November 4, 2017


No matter the situation,i will never quit,even in the howling wilderness,when uncertainty like dogs barks at every tremble and there seem to be no escaping route.One day,Dr John Maxwell,tempted by the devil and the law of sight,considered his chances and decided to quit.And after a few minutes of considering the option,decided to search its meaning and then look it up,in the dictionary.But you would be amazed at what he did,after the search.And What did he do after gaining the much needed insight? Suddenly,Maxwell in a symbolic act defiance,pulled the trigger-took out a scissor and cut off the page containing the word from the dictionary.Though certainly,didnt change anything,but only his psychology,his resolve and determination at seizing hard choices and bright opportunities in life.When you feel like you are at a dead end,be not tired or exhausted,at your tenacity and hardwork.Jack Dempsey,once noted-'A champion is one who gets back up,when he cant'.Booker T. Washington said'-success is not measured by the

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