March 29, 2022


Vicarious earthlings vestured by victorian vicissitudes on the prowl,Should i lend my sentry to the watercourses like the foxes and the owls,my apothegm shall breathe voraciously."Oh i implore you whitehope and whitelivered,art is melodious,art is melodrama"Why recriminations hurled at your candour of rectilinear rectitude? Your redhanded redhot species,a broken reed,reeved by redolent redtapism reduplicates heresies.Your redhand redhot,a broken gong,wacky redcap galled by whacking refrain of recurrent recusance at red light district,To devour reductioadabsurdum of the waning redlight.Your reef knot,squareknot will not recuperate,nor to recrudescence lessened should you gone berserk your arts blemished in refulgency,in regalia with pompousity. How a regiment so tisomaniac the coronated its with unbriddled reification of the carnal reinforcement,reintergrates achiles heel's unindemnified ado.That reimburses and relapses with impunity stuck upon its hilarious dunghills of reinforced reincarnate.Hellbent upon this cadence,time kills faster with karma than be reprehended or remedied with flagelating frangibility of the mortal`s punitive expedition.Time reminiscences and rhapsody of golden memoirs,slavish offender`s guilt,remounts karma with rendezvous.Oft a rendezvous slingshot,a remote control of time`s remedies barely tarries.Rent strike,retrospective conscience caveat,repel your repugnant repine and seafaring altar reimburses sissified and sitting ducky earthlings rentfree equity and libertas.May the willynillied folks frozen beneath war of nerves and warcry not wager time's virulence,not to repose in gallantry,dime a dozen temporal taint to scoff the apostate nor its recluse to repudiate tendentious retribution. Shall we repulse into the remorseless punitive garb of time's bruising arrows palatable or not its reckoning bequest nor patrimonial residue forecast? Reticence and retrospection time's furious tides,retroverted and

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