December 31, 2018
We do not envisoned the eminent embroidery,the designated floral patternof a civilisation posterity,to empathise with first class,ensnared with the tacit gesture ofthis dissidentleague of barbariologists,whose core competence enshrined in inequity,injustice and enshrouded with eggregious darkness a marble dust oftheir sovereigntrademark,carved with treachery and mischief making.How unfortunate the eyes of the civilisation are mischief makers,indulging their historical reputationfrom the gross slanders of epistemology or truth in abeyance.I cannot but make a mockeryof the absenteeism of their universal impact.They have mortgagedthequality of quandranting and humanism badly needed to preserve the posterity and glorify justiciable heroism that they had tarnished.This class of buccaneers basedon theirprominence are widelyspoken and eulogised in mordern societythat requires their immaculate absorbence into thedustbin of history where they ought to be silenced.And it seemstheir eloquence rides largely inthisdeceit
In the nascent or renaisant society,apolitical or not,harrassed with the sated satiety and plenitude of barbarians,the legendary exploits of first class heroical tradition been under the magical spells of the hegellian coagulation of the subjective spirit,objective spirit and absolute spirit tradition.
This eponymous heroism,doesnotreceive ample compensation and esteem being accordedto itsextracts whose templatethey used for their famous thrillsand fromthis account wedistinguish,the quality of historical mental behaviour at everyavailable time.
Mordern civilisationhasbecome so constipatedandchronically congestedwith the avalanche and monumental verbosed pantheon of barbarian intelligence,glued to the exasperatingcamouflage of a convulsive civilisation that disdains equity andjustice.This coil or convolutionhas reneged on its therapeuticprospects tothe glorification,coolied by itsconvoy of barbarian philosophy.Its longevity of unholy questand defamatory eloquences speaks volume
of rising miseryin acivilisation
This eponymous heroism,doesnotreceive ample compensation and esteem being accordedto itsextracts whose templatethey used for their famous thrillsand fromthis account wedistinguish,the quality of historical mental behaviour at everyavailable time.
Mordern civilisationhasbecome so constipatedandchronically congestedwith the avalanche and monumental verbosed pantheon of barbarian intelligence,glued to the exasperatingcamouflage of a convulsive civilisation that disdains equity andjustice.This coil or convolutionhas reneged on its therapeuticprospects tothe glorification,coolied by itsconvoy of barbarian philosophy.Its longevity of unholy questand defamatory eloquences speaks volume
This not only creates a new mode of human,economic,material cultural,political,and social identities forcircumstances,modules'priotisation and time management,butalso a template to spur historians in their critical rendition of fabled orfactual historical accounts,for the compoundment or resolution of complex societal puzzles,puzzling man and social psyche at a given period.In the spot analysisofthe postmortem's arts,the gallantry or loungelizardryas main boon or impediment of a careeristthat in the long run,configures the nature of its historical quandranting be it a betokened poignant intelligence,indomitable spiritthat clingly deeply to religious or irreligious roots.The leftovers this genealogy in question shares both fortunes and misfortunes altogether.In most cases,first class heroical tradition is often abhorred,been castigated,to wrongly ascribe legendary status to its extract,the second class and thirdclass heroical traditions.We can make tremendous references,to the archaelogy of historical texts.
The memorabilia of the-not-too distant and distant heroism,cast in guise of the artist in question,by glimpses of its human reflection can be unveiled by the historicistic pedestrians,wielded at the necessity of appreciable artistic spotsurvey.It is this they this pedagogical or scholastic gilds of historicismwith the first hand information,not nebulous historians,engrossed in the ever changing highly dynamic fields of human epistemology;that undertakes the extrapolation ipsofacto and expostfacto,with standised theoretical postulation the assortmental sensory data extracted with the pragmatism of the artist's historical mental behaviour.Thisartistic spot analysis does not asphyxiates the ambidextrous expertisefrontburner and backburner of the historicistic epistemology,a boon to empirico-rationalism,when observatorial audition andauditing of the human posthumous effigies are endorsed and evaluatedfor the benefit either as a fact of benediction or a malediction for the legatees of history,mankind in general.
December 21, 2018
In the juxpository and exrapolatory spot survey of a postmorten arts'historical mental behaviour,there is nothing like frontburner survey except for the prognostication of a birthplace.So,for the posthumous,it affords only backburner historical debit ofthe impending spot survey in question.This guides historical quandrantingand then pedigree evaluation,especially the martial influence of its martyrdom on the corruscatingpages of history.It begin withthe gallows of timing andtiming allotments,granted on a timing schedules from which mankind either mortgage or salivate its posterity with the roses of the blue sky.In the prologue ofhistorical spot survey,taking a backburner position,weknow historical artist first by thequality use of timing allotment,spouse left behind,genealogical welfare and their pedigree.Then,thenature and theroot cause of the demise and quite often ifnot by natural cause,could in mostcases be linked with status battlement.It may however castigate the villain involved but glorifies history.
In the juxpository and exrapolatory spot survey of a postmorten arts'historical mental behaviour,there is nothing like frontburner survey except for the prognostication of a birthplace.So,for the posthumous,it affords only backburner historical debit ofthe impending spot survey in question.This guides historical quandrantingand then pedigree evaluation,especially the martial influence of its martyrdom on the corruscatingpages of history.It begin withthe gallows of timing andtiming allotments,granted on a timing schedules from which mankind either mortgage or salivate its posterity with the roses of the blue sky.In the prologue of historical spot survey,taking a backburner position,we know historical artist first by the quality use of timing allotment,spouse left behind,genealogical welfare and their pedigree.Then,the nature and theroot cause of the demise and quite often if not by natural cause,could in most be linked with status battlement.It may however castigate the villain involved but glorifies history.
In this rendition of historical survey,we evaluate human and mental behaviour of historical artist postmortem, to deduce the unknown universal laws of mental behaviour and its pure egotistic economics.To evaluate the author's note,beyond its quandrant equilibrium juxtaposition.This juxtaposition is done by weighing and measuring quandrants against timing,environment,vision,planning and strategy,preparedness,artistic growth and human development and impact generation, measurement andmanagement. This controllableenvironmental tools are freedom benchmarks for the measurementof the quandrant productivity of a given historical artist.In the quandranting of historical rendition and spot survey,the environmental power of the roots,birthplace,and locality and infact palatable or unpalatable genealogy of thequandrant artistic power,knitting its waysthrough dark arrows or golden fleece amazingly matters alot to the behavioural surveyors of the ephemeral machismo.We do begin such spot quandranting survey,from backburner
In quiettessence of human mind burrowing,cast melifluously or cacophonously as astringently over a given lifecycle perambulation or stability point,the martial influence of itsmartyrdom and the fixative masonry of its historical practices postmortem can be evaluated using the human quandrant charts and indices that the artistic power left behind.
The author's notes basedon its patent fluency provide therich storehouse for contemporary students of history.The liberty of history with which we tutorand preserve our soul provides accessibility to this opulent repository,that ages exhume fromhistorical burial ground to sharpened human verdict forthegrowth of human civilisation.
