January 15, 2025

The faịlụre Of Human Reaction.part three.

I do believe that sometimes too much facts placed under review might be too much disproportionate an encumbrance to the undertake the proposed ventures and in most cases dismembers  forecast impact.Often times when we indulge in this posture we are blessed with unmatched confidence that strategically exploit ignorance for the later fulfilment.Therefore we rely on the support of such prejudices from the fallow ground to embrace the crossroads and make attainment realizable in split lightening.
I was disheartened at this ilks of uninformed lady and the disparaging remarks of a disgusting limbo and a disgruntled element pouring tirade at every juncture of emotional blunder.Do we get any better than unleashing hate at the very bottomline of unworkable solutions?The failure of human reaction we refer rational reaction in response to this quagmire of disparaging remarks.To react illogically by sheer dose of inconvenient and incontrollable human prejudices is a warrant for the chaotic planet earth that we currently abode.
Human reaction logically must influence itself positively in such deplorable scenario to avert persistent flurry of backbiting,witch-hunting and backstabbing witchcraft stigmatising the office of accomplishment.The ministry of accomplishment should be holy and driven by egalitarian propensity of service apathy, empathy,compassion and brotherhood in the spirit of justice, fairness and equity respectively.
We should react not illogically with enlightened propensity that we care at least beyond the average to cool the temperature of those peradventure at the crossroads of their dreams and visions.
Learning from this pitfall of reaction failure the anthem of a new day must be so devised to promote the progress of a wonderful world full of grace and sympathy and empathy for the way others feel.We re possibly going to unleash the phenomenal motive for the new dawn and beyond.We avoid the derogatory remarks against others when we re indeed in the growth trajectory of massively fighting on the downward spiral and unlearning hate campaign across the board.

The faịlụre Of Human Reactions.part 2

The use of human prejudice basically the politicisation of the use being a normal bias and the adroit effrontery with which mankind endorses this peculiar trait in man that seemingly characterizes every critical attempt at reaching for the sky so to say revel with the map of accomplishment.
I begin to wonder about the possibility of human survival in the earthly frittered abode.I do not believe we could survive it if such instinct of human prejudice and inherent crass of stupendous goons walloping in this mud, controlling the affairs of accomplishment ever permitted to persist in the glee of rational capacity building.It does not speak out of thing air but loud and clear in our actions and creative actions and creative dreams we inhabit at every twist and turn of human multiplicative inversely disproportionate actions.
We share consensus however that it is a natural phenomena that we mankind live much longer by the invocation of prejudices we thrive by it and outlive by it.Every model of accomplishment is tamed by the success of human prejudice that unbuttons the glaring nature of the conspicuous accomplishment.We therefore could increase the quality of human prejudices available at our disposal when the critical apparatus of preparedness is mated with effective planning and actionable benefits.
We are enjoined to focus more on that quality instead of growing the quantity of human prejudices available at our disposal.The difference between failure and success is how much of unforeseeable opportunity we do explore at the least average of human prejudices possible.When we strategically draft a plan out of preparedness and perceived responsibility of concrete dreams and visions,we signify in real terms the route to drastically reduce this growing spectrum of human prejudices as much accelerated and appreciated.

The faịlụre Of Human Reaction.part one

The blogger Ibikunle Laniyan explores the challenge of passing the buck often times by man and casting aspersion on others with derogatory remarks over their persons and yet we see nothing bad in our character even when it is self evident to Tom Dick and Harry .The blogger explores this nature in mankind often more closely and unravel the much unspoken drama.

