People in general are curious about what they and different methods of tutorial appeal to different peopl ,boosting capacity to assimilate and learn.People learn faster when tutelage is introduced with story especially a novel telling the story how Alimat became a lover of the silk trade and intended someday to a lawyer .All of a sudden she sowed and started to learn bits by bits of what is required to manage her business effectively without being cheated .She moved close to her lawyer ,learning about contracts and how agreement is sealed.This appeals enables people to know the law faster ,when narrated in a novelish fashion can boost and accelerated learning .This writer,Ibikunle Laniyan- makes it interesting to know in a fiction laden characters.
Law is an interesting piece of study and people in the legal
profession are the eyes of the society .Alimat took a special interest in its study and desires to be a lawyer
someday .But for the meantime had a booming business to take care of and she
wanted to know ,what it takes to seal a basic contract and what are legal
processes involved in sealing an agreement. She also wanted to know what it
takes to identify a fake or genuine agreement and how would she able to read
and handle genuine documents .And so,to avoid been cheated and unfortunately
appending unnecessary signatures ,on receipts,she was bent to know and intended
to learn but barely knew nothing on how to identify its hidden clauses .This
pressure prompted her to look for her lawyer ,to teach her the basics first as
far as the law of contract is concerned .She woke up one morning and headed to
lawyer’s home and heypresto as agreed earlier , she started receiving basics of
contract law such as sealing contracts and terminating contracts among others .
‘’Good morning ‘’She greeted with much ado on her bended
‘’How are you and how
is your family ?’’Lawyer Wale replied warmly .
‘’Oh,you did not forget about the tutorial and the classes ,
we earlier discussed ‘’she recollected
‘’Oh yes , I keep a
schedule for you and that is why I am around .I wanted to take a bath now
,so,go outside to the compound,there is a penthouse up there ,when you get to
the Car park and you see the steps ,climb up ,enter the room and wait
for me .I’ll be there after dressing and
there should be a class there every Friday or sometimes Saturday .’’
‘’Thank you Sir ‘’She headed towards the class ,warmed by appreciation from this
deservedly worthy personality .Lawyer Wale was fond formerly of lawyers in his
chambers but not many of them gave him a rapturous attention,the way Alimat ,a
busy street trader in Oshodi does and ever since he returned from England ,to set
up local practice,three years ago ,there
has never been a time,when she did not complain of legal problems and various denials from chamber lawyer in
her attempt ,to see Wale .It was then that he was fond of her sheer
determination and could have recommended fellow chamber lawyers to do the
teaching but decided to do it by himself
, giving her special treatment ,than she might have thought off.He said
,passion was the secret of every success and had always liked to be associated
with determined people .Never for once had fear pricked in search of the man
who bought children toys from her exactly three years ago ,the same period ,he
came from U.K. She became deft in her tart ,to maneuver her way to the chamber
, be it for appointment or not .It finally ,after she closed the day
trading at five pm and headed to the Wale chamber and was lucky ,that she was
the only lawyer left in the chamber and so they clicked .She learned the
virtues of managing disappointment and never feel ashamed to be coarse on account of purpose and integrity
.Alimat climbed upstairs to the penthouse and two hours later ,the class began
‘’Alimat ,Legal profession is a broad area and I can
you assure you,all the assistance you needed to climb above and achieve
your ambition ,shall be freely given in my little power .I was a queen’s
counsel in the U.K. before I came down
to the country and le me make it clear that every passionate people interested
in the silk trade like you always get my attention ..Law is simple and can be
known with clarity ,by every tom,dick
and harry .This is because gone are the days ,when only few opportuned lawyers
,ganged up to pyrate and get hold of law reports .Everything now is free and this
is because the moment Gani Fawehimi started publishing Nigerian Weekly Law
Report ,cases are thrown to the public and you can goggle for yourself both the
old and the new cases ,free for public consumption.
So,let get down to the brass-tacks . What you needed now are
the basics of commercial law or the law of
contracts as a form of civil law to be precise .’’Lawyer raised his
lungpower and lowered them at will .