We need not bury this aphorism unlike Francis Goya that the sleep of history produces primitive ages,notbeing wrapped in astigmatic shawls and garbed in the rainment of cimmerian darkness,over a misbegotten and untowards efforttohidetruthfrom its commonplace bazzaar of mortal conscience.To do so otherwise then amount to being misc
onstrued .
The author's notes basedon its patent fluency provide therich storehouse for contemporary students of history.The liberty of history with which we tutorand preserve our soul provides accessibility to this opulent repository,that ages exhume fromhistorical burial ground to sharpened human verdict forthegrowth of human civilisation.
We need not bury this aphorism unlike Francis Goya that the sleep of history produces primitive ages,notbeing wrapped in astigmatic shawls and garbed in the rainment of cimmerian darkness,over a misbegotten and untowards efforttohidetruthfrom its commonplace bazzaar of mortal conscience.To do so otherwise then amount to being misc
December 18, 2018
Given the aesthetic and serialised space of storied antecedence,subjectto the review of its afterglow,it is apposite to affirm on an empirically adhoc basis that the historical identity of every artistic providesthe undeniable but substantial evidences to exhume its true nature be it admissible or not admissiblebystandard pragmaticconsensus orexisting theoreticalpostulation.It is not rationally admirable todeny the accuracy ofattitudinal and historical data abouthuman and mental behaviour,based ontheir quandrant charts'monumental evidences.All mortals,in much the same waylike plants and animals,albeit a minoralteration,tend to be governed by affirmatorily,a fixed pointof mental expression andhuman behaviour.Thedearthof reliable or near reliabletheories makes historical data gathering in this context,costly,unaffordable and impossible.We should beable to clinically appraisethe appreciable value of the historical afterglow,aftermath,aftertaste,aftereffect and afterlife of humanand mental historical performance.
Each of the quandrants composes each other.The properties of the belief system are basically the remainder of the quandrants in addittion to belief itself and same applies to the rest of quandrants. When there is a vision and its derivative extract,purpose solidifies,then it signifies that in the conjugal interactive affinity,the quandrants often constitute themselves as each other's properties.And so that,in the event of visionisation,when the evolution of the cycle begins,they not only denigrate environmental forces,but utilises their unison to secure miscarriage of failure.
This is inherently possible when quandrant deism or deification is exuberantly manifest.To deified each otherinthe ministry of action,in defiance ofenviromental liability,whichthey seek to defile,reveals industrialisation of faith in thebattlefield. Quandrants'puritans die where the defference fails and to deactivate the defilement,neccessitates reversion back to the euphony of their heroworship.In their sphere of activity,each a deity. 
It is scientific then to define faith itself a quandrant character beyond religious or hagiological bigotry principles as the consensus texture of the cycle and the compatibility of quandrants including timing and planning schedules to oppose the environmental forces that often supplant their competitive reaction.While quandrants take a progressive colouration ofthe immanent artistic power,the environmental forces ofresistance whichthey invariablyopposetakes a retrogressive approach,in the ledgerof malediction.The unison of thequandrants as an institution to fightthis resistance is scientifically regarded as faith in the world greatestbattlefield.No humanity can truly price freedom,incondition withthe evasion of the unified quandrants that should be decisive to uncover liability cost ofcondition.Of course the commandos must visit thebattlefield and have a taste of war firstandforemost,to amply tabulate and collate data,for the true pricing of freedom.When billowsof circumstances stir us inthe face,we must act
It is amazing and intriguing,how nature devises her ways and meansof moral activism.It is an incontrovertible the most accurate pricing ofhuman freedom by the quandrant cycle can only be determined by the contumacity of condition.That is to say the pricing of freedom stems largely from the pricingof circumstances,to which the quandrants are ordinarily betrothed and conjugated.
The quadrants enables fermation with the stubborn condition to appreciate its buying power or its theatrical and pragmatic artistic power.When these laws are adhered,quandrants then appreciate when logical actions are applied;that is to say if normal quandrant cycle fails,a strategic thrust of extralogical action applies.
It appreciates at the point in which necessity rises measured by the unfavourable climate of the stubborn condition that is when its institutional liability rises.If perception is not wise enough to identify this pending liability to devise an escape route,the appreciation may not a priviledge to a bonded artistic power.
The quadrants enables fermation with the stubborn condition to appreciate its buying power or its theatrical and pragmatic artistic power.When these laws are adhered,quandrants then appreciate when logical actions are applied;that is to say if normal quandrant cycle fails,a strategic thrust of extralogical action applies.
It appreciates at the point in which necessity rises measured by the unfavourable climate of the stubborn condition that is when its institutional liability rises.If perception is not wise enough to identify this pending liability to devise an escape route,the appreciation may not a priviledge to a bonded artistic power.
.female psycologist
It should be borne in mind that the fertile soil of the belief system is the thought system supplanted by the doctrine of necessity,oriented in the actualisation of a purpose. Ordinarily,in that doctrinaire cycle of necessity,the postulate or the recyclical renewal is not complete until thought system itself is sown also on its knowledge system.And the knowledge itself is sown in the customary system of action.This cycle can also be called quandrant cycle and the interaction between these ego-cosmogonic components determine the fate of human accomplishments.A good triumphant entry must imbibe these core components'competency of human culture.The miscarriage of success often termed failure,ensues from subtraction of any of these quandrant vowels and consonants of success.The strategic imperatives oftiming and planning balancing withthe quandrants to deemphasise on human emotive capital,stuns failure.It not only stuns it butalso optimises human existentialist capabilities to take charge of sensitive destiny
December 4, 2018
that they popularly called history,is inevitably and invariably been leveraged upon to infinitely transmute the perennial but spurious mole of the human nature. We are drawn over this porous nature of data architecture,to humanly manufacture beyond reasonable doubt information and embryonic information motives,optimally for the survival of life and ontology.There is no school of thoughts including nihilists,anarchists and autarchists who are not predisposed with the metres of truth,that the vast production of information first through information motives of the homo sapiens,later enables the mass production of its vast assembline,is not meant to refute,sustain or derail,growth and developmentover a given point.The thought system cannot be activated,ifthe belief system is less robust to actualise its dreams and vision andthen inferrence from successive convertibles to bear on lack lustre action.This vainly wobbles with passing winds.Then human nature detached from reality into the ideal of idiosycracracy.
initiated,that doesnot identify the gross disparity between painful pleasure andordinary pleasure of the living,castaspersion to the moderateness,precaution and precautionary motives of hedonist club as albeit maligned bythe highly sophisticated capitalist civilisation.How shall wenotbe amply justified to castigate karl Marx submission as prescholarly proposition and preliterate postulate of the mordern world?The spirit of quandrant cycle of behaviour that basically includes belief system,thought system,knowledge system and activity system comprising of habbit formation and inherent behaviour is driven by information age whose vision is basically freedom.The age is divided by time and space and then change.Logically speaking,the model subtantiates its quantitative postulate by drawing its items from the purview of cultural cycle,that they are cultural components.Where they interact logically with the material environment they can change human condition when they create new pages of history and this creation..