There's no doubt whatsoever man is a parochial element and in most cases lay claim on the righteousness and uprightness of his own goof to the exclusion of other goofs as being above board houlier than thou attitude yet we may not be blessed with such character unless we try.Do we ever try?In this case I think we hardly do and i think we all get it wrong in the insensitive and uninformed angle we found ourselves and unintelligible position of trying to audit or correct flaws in other arts to exclusion of scanning out derogatory remarks over our own flaws.Sometimes or in most cases we hardly see and I keep wondering how much of change personally can we inspire per capital should we subject ourselves to serious scrutiny by the invocation of a golden rule.We may not believe it setting examples and setting them glaringly with beautiful anecdotes might not even be enough to prove the integrity of an arts beyond this mystery of incredible scenario.
This night I was gobsmacked passing through the adjoining street next to my street popular known as unity street Ile ọbá bus stop igando and all of a sudden the essay came to my mind in a random case study of a lady trader with front shop in the street lampooning the misdemeanour of fellow lady and her kid insensitive of her own flaws having committed similar offence before this incident.Immediately in the random case of this reoccurrence and memoirs I was frozen.Why would people think they re better than others?
The idea came to mind and I started critiquing my personal flaws even my Peccadilloes .

January 14, 2025

The Brain 🧠 Ledger System.part 10.

Within the organized but extramaterial organules of brain 🧠 Ledger System functioning unveiled in the entrepreneurial capacity of the brain that is best depicted by the brain tripartite system that manages the information systems of the brain ledger system using the seven senses for routine administrative competencies,the clinical trials and elaborate routine tasks of the brain environment is well captured in the three fields of knowledge governing the brain's entire edifice of functioning mechanism.It is becoming increasingly clear based on empirical evaluation of the brain tripartite system that the best computer ever created and ever evolved is the brain box.Unraveling the organic science of medula computation requires wading through the thorough fissure and dissection of its tripartite is also what we called holy trinity of the brain.We discover the origin of life and origin of death at the same time operating in the medulla environment. We re begining to negotiate our eternity on earth as we navigate into the spiritual contract of the human brain.Now we know the origin of the brain and the future of the brain.
Where does the brain originate from and the origin of its life and the death of its life and where it is headed?This brain's behavioral anatomy or behavioural physiology is proven to the last penny in the ledger system.
The Brain originate from the unconscious planet of the unconscious age,born into the conscious world of the conscious ages and vamoose later into unconscious age where it came from.Together with subconscious ages that connects the two sides they manage and govern human art and that is what we call human administration over a given human environment.

The Battle Of Dreams.part 75

In most cases the strategic quality of information to back up or morally support the bottomline of the brain texture being the middle sight often not enough and we only rely on the strength or fortitude of the seventh sense also known as faith sense to support the middle brain adventurously known as Instinction . Perception or wisdom is the foresight or front brain and people often ridicule or down play the significance of the middle brain in the provisions of such fortitude or ideology that wisdom of the perception uses or consume for the progress of the vision and actionable budgets to be effectively undertaken for fruition.
Hence if we say perception is everything without considering the role that Instinction or middle sight plays in providing quality base for its success then we are ultimately wrong in the management of dreams and impact might be shortlived or non existent.When we examine the utmost impact of brain interaction over organic task at a particular period we Ve laid the best foundation for the success of any venture.Those who desire to see your thoughts on paper before the serial transaction of time investment begins the journey of value chain forecast do not spit their saliva in vain.

The Battle Of Dreams.part 74

Certainly and indisputable to reaffirm that based on the analysis of brain Ledger System and the interaction with regular and randomised reaction or responses with natural ledger system through the reflective action genes as coded and inherent in the system the texture of the human brain is undeniably weak from the proven database of brain system that the foresight of the human brain ;the hindsight of the human brain interaction with the middlesight is quite indifferent to depression related menace of public ridicule especially its incessant outbreak to cave in or skewered or sewered the vivacity of the human art in question.The changes in behavior is often tied to repugnant spirit of the middle sight being the database of activity related transaction undertaking operational relationship in the light of dreams and visions badly needed for proper execution.Middlesight might decide to quit but when it consults insight to take decision it would be forced to consult hindsight or the hind brain first.Unless middle sight uses faith sense often time in the proper management of reaction and response it might take inadequate decision or less satisfactory decision to the dreamful projected venture.In most cases the quality of time investment we can afford to feed mid brain for proper decision management with accurate information for better intellectual management is often beleaguered with falsehood.Then we quit for safer landing and beautiful dreams die even before they re born.

