November 4, 2017


When you haven't accomplished,what you set out to do,quitting is not a good option and for Maxwell to take that important decision,at a trying times of his life,he must have been a good calculator and an apologist of Twain's success therapy.When you planned to leavea legacy,you'll understand better and not wanting to be stained by a trail of unfulfilled aspirations,you'll definitely not quit.Dont join nor listen to critics and complainers that settled for less and if you quit is certainly not toolate to start again.And for every contest,denials and stumbling blocksabound,but the point is to makea difference.'I feel i lived on a higher plain than the sceptics on theground....who valued life more highly,the aviators who spent it on the art they loved,or these misers who doled it out like pennies through their antlike days?.....If i could fly for ten years before i was killed in a crash,it would be aworthwhile trade for an ordinarylifetime',says Charles Lindbergh,who made a difference in his chosen carreer.

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