or quandrant behaviour to be so enthused tochange the human environment.So,for metamorphosis to be effected as supposedly believed to be influenced by Jeremy Bentham's Utilitarian school,it is certain that the pattern of what is known must be conformed to change mantra,by the nature of human faith and resourceful thought that should basically supplant them and then inbetween knowledge and action,the techniques of vision therapy to be applied must be distinguished and absolutely related in equal capacity to effect the change mantra.At this critical juncture,social or human resistance should increase and the method of association or work routine and habbit formation,must turn a new leaf.Existing tree of knowledge or knowledgebundle or aggregate knowhow of the artist in question,badly updated or a clinical overhaul if not reliquished.Man is certain for a lifetime,emboldened to make farreaching choices that can relieve him pain or gravitate toward badly needed pleasure.The dementia that the utilitarian universe
Having acknowledged the fact that the outcome of every quandrant manifest is thehuman behaviour that is ordinarily subject to the doctrine of neccessity and liability at a particular period.Nevertheless,the operative mode of every condition is infinitely determined by the leverage of this same doctrine.Sometimes,this doctrine through its liability do outlives its usefulness.Infact empirical evidences show vividly that they do sometimes in most cases.But unfortunately the condition remains,long after necessity has been turned into liability wracking up the inherent outstandings of social debt.When this happens,it requires that the operative mode of quandrant behaviour to first change,prior to effecting a change in the acclimitised pattern of human condition.The routine of failure and failed motive,ends at this traverse. To clean the augean stable to the hilt within a long lag frustration weather effect of tiring time and space,enduring character would be the keystone.It is instrument that catapults quandrants
November 21, 2018
Human behaviours which are quandrant behaviours,invariably driven by doctrine of necesity and liability in the short run and by the nature of socioeconomic system in the long run.These quadrant behaviours can be used as buffers,especially as defenses and offenses,when nature ties their subconscious ego to its matrix.The interaction between them informs what direction mental process and behaviours undertake to actualise accomplishment.Faith and reason or thoughtfulness drive human character and where condition shapes reflection,human behaviour is enabled by ways and means,made available by this doctrine.It is paramount to human survival that habbit or certain behaviours are formed.And it can be informed,elitist,pedestrian,rational and irrational,when undertaken usedtomaintain survival or fortitude or vital platform to empower quadrant behaviour.The logic of what is believed,well thought about and strenghtened by knowledge propels human behaviour beyond any evidence provided by mordern psychology.
that thoughts are internalized covert behaviours and which implies he contends how much impossible it is to study them.Then it makes no practical sense to define psychology as the science of mental processes and human behaviour.
Ordinarily,a behaviour is a material standard norm of the mental process and its bonafide input-output factor of a productive habbit quandrant cycle.The material construct of the socioeconomic system empirically determines the nature of human behaviour at a particular period.The relative choices we make at what we do do not go beyond the resistance and gravity that the mentalenergy can provide.Human reflection as a prejudice of this behaviourism unveils the true personalised personality of this mental energy.
Homosapien is naturally illimitable by material construct of the habitual consciousness andevery decision of the quandrantbehaviours incidentally humanbehaviour,are not confined beyond what mental energy can carry.So,it can only derive so much more fro
Ordinarily,a behaviour is a material standard norm of the mental process and its bonafide input-output factor of a productive habbit quandrant cycle.The material construct of the socioeconomic system empirically determines the nature of human behaviour at a particular period.The relative choices we make at what we do do not go beyond the resistance and gravity that the mentalenergy can provide.Human reflection as a prejudice of this behaviourism unveils the true personalised personality of this mental energy.
Homosapien is naturally illimitable by material construct of the habitual consciousness andevery decision of the quandrantbehaviours incidentally humanbehaviour,are not confined beyond what mental energy can carry.So,it can only derive so much more fro
- Thoughts and options vector illustration of head with arrows
the introspective processes
November 20, 2018
Given that for the first half of 20th century,the behaviouralists focused so much of their theories and practices on the study of rats and pigeons.How then do you then juxtapose the reflection of rats and animals with the study and characterisation of the real nature of mental processes and human behaviour respectively?
Moreso,for well over a hundred years of bickering,since Wundth became the first mordern psychologist and opened the first mordern lab in Germany,as they could neither define nor clear the conflict of interest,surrounding their profession.
Was it not because of this conflict that the American psychological association fell?Inspite of the socially distinguished forays by Freudian School of psychology and Maslow and Rogers'humanist school,the gliding nebula still persists.Does it not sound too irrational,puerile and infantile to interpret rats'responses as the mental processes and to reflect human behaviour?Does it make sense as enthused by behaviouralist Skinner that"thoughts are internal coverts
Moreso,for well over a hundred years of bickering,since Wundth became the first mordern psychologist and opened the first mordern lab in Germany,as they could neither define nor clear the conflict of interest,surrounding their profession.
Was it not because of this conflict that the American psychological association fell?Inspite of the socially distinguished forays by Freudian School of psychology and Maslow and Rogers'humanist school,the gliding nebula still persists.Does it not sound too irrational,puerile and infantile to interpret rats'responses as the mental processes and to reflect human behaviour?Does it make sense as enthused by behaviouralist Skinner that"thoughts are internal coverts
- Successful psychologist talking to her patient
In the pages of history,the true nature of mankind and reflection is known,and ever since the ages wear the rainment of eternal sojourn with time and wind,has remained the same.We are judged by its pagination that documents ordinarily human reflection especially the antecedence of its mental processes.I doubt that human psychology exists beyond the nebula of coinage by mordern psychologists ever since William Wundt at the University Of Leizpig in Germany,in 1870s became the first psychologist.The teaching of philosophers from Socrates down to the mordern times have been heavily relied upon.And virtually all fields of psychology including the fifty three divisions in the united states,have not changed abit,the research pattern left behind by Wundt's Structuralism and William James'Fuctionalism.The introspective process that relies heavily in breakingdown experience into smaller component units.The successive times have not been too constructive,for this nebulous profession and still,they sound too irrational
November 19, 2018
The mind is competent enough to unravel the basic chemistry of nature of which the human psyche is an integer and a common deminator.Indeed,events do not make man but man makes event and the best byeproduct of the human mind is to exert considerable influence on the outside world.Then the influence is strictly communicated by the impact activity of a given art either through events,dividends,information dispersal and inherent legacies and all can be summarised as uncommon pitch of history.Our photos,text and written will,testament,witness,including spoken wills,can be part of legatees' historical past,present and possibly future.Where a considerable impact mass is noticed and embellished by monumental evidence of manifest welfare and wealth,then it is said to be progressive history.We are what we are accordingly to the exact but fastidious graphics of the human identity.We are forced not to divulge the secrets of a succesful living beyond pulling human instincts for the acquisition of matter and metaphysics.
We cannot be detached from the profile of a given action and cummulatively becomes a human pedigree.They speak it not apart from us and a franchised portrait of the certified human behavioural identity.The ambition of history affords itself in its virtual cycle organic ecosystem,the affordability of antecedent hays and attitudinal intelligence.Obviously aspectre of human identity is carved out for the mobilisation ofoutcome outlays and outcome itself respectively.The discovery of this contextual web of behavioural sanity and insanity,unleashes sacred norms and values of the human mind as a reflection of the mental behaviour of a given industrial art.This surcharged investment is inviolably and inevitably buried within time and space.A stretch of timely leverages enables a given causal space of condition impregnated with palatable or unpalatable effect delicacies.To unearth the ever changing nature of human character or tradition and its scorecard made legible enough for the brand identity ofquandrant actors.
