February 8, 2023


We know history and the critical use of history is the ultimate bond and intimate price of existence.Mordern scholars call this norm'learning.`Learning to be candid is the ingrained profile of history and without this profile,we cannot truly attain that ruritarian sauce of historical intergrity.Challenges hardest fought grimaces afable arts in the face of stark obscurity of history.We are freedmen on the great walls of freedom,when we're learned to master the fallen walls of history and fallen walls of freedom with public recipe of historic intergrity.The price of history is enriched by the price of liberty.Who then would pay the price of liberty that history might be history and be freed and the price of history that liberty might be freed?We are torn between the scylla and charybdis to trend with the glory of liberty as the grand goal of history.Victory of freedom to be freedom itself in scholarly term balkanises defeat of historical villains at the rapture of pubic good.Public good the ultimate price of

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