June 6, 2018


The art of leadership must be learned and the hurdles  facing effective leadership  can easily  controlled  by understanding challenges that leadership face and the wealth of history has so much to rely upon been streamlined with available facts and resources  to make it work for students of history .Depending on the political , economic and social strategies deployed ,like organic human cells that follow biological processes during metabolism ,this art can be channeled to the attainment of its objectives by mere understanding of this history ,equitable value system and the needs of the society at a particular period.The Nigerian societies cannot be immune from these challenges and the wherewithal to surmount them  .
Leadership like every field of human endeavors  and professionalism is a thing of choice .Its capability speaks volume base on the level of visions ,focus ,faith and commitment above all passion  or passion thrust  and the level of preparedness and competences  of those who desire with their intellectual aptitude to take to the contours and business of leadership .They must understand its art and science .Indeed it is a business of direction composed by vision ,strategy ,values ,integrity and a high sense of ideological freedom .These we know are catalyst for mastery of the art of leadership and the moment a leader looses this trait he ceases to be a leader .We know that societies where these  items of moral leverage  are critically observed has resolved leadership quagmire –a corrupt free institution not only  cultivated but that leadership is a thing of service and the first service of the nation .
Nigeria like every nation of the world is no exception to this challenge and this piece is specifically interested in ranking leadership profiles of our successive regimes since independence with prejudice to rate most glorious years of nation building in general while schematically perusing the twist and turns of the nation’s history and giant strides and low strides in sustainable economic development as a whole .
The two eras simply comes to mind –the Gowon regime and the Murtala-Obasanjo regime with Specific bias for former President Olusegun Obasanjo –the Baba Iyabo himself .What makes the point of our discussion ? Even though he is an elder statesman ,everybody loves to hate and personifies the face of leadership quagmire and epicenter of landmark profiles all rolled into one colossal behemoth , the history of this country  cannot be complete by his giant contribution to nation building and sustainable economic development in the country in general .
No size fits all.This is because the business of leadership has become a thorn in the flesh of not growth and development and leadership but much more on the part of the followership suffering where the two elephants met and fought .Take it or leave it Obj is about the most successful leader the nation ever had not based on the longevity of years of service but much more determined the sprawling expanse of capital projects undertaken during his tenure .In fact in the whole of Africa ,he ranked ahead of every one excluding Mandela and to some extent Gadhafi and can be ranked only second to Mandela if we rate and include the checkered antecedence of the nation’s foreign policy during his military regime.With the benefit of antecedence we shall explore the artesian wells of this indisputable axioms including the strategic figures to back up this claim,that many media critics and pundits loved to dispute ;for they are as holy as the righteousness of nature or mothernature.Irrespective of the bellyaching of critics ,the wealth of history cannot be disputed and human fallibility itself cannot question its domains  of  pristine values as the final arbiter of mankind . Disputation aside let us turn to the relics of history to provide this strategic evidences begin to be explored.
It is on record that the most successful  development plans in the nation’s history till date still unprecedented happened under his watchdog. The 60s and 70s national development plans ,the NEEDS policy document,the FSS2020 excluding the short-lived Yaradua 7 point agenda and untested transformation agenda that still requires the furnace of history to be tested after the exit of the regime .Majority of these landmark policies happened under Baba Iyabo’s regimes.With the evidence of history we shall rate SAP and why  it can be regarded as the downturn worst epoch though debatable and the downside   of the nation ‘s history .Excluding this landmark profiles ,development layout plans are mere vain  embellishment and entangles of these glorious eras of our nation’s history .having become a legal framework for successive regimes to build upon .
To argue this  claim ,we shall x-ray  the Nigerian economy and history  into 4-four divisions-the pre-independence  era ;post independence era ;post civil war era and the return of democracy .We treat the exposition and the report  below at they matter.
                                             THE PRE-INDEPENDENCE ERA
The socioeconomic development  that became a matter of priority  in the country in the pre-independence era was facilitated and accelerated by regional leadership .Agriculture was dominant foreign exchange earner toppling development items .Government interventionist development policies saved the day and made possible an agrarian economy like elsewhere across Africa .Cash crops such as Cocoa In the West , Groundnut pyramids, rubber and palm oil  in the North and cotton among other became the mainstay of the Nigerian economy .
Infact this  competitive basis at the regions  was instrumental  to the infrastructural development  of  the immediate post independence era .Consequently ,the Eastern Region  was reported to be the world fastest growing economy in the 1940s precisely in 1946 growing at alarming rate of over 70 percent per annum –a feat that was not equaled 50 years after until equatorial Guinea discovered oil in 2001 and achieved the same feat becoming the world fastest growing .
The economic priorities of this scale was responsible for the development of education, health among other  infrastructural development projects as political class desired and determined to exit their people out of poverty .According to Ogunjinmi,1997:97] the process of social and political development of any country  can be facilitated by deliberative efforts  and theoretical development plans of the sitting government of the day .Socialist ideologies and development plans were adopted in the old Soviet Union and  recorded a lasting impact on the citizens through beneficial policy interventionism of the period .Policy interventionism also require broad based mechanism  and general framework incorporated as mass development plans  to operate or cover every sector of the economy. On the hand political planning also gives direction to government direction including the rate of growth .With this conscious policy mass infrastructural development as the most logical interpretation are likely to be prioritized  and implemented.-Ayinla-1998:21].
The successive and progressive implementation of diverse projects  in the pre and post independence era was facilitated by national development plans of the eras .When the British Colonial Office mandated colonies to  prepare development plans  for Colonial and Welfare Funds disbursement  in 1940 ,the basis of development plans was fairly laid .National Economic Council came up in 1955 and following recommendation by  World Bank  was specifically established  for development coordination and growth supervision. Consequently national development plan of 1959 set up for the country was inspired by the institution . Raising the standard  of living to the highest level possible and the creation of a legal framework to achieve this goal  became its principal objectives .With the emergence of the new nation nation-Nigeria in 1960 at independence the successive generation of post independence  development plans were rolled out in earnest. Making it possible for government to articulate programmes  and launch  prioritized policies  in  efficient allocation of waste management  resources , income growth, better public amenities .Ayinla,1988].
The ten year development plans launched in 1946 can be traced as  the source  or origin of conscious development planning in Nigeria.The total expenditure of the historic  Colonial Development welfare funds stood at 110 million naira to be executed between April 1,1946 to March 31,1956.Ogunjimi,1997:97]. The development plans  by objectives were meant to serve the interest of the colonial masters  .The development plan did not run its full course having being truncated by 1950  due to inadequacies of the system and the terrain wherein it was been implemented as subject of rapid structural changes  and the evidence of its volatility. Thereafter it was broken into two five yearly programs with new plan formulated to cover the 1950-56 period. When federal system of government was introduced this revision was affected as regional governments exploited their autonomy to adopt diverse economic policies .
The federal structure was predicated on 3 tier administrative state structure-western,Northern and Eastern regions in 1954 and by 1964 the Midwestern region came into being. True federalism during the period also contributed immensely to the development of infrastructure and economic growth in the country. We could  remember the healthy rivalry between the Chief Obafemi Awolowo and the great Zik Of Africa as both premier of Western and Eastern regions .Immediately Awolowo  introduced free education in the West ,Zik emulated with similar gesture in East and Ahmadu Bello did the same in North .The moment the great Awolowo introduced  western T.V, station-WNTV and western radio –WNBS THE East and the North introduced and also adopted Radio and TV in their regions. With the establishment of Liberty Stadium ,in the west Ahmadu Bello Stadium and Enugu Stadium were also introduced in the East and North to rival west.That is the beauty of competition in a federal state . So fiscal federalism was crucial to development  based on the competitive autonomy of the regions during the era .
The plans of 1955-60 was to be implemented by federal government itself and they serve as reviewd above as the basis of development planning practice  .It cannot be disputed however that fiscal federalism  and the competitive autonomy of the regions was a critical development factor of the pre-independence era .  Irrespective of the weakness  as can be noted from the work of Olaniyi,1998:106],Ayo,1988:1],and Ogunjimi :1997] contributed a great deal to flag of  the practice of development planning in Nigeria .

