Memorabilia's meanest strike,mementoes in their hodgepodge,back and forth flee like a force majeure,forthright from foredoom to foreboom,merchant of memoirs sometimes meretricious mendest swoon.Upon this humdinger of a miasma,earthlings hump sometimes in hungermarch and frozen in hungerstrike,hung obstinately in humbug,the idolatory of the immaculate illusion as if the prerogatives of the dreamt in the dreamyard,refrains not landscaped delusion.This dreamyard pretense,a gallery player,as if pressgang by grimdeath,Prithee i predilection as of what primafacie,not of primp and preen to adorn the primrose path,bedecked with prevarication.This field chief primadonn,gullible above compare of mole infested quientessential primus interpares,kidgloves charmed more than delusion,stinks to his personage much more passionate than a rap over the knuckles.Behold,over this lawn of a young punk and punitive expedition,pitch the bard his tent,laundered by swindle,of mooreish infraction of con
fidence game,radiated his feet

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