December 28, 2019


 Though there are exceptions to the rule, in that self interest is not often being driven by market rational forces,to defy the Abraham's curve where the rule or the law fails to apply.Objectively,one should  not exhume dubiety to tinker with the fact that where there is misleading mismatch between market forces and market rational forces, regarded as market rational disequilibrium.This inherent structural inequity, a causal dislocation at this Abraham's curve causes inflation and unemployment,poverty and unfavorable business cycles,familiar with mordern economics.It seem that market forces are not reliable gauge for equality of wealth and universal prosperity,and the seed capital of its own destruction.If we attempt not o condescend or vouch safe this distressing portion of the curve,Abraham negative curve which condones market rational disequilibrium,we reach the market rational equilibrium,where the two forces meet and the inherent causal macroeonomic dislocation vanishes, like a meteor.Then we are propelled not to convincingly label economics again with the tag 'dismal science'as popularised by Thomas Carlyle.Of course,it sound absurd and indeed the theatre of the absurd to concur that supply creates its own demand.Nor is it rational to infer that market clears,in such market neurosis or causal dislocation it bestows upon itself
John Stuart Mill, 1806-1873  Educado desde muy pequeño directamente por su padre, James Mill, se convirtió en una especie de niño superdotado intelectualmente aunque con dificultades para sus relaciones sociales y con el sexo opuesto.     Liberal, pero profundamente preocupado por las cuestiones sociales, defendió la libertad sindical y el cooperativismo. Fue pionero del feminismo y, en su juventud, fue arrestado por propagar métodos de control de natalidad.

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