                                                              THE POST-INDEPENCE ERA  
At independence in 1960 , indigenous development plans took off in earnest  launching the era of the generation of the  most comprehensive development plans ever contrived in the nation’s history or for the newly  independent nation.They were plotted within the framework of  revamped national account system ,covering both public and private sector related projects with well articulated overall economic targets .
From the 1960 to 1985 Nigeria implemented four national development plans –This includes the First,Second,Third and Fourth national development plans with each development plan having its own well articulated focus and goals with far reaching implications ushering unprecedented development history .In April 1962 federal government launched First national development plans  to cover the period of 6 years -1962-68 .About  2.132billion naira as proposed investment expenditure  was earmarked for the plan and about  1,352 billion naira  was envisaged  to be  spent under this plan and the 780 million naira remainder was to be undertaken by private sector . Unfortunately the two major political events  such as the military intervention of 1966 and the 1967-70 Civil War truncated this beautiful plan with the period of the plan extended to march 1931 ,1970.

However a number of landmark achievements were recorded at both regional and federal level  during the period .This includes –Oil refinery in Port Harcourt ,the Sugar Mill and the Niger Dam in Jebba and Bacita ,the Niger Bridge ,ports extension and the Paper  mill and a handful number of trunk A  roads .The construction of  first generation Universities such as the Ahmadu Bello University by the Northern Nigerian Governmennt ,the University of Nigeria Nsukka –UNN,by the Eastern Government of Nigeria and the University of Ife now known as the Obafemi Awolowo University  by the Western Nigerian Government .
The capital budgets operated within the framework of development planning providing the vigour to federal and State govts  to be able to  achieve this landmark inspite of the economic crisis during the period  .These budgets and plans were deployed as the main instrument of control and  for resources allocation;as they  provided also guidelines for meaningful development coordination  inspite of two political crisis during plan period Ogunjimi,1997:98].In 1970 the Gowon regime launched the second national development plan.Being a post war development its purpose was on rehabilitation ,recon reconstruction and reconciliation  of a war  shattered economy and bridging social and economic development gap across the country  .
Like the first national development plan it also a couple of landmark achievements  at both the federal and state level .This includes federal roads ,the national youth service corps-NYSC scheme; federal scholarship introduction; and Nigerian students loan schemes .The third national development plan was also launched by the Gowon regime and it covered a five year plan period – April,1975-1980 March – a water shed in  economic development planning  in the country .The initial investment of 30 billion naira was raised to 43.3 billion naira with extensive consultations from the private sector . The growth of percapital income ,the equal distribution  of income ,reduction of unemployment ,economic diversification,development balancing  and indigenization of economic activities  constitute the cardinal objectives of the plan period .Unfortunately the change of government in july,1975 altered the implementation of the plan barely three months after the plan was launched by the faded regime. This change and policy succession crisis  hence altered  some of the cardinal objectives of the plan though more relevant projects were focused upon that have direct bearing on the standard of living of the people  .This basically included agriculture , water ,health and Agriculture including housing .We shall soon did more circumspection on this third national development plan-the most successful of the development Nigeria ever had .  
Nevertheless in the immediate post independence era ,Nigeria has had a truncated  industry as evidenced in the GDP growth rate of the period .This recorded a paltry  3.1 percent  per annum  between 1960s-70s compared to the oil boom era of  1970-78 which recorded 6.2 percent –a far cry from the negative growth rates of the 80s.Besides the period 1980 and 1988 which recorded dismal growth rate of 3.2 percent and 2.9 percent respectively ,the industrial sector grew exponentially and benefited immensely  from the development plans ,oil boom of the 70s and the import substitution industrialization policies or prebisch thesis of the era .With the quadrupling of the oil boom revenues during the period ballooned from $3 to $12,Nigeria recorded monumental economic development .This growth was catalyzed by the first boom -1973-75and second boom -1978-79 totally the Nigerian economy and launched unprecedented infrastructural development in her history.
With the oil boom of the 70s the neglect of agriculture was more than by the advent of political rent seeking  landlords which deliberately neglected  the erstwhile cash cow sector .Consequently it fell from 63 percent at its peak  in 1960 to 34 percent in 1988 and so Nigeria became a net importer of the basic food staples it once produced .Generally speaking the 1960-70 was a bad decade for the sector  and totally unsatisfactory with poor and depressed commodity market  prices including the negative impact of the oil boom of the period .Hence labour migrated from the rural areas to the cities and metropolitans  in search of greener pastures .
The positive gross domestic investment of 16.3 and 22.8 percent recorded between 1965-73 and 1973-80 respectively was not sustained .This declined to 14 per cent 1980-88 ………contd.
                            The Success Of The Third National Development Plan
These are the fundamentals of the nation  but how did Obj come into the picture. And then indeed history and verity cannot be disputed from their glory as the undisputed final arbiter of mankind. Let  me flash back  your  memory to the third national development of the late 70s .Generally speaking the second national development plan started with little or no capital and relied too much   heavily on foreign capital and for this reason  was  criticized for being over ambitious for some of its major programmes under control of the political class.In the studies by Tella:2013 this rapid scourge of ambition by  resultant effect  led to the rigging of the first general elections  and the  attendant coup  d’etats that followed thereafter  with its extension of  counter coup,  the  democratic  and development processes were halted .The  prolonged disruption that followed the civil war  truncated the consumption and production of the economy .
When military took over Government in 1966 the Nigerian economy was run on command control and central planning bases especially after the civil war was successful as a result of the cooperation between the bureaucrats , the politicians and the military .The landmark civil service purging of 1975 by Murtala Muhamed/Obasanjo regime did a lot both positively and negatively to the vibrancy of the Nigerian civil service especially its robust culture ,reliability ,transparency and commitment to good service as an arm of good governance was eroded by  the then administration .This purging had been massively criticized by diverse scholars including the importation culture saga that destroyed confidence in domestic goods  
With the exit of the Gowon regime and the short lived  regime of Murtala Muhammed  third national development plan took off with new and unusual  radicallity. Shortly before  his death on Feb  13,1976 Murtala Muhammed spoke with candour and dreamt of “a united ,strong  and self reliant nation a great and dynamic economy ,a just and egalitarian society ,a land of opportunities for all citizens and a free and a democratic society . “
With the emergence of  Obasanjo as the Nigerian heads of State third national resumed its momentum  and created a record in infrastructural development that is still yet to be broken today. They were astounding and without parallel in our history  .Now consider here a record sampling of this golden age era of Nigerian economy   :Cement plants  at Calabar ,UKpilla,Sagamu , Yandev and Ashaka ;Vehicle Assembly plants like leyland ,Volkswagen etc  ;new refineries ;petrochemical plants ,Aluminum Smelting plants ;Oil pipelines networks ;paper and pulp projects at Jebba ,Calabar and Iwopin ;Thermal and hydro electric power stations ;new Airports and acquisition of new aircrafts ;Water Supply ;Some 150 farm service centres nationwide to empower productive small scale farmers under guise of operation feed the nation policy;new steel rolling mills;new seaports ; the river basin authorities for irrigation and water supply ;new healthcare delivery centres and public hospitals ;about 10,000km of roads were constructed ;local and international exchanges constructed in 45 locations nationwide ; The enrolment at the public  primary schools ballooned from 4.997million naira in 1975 to 10.2  in 1979 under the then universal basic education-UBE scheme;Similarly the secondary school enrolment also rose from 507,290 to 1,650,300 in addition to the population of varsities that increased to 13 from 6 ;fresh undergraduate enrolment also  grew from 32, 286  to 83,000;corresponding growth was recorded in both polytechnics and monotechnics nationwide .The development economics of O.Aboyade and the import substitution  strategy –the so called prebitsch thesis  that China later used  to develop was widely adopted .
This regime left 26 ships with the defunct Nigerian national shipping line-NNSL and about 36 planes with the now defunct Nigerian airways in 1979 –a period in which the per capital income in the country stood at $1,000 as the highest in the country .In a face off with Obasanjo IBB relegated to the background of OBJ regime as too wasteful not prudent in resources management .This caused the old man to reply IBB as a fool at 70 as noted below .
 The Nigerian  foreign policy recorded its neplus ulstra during the period and the best for the whole of Africa till date as Nigeria made continental voyage and bankrolled liberation movement of several African  countries during the period  including Apartheid in South Africa in which the country played a key in addition to the Sullivan principles in America .The introduction of presidential system of government  came during the period as the nation changed its political system from the British parliamentary system.Equally interesting  and not the least included the introduction  and adoption of federal  constitution of i979 .In 1976 ,Nigeria also became a 19  State federal structure 
From a federation of 3 regions and 4 regions in 1954 and 1964 and later 12 state structure in 1967  respectively .In 1981 it became a federation of 21 states and later a 31 State federation  and 36 State structure in 1991 and 1996  respectively .The 19 state structure period was unique because during the same period in 1976 ,the local government system was introduced for the first time at the centre  after it was initiated by the colonial regimes and the old western region of the great Obafemi Awolowo  first adopted it.By 1976 we  already had 301 local governments  in the country compared to  officially recognized 774 today .
As if that is not enough the largest expansion in the Nigerian Judicial happened under the watchdog of the Murtala/Obasanjo regime.Prior to the period the Nigerian Supreme court replaced in 1980 upon independence the judicial committee of the privy council as the highest or apex court in the land . With the exception of the Supreme Court all other courts of the superior courts of records including the court of appeal ,the high courts and the inferior courts of records like the Sharia courts.Area courts ,Magistrate courts.Customary courts were established during the period.
The indigenization policy that began during the Gowon regime took a scintillating dimension with the incursion of 3rd national plans in which Nigerians for the first time were empowered to take over the commanding heights of the economy for the first time in the nation”s history.About 900,000 shares of the public sector companies were sold to the Nigerians during the period .
