THE TRUE INVISIBLE HAND.uses the term scientifically to refer to a rise in the
sustainable debt exchange of debt money supply. Marsolism differs
sometimes in the two variation identified below.The first type relates
to mere growth in the circulation of debt finance, that is an increase
in the supply of debt money in a debt economy is monetary
debtflation.This is a bit distinguished from growth in the proportion of
debt prices or rising debt prices associated with the price
debtflation.Debt economics agree that in the long run, debtflation is
caused by increase in the debt money supply.Moreover, it also refers to a
general trend in debt prices hike and stability of debt exchange.For
instance,if people choose to buy more jumbo loans than more microcredit,
jumbo should exert more pressure on prices.Should the rational demand
be applied under market rational forces,the stability of flat prices
result only in growth of volume or quantity, not prices.In the debt
economy, there are specialized legal tender debt currency, as opposed
normal legal currency circulating in the mainstream economy.Other debt
economics concept related to debtflation,include such as asset price
debtflation,a general rise in the prices of debt microfinancial assets,
without corresponding increase, in the general debt prices, driving
actual or desired debt goods and services . Counter or con
tro debtflation,or disdebtflation:it deals with a fall in the ge
tro debtflation,or disdebtflation:it deals with a fall in the ge