The Battle Of Dreams.part 73

Given the fact the conduct of human improvement is fed by operative mode of knowledge disposal at the prompts of the roll over in every condition.We seek improvement in every areas of art and tradition and where it is necessary to seek more knowledge learn and unlearn what we Ve learnt or something and worth noting that the earned impact drastically changes everything including the mode of human behaviour and our approach to capacity cultivation.This may not always come from books or prior knowledge but by taking painful decision to plunge dreamers or action takers into unwanted and unregulated terrain that they barely know exposing their vulnerability.Those who do this thing disgusting as it were exposes themselves to ridicule with their ignorance and the possibility of being smothered or smitten not  really by the verdict of mankind but by the verdict of history.Then because it practically changes everything in the lifetime of the interrogated lifestyle in question which is being interrogated by the same environment that throws it up either for glory or inglory to indicate that in the long run it may either kill innovation or promote it .Infact it tend to kill innovative spirit fast or causes threatened art to reconsider their mode of time investment.If not for the faint hearted the promise of better returns in the unbreakable mould of efficient time investment could gravely discourage a soft landing in the envisaged beneficial returns.None whatsoever ever dares to venture beyond the horizon and for the handful controversial lifestyle is affordable and we know what terrain is like the objective population of strategic thinkers In the field of active dreamers not heavily congested but massively declines.

January 13, 2025

The Battle Of Dreams.part 72

The custom of human logics activates greedily when dreams and visions and aspirations see the rampaging might of overwhelming sanctions of impending accomplishment.The overwhelming logics of conditional interpretation subject to the corpulence of extant virulence is for the substance of strategic thinkers to feed of the calibre of punditry tried in the reprieve of arts and tested in the rebound of reprisal management.It pays these breeds of human arts with liberty albeit beleaguered and justice in the transition of the value chain and beyond the borders of the average arts driven by the whims and caprices of the time investment horizons.These classes of thinkers can place strategic interest on thinking debt en masse the rigid competence of this logics and still reap bountifully with adequate prices on logical contract that guarrantees commensurate justice and liberty.
A good thinking debt amortised at least ado of medula reticence stays vibrant to often times the essence of historical liberty.

The Battle Of Dreams.part 71

It is sometimes possible the unequaled feat of prior condition could weakens the capacity excellences for the next spill over of condition and not much raptured to go beyond the current experience but some sustainability is not a relatable option from the temperature of environmental pressures to which they're more entangled.Things not often greasely as you think where competitive rivalry might stand in favor of the weak tomorrow and much bleaker kind begins to soar.
It absolutely fully indicates as the capacity decline due to lack of motivation the quality of freedom and the quality and quantity of justice also declines accordingly.Does it affect the average individual?Who bears the brunt?Of course the quality and quantity of history and historical liberty gospel also declines.Given that logic is the principal auditor, position analyst and evaluator and main actor and justice of its administrative courts,the banter only get prolonged stretches in vain with no public benefit for mankind whatsoever,it passes final verdict for every roll over . Although condition by the ethics of time investment cycle duration harvesting capacity value chain,the schematic return of every artist is not paid instantly but it takes a constructive fortitude of considerable use of time from cause to effect as informed by necessity to mature the turnover ratio for an optimal impact.Every condition is a logical case in a logical case court and we cannot be intimidated by the widespread or infamous prices of its verdict to the vulnerability of unhatched freedoms and jettisoned liberty.Man as a consumer of logics is indented indebted and invested in the formula that causes him to reap success or fails woefully in the jungle of human prejudice.

The Battle Of Dreams.part 70.

The funniest part when the spiral of justice and freedom of liberty is likened to the gravity of yet undeciphered miscarriage of condition to which impact or benefits is next to zero,prices that historians and pundits would pay,could be lesser or heightened not the caricature from an imposture of which the retrieval system of history is less richer.Until consistency pays the price of the sustainability in the art of development there is no restraint of unending public good left to miscarriages of flattered and impuissant condition left to rot in the mirage of public expectations.The wisdom teeth of history often enriches the most passionate lovers of art only to be smothered unwaveringly that when art is dead history is dead and when history society is dead and society is dead life automatically extincts.The time investment cycle of capacity value chain summons public good where the spectrum of golden interaction  of human relations with social relation is tantamount to sustainability and not orphaned by failure.Does the salvo ever changes the contract of socio economic system and the mirage of spotlight fallen upon it to effect the much vaunted spiral of public good?