Although some media pundits like the Tella:2013 among others have contended that the mass purging of civil service in 1975 by the Murtala/ Obasanjo  regime had been blamed to have massively contributed to the erosion of public service or the bureaucracy at large as an important arm of good governance.The service consequently lost its vibrancy ,dedication ,transparency and commitment to public service in addition to the incapacitation of the  civil service by the fear of the military , and the degeneration of the service value system .That we import 95 percent of what we consumed till date obtained  its blundering impulse from the era.
Surely these are drawbacks but one thing cannot be taken away from this regime ,  that the largest expansion in the nation’s history and the most successful socialist antecedence e happened under its watchdog .In the golden words of  Yemi Ogunbiyi  as noted  in the piece “Why OBJ Deserves A Second Term –Part 1” published in the defunct  Comet –April  8,2003 .He noted  besides being “one of the  most  purposefuland resolute in the history of Nigeria “ also concluded “none achieved so much in so liitle a time “.That is to say if had had 9 years and 8 years that Gowon and Babangida squandered literally speaking the whole of Nigeria that chief Obafemi Awolowo regarded as mere geographical expression  by now would have been a paradise  of some sorts .Taka OR IT LEAVE IT that is the truth .He further noted “none perhaps none did more to set Nigeria on a path of self reliance and sustainable growth “.By 1979 it was clear not only  had we recorded the highest percapital income ever but also that the 10 percent growth rate had not been exceeded ever  since .The UNDP regarded Nigeria  as a middle class economy during the period when the external debt was below 500 million naira  .Today the  then  rising middle class meant to defend democracy  were  by  all ramification no more and  lulled into the obscurity of the nation’s antecedence .
All the successive regimes beginning from 1979 loved to be associated with this regime.On October  1st ,1979 the outgoing President Obasanjo expressed so much optimism for a country destined for great things .The new President  Shehu Shagari enthralled with the foundation laid by third national development plans  also admitted this feat at the joint session of  National Assembly on 12th January  1981 while launching the fourth national development plan.He noted “.the plan has undoubtedly succeeded in laying a good foundation  for further development of our national economy  towards self sustained growth  and self reliant “posterity so to say .Upon assumption of power the Buhari/Idiagbon regime in 1983 also declared their strategic intention of being an extension of third national development plan in attempt to gain to gain moral acceptability .Ultimately none of the successive regimes  even before it were close to this magical feat supposedly and unarguably  the golden age of economic development in Nigeria.They failed woefully  so that 1983 the government that took over  by 1979 was in trouble before the end of its first term in office .Its good beginning was not sustained .
The fourth national development plan-1981-85 launched by new regime and the governments of 19 States  was the first by a democratically elected government  under the first federal constitution. Unlike other previous plans this was the first the local government s were to participate by both preparedness and then autonomous to execute their separate development programmes .Capital investment target  82.2 billion naira jointly shared by both private and public sector  with the former taking a larger chunk of 70.5 billion naira and the rest by the private sector .Apart from the two quick succession crisis in 1983 and 1985 ,the performance of the fourth national development plan was generally poor.
Ogunbiyi further noted “Although it claimed at the outset to have been an offshoot  of the Murtala /Obasanjo ,the Buhari  regime soon proved itself  to be bereft of the ideas  and convictions that set Murtala/Obasanjo regime apart .Instead of articulated political and economic programmes ,it offered draconian laws  and adhoc policies .As our foreign debt mounted ,the Buhari regime refused to borrow any more and turned its back on debt repayment .The administration out countraer trade policy  but that too failed .Then it returned  to the era of rationing essential commodities  again with little success .Not even the government rigid import licensing policy provided the desired result of economic stability .As government ran out of ideas on what to do with the economy ,Nigerians watched helplessly even as our standard of living slid.Nigerians were so sick and tired of the regime ,that when General Babangida overthrown the government in AUGUST 1985 ,there were widespread jubilations  in the country “
It is clear with the above that successive regimes though motivated by the Obasanjo   regime could not reenact this feat even with higher investment capital at their disposal let alone exceeded  this feat . Ogunbiyi  better captured the mood of the era and unworkability of governance during the period under survey .Tella-2013 also corroborate this claim .That “the return of democractic regime in 1979  under the leadership of Alhaji Shehu Shagari did not help matters .The “huge” external reserves that was handed over  by Obasanjo  military government to the Shagari regime was mismanaged as corruption and unbridled importation of all sorts of items became the hallmark of the regime.The rapid depletion of the reserve ,the glut in the oil market -1980/81 and the world economic  recession that started in 1983 combined to expose the weakness in the economy and by implication exposed the people to  avoidable hardship.”
This precarious situation was responsible for the truncation of democracy once again on January , 1984 by then Buhari/Idiagbon regime .Tella-2013 also noted not only was fifth national development distress implementation  truncated  but the palace coup  that came in 1985 with its new regime “were in many respects  momentous years” and the objective assesments of his achievement and their impact onour national life will remain the subject of fierce disputation by political historians for many years to come “.Ogunbiyi concluded.But Tella-2013  in the piece “The Trends In The Economy ‘ published in Oct .1,2013,Punch] was factual ……..”under the second  coming of the military beginning with Babangida the standard of living “ plummeted ,infrastructural development nosedived  and corruption institutionalized  as judiciary and rule of law entangled.”Political expediency continued to override economic expediency“The regime lost touch with the outcome of its flagship programme-structural development programmes-SAP and there was sharp contrast ,deviation  and a lost focus between the conception and programmatic execution.contd……..
Often times these ignoble leaders and their cohorts  forgetting thei r evil past  are not ashamed to argue in the public,  proven  legacies that they never bequeathed to the people. Sometimes they were so sure unborn generation would live to praise the inglorious past  especially when juxtaposed against   regimes  before and after them .
A year or two ago there was a  clash a well publicized media clash between these two former  ex presidents who were at loggerheads with their place of superiority in history and how they are judged by history .Infact they soiled their royal robes in the public linen. How time flies .A clueless and rudderless leader fired the first salvo until it caught the attention of the great Obj hell was not loosed and heypresto across the nation became an epochal media frenzy .
On his 70th birthday IBB stirred the honest nest  of vitriolic vituperation and vagabond invectives .That is not to say none of these leaders recorded no lowest ebbs and not mired by evil past but which one did more to impact on the Nigerian economy and the Nigerian people ?IBB lampooned and dismissed OBJ achievement as too low perhaps connected with his democractic profiles .In a front editorial of The Nation ,he  concluded OBJ failed to improve power sector inspite of huge cash available to government”When Obj attention was called to order in view of the stinging diatribes by fellow hegemonious aficionado,Obj fired similar salvo against the evil genius,who boasted of having a better place in History .That General Babangida “be pitied “and not condemned “.The then chairman of the largest party in Africa also noted it was unfortunate  IBB  could embark on an unwise journey of condemning  him for not doing enough in the power sector “.To nail the poser ,he concluded “between 1985 and 1993 when he ruled Nigeria ,he build no power plant”. That was the height of public ignominy and ridicule between the top two most powerful men in the Nation “s .history .As published in THE NATION newspapers ,the general Ibrahim Babangida took a swipe against his military godfather through his spokesman –kasim Afegbua in Abuja and after controversial Obj remarks ,he raved with a backlash  that history will be fair to him than Obasanjo from all perspectives  and asked OBJ to account for his eight years of misrule instead of engaging in brickbats .By the time the enfanterible OBJ replied he berated his godfather that his comments was unworthy of dignified response .He noted and I quote ‘’In my eight years in office ‘’…..hear him in that rascality of the highest order –‘’I manage poverty and achieved success while somebody for 8 years managed affluence and achieved failure’’
Does that a sense ?Like Obj rightly said that he build no power plant –a foundation that epileptic power outages of today .Hear OBJ ‘’Some of the things he said unfortunately  were  not well thought out .For instance  he talked about energy .When I was military head of state ,I built Jebba dam;built Shiroro dam .I prepared the foundation of   Egbin plant  which President Shagari completed and commissioned.That time the money we were making  was not up to the money Babangida was making  annually for his eight years  and yet we built two dams .Because it was important you know that power is the driving force force for economic development and for any developing country .But since the building of Egbin power plant until I came back in 1999 ,there was no generating plant for almost 20 years and Babangida spent eight years  out of that .’’Now,he has the audacity to talk about anybody ;I think that is unfortunate .I also read where he said in his time he gave dividends of democracy and at the same time he regretted .When I  read that  ,well ,I said Babangida should be pitied and shown sympathy ,rather than anger  or comdemnation because the old saying  says a fool at 40 is a fool forever and  I would say a regret at 70 is a regret to the grave’’.
In the interview the reporter also a few shocking questions as reviewd below-
Reporter :On El Rufai ‘s allegation against him on privitisation
Obasanjo:’’I don’t know what he said  .You gentlemen of the press ,you have a way of putting slant into what people say .I need to know  exactly  what he said .
Reporter:El Rufai said you almost or attempted to block the sale of Nigeria Airways .
Obasanjo:’’I blocked the sale of Nigeria Airways  ,not that I attempted to block the sale of Nigeria Airways .When I was military head of State ,Nigeria Airways had 32 Aircrafts.By the time ,I came back as elected President of Nigeria Nigeria Airways had only one Aircraft .One of the 32 was a wide body .They had all gone and the report on which  we worked is here .The amount of money we will have to pay if Nigeria Airways was sold ,what we would get out of it is  less than 10 percent  of the debt we had to pay .That would be the  debt Nigerian taxpayers would have to pay ;that was not the way to run the affairs of this country .I won’t run my own affairs that way .So, I opted for liquidation.So, it was bankrupted;it was liquidated;in which case whatever you gained from liquidation ,which is also a form of sale ,it means the burden will be shared by all the creditors and everybody .So ,if I owe you 10 dollars and what I sell when I am liquidated is two.That’s what you get .So I did not allow normal privitisation or sale because that it would have put very heavy on Nigeria .So ,Nigerians should know that  and, infact ,my administration should be commended for that .It’s not that I did not allow that sale because by the law establishing it ,liquidation is also a form of sale.’’