The significance of what we do and the influential impact they make enhances us to make personality adjustment and to make logical review in the art of what we think embelished by faith and knowledge,in order not to retrograde its process but being vanguard in the revamping of its behavioural architecture.The symptoms that identify their emphatic impact are best unfolded when uniqueness of the impact they command is positively exploited.In the amalgamation of thoughts and pensiveness,the ministry of purpose is crucial to procure vital knowledge needed to spur the last vestige of the ministry of action to manifest the exact matrix of effect delicacies as subscribed to by causal intent.The structural fabric of quandrant patina,terminates dissatisfaction from its rubric rubicon of passionate living and industrial arts cannot be so devised to abstain from its hedonism of sweetening delicacies.Accordingly,with that pattern of reward,it is very hard with such strenuous fatigue to throw in towel ,in the long run.
November 17, 2018
by quandrant actors.Then,we are under pressure and highly motivated to exploit the doctrine of necessity,to make a lasting impact,in the way we interact with our nebulous environment.It therefore behooves us,to cast the projection besides and disuse aside,once the mindset of a scientific inquisition is juxtaposed with the strategic demand of progressive action.The necessary infrastructures be in the spheres of the quandrants itself,and beyond are suitable elements for providence and for the growth of the eligible transaction that slackens failure.There is a fundamental reason behind the growth of desire,ambition and destiny respectively.If the appropriate personality is docked in the trusted ambition and quicky desire,then the beautification of destiny including its fulfilment,is within possible reach of a goalgetter and a goleador.Let me,with home searching begins within and being able to scientifically fill this gap with quadrant actors and principles,betterdistinguishes a rung of failure from success
I disputes the quality of human drives,rather than the mechanism that the quandrant which ordinarily clothes them with composure also subject them to.The images and the imagery powers of this quandrant is fundamental to the progress of human survival.Besides being the dividend of the quandrant investment,the burning of images in their standard context,is empirically proven by the strategic impact,that each of them exudes upon each other during coagulation and decoagulation of imagination and visualisation.That thoughtfulness rubs on faith and faith rub upon knowledge,where every action is driven by knowledge;is a long context that is shared in the compendium of every behavioural transaction,they deadlock or not at the altar of effect from causal texture.We know that the dimension,it can take is responsible enough to drive the aggregation of human instincts uponthe influence of every action. Hence,we believe that the gap between cause and effect of a responsible ambition and its purpose can only be filled
With these principles of success quadrant,we make projections subconsciously especially by our actions.And when navigated,we make impact in the real world by their interactions with each other and the only means of interaction and intervention with physical world that is beyond our control.We navigate sometimes so easily the cloudy terrain with this art of pragmatism and to shirk such ordination is to risk passionate living into extinction as nihilists;for nothing risk nothing,for something to risk nothing from nothing.The lifelong traverse of fortunes and opportunities can not only be competitive but also offers a scanty choice with thin thread for a providential pendulum.The serial set of opportunities and opportunity brackets available for every generation,tends to suffocate to a dearth where disavailability of opportunities and its cloned grabbers,gradually thins as the contendants equally thin out.The preceding generation might be aversed to new mode of opportunities timely infested in their generation
October 21, 2018
Thoughtlessness part 23
The magnitude of what is known is dependent on the fertile soil of what is believed on the quadrant equation. The natural corollary for a seamless transition or artless passage towards accomplishment or dreamland is for complementary but strategic vision to be conjugated into th minitry of mission, being the Last vestige of a becoming. The automated modules, for the industrialisation of the industrial accomplishment and seasonal boom of the strategic human progress are well fudged within admissible confines of quandrant equation.In the architecture of human progress, articles of faith often times are first subconsciously drawn, pending the adoption of the outstanding physiques of what is thought. If the strategic values of liability persist, to appreciate the opportunistic prejudice of necessity, the immanent but elongated power of what is known,realligned knowledge management, into ministry of mission, where existentialism strictly matters and fulfillment for a stressful life. We are forced to change our pattern of lifestyle, given the mean s to ensure its survival. The brightest minds, that scientifically make apposition for its pragmatism, unknown to them, are sampling doses for succesful enterprise. They are forced to decline in relevance as the strategic values of necessity equally dwindles and sometimes swindled by down trend of liability curve. To render a good service by quandrant artistry, is to be tied to the pendulum cycles of this new mode of leverages. We are not spared of the consequences of brutish environment, but hallowed hands hardly deny the laying of much emphasis on the equation that we subconsciously live with and barely apply. The jurisdiction of the equation ordinarily releases the brain power and enables freedom of the arts.
October 20, 2018
Thoughtlessness part 22
There is empirical evidence that our thought is the reason for a lengthened lifetime or shortened lifetime. Even though mothernature has an inherent influence in our survival of the entire journey of a lifetime struggling sojourn. We are fac with challenge of managing a virtual cylcle of such challenge all things being constant should we exclude the inherent force s of mothernature in this context. We quite agree that necessity is the mother of invention and we cannot be influenced by such forces until we have been raptured, by the inherent condition that ordinarily necessites that transaction of necessity. Then the quality and quantity of this exploitation is predominantly determined within the confines of industrial arts of mankind. Mankind in general flocks to trial balances of essays with least resistance and every enforcement by rigorous ado is invariably resisted. In the article of faith that is we believe in what we think and know that must ordinarily precedes what we do. Consequently, it creates a good leverage to help us explore variegated benefits that doctrinal forces of necessity aptly avers us to boon by benefices as providential benefactors and not as innate or birthright thing. Every privildge makes a man an apology of deterministic opportunism and ordinarily we are frced by willpower to exert essays productive or not to invest in Providence. The rise in the inherent risk of liability invariably aggrandises the appreciable mass of necessity as alternating force o reap the harvest of a providence invested and further investibles. To have easy access over this norm of success quadrant,the self imposing nature of this leveraged transaction being automatically witnessed or diurnally experienced in their arts and customs can be scientifically exploited for fulfillment. The enabled ecology of this factual leverages operating in strategic alignment with the success quadrant tends to distinguish failure from success and the artistry of its artists.
October 13, 2018
Quandrant management grows effectively with crisis situation and which requires anti.crisis therapy and strategic exorcism respectively.Crisis situation is a natural challenge to every arts and it requires a unique management set theory not less or more than quandrant management to induce fire brand politics.This men have a voice and you can link them to their sources.The inherent application effectively revamps its techniques and methods and can adapt quandrants in different conditions at different times.Environmental condition tends to shape crisis climates and the various types of crisis or quadrant management techniques applicable to different times.Man as a quandrant artist,is invariably positioned in a crisissituation at a particular period to formulate policies and artistic programs that are suitable to various crisis condition at divergent times.Failure to gain foresight otherwise can lead to quandrant failure and artistic failure.Those who fail in a given environmentfailed not because they incapable.
