October 22, 2021


HE MYTH OF EXISTENCE.PART 2.It takes time to build solid myth and the influential remains of the human enterprise,left behind the mysterious pectre of postconscious and unconsumed relir pst consumed time of the departed artists.We do no sanction the proliferation of negative myth impacts over or exceed the positive myth and although it is proper for good to triumph over evil, to imply that positive myth exceeds devilish myth, we require a balance or an equilibrium still yet forthcoming.It is true that good does not always excite us and hardly provoke our best fiddles,and in such mythical disequilibrium,social debt proliferated.In this context we are bestowed with the unfavourable 'mythical clime,where we are stuck,with the deficit myth contraption and a surplus mythical position, by its material value or in strict economic terms,hardly motivate us beyond what the mythical balance could give us.Strategic planning has not evozolved up to this level to abrogate the economic profit of this contraction of the surplus mythical position.Ordinarily, you need mental and spiritual images to project and to protect human civilisation,given the existing dearth of impending decline of the surplus myth's position.Like the market forces,in variety struggling for the control of the equilibrium, the myth's market position aggravates the situation, where passive images, hardly retard mortal deadbeats. It is for the entire stranglehold of a lifetime that we belabour the business, for

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