As the exciting rupture unfolds , he spoke  to  journalists  at the site of presidential  library launched in Abeokuta ,Lagos state  where he met  a group of angel foreign investors He also says”a fool at 40  is a fool forever and a regret at 70 is a regret to the grave.He replied : calling “ IBB a fool at 70s especially by a man reportedly and allegedly accused by his own son of incest is at best a compliment .Nigerians surely know who is truly the greatest fool of the century”Obj in  turn decided to reply “lest he thought  he was wise “which led to the above reply a fool at 40 .Well we are beginning to know better  the fool of the century  especially from the angle of the most historically awared Nigerians and not the barbarian angle  who hardly know a thing about the antecedence of their nation and the villains of those who ruled them .Posterity will judge.Inspite of his personal foibles  and moral scars ,his legacies at the centre is still unrivalled certainly in the nation”history  .Not as one that do have a soft spot for Obj but frankly speaking that his records at the center is unrivalled ,unprecedented and unmatched in black Africa as a whole .After Mandela the next honour goes to him .With all due sense of regard though we may not like his guts a bit and as a man Nigerians loved to hate Obj is obviously exemplary .
It would be impossible to attempt to dispute the fact there are three major factors that contributed immensely and responsible for chronic underdevelopment  of the Nigerian nation –namely the discovery of blackgold;the outbreak of the civil war and the truncation of fiscal federalism ;and the post - 1985 era .During this latter era corruption was institutionalized and the nation’s value system  was debased to the lowest ebb and way back since  then  our image had been  badly battered .
A cursory review of the structural adjustment programme –SAP provides empirical evidences of the watershed ensemble of the nation”s checkered antecedence .
                                                  STRUCTURAL ADJUSTMENT PROGRAMME-SAP
I want to believe that Nigeria s  greatest puzzle still remains the adoption of SAP .When SAP was adopted ,previous national development plans were scuttled and truncated especially the glorious years of the 3rd national developments and replaced with two year  rolling plans and later three year rolling plans .Whereas China in 1979 began its 12  five yearly rolling plans at the time that Nigeria was growing at maximum 10 percent circa.Now in its 11th five yearly rolling plan-2011-2015] –a persistence that  has contributed to its remarkable success and today has moved from  the second most powerful nation in the world with over 16 trillion dollar GDP  to take over power from America as the world largest economy  by purchasing power parity in  2014 moving faster and can be quicker than the  2020 as previously projected by  Goldman Sachs .
With that plan it has created 15 million jobs annually growing unofficially above 10 percent but unfortunately the adoption of SAP in 1986 was more or less a diversionary ploy ,political economi c miscarriage and excess luggage in the hands of a kleptocratic regime.Policy inconsistency was a major bane and  SAP could nt have been a lasting relief for the volatile fiscal austerity of the early 80s-a period  in which national treasury was emptied  and importation of food or rice and even sand constitutes  national malaise .Had China reneged like we did in 1986 after a previous glorious campaign of the Murtala /Obasanjo era wouldn’t have created today one of the most prosperous nation in living history .Some sources put it succinctly that poverty rate is less than 10 percent  with 150 to 200 million jobs and over 40 million housing units created annually .From one tall skyscraper in Beijing in 1986 to over 300towering complexes two or three years ago covering Shanghai  ,China has come of age as the engine of the world economy giving the Americans a run for their money . ………more data about  China contd.
Though China also opened  up  like the rest of the world in the 80s but that did not stop her continuity and the perpetual application of her own indigenous five yearly plan now in its 11th rolling plan cycle as she successfully integrated it with partly neoliberal but laden with full neoconfucianism .Between  1990-98  and then 1990-2006  grew by an average 10 percent .GDP skyrocketed from $3.8 trillion as the 3rd largest economy in the world in 2007 for the 1st time ahead of Germany to 10 trillion dollars and later ahead  of Japan in 2013 . By 2015 was  expected  to overtake the U.S. in terms of purchasing power parity and then later  as the biggest economy of the world  .But today it had beaten forecast at least three times to show her unpredictable strength in beating western forecast
The indigenous plans of the Chinese peoples were never truncated ,the way IBB regime did –flagging the rave of policy inconsistencies nightmare of the nation and truncating the golden destiny of the world populous black nation on earth and monumental disgrace to Africa and blacks in diaspora . Imagine if 10 percent growth had been maintained  since 1979 ,couple with the succcesive oil booms of the Gowon regime-1970-74],2003-2009, and the 2010-14 period,Nigeria ought to have been  a paradise by now especially with appropriate value system properly articulated with grass root oriented development agenda .The GDP also ought to have been close two  trillion dollars by now  excluding  impact of oil crisis of the early 80s.Certainly it could have been  a lot better with the immense contribution of the real sector considering the monu