The Battle Of Dreams.part 69

In the Commonwealth of circumstances or condition roll over,the derivative output of freedom and justice that ensues at the golden transition of capacity value chain is barely rigid as they changes as their environment changes.It is immaterial what defects of effect they bestow but optimal forecast of attendant social change it opines quite imbalance critically at every given mathematical equation of logic.As the equator of logic and the equation of logic changes , circumstances forecast that its relative ratio of freedom and justice also changes.Nevertheless the intrinsic value of knowledge commodity left behind unpaid expenses of yet unamortized unanimously jettisoned social debt snowball into pragmatic spirits of new generation of yet unknown truth that is poised to launch reprisal at a yet undefined slope of unknown time investment cycle.Moreso as the transition of the value chain unleashes change management at a dreary maneauver to make him speechless the illogical spillover of the human arts.Then motions are bland even before they begin constructive spirit of human choices and what choices we make determine the optimal use of the impact derivatives from the school of effect and factory of the effect multi pliers embedded in every broken jaw of invidious capacity building.Circumstsnces when it linger the envisage that empirical turnover by ratio of velocity should be unnatural and unmatched to the short run store of scenarios The scenery changes when the input of strategic thinking and relative capacity dead before anyone knows.

The Battle Of Dreams.part 68

Organically the material equivalent of knowledge and knowledge velocity battling for relevance in every condition is quite baffling to the mysticism of the average moral alignment than we previously thought.The readership and the documentation of such material not the main concern in the artistic exploration of the human estate shaped by the parody of the environment it's thrown into beyond what the use,continual impact management, sustainable growth of capacity and quality of time investment can bring to the person ranging from esteem and influence and more freedom for strategic leverage that human bias can bring.

The Battle Of Dreams.part 67

The breathe of circumstances so to say the revenues of circumstances or rolls of condition is the velocity of knowledge it shares in the interaction with the environment that supports it's structural downpour and supplies the condition.Often times the motive to nature is the ratio of social change they could get prior to exit doors of each roll of condition.We think we often outsmart condition when strategic thinking is in most cases in the toga of downward spiral.Infact when we time's strategic leverage is well endowed to optimise conditional leverage on an extant but waning condition oblivious of the fact that whatever we owe that condition we must pay even more by yet unknown hardline circumstances that we barely know grind us unconsciously or subconsciously in the face.The optimal growth of human arts not the modest revenue of every condition or roll over or spiral but the proportion of social debt not left behind unpaid as burden for the posterity.Knowledge comes up or too early or emerges too quickly for some in life but for many it arises later in life but for the latter the proportion of social debt they owe in life might not be paid in a single lifetime and the afterlife.Much relief maybe the console of serial benefits they could get in the lease of art for maximum amount of impact they may have on fellow men.Great motivators who provide the most influence on global icons today are getting less and less rewards till they pass out.Even more their benefactors reap by the appropriate evaluation of the invaluable historical assets they left behind invading only the objective conscience of a strategic thinker.This is objective maximization of historical facts otherwise also inflation of historical phenomenon.

The Battle Of Dreams.part 66

Does circumstances provide alone the repertory of the human and social transformations beyond the cumulatives of human reason to afford the critical resources of the copulative operations engaged in the management of dreams and public good?Far be it and we re emboldened to dress our capacity with response that is aligned to the critical needs of the flurry of transformation and relative transaction that we could hardly untie the unmanageable effect of such course of action bestowed in the bombardment of immaculate choices that seek ways to make mortal better than they perpetually been before .And for a good dreamer rational choices might even not be as bright as you think unless the concept of live dream is well understood beyond strategic confines of unimpaired necessity driving the imponderable staring us in the face.A strategic thinker is both a blessing to himself and his generation until in the twinkling of an eye,he's gained mastery of how much he could get by conversion of his vision and plans into actionable benefits .The beauty of dreams like the use of capacity is the uncommon touch by which they re leveraged to monetize concrete action.

