August 17, 2018


We are slaves to what wethink basically its inglorious light.We are also slavesto those who think for us especially when they think wrongly,to whom our destinies unfortunately are tied in this most volatile world.Then we are of all species the most pitiable or the most pathetic of those inglorious lights in which we are held in bondage forever.Indeed,it cannot denied that we are slaves to those most powerful men who think for us and we eat their excreta,our food andwe aredoomed to their shackles unless we harness percapital our glorious light. Unfortunately,this excreta is the very meansof our survival or the subsistenceof our existence.Then,it is shameful we are lifelongserfs to those who put us into gaol unless we begin to cultivate the art of thinking as fellow thinkologists,we cannever be freed and the world cannever be freed.The worst form of slaverythe world and history has ever seen is not the ancient slave trade or the trade in human trafficking but rather the worst form being the intellectual slavery

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