October 15, 2022


footprints on the golden transition of mordern civilisation.A religious revolution ochestrated and advanced in england by anticlericals like John Wyclief was begun with the crash of Roman catholic into diverse sects like the puritants or protestants,humanists of the medieval.The revolutionary waves also swept through england and it succesfully transformed european culture between 1500-1800 until the age of enlightenment.With the treaty of union and acts of union a new checkered antecedence was begun led to the formation of United Kingdom.By 1707 the core ensembles of UK as a unified state,matured,came with the political mandates and culminated intothe union of scotland and england.This formed a unitary state called Great Britain.As Historian Simon Schama once said of the landmark transition:What began as a hostile merger would end by a full patnership in the most powerful going concern in the world'.Then he concluded'It was one of the most astonising transformations in european history.'By the dawn of 18th

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