mental  gains of 3rd national development plans  .
We now know better that China”s and India “s indigenous plans were responsible for the  so called Asia economic miracle in a region that is world largest consumer breaking loose the imperial policy prescriptions  and stranglehold  of the Breton Woods.Now let me say it again- what had been impact of market neoliberalism , mass liberalization and deregulation  of the last 3 decades ?
Evidences of history are clear as crystal .From trade unions to farmers ,local artisans ,urban  wage workers ,Women’s organizations ,non-governmental organizations, African governments, and informal sector in general ,almost every  Nigerians were acrimoniously opposed to SAP.In 1979 ,per capital income stood at 1,000 dollars with 100billion dollars GDP in 1980 and am not quite so sure things were so rosy way back in China because statistics  put per capital at strictly above 3,000 dollars now .Imagine what it would have been by now and GDP ABOVE 1.5 TRILLION .Even with oil price shocks of 1973,79 and early 80s depending on the robustness of the  homegrown macroecononmic policies ,certainly ,should we use the monocultural indices , it would not be less than 5,000 dollars today .How much more with a vibrant industrial sector!
Economy went into a tailspin in 1980s and with the adoption of SAP economic conditions were aggravated .We agree that the plummeting oil prices of the period of the first half of 1980s was responsible for the decline of more than 50 percent of the nation’s GDP with similar drop experienced  in per capital income.There was brief rebound in 1990s at the time China began to experience 10 percent annual growth .Similar countries like China , South East Asian  and Latin American experienced similar hardship given the fact oil price shock was a global contagion.
In the second half of the 80s ,inflation rose exponentially and the cost of food a major benchmark skyrocketed