‘’So, you think that is what you need for now and I would
have suggested that you get a decree in law but anyway , you must start
somewhere ‘’
‘’Yes Sir , I just wanted to know how to enter into a
contract or seal an agreement safely .I don’t want to repeat my previous mistakes again’’
‘’Like what mistakes ,be specific ‘’he interrogated
‘’I sold four waistcoats
on credit to an undergraduate ,who hailed from rich home in 2002 .You told me that I shouldn’t bother
myself about this case and that there was no way ,I could recover my losses.So
,I didn’t quite understand you and so,
what do you mean ? Why wouldn’t I bother
myself , yet it cost me 200,000 naira .’’she was troubled
‘’How old was he then ‘’he retorted
‘’I didn’t know his age but later I complained to his sister
only to find out ,he was just 17 and I was just surprised because he told me he
was older than me ‘’
‘’Why the seniority fight ?’’
‘’It was because of the delay in making the payment and I so
I threteaned him ,only for him to ask me how old are you self ?And so ,one day
, I pressed charges ,located their house and reported to the sister ,who told
me a lot about him .Like I said ,you warned not to press charges that it was
due to my ignorance ‘’she remarked though rather regretfully
‘’Yea,I could remember , now ,it happened about 2 year ago ,you
came to my office at island .I finally realize the kind of importance ,you
place on the legal profession as you become adult and your awareness
about the importance of contract in a common transaction .Let me not cite cases ,
similar to that case but you would judge for yourself when we reach there and
similar cases adjudicated as appeared in
the case laws .By then, you shall be able to answer that question yourself.Are
you okay now?’’
‘’Am all ears now ‘’raising her brow on the board
‘’I would communicate to you also by mail teleconferencing ,
skyppe,webinars ,in case I travel abroad or migt even recommend you to my
responsible chamber lawyers ..And so,that ‘s it .Now our focal point is the law
of contract ,my dear Alimat ,I want you to pay attention to every detail because they all matter.
There are certain agreements ,regarded by the courts
sacrosanct , binding and enforceable as at when due in a court of law ,so that
breacher or those who breach them can be
sued in .That is exactly, what the law of contract deals with .They can be
found in business, transaction like
insurance , Banking ,employment ,buying and selling and services in general.
Now since contracts invariably involve in basic commercial
transactions that can probably incur huge financial losses ,due to a possible
default .Ordinarily ,they require legal proceedings to enforce such valuable
agreements .It is even better and for
efficiency sake , that businessmen are legally protected and mandated to abide
by ethical attitude and should understand that contracts freely entered into are
contracts that should be or must be honoured and performed. ‘’
‘’That is interesting ‘’she said in a low cadence voice.
‘’The law of contract is classified under civil law and any
breach leads to civil proceedings in the courts .Its main sources like the general sources of law ,provides
main template that governs the law of contract in the country .This includes
statute of general application involving certain British Statutes ,still
operating in the country .The received English law such as common law ,English
Doctrine of equity and certain indigenous laws,such as the Companies and Allied
Matter Act -1990.The judicial precedents of superior courts can also form
sources of law popularly regarded as case law or judge made law.With the advent
of modern laws ,and modern contracts with modern practices ,guiding
transactions,alien or unknown to traditional communities and societies , there
was limited application of customary laws .Now before I continue my lecture let
me first and foremost define contract .What is contract?A contract can be defined
as that thing enforceable at law and what is that thing enforceable at law
,Alimat ?’’
‘’Contract !’’she volleyed
‘’You said what ? think again!’’He bullied
‘’Agreement’’ with meandering voice
‘’Fantastic and fantabulous!
Thank you ,you grease my elbow ,simple thing is as easy and difficult as the
difficult thing.It is called agreement and often considered binding by the courts
because failure by those who refuse to fulfill basic agreement which is a contract may lead to a
lawsuit or be sued in a court of law .In this case ,two essential
requirement are involved and it include two or three parties or more for
agreement to be sealed or entered into.Secondly , the legality issue must be complied with and binding by the
parties to an agreement .Business or commercial transactions are bound to
involve two or thee or more parties to seal an agreement .It can involve not
only human beings but also institutions ,corporate entities and companies are
regarded popularly as a capable legal entities ,including nations can enter
into binding agreements .On the other hand ,there must be consensus that what
the law accepts is final ,non-negotiable and a binding agreement .A contract
therefore is sealed after negotiation or bargaining over terms are
ended.Simple! And when it is sealed ,it must include all the vital elements or
essential requirements that must be found ,according to the law when forming a
basic contract.That is why it must also be borne in mind not all agreements are
binding but only those that comply with what the law says.And so ,what are the
vital elements needed in a bonafide contract that is for it to be binding ?