There is empirical evidence about the nature of quandrant chain power and its interaction with responsive human art to explore its logical analysis before action is undertaken and effect applied.The frankness of what is believed,faith quadrant tends to accelerate brainpower,alsothe quantity and the quality of whatyou think.If the retentive memory is robust,accretion to knowledge grows,is instrumental to logical action.A logical action is a type seededby purpose and can only aids habbit formation,routinisation,adaptation and fulfilment.The pattern of logical action must follow the operative mode of knowledge administration.It also emphasizes the rational evidence of inherent knowledge bias where actions are undertaken and the transaction of the first two quadrants by nature,must ordinarily be subscribed to by the latent coherence of the last two quadrants.This is quadrant unison or quandrant consensus and their emotive capital is in line with the general purpose and work accordingly and strategically.
October 12, 2018
In the economics of thoughtfulness,the operating cost is higher when you hardly believe what you think.And as you raise your capacity to believe with borderless thoughts like the open minded class,the quandrant economies of scale increases as you grow your learning.We know men by what they think when judged by other quandrant power criteria such as what they believe,what they know and what they do.We do not for the entire lifetime grow beyond this set limit of quandrant chain.To change your statusquo,you must change your existing quandrant formula.Since not everybody can be able bodied borderless thinkers,a fully determined success quandrant soldier that hardly say no,is forced to raise his potential capacity to fit into this liberal class of open minded people.The best strength is to be able to massively compete in the quandrant battlefield.Solving the quadrant equation,a lifelong challenge must not invariably be done consciously but we should be able to program our industrial art subconsciouslyaccordingly.
In the economics of thoughtfulness,the operating cost is higher when you hardly believe what you think.And as you raise your capacity to believe with borderless thoughts like the open minded class,the quandrant economies of scale increases as you grow your learning.We know men by what they think when judged by other quandrant power criteria such as what they believe,what they know and what they do.We do not for the entire lifetime grow beyond this set limit of quandrant chain.To change your statusquo,you must change your existing quandrant formula.Since not everybody can be able bodied borderless thinkers,a fully determined success quandrant soldier that hardly say no,is forced to raise his potential capacity to fit into this liberal class of open minded people.The best strength is to be able to massively compete in the quandrant battlefield.Solving the quadrant equation,a lifelong challenge must not invariably be done consciously but we should be able to program our industrial art subconsciouslyaccordingly.
This law guides human success in every spectre of endeavours,from material,economic,social,political,cultural and infact physiological,medical or healthwise respectively. Scientifically,we use subconscious and conscious quandrant power to control or governmind body mechanism and in case their defence is offended by consciousness ofhuman art,the breakdown of such routinised statebeing its natural consequence is the rapidity of stress and stress related ailments. There is no laws of power elsewhere beyond this quandrant equation and the natural challenge is how to raise our capacity.This impliesthe borderless thinkers hardly failand every empiricism seeks to polish previous encounter.Every human action driven by the missing but error link in the quandrant power,the human emotion is largely sterile and unconvincing.To follow quandrant chain power and explore its domino effect is to reduce our ratio of thoughtlessness and get the dreams into fulfillment,at record numbers.To think without faith is simply burning
We musttherefore fully peruse the law of success quandrant to break even.It is a natural law that the action quadrant should not precede the knowledge quadrant and to do otherwise in the cosmic nature of human art is to risk setback and paybackgiven its subjectivity is slavery and then failure.In first two base metal of quandrant power,the same law applies and you cannot produce slavery and subjectivity whenever they are applied.Objectivity is a primordial attribute of great achieversand you barely looses where creativity is involved.To disturb the flow of quandrant equation implies spirit of slavery,planlessness and then thoughtlessness.We must make decision to think and to believe it and to make quandrant sacrifice shows a man a natural planner;how much more with detailed metric.There is a special grace to believe in what we think and it comes naturally and also a blessing to a meagre men whose thoughtfulness,has no boundary. For the majority,the chances of success are indubitably muchmoreinfinitesimal
Quadrant and then action quandrant,as basic tools of the planning metrics can be as thoroughbred economics of success transition and environmental adaptation.Success cannot be possible without their input,input analysis and effect application. Forget about physical and material or tangible resources that many consider an impediment into the actualisation of dreams and ambition or vision.The success quandrants undoubtedly are the metaphysical forces behind planning metrics,accomplishment and rays of survival and optimism are not considered alien to its success radicle.Once,you know that in the same way in which quandrants provide life to the planning metrics,the metrics itself provide fuel to fuel accomplishment.There should be operative scale or meter at which they operate,which the strategy map could quietly provide.The quandrants are not elitists and badly needed a good sailor or a good actor to achieve in the tiring success transition process.We are not our own identity and have not power whatsoever
Quadrant and then action quandrant,as basic tools of the planning metrics can be as thoroughbred economics of success transition and environmental adaptation.Success cannot be possible without their input,input analysis and effect application. Forget about physical and material or tangible resources that many consider an impediment into the actualisation of dreams and ambition or vision.The success quandrants undoubtedly are the metaphysical forces behind planning metrics,accomplishment and rays of survival and optimism are not considered alien to its success radicle.Once,you know that in the same way in which quandrants provide life to the planning metrics,the metrics itself provide fuel to fuel accomplishment.There should be operative scale or meter at which they operate,which the strategy map could quietly provide.The quandrants are not elitists and badly needed a good sailor or a good actor to achieve in the tiring success transition process.We are not our own identity and have not power whatsoever
For the umpteeth time,i make bold to say,you cannot rise above what you think.You are the reflection of what you think and it speaks volume largely about the fact that you think what you believe.Very few personalities can do that and to be bog down by such setbacks though at times could be a blessing is to postpone your destiny.The distance between failure and success can be surmounted by this affordable success quandrants in general.When they are well harmonised where talents and exquisite potentials meet,the gap disappears with naivety.To receive power,to raise your capability beyond average measure,we are forced to believe in what we think first before taking action in the court of first instance,over what we think.And then first and second quandrants,would ordinarily influence what we know and then what we do.These Qandrant points are commercialisable only where written and detailed plans are available,to redefine our statusquo,at a particularperiod.The faith quandrant,the thought quandrant,the knowledge
October 5, 2018
And in most cases,man given the overbearing nature of this mystical powers,manoften not in control. Consequently,we record more failure in a lifetime than successes per capital put together.To be beware of this road carnage by a sensitive journeyman is to profitably risk the projection of a calculated risk for a nonnegotiable softlanding.We cannot form a good character or habbit when we are truly confused,to believe in what we think.And that means that the volatility of what we believe which implies what we really do not believe,would in the long impairs what we think,whether we like it or not,the entire chain is headed into dunghill.Sometimes,if not in most cases that can be judged by returns,we rarely know when we believe in what we think and how we arrive at a verdict that propels our action.But it is the subconscious mind and its metapsychology that can provide this most elusive answer.And i do know that the ratio of failure manifested in a human action,invariably implies the evidence of this truth.
Methink that the image of human thoughts,in its truestform,lay active in the night when its automaton,its natural vector,the body is at rest.Although,the ministry of mission,being evidence of action at its vertex,cannot be disputed is basically needed in the communication of dreams coded into vision,ambition and aspiration into being,but the operative range of the human thought,its mystical powers cannot be demystified for its outstanding result.In such world of logical thinking,it smacks of a foolhardy to capitalise on luck or providence to produce such outstanding outcome.Why we bear the fruit of what we know,is because it is recommended and endorsed by nature that we bear the fruit of what we think and what we believe.And as what we think influences what what we believe and what we believe nurtures what we know,it is naturally expedient to endore the fact that it would automatically influences what we do.Hence,we aggree by all sundry that habbit formation good or bad,has a long chain of stressful exercise.