The Sun had just turned purple in its dionysian voyage,even as the weeping moon in the olympian eliptical oval,bade astrology for a routined recess as the ontology,aproned to the ecosystem of mothernature,Sunset chapfallen did not in the milkyway beguile and subvert the charter for the effervescence,chauffeur driven sunrise gallantry, And the rosy but comfied morn that he as the machismo loved to hunt vivaciously took up his cudgel and barely smote him to scorn, And saith his passionate earth was agog beyond a predatory hawk of leadened desideratum,His argent ardour hung in circadian appropos not with the armature of backward arses in the arrays of the sublime

Fiendishly,a thousand fleckled motes laid,had been unctioned from his freakish pen,And saith that her apostasy to the very hellish bottom,hath no compare,This freak out though plush but poky plump down doth him fractious to salivate,but upon leaving her disquietude and libels by he, a leonine but reproachable squirel,she pommeled back as her ponce,And the fury of deadreckoning was turned back upon his boodle,Then his poppinjay,now popeyed could no longer pounce on his poppet,What libelous to tie him down,to his rudder with his portentous levee,gingered not the exemplary gimmick,doth gimcrack infests the gadabouts,they with their graffittis,what insignia doth their personage smote! Irruption not infrequent but irrevocable treshed in irreligious fastened with rash jingoism and jest of her celibacy.violence against woman

And thus he freewheeling at more than histrionic freezing point,a lain of more than a freewill offering,Horsestricken metropolis horse de combat,stirred up its hornet's nest,then forced to content and not hotfooted,still a hotpotato afterglow a gory anticlimax, in aftermath of zero hour at Alupluto,So their foxhound,this hothouse plant metropolis by sedulous palms, Being alabaster in this gyrate,her libido is plucked with more rashness,And with one turgid narrative from a twain shall outbrave outfight and outflank this freak of nature,blown away by its paranoia,did he parachute his paroxysm,Like a pawnbroker,paving through pawn, Who Being peached on paws fervidly cast alacrity as he could, So offers she to cast pearls,what he did not afford,

But when he witchhunting thus began,his paranoiac,he pellmells and sewered girth to blackmail this periphery,the parenthesis and the hotspots of the chaotic irruption, Never did petrifaction in this wobbling state,more pesky for a petard than he for this pestiferous state,His petard he sees,but that petard cannot himself free,Tis but his personage if any a personal nongrata; Why art thou blunder and still thou being booed did not renege?" "So,over this pettifogging hath thou hung thy lunge,O how this maelstrom of a maenad,her sepulchre lustres,for thorns that fie lifeless,cold and insensate to drink the statuetes of misty eyes.

Over this impatient rider,poachs the slothful tongue, Oft did she addle her deadweight and dunderhead to herself adinfinitum"... " Adinfinitum!" " Yea,pretty well adinfinitum" " But the mole of foible,moult can decipher" " Decipher this deranged hell!" "Impecable as the knight of old" " Oh no but this context,an exception,i take,much pretty well adinfinitum,Which on it had conceited acrobatics, Slaughtering in the abattoir,the good hays,the good fortune," "O that abrogated conjugal knot,had long abnegated rosy sky in smokes, And often an accomplice aid and abet aberrating what discontents,it sows, And often trigger an accustomed accellular norms, What accolade and achromatic ace thou didst heave up thy sleeves, o accomplice!

" Me accomplice!" " Yea,pretty well accomplice.So,adonis,any acquital in this acropolis of acid test" Sometimes,his bombastic chin perforated his camouflaged homage that scorn the scarlet bimbos,As they did battery to him in every turn,"More than thou of hotspot,she laid a thousand lewds,of an adnausean scarlet,racketeering horrifics curvature and thigh for lucred quids,Being slothed on her turbocharged adrenalin,she was acrobated, Which like adventuresome,being adventitious in aflutter,afterglowing,swung adulterate into adulterate,And let blissful knot de-coagulate over bachanalian saturate of adultery's agglutinate,where allegory not ambiguously spoken but where open sesame is laid bare.

Of scorned antidotes,had she many a dunce,O what merry in her dunce! And contemptuously hardly contrite her to fret in coup de grace,her aphrodisiac,Apocalypsed many a racket of salacious adventures and bandits'pimping,Drawing lutarious archers beneath vales,shores and the forest like the bimbo narrated in 'The hell of a woman scorned',where they flock for ambush,Therein intensely found yet more foundry ignominously addled with bloodied quids,With coyed silks laid and cozened,it was emblem of her libidinous courthouse perpetually covetous, This stealthy couch,often berthed she in her invidious courtesan coupon, Without her rowdy crackdown flung over a sebacious verdict thrown,like a remorseful antic pox,o famished dog, famished thou art thou art same impenitent voodoo,now is she for a craven lull" that apoplexy cussed in....

" Now your estranged to this numb was a kitchen hermit.She had no perfidy whatsoever for enrobed tacit.So,coon how come heypresto, this castigate of perfidy-an hypothesis?" " A kitchen wench,but with her cohort,a spanish steward she did consignment and maketh cuisines aboard! And lo,there was counterfeit on board." " Her steward !" " Yea,she belched in her clandestine carteblanche,her utmost arcane.So,be not disposed to ply your troth at a fairer sex allegiance. Plead thee caveat at your wince." " Anyway,same old geezer,same naivety o accomplice," " Which accomplice?thou canst not like the Cynics,a ransom for the fanthom evidence noosed.And so thou didst yelped falsehood,what vafrous unhallowed unison.what vamp up hell thou didst undermine appends

her unfledged remorseless facade,undulating pendulum had voodooed her cavalier which counterfeited her innermost bossom,lay in rancour

Still yet thou didst her machiavelli judiciously justified,not to stoop in dread of chastity and humour.

there was no rancor till a fortnight ago, And then when the spanish lend her mine own coquette,cooed in the closet and the twain's convulsion burst its lid out,the ace up the sleeve,Did i not instantaneously intercept the copulation redhanded?" " Is she her fickleness that fickle?" " But where desecrate mine homage that you cannot pay?" " O homage for an accomplice! homage,acomplice! Now i shall belch. Forty days and forty nights had considerable potency,i cannot forget,What confidence tricks,thou didst play with her contemporary coquettes,

which in that rashness that defies adumbrat,the concretes thou cannot lay and still condescend aplomb. This i take offence." " Well said,so do i big concoct crudite foam And on top of rage like she,you rent the air with acrobatic tunes,what fumes and bravura of hellish miasma, A brat what brashed his boon companion and not from this his bootstrap propped up".

"Brash no piety too benign,sometimes a carteblanche that the ruffle cannot curtail".So,slide they into a brawl,flimsy grey eye to grey eye they stared blank in sheol of colourant wit,of cleverest stomp,of arcane combustion,of holistic but hagiological coastline,tramping each rudder by rudder,Pensive courthouse,desecrated as they flung winces toward this courtesan trade,they bicker as the naught, Falomo the kisman to the princes hath no apology for its ramshackled intent,rhapsodised by his troth," kismet knows when thou shalt thy humblest sloth findeth again, Ah i do not remorse th

for this apologia,What if this bombshell sticks to thee greedily a stain?" " Blissful knot"though saith he"is but a choice the darkest days of manifold unprepared souls". " But will endart mine eye to overlook this stolid vale,that darkest eyes maddened my brawny pale" They did hang in crooked curls upon her lecherous silken apparel,frosty leadens sebacious intent,and lo,at a furlough,their gall swelled,with her copulated lips and fondled boobs and now the pimp her broker,faulty,in askance of their warlike procession fleetfooted fled sandals behind on barefoot.