The Battle Of Dreams.part 65

The truth about the virtues of human personality barely sinks into the psychology of individual constructiveness and constructive consciousness of the human individuals until the performance of capacity and operative mode of human prejudice unbuttoned and harnessed.At a prime networth of industrial conscience willingly truncated by the sheer unbroken flow of such prejudices made meaningful when dreams and actions bring out their hidden gems.Circumstances are the factories and foundries of liabilities mated by necessity when the use of arts is more than politicized instead of being economised by values that strategic thinking base of golden Instinction the middle insight of the brain often subscribe to.The moral assignment to be candid is the use of priceless consciousness to identify it even before it gets annexed by the carelessness of brutish observation.Then you think it refers to consciousness per say but subconscious powers of the mind to optimise the power of arts for Maximum impact of historical progress.


"Have you heard the sayings ashipa was a grandson of ọbá of Benin?"
"Does it make sense to say so that a foreigner that came 200 years after into a place gives birth to rulers chosen by much earlier generation of settlers in that city?"
"I don't blame the good nature of Yoruba especially to foreigners sometimes cost them a lot of respect and dignity.Little wonder it took them 60 years after formation of Lagos in 1380 to gịve it a name and shame fully when they did it was named by foreigner."
"I choked "
"If you Ve read Robert Smith in his book of principal Yoruba towns around Oyo and inside Oyo at the same time writing about westward expansion of Benin kingdom in the 17 the century, he says by Lagos account the ashipa was isheri chief and I believe this account.


Did you know Lagos was discovered by the aworis?I hope you know that."
"Yes we do.FIora Shaw named Nigeria but I still wonder who gave it the name sef?"
"Exactly that is where we re going.Lancelot De Freitas(1431-1462) a Portuguese man gave it the name.He himself grew up in Lagos, Portugal as a local Lagosians had gone to around Carter bridge to buy provisions in 1450 and looking towards ebute meta and seeing Carter bridge surrounded by water separated the Island and mainland was compelled to give it the name "Lagoon"to mean Lagos."
"Good but how did the name "Eko" came up and who coined it?"
"See the Benin people coined the word eko.Let me summarize as written in J.B.Losi M in the book entitled The history of Lagos have two versions and we can narrow down to a plausible version.The city was founded by olofin ogunfunminire the head of the aworis as group of hunters that migrated from Ile ife .Olofin was an ife prince who first settled at isheri Olofin a community located 12 miles to the Lagos north.Hence from there they settled in other parts of Lagos and widely dispersed in places like Irepu, Ado ado,Ogudu,Ojota,Ikeja etc.The southward settlements in Yana, Ebute meta,Ọtọ came later and like that later Ido that later the home of the Olofin the first ruler of Lagos perhaps not official.
However the book says prior to the aworis settlement there earlier aworis "
"Different from Olofin ogunfunminire?"
"Exactly much earlier version of aworis and they settled in places like Olopon,Alase,Tomuwa,Omume etc before the coming of Olofin."
"First settlement please "
They were first settled at Egun ibeji from which they dispersed widely across the city."
"Where is that?"
"Egun ibeji has gone extinct."
"Extinct okay"
"Olofin's children and group were known as aladejo(group of fisherman in the vicinities).He divided the land among his ten children the first child aromire,olokos.Led by aromire they swam across to Lagos island and many of the settlements bear their name.For instance Okoro at ọtọ,Ojota at ijora,Oniru at ịrụ,elegushi family constitution Victoria island,Oluwa or apapa at iwa etc.I think Onikan  was owned by DA Rocha family. "
"How come Benin lay claim to Lagos?"
"As you can see the explanation suggested otherwise and not true."
"There was a fight between Yoruba or aworis and Benin people what motivated the fight?"