I would not cease to say,you are what you think and even by your deeds of derring do,you cannot write what you think.You see yourself in what you think;for the spirit sees them knows them before you think them and also set the domino effect through your willpower to do them.And long after they are forgotten,the reward that you see as returns good or bad tells you vividly that the outcome of what you think is not just what you do but the satisfaction of what you do without necessarily recollect its brewing process of mutation.Sometimes,we break down into trauma when we are smitten by returns of poor thinking process and we tends to blame either on charm or badluck.The scientific trends in mordern civilisationdoes not say so,with convincing evidences of how the brain works and actions are formed.We are the consequences of what wethink,even in the same way,in which existentialists enthused,man is responsible for every action undertaken under sun.When we do not mean those action attimes,they can be influential
September 30, 2018
How dreary is it to gesticulate and pointificate at the drudgery of windy hiss.And to banish as bathos,purport in your catcall of catchpenny catch22.A speckled cat of shindig shillyshally,backwoods spirit of shiftless shennanigans.With sibilant hisses of windy sigh,doth barely forbade to hiss.And both norms,a rampage of eggshell chinesse patella.Hardly bypass its puffy tort nor reshuffle this footage of dithering shuffle.For a shuttle and a shroud with the immaculate bang of filthy counterpoise.Even as screeching heelsand shrieking sickrooms shuttered silvermoons.Those sidesplits on my couch,trendingtowards flashing memoirs,not banished me in my deprecate.Some sideswipes across pavement of burgeoning purports,barely forfeit sidetracks.Their ambrosia for the silvermoon Or these sluts and pejorative hothouse plants,nauseating sickparade left unshut.The eagle may fly till it's sidekicks,on the sidelight evanesce.And to sightseer and the laggards of shindy stink,the song of windy hisses,its minstrel may not sigh.
How dreary is it to gesticulate and pointificate at the drudgery of windy hiss.And to banish as bathos,purport in your catcall of catchpenny catch22.A speckled cat of shindig shillyshally,backwoods spirit of shiftless shennanigans.With sibilant hisses of windy sigh,doth barely forbade to hiss.And both norms,a rampage of eggshell chinesse patella.Hardly bypass its puffy tort nor reshuffle this footage of dithering shuffle.For a shuttle and a shroud with the immaculate bang of filthy counterpoise.Even as screeching heelsand shrieking sickrooms shuttered silvermoons.Those sidesplits on my couch,trendingtowards flashing memoirs,not banished me in my deprecate.Some sideswipes across pavement of burgeoning purports,barely forfeit sidetracks.Their ambrosia for the silvermoon Or these sluts and pejorative hothouse plants,nauseating sickparade left unshut.The eagle may fly till it's sidekicks,on the sidelight evanesce.And to sightseer and the laggards of shindy stink,the song of windy hisses,its minstrel may not sigh.
September 29, 2018
O covey,upon my nuances,coutured with so much covetous courtcards thrives my courtly courtyard of betting game.I bet this coupon was my coup de grace and a prop of covenish courtier to eschew the courtrooms of the minnows.Like an indefatigable courtesan,flirted with my craftwork,crackers'dusk,crackers'dawn,do i coyish crapulous placed my bet in this casino of coupons.And then the creeps upon creeps,pleached the creme de la creme,for the utmost trophy of the crenellation.The crooks had usurped the gaming table and as pawnbrokers,danced treachery into its autumn of the perfidious curlicue.And those cummudgeons who curry apotheosis,adorned with cupolla of mischances,do well,not to spare mischief.Coupon of fortune a deathbed of the mores and a deathpenalty of the martyrs and the retrogrades. Caveat Emptor!
August 18, 2018
Those who cannot proffer solution to their immediate environment cannot do same for the macro world.We are doomed to die interstate when this light darkness becomes before our very eyes,as living dead jones wither bits by bits our ephemerallife away with no bridge built andno milestone turned.Our passport,our identity to the world,has unfortunately becomes the most ignored and abhored way of life.We are doomed to serve ourfellow man as lifelong slaves as it were over the ancient,a restlessfact still peeping like a peepping tom into distant posterity,yet unseen.I am appalled at variegated complaints in the media,in the streets,towns,cities and environs,or beyond,butsometimes am still amazed when you witness same set of folks that once brandished complainants'languours,hardly lend a helping hand to dying humanity nor a mere lifting hand to mere neighbours next door.Thisspeaks volume to the lipservice we pay to the art of humanism and the notion that subscribes to the practice of egalitarian society in general.
Despite that we humans are blessed and imbued with the equally branded anatomical structure and same physiologies,same body physique,all same eyes,brain,nose,legs and all blessed with same physical,egological and emotive attributes and environmental advantages,being the same,capable of similar potentials,yet practically only a minus meagre,a sparsely distributed gestures saw it fit to indulge scientific or strategic thinking of the type that can move the mountains and make them melt.Time and space will not heal mankind of this most heinous slavery that the world has ever seen,but it will only get worse and worse untill all the resources of the world and wealth and commonwealth are pragmatically colonised,in the imperial hands of fewer and fewer men of those who think,and a single fellow,exceeds them all.We cannot defeat them-these fellons except we can compete.Not even less than a quarter of a percentage of all mortals will ever live to observe fully the nature of this intricate web of everlasting slavery.