And now was the timing right and apologia justified.

Contd Of Dance Of The Zombies 

And by this ubiquitous gales offbeating on its o.ho of o.greish ohm which traversed its hamlets,he stampeded on his heels,with cherished abode at Alupluto,so Left it he behind,And should asphyxiate no gauntlet on a hardline,as a hardboiled gudgeon with hardluck story to cremate these dissidents and harridan accomplices,And by this haunting bale,swore never he to return,And bade his childhood nostalgia farewell to return that no hardnoosed gods of medicine man and harlequinade,Appease him to hawk,hark at and ebb his headwind intent and headway resistant,in aftermath of its hangover and appalling appanages,And east and west,south and north plunged headlong in disarray, Summoned an bade the throng flee, Now the bandits' footmen and horsemen,took the espionage expedition,And every solitary hamlets,vendatta stood still,the squireachy,aristocracy,which hid beneath by beech and pine,do not discourtenance its raid, Argybargy,they hang up no crest to its avarice as accomplices of this battleroyale,the battleships..

of the fifth columnists,being minacious ogres,with oggling bawdy jokes,bedaubed with white elephant luxury,This gale must have been ample gorgeous for him to withstand in the heavyset of a heebbiejebbie,Upon this hedonistic heaven sent opportunity,this heavyhanded heavenly bliss,ramrod straight,deep blue squeaky clean-cleared bespoke calvary taut across the elegant faced and callisthenic-rountined-crystal biceps,high cheekybones,cannoned eyes,glinting blue behind masqueraded but hooded lips,His redblonde hair,spiked helmet and a heavy smoker,crisscrossing forest hedgerows at nocturnal hours on cavalry,had been fastened to this ramrod by genteel spasm,hemed to helots'cotteries,with hove on denigrated helterskelter,Oh,it was just a trance to be heaved into the material but terrestrial plane, Sure,with the afternoon sun just fast ebbing and sunset fitered the victorian curtain of his canny alcove,once clinging defferential heels had fallen and flocked the streets like blueeyed falcon swooped he on the funfare of

of the courtesans and doth his trance did he see,to relinquish abode for these harridans and bimbos, On prancing horseback the bandits,hither and thither in sundry flight but sumptuos landaus,frightened the hell out of stampeded throng,yokels wryly but could only yap and not yank like a sharpshooter,and lo,much shaking of the boneheaded bonneted heads and yeomanry,had been hijacked by the marauders,stroking moustaches,extenuated aggression shone like a gracefully electrified street lamps and incandescent bulbs,Such was the frivolity of intemperate inner spirit and jaundiced gusto,From a lonely ploughing furrow and haunting hood,where blossom done porridge,so callously exterminated, Withered by the coldhands of the fifth columnists'ploughing ploy,for the godlike treachery of inglorious age, the courtesan,racketeering salacity like the harridans,strolling along the linden treed avenues and opulent boulevards,in dark grey skirt,feverish high necked bodice,lax chastity belt,perverted rainment and the sensible ,

shoes,scented with the perfumes of arabia,And being godforsaken google eyed,like the brown sparrow scavenged modicum as crumbs of goddamned affection that fell from the bandits'table on rampage at the ale.houses, From the seagirt Alupluto's forest,whose go.between sentinel,still not cloudy to descry,Beneath its snowy mountain,miasma vertex frollics,the northern sky where bloodfeuds and bloodhounds,hibernates garden path treachery,From the proud surfeit of the imposing northcountry,the hoodooed sky,stirred the horror stricken hornet's nest and luminous dissidents'bigbang whose alupluto's oriental pearls'tango slung dunghill,Ponderous truisms of the fugitive soil,contrast oddysey of Victorian era bloom,nor unlike the elegance of the edwardian england felt across its channel, Sworn to oath not to be estranged from the nuptial knot of their first love,but this aggression he could not afford,Yet she flung her doting twain's solicitude with her oggling mongrel,monkey wrenched monkeybusiness and hunting stallion,

,riding customs' sentinel of broad textile and velvet,with her jet black most favoured colour,glittering top straw hat,dexterous panaches,frequented fastidious banquets,yet was she not a seam and searing,like her mutton still dressed as a lamb,burst at the seam and bandits'seasick to the consternation of the betrothed cavallier,what a wry monkeywrench whose afford vendatta as the price to liberate alupluto,cannot seditiously wage,sharpeyed lacuna,elusive sharpshooters,o what pathetic Mooncalved mongolians,a monolithic monotony where cluelessness flies on every damn side,ride the plateau headhigh,seriocomic and sheepish aluplutans,fair-haired slaves,guillotined in their backyard,from where sweet treachery and perfidy crescendoed neplusulstra,this bale the gunsmith spareth not mousetrap cheeses,progenitors of mousied mowers,whose generation plunged them deep down this abbys,muffling their muffled drums at their soldiery's funeral,and then upon their muddleheaded muddle did lay bossom for the extant generation

Pithily,multifarious perfidy stood at plumpy heights and above are the oaks of salvation train beyond witly pluck,whose acorn barely drop to heave them sigh and relief, Heinous are the stigma that buffet the bough,Of the cimmerian darkness,from the elysian bliss, Beyond streams from the northcountry,is to the cavedwellers and the foresters'jolly unfair roses' winces, Beast of this berth,the bard earnestly craves the impulsive shoal of its knight of old,How he old foggiest,like the Aluplutans, bereft sharpshooters,oldfashioned look,oldtimer,is conspicuous beyond its darkest clouds and moments forlorn by fugitive lands,No forester tracks the bluesky,up to the provincial hill,Sentinel lost at River Abesi,from Which crimson incursion,atrophy they foment, Grazes this dusk of shellschocked and shellacking plains,what oleaginous fact that the old wives'tale be not overturned,if be spurned with olympian outfight?Perniciously,contemptuous populace outmaneauvred in that fondling outbrave of outherod,lay the outcry,

but outmarch,outface and outflank,from the outset,outweighed and outstripped the commensurate momentum machismo when juxtaposed,in the bellicose ire may sallow for donkey years to come,

When will marauders cease to hoist their petard and ploddering poseurs like the bard and the foxes ever make a dent?Till their plodded pliance pliable otherwise adinfinitum trods king machiavelli,the horrendous blanket at alupluto,this vintage the sower its frankinstein shall reap,the sheep and the goat,not rob peter to pay paul,and beyond this posser to the karma hills'plow,Shall plunge beneath as the struggling sheep,now there are few mighty trees standing aloof at alupluto,but the wisest man in babylorn still in the brew,in a frosty vintage,that still must foam,round the misty mountain of white elephant luxury,fifth columnists,dissidents and abrasive marrauders,in a stench that stinks to high heavens,