There are certain components involved ,based on the two
sides of offer and acceptance .first, that a contractual offer ,must be
accepted by other party without condition;that the parties so intended ,to
enter into binding agreement to create a legal relation;that they must have
legal capacity to carry a contract ;And that such contract must be supported or
endorsed by a consideration ;that a certain laid down formalities as prescribed
must adhered to or strictly followed ;that it requires a genuine consent
,either given voluntarily or entered into freely by contracting parties ; that a contractual
object must be legal .They form elements of a valid contract in a synopsis namely
offer and acceptance ,capacity ,intention
for formation of legal relations ,genuine consent, consideration , laid
down formalities and legal objectives .
But before , we move on ,we shall consider ,types of
contract available namely ,contract by seal , Unilateral,bilateral,void,valid ,
unenforceable and simple contract.You
see,when a contract is declared void ,it means it has no legal effect .For
instance ,a criminal offense is a no-go-area ,cannot be enforced and under such prevailing circumstances,it is void
abinitio .The law considered that ,those rights cannot be created ,let alone formalized
and ratified and as far as the state is concerned ,it barely exist and carry no
force of law.When a bilateral contract happens,it must involve two parties
,with some mutual agreement ,assumed with reciprocal obligation as soon as the
contract is sealed .Unilateral deals with certain contract that is initially
binding on one’s party only.For instance , a proposal by a rich man who offers reward for whoever
his precious or luxurious item and that makes it binding on the promisor .Valid
contract is truly binding on its parties and truly enforceable at law ,so that
whosoever withdraws from it ,may be sued in a court of law,for a breach of
contract .
Now ,let me treat void contract , a little precisely and
cite samples or types.First and foremeost ,like I said ,such agreement is legal
offence ,illegal and therefore void due to its criminal predilection .Such
cannot be enforced be it an attempt to steal property ,,burn down a property ,a
factory building or involved in libelous article .Such an agreement that calls
for commission of civil wrong is therefore against the person and in the eyes of the law criminal .So ,it is wrong
to involved in damaging a person’s reputation, slander him ,damage his goods ,infringe
the person’s right ,infringe his copyright ,patent ,trademark.An agreement to
sell public offices ,procure pardons, by corrupt means ,or pay public officers
,more or less that the legal fees or salary ,or such an agreement that
interferes with proper maintenance of the duties or roles of a public officer .They
call this type an agreement injuring public service and one of the most
commonest contract in this regard and
class is called illegal lobbying agreement .When a party agrees to use bribery ,to intimidates opponent
with threats of voters’ loss or maneuvered in an improper methods to procure or prevent adoption of a specific legislation ,such
agreement clearly contravenes public interest.This also impairs the sanity and
the legal framework of democratic
process .Although devoid of improper methods , some courts endorse similar
regulation based on such type of agreement without the need to sacrifice sanity
Agreement involving conflicts of interest ,refers to a
sordid scenario,when public officials
are personally interested directly or indirectly in the transaction entered into
on behalf of government in which they
serve for profiteering purposes ,such agreement ,is technically void and
wrong.For instance , a procurement officer buying trucks from an automobile agency in which he holds a
substantial blocks of shares .Any such violation imposes criminal liability on
an erring officer ,therefore making the
contract unenforceable against the government .There are other agreements,
those obstructing legal processes and in
this case , such agreement perverts
legal processes , contradicts public interest ,inept and void .It is illegal to pay money for the
abandonment of criminal case ,suppressing of evidence,in any legal proceedings ,stirring up of litigations, for perpetration
of fraud of any proportion, refraining from prosecution of fraud , or corrupt
person of embezzlement ,can be regarded altogether as void and unenforceable by
the court of law .Infact, should one agrees to pay a regular witness ,higher
fee than a standard of regular fee as allowed by the law ,in the course of the
victory of the promisor in the lawsuit
.This type is void by the law .This inordinately encourages the witness to lie
to obtain reward ,help his party secure victory and later lead to a perjury and
miscarriage of justice .
Alimat , I would rest my case under void contract with which
we shall still continue in the next class,Next under this void contract shall
be usury ,Now copy what is on the board .I’ll be having some clients at the
chamber by 4pm.Are you satisfied with the class today ?’’
‘’Sir , I think it is interesting ‘’
‘’don’t worry you shall soon get used to ‘’And the phone
‘’Alimat see ,those are my clients,calling .They ve been waiting .Just copy the notes on
the board ,When you are done ,go downstairs and give the gateman the keys of
the penthouse .I’ll be off .Take care ‘’ as he bang the doors and vamoosed .
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