August 17, 2018
We are slaves to what wethink basically its inglorious light.We are also slavesto those who think for us especially when they think wrongly,to whom our destinies unfortunately are tied in this most volatile world.Then we are of all species the most pitiable or the most pathetic of those inglorious lights in which we are held in bondage forever.Indeed,it cannot denied that we are slaves to those most powerful men who think for us and we eat their excreta,our food andwe aredoomed to their shackles unless we harness percapital our glorious light. Unfortunately,this excreta is the very meansof our survival or the subsistenceof our existence.Then,it is shameful we are lifelongserfs to those who put us into gaol unless we begin to cultivate the art of thinking as fellow thinkologists,we cannever be freed and the world cannever be freed.The worst form of slaverythe world and history has ever seen is not the ancient slave trade or the trade in human trafficking but rather the worst form being the intellectual slavery
We are slaves to what wethink basically its inglorious light.We are also slavesto those who think for us especially when they think wrongly,to whom our destinies unfortunately are tied in this most volatile world.Then we are of all species the most pitiable or the most pathetic of those inglorious lights in which we are held in bondage forever.Indeed,it cannot denied that we are slaves to those most powerful men who think for us and we eat their excreta,our food andwe aredoomed to their shackles unless we harness percapital our glorious light. Unfortunately,this excreta is the very meansof our survival or the subsistenceof our existence.Then,it is shameful we are lifelongserfs to those who put us into gaol unless we begin to cultivate the art of thinking as fellow thinkologists,we cannever be freed and the world cannever be freed.The worst form of slaverythe world and history has ever seen is not the ancient slave trade or the trade in human trafficking but rather the worst form being the intellectual slavery
No one doubt that thoughtlessness makes an ass or a mockery of every man and a ridicule to the very glory of every man.Our thought is the glorious light of our finite being.We do not have much time to live as an ephemeral earthbound creatures,passing this lonely world to fret so much on frivolities.And before one can say jack,time is gone.So,why wasting your time carelessly all in the name or influence of bandwagon effect without an inkling whatsoever of the changing powers of this glorious light?And if you do thinkwrongly,you risk bear the consequences,then it becomes your inglorious light or frankeinstein's .Change is permanent where thought is permanent and given volatility of thought,man's time management capability is poor and tardy.It is certain a vast hordes or majority of mortals too much innumerable to count will die with this glorious light unused.And the world will forever be a poorer place to live.Cast a thought away today and you risk put them in a perpetual bondage,even generations yet unborn
August 16, 2018
Every man potentially,has that most beautiful city in him and i call it'psychocity'the city of the mind and many by conscious ego,do not live there.What an undeveloped city left desolate and for the most part in ruins by man's own sheer ignorance and nonchallance.The material success of fortunate man is a concommitant effect of its inward built psycho city.When you think,you are in real terms building that city and if succesful within,then material success automatically would be its tangible evidence.Given the fact that man's mind or psychocity magnet occuppies the most unique place in the universe,the city within then is extremely valuable than the cities without.We mean the astrocity or geocity or egocity.In this context,teleology as epistemology as eschatology mobilises the nature's compromise in alignment with internal and operative texture of human thoughts.Though the most beautiful cities have been built in the world's most powerful civilisation,but the city of the mind man's eternal home neverbuilt
and then saves a whole generation.We carry the true burden of survival when we use this glorious light to break into new frontier of opportunities.The price of liberty is at a little cost of information freedom and the price of information freedom is at a much higher cost of the quantity and quality of thoughts at a particular period.Time and space dispenses this momentum inclusive of necessity to broker this frontier and nature of climates,it portends. Life is extremely risky when we graciously fail to hedge it with this insulator against its immanent nebula.We are the mirror in what we think and it can only carry us as far as the energy it contains.Then this depends not on the quantity but the primordial quontients involved and the need of the time. The quality of a civilisation therefore is the vast assembly line production of information and their big bang or boomerang effect generated by psychocity impulses of the artist in question.And so we are as good as what we think and as we think accordingly.
We are fallen in this irreparable canyon and for which there maybe no remedy even in the unforeseeable years ahead.The world is naive and naive somnabulist of its core moreish values.We cannot at this critical point of civillisation jettisson same gospel that has carried thus far.Given the factthat evolution of thoughts is cardinal benchmark of mordern civilisation as it were over the ancient,the primordial values so far communicated in real terms ranging fromgrowth to sustainability of development makes its academic research a compelling case as a ultimate bulwark of human civilisation.The prime motive of mankind as earthbound creatures is to think.And think and think man must think or perish and there is no salt and salvation under sun for better life than this glorious light.He is the most fortunate man in living history;he that thinks himself into trouble and thinks himself out of trouble.Now listen,he is the greatest man in living history,hethat thinks himself into trouble and thinks out of trouble
Challenges come and go but it can only sharpen our observation and does not makeyou a thoroughbred thinker.Yet,the wilderness is the very best college of greymaterisation.No,wonder a street urchin today might tomorrow be a leadership simpleton or a kingly bumpkin.In this farago and variegated turpsyturvy,that rouses human pathos,compassion,sympathy and empathy,we could only at our best observe,a preamble to thinking.Still in most cases,apathy to thoughfulness mirred with vain thoghts and surperficial knowledge that hardly comprehend this most disturbed period of life,blanketed this critical juncture of our life.Why wouldnt a village bumpkin not become a leadership bumpkin?The institution of wilderness is the college of reason.Perhaps,the fury of time and space with its groping darkness that envelopes the institution,and the agonising pangs it exudes with overbearing effect on the dying humanity concerned,at its most unpalatable period,is solely a responsible catalyst behindthis apathy.The strongest survives
We know by the nature of man,we are invariably poised to thoughtlessness.And Man is by tradition nauseating in this context and for most of his life,bland observation is the keystone to human survival and a tepid posture as trademark,so conspicuous exhibited towards gallantry.Those who have made a choice for mediocrity,barely interfere with that admissibility of carteblanched status.They are inextricably interwoven with the fabric of that indomitable composure insomuch that the statusquo is incontrovertible.Such breed of machismo have made a lifelong resolve for mediocrity and progenies or siblings like lickspittlers may also be destined to that quagmire.It is by the power of thoughts that we interprete meaning into our life and by it we also by our heads and heels.Little wonder,Francis Bacon says' Knowledge is Power'and when let loosed such power,we beget salvation and also gives salvation to dying humanity.Thoughtlessness,indeed is the greatest trap all things being equal that a man can set for himself.
July 24, 2018
Every man's brand is his pediggree of thinking capacity.The best logic of survival is to sustain what you think and once your thoughtfulness has set into pace the innertia force or motion,a rational goal getter cannot impair the daring stances of dreamland actualisation.The thinking capacity is the ultimate verve of a becoming and the standard gauge of actual motion and then reality managent.The way we think that impulse is the way we act and since notion goes before motion,the true portraiture of what we think is apparently reflected in what we do.We cannot control the outcome of our action whatsoever but we can control what we think. A man's destiny is tied to what he thinks,especially upon sighting a need with the resolve to proffer solution to societal challenge and once graffittis are drawn and images clarified,still through polished thinking capillarity.There is no barrier to the actualisation of destiny,once they are tied through the law of action to the ministry of purpose and ministry of mission.
Every man's brand is his pediggree of thinking capacity.The best logic of survival is to sustain what you think and once your thoughtfulness has set into pace the innertia force or motion,a rational goal getter cannot impair the daring stances of dreamland actualisation.The thinking capacity is the ultimate verve of a becoming and the standard gauge of actual motion and then reality managent.The way we think that impulse is the way we act and since notion goes before motion,the true portraiture of what we think is apparently reflected in what we do.We cannot control the outcome of our action whatsoever but we can control what we think. A man's destiny is tied to what he thinks,especially upon sighting a need with the resolve to proffer solution to societal challenge and once graffittis are drawn and images clarified,still through polished thinking capillarity.There is no barrier to the actualisation of destiny,once they are tied through the law of action to the ministry of purpose and ministry of mission.
Every man's brand is his pediggree of thinking capacity.The best logic of survival is to sustain what you think and once your thoughtfulness has set into pace the innertia force or motion,a rational goal getter cannot impair the daring stances of dreamland actualisation.The thinking capacity is the ultimate verve of a becoming and the standard gauge of actual motion and then reality managent.The way we think that impulse is the way we act and since notion goes before motion,the true portraiture of what we think is apparently reflected in what we do.We cannot control the outcome of our action whatsoever but we can control what we think. A man's destiny is tied to what he thinks,especially upon sighting a need with the resolve to proffer solution to societal challenge and once graffittis are drawn and images clarified,still through polished thinking capillarity.There is no barrier to the actualisation of destiny,once they are tied through the law of action to the ministry of purpose and ministry of mission.
