November 6, 2017


Vile roses-infecund gauntly lay nefariously.And vicarious river-vice vibrated by osmosis,entangled above vignette,vicissitude did ungainly but dancely glide.Within vermillion of vexatious vermins and venturesome veneers'perforate.And the valedictory vales of a valetudinarian hesitate and of nebula,Which encroached through the vainglory across and betwixt.Same bare at winces to the thraldom of volition and vagueness pronounced.Same impenitence unsubtled of untramelled unvarnished.What a hell of dickens because impenitence and impenitent but fugitive folks,are unstintingly unsubstantiated ironies.Why the unnerves are frets binging galore?The wastrels are pristine time wastrels,wanderlust of the lush but reddish green,the ogres are drowning wrecks,And to the howling wilderness even as gregarious neurosis,unfettered their traggicommedic bathos,they turned,forty feet tall,horizon binges high and a muddy pond,unforthcoming,unforgiving and unflagging flabble.An Ode to my little wights,tell me why the nebula,ought..

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