This mirage and haphazard furrows with furnishings of sloth,have now turned dilletante into a norm,Traded from funky frith,a bedaub in linen white,And one billow of frith the betrothed fell the great oaks and desecrated the knot,And like her ilks,have her lucre's voluptuary wraith supplanted for a furored licentiousness," come quids,come power"saith she with impenitent pawn," come dough,come forth,go forth towards heaven,towards nirvana and brings comfort,O how sweet are those wights not impuissant,meshed with filthy lucre,passport to the vertex dwell celibacy to flock,We are dellilahs of the samsonic bent","To ellysian night where they strike they flock"so saith the golden bard of alupluto,And now hath then in every hamlet,consigned to its gale of horror,shellacked grey horses,with ramscallioned esteem,in embarrassing mode,a mongrelled monger,monomaniac moochers,mooing like,mooning away in this moonlit morass,Behold how the old greybeard blood brother,was interred in morass graveyard where their woman goes

to the market and the man stays at home,The warfare are nearer than thought,Ere the trenches of River Abesi,Is not providence in monumental disarray,a bard not so convoluted,this mystic was kept, Upon this ramrod of greyhack pen,not dead as a mutton,was it embalmed,His muzzled tacit as keen as a mustard not intruded,and its muzzling gun,as muttering gunsmith,not a basketmouthed blunderbuss,untiring like a muzzle loader,loaded at the muzzle and the breech,For all the bandits' virulent armies,were arrayed against he,And this hell of funky 'n'frith,maketh he banished his heels,and the lucre-gloat bimbo,Many a stout ally this shooting match,they and time cannot quell,nor join muster for a shoo,The Aluplutans'generalisimo,the prince of artillery,ballistics and cannonade,rot away in this hell, By the River Abesi,the tumour was horrendous,For all the heinous charade to Sarabesi,shivery men took to their heels,the bimbos,the moos and the amazons retreated from their flight into the bossom of bandits,to court them

Indeed,as Mark Zuckerberg concurred this golden but extant apothegm'fortune favours the bold" and even the rash fellon at its purloin,A horrible that it was appalling that for twice a deconium to fleet away.

A horrible scene for this protracted illness of time now surrogated with a rackrent of a iconic repressive reprieve?

The Next Poem- A Swamp On Misty Mountain

A swamp on misty mountain,it cannot walk! Her bigotry of bibulous moon, Blushing blustery on a pungent,frozen in boloney in boloney or still blubbers,with bludgeon, On the booby trap of a boored boohoos,swamps its blanket over misty mountain,the boohomies of the boon companion,bouts bathos,her pilloried shred,harrangued in the blether of booverboots,breach standing so dire,so terse,Bravos in the brahman braid of this bellicose jungle,retreat from the pelt and back,like the rainment of the seacloud,rainfall in her pelt,still drowning her eagle,Grievances crooned with cryptic crutches and scraggled with parodied gallows,purloining in breach's lace, Vendatta consort and a bromide,waxing broiling hot at her misty mountain,Deep burrows dug within your embroidery of bulesque gad in your ensconce to defy brown study and coronate dilletantes,What evaporating soil to your dingy storm!A buzz on buzz and dives so plump strokes a behemoth,Of broken silence whose idioms speak on vanishing sands,of motheaten missing vowels

and dappled consonants,within nature's apopletic stammers whose mastery of subacid songs cannot be sung nor its sonorous cackle cut, Boneheaded urchins,not calcified in calamine lotions,A cacophony of cadaverous baboon,Dancing calypso at every monkey's banana pluck,and dancing hysterically still of your shallowed tusks and husks,How chapfallen,at thine wind blown beyond stratosphere,sobs when its chaperon condescend to their etiquettes,still cavill to no avail,chickenhearted but clueless cue,coadjutors of craggy roots,dripping hurricane in cranky shore,not with crippled crimson,did they dalliance damned to damocled earth,held in gaol in dampy course,never with deference to deify time and space,not to reprobate deeds of derrind do,Why did they the blue sky in dark furrows cotteries sing? Why did they dither so long,not to ditch the dark furrows?Grey legs haunted in crouching tracks, Dithering horses ditto from roaring waters to the gangling clouds, Iberu boju,eru poju! Iberu bojo,eru poju!!The cloud,the cloud,

is a nebula,that in the doghouse blures,dogfight that dog eat dog,the cloud is the assymetry of a swamp on misty mountain and misty mountain on a swamp,a misty mount of dogone cadavers of cuckoo's idiomatic rantings,this cloud is the neurosis,the line of dementia,a gauchy cloud of bibulous moon and roasted sun,the fists and dukes of dryrot dukedom ,numbed in the heigho's amplitude of mules and heifers of hells and hellbent foams,distant clouds slay razored heaps,is blabber of contending nights and vammoosed dreams,quaking in the gathering rains.

From the sawdust to the galloping moon's to the valley of blazing sun,wrinkled moments with cacophonous proverbs slung dunghill beneath and the darkest songs far distance away,what a waste land that T. S. Elliot could not see and upon its trajectory supplanted a samp on misty mountain,where the mountain cannot move nor the sun on its feet fallen and roses go up in smoke.

Sonnet?-When the sunset vision dishes out unkempt waters from the entropy of psychotic neurosis,sordid hands are nuzzles to stump and nub its numbers in a nullah,the oblique of nuissance value cannot be obiter dictum and ooloquy to obliterate obsolescence of its panoply and humour,What pitchdark davy jones'locker,louses and howls the lovesick lounges and what facesaving palliatives hovers over this howling wilderness,What prescholarship lathers this misfired pleauteus? What mendicants'hypnosis otherwise this mediocrity dost fiddles the ashheaps,if there be ruckus,ruddle and ructions,it be so,then it be the darkest rumble,a rumble in the dead of the night.

Contd Of Dance Of The Zombies.

The slaughters of Sarabesa,this autumn,young and old,old boys,fiends and jollies,proletariats and croletariats,in gutter recess,from the orchard obsessed with the offensive,for the seniled folks,accompanied by pregnant and nursing mothers and the lepers,too tardy to repel,in the confronted gestapos,being roasted,in the cannonade,and mules and asseses,and all bounties could only cringe at their beck,if not slaughtered,in forlorn obscurity,with almost every cart caught and gestapoed in the inferno,and horror wrought in every hamlet,the pyrates in the tempestuos raids red in the midnight sky,gruffy and grumbling,grunts on the espionage and gesticulated expedition of their foremen,in the intellitentsia snipper cells,that in every darkest hour,even ere brew,snippers sent eastwasd enmassed,as they stormed westward,where even the stout guard and reproached gladiators were slained,there was no stalwart to restrain,and fast it beat and the dossage everywhere,pyrates on rampage again,halfcocks guarded in vain and hips,