Every man's brand is his pediggree of thinking capacity.The best logic of survival is to sustain what you think and once your thoughtfulness has set into pace the innertia force or motion,a rational goal getter cannot impair the daring stances of dreamland actualisation.The thinking capacity is the ultimate verve of a becoming and the standard gauge of actual motion and then reality managent.The way we think that impulse is the way we act and since notion goes before motion,the true portraiture of what we think is apparently reflected in what we do.We cannot control the outcome of our action whatsoever but we can control what we think. A man's destiny is tied to what he thinks,especially upon sighting a need with the resolve to proffer solution to societal challenge and once graffittis are drawn and images clarified,still through polished thinking capillarity.There is no barrier to the actualisation of destiny,once they are tied through the law of action to the ministry of purpose and ministry of mission.
We are what we think and that is my best adage and you might think otherwise.We pull down ourselves or raise up our artistic ability by what we think and that is a gospel that even ages cannot deny.
We are what we do because we are what we think and given the axiom that the latter begat the former signifies the strategic but overaching impulse buying and domineering effect that thoughtfulness has over action especially the law of action and the extant impetus that drive them.Apparently,based on the pedigree of salvo fired,you become what you think and that spiritual force,no rational theory living or dead dare an attempt to deny.
We cannot become what we hardly thing and the true passport of dunghill plummet,can not be lampooned always being thoughtessness and the pikestaff is as crystal as the nacre and the crystal waters.You cannot rise above what you think and we are not making referring to traditional or habbit formative thinking here and almost everyo
ne except lunatics,cannot disaggree with that.
We are what we do because we are what we think and given the axiom that the latter begat the former signifies the strategic but overaching impulse buying and domineering effect that thoughtfulness has over action especially the law of action and the extant impetus that drive them.Apparently,based on the pedigree of salvo fired,you become what you think and that spiritual force,no rational theory living or dead dare an attempt to deny.
We cannot become what we hardly thing and the true passport of dunghill plummet,can not be lampooned always being thoughtessness and the pikestaff is as crystal as the nacre and the crystal waters.You cannot rise above what you think and we are not making referring to traditional or habbit formative thinking here and almost everyo
July 17, 2018
Obviuosly,there can be no doubt that development is by necessity evolved to fill a natural vacuum begging for a n institutional redress,in a pragmatic attempt to revamp social and economic standard of living of the people.The biggest impulse ever contrived in modern history for all time still remains the industrial revolution of the 18th and 19th century respectively.This in real terms,altered the cultural landscape of the western civilization.
However,it must be noted that social and economic demand riding on the heels of necessity was instrumental to its success and this signifies why political ,social and economic values tend to change when the need for technological values,also change.The great Britain was the birthplace of industrial revolution,beginning from the seveenth century ,at the county of Lancaster,of a landmark event whose transformations that later spiraled worldwide took Europe by storm.The textile industry provided the lead and being transformed by mechanisation and industrialisation that was begun in people s home known as the cottage industry .In the 1700s,a series of innovations ,prompted an ever increasing productivity,that required less human energy and manual operations and was spurred by the mass production technology provided by Adam Smith during the same period.
Moreover,the invention of spinning jenny by James Hargreaves-1722-1778 that enabled to produce multiple spirals of threads simultaneously..History has it that by times of his death,there were over 20,000 spinning jennies spread over great Britain.When Samuel Compton -1753-1827,came he was able to improve on the innov
ations of spinning jennies with his spinning mule as well as later emergent machines. The power loom which mechanised the process of weaving cloth,came in 1780s been the invention of Edmund Cartwright 1743-1823,This moved the world closer to fulfilling the dreams of Adam Smith vision of mass production and made possible the mobilisation of the mordern fruits of technology .
While evolution in the iron industry also played a vital role with the vital inventions of Englishman Abraham Darby I678-1717in the early 18th century which discovered a cheaper way of producing cast iron through a coke fueled rather using a charcoal fired furnace. An inexpensive process was first developed for mass producing steel,with the invention wrought by Henry Bessemer a British engineer ,in which both iron and steel became significance resources that made mass production possible form aplliances , tools and machines,infrastructure,buildings, to ships,cars among others.However,the biggest invention of the industrial revolution and unarguably was the invention of Thomas Newcomen 1664-1729,that was used primarily to pump water out of
mines.When in 1770s,came the Scottish inventor James watt to improve on the works of Newcomen,the most profound stage was set to usher in industrila revolution in an unprecendented way.
Obviously it is clear that societal and cultural values change as technological mode evolves making possible to advance the practice of development and the standard of living respectively.Growth can spurned according to the extant salvos of technologiy and development can be formed when they are sustained and further commercialization of its efficiencies is improved.The practice of development though tied its apron string nvetheless can deny the extant values that supplanted it.It should be noted that the voyage of culture existing and its nherent productivity found in people homes was was subsquently mechanised and commercialised to provide and promote this mass development of the later era.
However,it must be noted that social and economic demand riding on the heels of necessity was instrumental to its success and this signifies why political ,social and economic values tend to change when the need for technological values,also change.The great Britain was the birthplace of industrial revolution,beginning from the seveenth century ,at the county of Lancaster,of a landmark event whose transformations that later spiraled worldwide took Europe by storm.The textile industry provided the lead and being transformed by mechanisation and industrialisation that was begun in people s home known as the cottage industry .In the 1700s,a series of innovations ,prompted an ever increasing productivity,that required less human energy and manual operations and was spurred by the mass production technology provided by Adam Smith during the same period.
Moreover,the invention of spinning jenny by James Hargreaves-1722-1778 that enabled to produce multiple spirals of threads simultaneously..History has it that by times of his death,there were over 20,000 spinning jennies spread over great Britain.When Samuel Compton -1753-1827,came he was able to improve on the innov
ations of spinning jennies with his spinning mule as well as later emergent machines. The power loom which mechanised the process of weaving cloth,came in 1780s been the invention of Edmund Cartwright 1743-1823,This moved the world closer to fulfilling the dreams of Adam Smith vision of mass production and made possible the mobilisation of the mordern fruits of technology .
While evolution in the iron industry also played a vital role with the vital inventions of Englishman Abraham Darby I678-1717in the early 18th century which discovered a cheaper way of producing cast iron through a coke fueled rather using a charcoal fired furnace. An inexpensive process was first developed for mass producing steel,with the invention wrought by Henry Bessemer a British engineer ,in which both iron and steel became significance resources that made mass production possible form aplliances , tools and machines,infrastructure,buildings, to ships,cars among others.However,the biggest invention of the industrial revolution and unarguably was the invention of Thomas Newcomen 1664-1729,that was used primarily to pump water out of
mines.When in 1770s,came the Scottish inventor James watt to improve on the works of Newcomen,the most profound stage was set to usher in industrila revolution in an unprecendented way.
Obviously it is clear that societal and cultural values change as technological mode evolves making possible to advance the practice of development and the standard of living respectively.Growth can spurned according to the extant salvos of technologiy and development can be formed when they are sustained and further commercialization of its efficiencies is improved.The practice of development though tied its apron string nvetheless can deny the extant values that supplanted it.It should be noted that the voyage of culture existing and its nherent productivity found in people homes was was subsquently mechanised and commercialised to provide and promote this mass development of the later era.
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