December 28, 2019


THE MARSOLIST MANIFESTO AND THE ABRAHAM'S LAW:THE TRUE INVISIBLE HAND.7.Apart from the fact that market rational forces,could function on its own without the interaction of volatile market forces,to give us a picture of the Marxist type economy or classless society, the depth or mode of applicatio of the law, specifically in the debt exchange stabilization process, matters a lot.However the theoretical consensus view is that a long and a sustained period of debtflation,is caused by debt money supply, growing faster than the rate of mass poverty incidence,the so called headlong approach,in the debt economy.Today mainstream economic is fast imploding and irrelevant, where no bold attempt except for microfinance is made to ensure full employment ,attack or eradicate the twin evils.
Debt economics favours a high and steady rate of debtflation.It encourages universal prosperity, eradicate mass poverty,banish inequality of wealth.Through the balance of credit payment,it offers adjustment mechanism for every economic agent to be able to adjust their living standards from penury to riches, in this era of universal capitalism or Marxist capialism.The task of keeping debtflation low, in the firstI instance, may be graduated to a high and steady state, is a choice determined by debt monetary authorities like CBM for instance to handle.Other definitions for debtflation, refers to the growth or Increases in the amount of debt money finance in debt economy at a given period.Debt economiNascido em Viena, na Áustria, no seio de uma família de cientistas e acadêmicos, Frederick Hayek é considerado o “pai” do neoliberalismo como doutrina econômica. Ele acreditava que a melhor forma de prevenir crises era a ausência do estado na economia – mostrando-se um ávido defensor do livre-mercado. Uma de suas principais ideias era a de que nem mesmo a emissão de moeda deveria estar nas mãos dos governos. “Se não fosse pela interferência do estado no sistema monetário, não teríamos ...Irving Fisher (1867-1947) was one of the greatest and clearest-thinking economists of all time.  He established the theoretical support for modern discounted cash flow analysis, writing that “the value of capital is the present value of the flow of (net) income that the asset generates.”  But he also had other claims to fame … some noteworthy, some less worthy.  In his early 30’s he was stricken with tuberculosis and developed an interest in health.cs

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