August 16, 2018


Every man potentially,has that most beautiful city in him and i call it'psychocity'the city of the mind and many by conscious ego,do not live there.What an undeveloped city left desolate and for the most part in ruins by man's own sheer ignorance and nonchallance.The material success of fortunate man is a concommitant effect of its inward built psycho city.When you think,you are in real terms building that city and if succesful within,then material success automatically would be its tangible evidence.Given the fact that man's mind or psychocity magnet occuppies the most unique place in the universe,the city within then is extremely valuable than the cities without.We mean the astrocity or geocity or egocity.In this context,teleology as epistemology as eschatology mobilises the nature's compromise in alignment with internal and operative texture of human thoughts.Though the most beautiful cities have been built in the world's most powerful civilisation,but the city of the mind man's eternal home neverbuilt

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