October 22, 2021
10.VULGARIAN FRACTION.to vent your spleen at misty road distraction and souless spammer in the works .
Songbirds are many in the forest and not all can be heard at the same times.Sotto voce falls behind. Do not offend the solecism and you cannot be placated with sobstory..Sometimes, getting to your dreamland destination, require a whoopee spiral of solitary confinement, given that such arduous task require a lifetime of reflection to hit the barndoor.
This is particularly interesting, when you talk about writing or writing profession the solecism of writer's haven. Every artist dream of sucess at the soapbox first and foremost for we battle with spirit to get to dreamland destination. We should not avoid smokescreen of random smudge in a smudgepot, to keep vanity of revel of pursuit as journey men sojourning in a foreign land. Moving towards our much cherished destination constitute immediate priority of purpose.
With gallantry not with slipshod, we gather smattering hit little by little into a shoal run smackdab to reach destination. Sometimes on the sly, depending on the scenario in which we are flung. We hit the slog adinfinitum until guerdon .With that sledgehammer, we go down sledging and avert slaughterhouses of golden dreams for those who jump the bandwagon.
There are skivvies to be done in every house.Who will strife to do them for the landlord or landlady to take the glory? To slap and tickles the golden dream across the sky blue of the skyhigh slap heap could be...
9.VULGARIAN FRACTION.many to board and catch flight to chosen destination.It is the same with vision and then journey men, for they hardly work alone."Well chosen.
Nature is loaded with our bounties and we re nothing but the steverdore of nature's boundless bounties through the arts of pursuit.We agreed we barely walk alone,but quite expedient to observe a vast majority is quite misled alongside strange path.Sparsely driven stapled starry eyed valiant thinkers outwitted by mean spirited vulgaran fraction.They celebrate mediocrity and fatalists.To jump the bandwagon for the sake of "we hardly walk alone "could be the worst crime of a great dreamer.Hence, vision killers on the rampage .Caveat emptor.
Get your association right in most cases not just aby association and mentorship is the key.Otherwise, you stark starring mad.Once you 've found your stamping ground then get mentorship and alight square bashing within your square bracket wrangling and wiggling squeaky clean, in the circumference of your arts.
There might occasional squalls, squeaks and squeamish frenzy at various road distraction sporadically spoonfeed by simpleton associated with squalor of pursuit, never you squander your stamped stamping ground for a misty road.
The springtide and spring time here is focus focus, dedication, and commitment evidence of abiding gallantry .This is what I call"Arts on the spree"when you link it to your expertise and road map strategy.
Arts on the spree must be elated and spoilsport
THE PURPOSE. OF HISTORY.part 1.The purpose of history,is universal justice and the means to the end, is the great charter of liberty.Given the fact that history does not traverse on a straight line, , the multiplier of this unversal modifying pattern , tied to te purpose for which it is authored by mother nature,, we are granted whatsoever we desire,specifically the racking up of mythical relics of history.The rapture of historical progression and retrogression,is embalmed in the underlining tenets of this myth.Unknown to historicism, the pendulum swings from the order of retrogression to progression, as encapsulated in the mythical contraption permits time investment to either predate or backdate history by its checkered cultural antecedence.To strangulate etchinated fact of history is to not only deny the dimensional fortitude,and the sacrifice, being the price paid for it to be written and produced in the cultural cycle's vast assembly line of mass information freedom, but also dismember the fact that it swings its operative windmills between this mythical trenchwarfare of the human an social enterprise of the passing age.To exhume pedigrees, polities,reputations is to explore and xray the public asset of social mores and the acredited seasons, slotted to hunt for knowledgeable knowledge on its tripple for the purpose of scholarship and institutional invocation of social architecture.And to usher in collaborative consensus,by its consequences,is to Kindle or embrace the
HE MYTH OF EXISTENCE.PART 2.It takes time to build solid myth and the influential remains of the human enterprise,left behind the mysterious pectre of postconscious and unconsumed relir pst consumed time of the departed artists.We do no sanction the proliferation of negative myth impacts over or exceed the positive myth and although it is proper for good to triumph over evil, to imply that positive myth exceeds devilish myth, we require a balance or an equilibrium still yet forthcoming.It is true that good does not always excite us and hardly provoke our best fiddles,and in such mythical disequilibrium,social debt proliferated.In this context we are bestowed with the unfavourable 'mythical clime,where we are stuck,with the deficit myth contraption and a surplus mythical position, by its material value or in strict economic terms,hardly motivate us beyond what the mythical balance could give us.Strategic planning has not evozolved up to this level to abrogate the economic profit of this contraction of the surplus mythical position.Ordinarily, you need mental and spiritual images to project and to protect human civilisation,given the existing dearth of impending decline of the surplus myth's position.Like the market forces,in variety struggling for the control of the equilibrium, the myth's market position aggravates the situation, where passive images, hardly retard mortal deadbeats. It is for the entire stranglehold of a lifetime that we belabour the business, for
THE MYTH OF EXISTENCE.PART 1 . Obviously, life is full of myth and we bound to meet them and leave them behind.This myth automated by human artifice when left behind,immortalises the artist in man.This could sometimes if not in most cases immortalises the person or the human personage involved as demigod and so sacred that it could be worshipped.The myths speak like a lone voice of an indelible mark of history posthumously for the immortalised.Our entire life is modeled alongside this emboss,and privileges are the material value of both actual and desired myths,we hope to leave behind.When we make good choices,we help humanity,and can be positively traded in the most prestigious baazars of history,that nature cannot jettison to the obscurity of history.Such history commands extremely complex influence,with ubiquitous readership and impressive ovation.Then posthumously,we reap the fruit of human person,and then the power of such influence is extensively profound,to generate both linear and nonlinear viewpoints of the human reflections for the regeneration of unlimited generations to come.This further boosts the recyclical renewal value of the uninstitutionalised great charters of liberty.In the nick of time,those prior human reflections,when invoked by either practice or mimicry arts,can be excellently exceded.Provided with a meagre impact,it is not apposite to regard it as the historical progression
must have been influential amply to the extent of creating a lever
and return back to Europe with hard currencies.The payments for such contracts,are often in dollars,a magitude too heavy for the economy with weak productive base to bear, blame the multinationals and the bureau de charge.It would be wiser to fund such projects from the nation's offshore funds to save currency further erosion.There has not been a transparent concerted effort and robust strategies to reduce the intense pressure on the naira specifically the threat of capital flight further plummeting the perpetually battered currency.
There should be fiscal discipline and macroeconomic price stability to firm the value of naira and the exchange rate stability.Putting a realistic or desirable exchange rate that may vary only slightly over time require a definite and holistic measures to guide against fiscal indiscipline and macroeconomic price Instability.Due to idionsycracies on ground we quite agree the principles of free market cannot absolutely be applied hook line and sinker in our unique monetary ecosystem.This cannot be disputed particularly in this distinct socioeconomic environment,governed by a situation of restricted supply hijacked by few money bags,strangulating the weak market.The inadequacy of market forces hardly applies where everyone anticipates the persistent fall of the currency prompting speculative bidding and highly exaggerated forex demand.
Governments worldwide cannot practically be divorced themselves from the issue
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