"Quite a serious fight I must say and it ended in favor of the Benin's".
"How?Did they win?"
"No they didn't.The fight was caused by a woman 'aina'who was accused of fetishism and her goats as symbols of fetishism was destroyed by olofin.Hence the fight started. After she was accused of witchcraft she attempted to settle rift with olofin to no avail and was forced to seek redress elsewhere and complained bitterly to oba orhogbua of Benin .Hé sent his warriors to attack and set up benin war camp in Lagos named "Eko".Aseru was the head of Benin military expedition in Lagos and carried expedition northward.When Aseru was killed during one of these expeditions in the marshes of isheri, Ashipa then ruler of Lagos took his dead body to Benin in line with Benin tradition and Ashipa was knighted as the king of Lagos by ọbá Benin for this kind gesture.He was knighted eleko of eko or oloriogun.This coronation did not go down with many of his colleagues and Yorubas.Nevertheless when he died the position was transferred to prince Iddo son of Benin king and not loyal to Ashipa's son as he was loyal to ashipa."
"That's betrayal "
"Don't you know edo or Benin people are like that.What happened next?"
"After ado became king come Gabayya and later akinsemoyin.They used military powers to annex Lagos and aworis dialect is being used as the vnarcular by native of the city.At Enu owa,(still retains evidence of Benin culture including Architecture)Benin settled unlike aworis with Olofin at iddo.After the Benin conquest they moved to enu owa to developed place at Iddo the pepper farm palace.When eleko gabaro became king the palace was moved to palace at idun iganran.Hence Lagos moved from oko under the first settlement of the aworis to being eko under settlement of the Benin's.
Hence from the time of the amalgamation down 1991 Lagos was federal capital even before it was officially created federal capital in the 1970s by awolowo.Still after Abuja became the new bride Lagos still be referred to as the commercial capital of Nigeria."
"Exactly ".


These moors came from northern west Africa at Mauritania and later conquered Spain .In the etymological dictionary of the French people by Gilles Menage More is defined as black or blackish people.Mairi is the mordern name the moors of Spain hailed from Mauritania that is to say theand of the black people and not only conquered Spain but also through Spanish conquest conquered the new world.While skin of Gauls is white the moors predominantly black are Yoruba people who dominated west Africa politics and major settlement.Saint Isidore of Seville the school master of the middle ages say the moors were blacks.
At the time Strabo : Geography ,c.22.AD.,XVII.iii.l-ll made his statement that beyond the country which he ruled over that there was no habitation of men beyond great distance of land and the men under him were not black skinned like the Mauretanii the moors yet to conquer Iberian or that he had poor sense of history and I think he probably did.
I think he probably did because in the 6th century Procopius in his history of the wars Book IV had a different views when he said the German vandals were not black skinned like the moors or maurusioi . the moors.
In the Travels of Sir John Mandeville,Jean wrote though Nubians maybe christians but they be black as the moors.Due to their cosmopolitan nature and prior conquest in the latter middle ages the moors of northwest africa had been mixed up with Berbers and Arabs in their region.The term had clung to designation of dark skinned black people as early as fourteen century in term of the English usage at the Renaissance during the reformation was in top gear.
In the Chronicles of 754,the earliest European account of moorish invasion of Spain,that refers to Visigothic capitulation of Spain the so called' loss of Spain 'or ' Perdida  de Espana' at the hands of arab and moors,it was elaborate.It wrote the moors were sent by Musa the Muslim governor of North Africa.
Likewise in the Estoria de Espanna' (the history of Spain),as the first vernacular composed in region did not mince any truth whatsoever when it says......."their black faces were like pitch and the most handsome of them was  as black as a cooking pan".
The word moor in English language as far as middle ages has equivalent in other languages like German mohr,Greek mavro,or Polish word.
See the moors and Romans fought together after the capture of Western part of Roman empire to reconquer the Alans ,vandals and Goths.In the process they created the Spanish language during reconquer with Romans.
I think the story changed in 1100 AD when ottoman Turks came to conquer Berbers and moors.Robin hook had said the arrival of these people in Morocco,Mali,mauritania ,Sudan, Egypt, Cameroon, Eritrea, Ethiopia ,Sudan dated as far back as 7,000 to 9,000 years ago.He claimed they migrated from South India during the Ramanayam war.The war engaged 200,000 soldiers in the duel between Sri Lanka faction Ravanan and indian faction Rama.The moors controlled north Africa and places like Iberian peninsula, Sicily, Venice,Corsica,Malta,Sardinia ....."
"Jesus are you kidding me?You mean Corsica !"
"Yeah Corsica too.What?"
"Where Napoleon Bonaparte was born ,the most powerful emperor of the world.It means it was Yoruba charm that Napoleon used to control Europe for more than two decades?"
"Exactly.little wonder the first trip he took was to Egypt devised egyptology to unravel their mystery.Why did he loose against the Brits?"
"It was because the Brits too were using the same black magic .Hence they used it against him.

