Let me start with the presidential election to say the least as the latest anxiety,that was conducted free and fair.But because the disgruntled elements failed to win,they rubbished the whole episode .The greatest liars objected to it in this context the so called obidients and called for cancellation of the election results, without any convincing evidence.Datti Muhammad,vice presidential candidate of Labour on Channels TV,threatened president elect Bola Ahmed Tinubu that if he is sworn in on may 29,that would be the end of democracy.This is more than treasonable felony and MKO Abiola who was declared winner in the hope 93 election and died in prison, didn't do a third of obi's crime trying to truncate democracy.The paranoid obi went to presidential petition tribunal and petition the panel to cancel the election that was heavily rigged in Tinubu's favour.That the president elect was a peddler in drug trafficking worth of $460,000 which was against the Constitution and that his mandate should be revoked and certificate of return confiscated and handed over to him as the authentic winner.How dare you accuse an impending government of crime with no convincing evidence.The case of drug trafficking was dropped by the American authorities including FBI and the court,and must press specific damage because the extent of such damage to a personal reputation can be evaluated.This is more than a treasonable felony and I think the uploading of election electronically does not arise in the first place when it is not included in the Constitution or electoral acts.What then is their bone of contention?Can anybody help me?This is purely tribalism.Infact I make bold to say it;when in true sense of the world even 90%of Americans still voted on paper ballots.
This Datti state ment however led acerbic remarks and made front editorials across the country.Infact such comment that was adjudged for abetting fifth columnists and public incitement had made Nigeria unsettled for more than ever since the end of February election.Professor Soyinka branded such derogatory and libelous statements fascist statement to the obidients' irate in the east.He was extensively ridiculed and I thought chimanda adichie,the feminist writer should know better.But rather soiled her clean linen in public contempt,undermined the wisdom of the foremost and first black Nobel.To display her level of ignorance,the ignorasmus wrote the american government and president Biden that the election in nigeria was rigged.Is it not funny that they arogate good thing to themselves and other tribes are inferior?is it not a treasonable felony when you threaten the government of the day and impending elected government?One prof Yemi Oke wrote Mr Biden in the counter letter to debunk her claims.They wanted to claim superiority over every matters that they know nothing about.The truth is :which of the tribes has contributed to African development more?I think the question is simple.Of course the Yorubas have done far better than elsewhere in the continent.
Western Civilization was introduced to the Nigerian society by the Yorubas and I make bold to say that they barely knew a thing about Nigerian history and when they know a little,they blow it out of proportion.The yorubas taught every body send all tribes to school and their missionaries were building schools, colleges, varsites and churches to get people educated.Infact to be candid,the first set of people to go to school were the egbas in ogun State and the so-called Saro movement that was begun in Oyo state by ajayi crowther.These set of people had varsity or tertiary education for more than a century before other tribes like the IGBOs moved in emmasse awarded varsity certificate.I was shocked to stumble on Femi Fanikayode's essay,The Bitter Truth About Igbos'critiqued by alleged igbo scholar, Samuel Okafor,with first class, history.He claimed to have better things to say and I was disappointed as usual.They debated yorubas early lead and achievement in education and later branded as unproven kismetic dream of plain pretense.In the so called research,okafor noted equaino olaudah,as an iboman and that the first black doctor was an efik man Silas G.Dove.He had not heard of the fact that efik people are from yoruba dialect.He said allegedly obtained medical degree from France and return to work practice in 1840 in Calabar.He cited the source, historical medical records in Paris.He claimed Chike obi was the first professor of mathematics.Whereas that honor belong to professor olubunmo and no.1, Chike obi as the first PHD in mathematics.Other ibo writers makes same grievous omission.Liars from the pits of hell.Theophilous Ogunlesi Nigerian first professor of medicine.Apart from Kenneth Dike as first professor of history and first professor of statistics adichie's father there was no clarity again for the liars of the almost 100academic fields occupied by yorubas.Infact later post of statistics in rivalry with Biyi Afonja can also be debated.Is prof.james ezeilo first professor of physics? He claimed prof.okoye took that great honor from the University of masachusets or Massachusetts institute of technology.There was no convincing evidence prof.eni njoku as first vice Chancellor of University of Lagos is the first professor of botany in Nigeria? Frank Ndili,Prof of nuclear physics and chemistry.That too is debatable.He displayed highest level of ignorance to ethuse about growing mode of research.He did not know late Prof j.p.clark an ijaw was the first professor of English language in Africa.He did not fail to quote their greatest liars chinua Achebe who claimed ibos cancelled yorubas educational lead in forty years.Forget the oba of Benin palace had access to Portuguese Civilization as far back as ,1495.There was no point saying three in states currently produced more graduates than four yoruba States of ondo, Oyo,ekiti,osun.This is not possible because the capability of the varsity matters.For instance,a faculty in University of ibadan have more Dons than the entire Imo state University.The same University that produced 17doctors in a decade.Yet the same ibos claimed they now produce more Dons and graduates than the Yorubas.
I would like to confirm what fani kayode said,the IGBOs introduced tribalism into southern politics in 1945 boldly architected by Nnamdi azikiwe when he pulled out from Nigeria youth movement.This singular action paved way to the uprising of the civil war.To be precise the road to the civil war was begun thirty years before it struck.Their domineering attitude was what l heavily detested.
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