available  on how economies work .In  the early stages multiple  developmental objectives were  emphasized and pursued for monetary policy activity such as economic growth   employment generation and maintenance of stable prices safeguarding domestic currency external value and exchange rate stability  .Beginning from the 1990s  probably owing  to growing  waves  of  autonomy saddled with  increasing number of central banks  worldwide have come  to  adopt this  objective as a quintessential mandate for sustainable economic growth . For  instance according to Mahadera and Sterne [2000] and Uchendu [2001]   78 out  of 94 central Banks  or 83 percent of countries surveyed  focus on price stability as central  objective  and core competence for  monetary  policy
The studies exhumed that from the Bank of  Japan to  the Central Banks  of Peru  and  Mexico [Banco de  Mexico ] price stability remains a primary objective  . With  similar  legislation  adopted   by central Banks of  Israel England and South Africa have toed the same line  .The amendment to bank of Korea  act June 12 , 1950 empower the Bank to place more emphasis on this objective as core competence . Moreover  according to the statutory objective of European central Bank  as  stipulated in the Article 105 .1 of Maastricht  Treaty and its protocols which envisaged  the formation of  European central  bank  for the European Union and the European System  of   national central Banks [ESCB] were motivated and mandated  to  focus on price stabilility.  as  primary objective .The treaty specifically states that ‘ the primary objective of ESCB shall be  to maintain price stability ‘ and ‘ shall support general economic policy in the community with a view to contribute to the achievement of the community as a laid down in Articles 22 ‘

Contrary to the above overwhelming support for price stability across the world the United States still uses monetary policy ‘multipurposely ‘ The main objective of the U.S. F.E.D. monetary policy is to ‘maintain long run growth of money  and credit aggregates commensurate  with the economy ‘s long run potential  to increase production so as to promote effectively the goals of maximum employment stable prices and long term interest rates