January 12, 2025

Odu Ịfa: Yoruba Greatest Heritage.part one

Yoruba my people baffles me a lot"
"Odu Ịfa"
"You better give your life to Christ"
"Ịga is my heritage and am not a white man but a black man."
"Do you want to go to hell fire?"
"Forget all those myth.face your heritage."
"Uhmmmḿmmmm "
Do you know what professor wande abimbola says ?"
The first unilag graduate to get a PHD,the first professor to collect PHD in IFA and first professor to become vice chancellor of a university to study IFA.He says Yorubas in Brazil are more than 50million people with ten thousand IFA temples in the city of Salvadore dedicated to IFA gods alone.Go to Cuba with twenty million people more than half claim to originate from Yoruba at Ile ife.The fastest growing religion in the world is Yoruba religion .He published 16 great poems on IFA and says non literate people can retain and codify and retain everything about IFA in their memories.He says there are two hundred fifty six books on IFA and each has 800 stories and has the most extensive form of literature known to mankind.He argued IFA is not a folklore like they have in Nordic countries and may evanesce with time.Quite different in the case of IFA because like in the sample of Salvadore, Brazil where thousand of temples were see,there are a thousand babalawos in Oyo and two temples and Ibadan has the same number.Before he was initiated in 1971 he had started learning it at the she of four and none member of his family was ever converted into Christianity.He said during the period you would study IFA for twenty five years and must 16 stories in each of the 256 verses of odu IFA."
Uhmmmm.About five thousand stories of 256 books to be learnt for 25 years?Are you kidding me?"
"Yeah it's you that must be converted not me.Go to west Africa millions of Yoruba from Ghana to sierra Leone, Togo and Benin etc.Now world fastest growing religion."
"Uhmmmḿmmmm "


Lamurudu was king in mecca before he was overthrown by Muhammad led to the civil war"
"Am hearing a different version because lamurudu and agboniregun journeyed with oduduwa to Ile ife and how come they say he was murdered by Muhammad or did he returns back home in Saudi only to be killed?I found it quite funny"
"The civil war was a polytheism vs monotheistic bigots.Then Yorubas were known them as nabeateans and sabeans meaning ",Ile sabea ."
"We fled to Egypt from Sudan with king oduduwa then we fled to Yorubaland and thereafter settled in the land where they met the ilaje and Benin."
"Let me correct you.Am not a fool brother.How can you assume Lamurudu king of babylon as the king of Saudi ?That is gutter thrash as the former didn't exist during Islam.Secondly nothing like staff of bilqisu in Ile ife and remember islam came five hundred years after Christ.How can assume Lamurudu in the Islam 's emergent era at the same time with queen of Sheba or bilqisu of the antiquity?It opens your thoughts to extreme criticism."

The Battle Of Dreams.

We should think of the majority impact from the confine of narrow interest.Life is funny and we must talk about the majority impact even when we don't have power to help them.The best thing you can do is to offer your best moral support .The belief in the majority cause proven that we are a strong part of public good and such feeling is not common in mordern Nigeria society in which masses feelings do not support public good.If there is public good there must have been public dreams and we can make impact by such belief.We exist for the society and its welfare depends on the kind of public good we derive and benefit from its union.Mankind is born together and grow and rise together in the same pit and field of endeavours the true energy of energy.

My Blessed Brother

Ajibade Laniyan alias white power is my blood brothe and my main source of inspiration and we weathered the storm in our various businesses to generate fund.I believe if brothers were born for adversity brothers too are also born for prosperity and if brothers dwell in unity their blessings should be quite marvelous and instinctively unmatched with their struggling peers on the streets.I celebrate him today and I plead to you love your brothers as yourself.