January 4, 2023

The Fundamental Theorem Of Abstraction.part 1

In the inscrutable architecture of existence, cultural mathematics comprising of utilitarian mathematics and empirical mathematics so to say preferably or alternatively is regarded as conscious subordinate or conscious parimaterial mathematics (CSM/CPM).The universe or the ontology as it were is written in the language of mathematics as both the ancient and mordern scholars often concluded.But what form of mathematics was it written the pundits the scholars from the antediluvian to the post modern, often perplexed fail to decipher solve nor dissect the puzzle about the form,mode,types and variety of mathematics with which it was written. CSM theorems and its propositions is the Fundamental theory of existential mathematics.This changes anything old and new, ancient and mordern,post modern and neomordern that you might have known about mathematics.CSM/CPM created infinite platform for the management of human existence and that is why it is regarded as Fundamental theory of mathematics. Unfortunately,the world has yet to come to terms with existential mathematics including of the first generation (utilitarian) and second generation (empirical)modes of mathematics.In mordern mathematics,the Fundamental Theorem of arithmetic or unique factorization theorems and prime factorization theorems that state that every integer greater than 1 can be represented uniquely as prime numbers'product rises up or measures up to the numbers of that factors'order

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