emergence of Marxism in the 1840s changes everything in the adventure of
western philosophy.The blogger Ibikunle Laniyan examines the
critical significance of MarXism to history and the comparison with
Hegelian, to to determine the quality of Marxism.Enjoy the
The development of
art and culture according to Marxism,including economy flourishes
through the interaction of the society's substructure and
superstructure.Karl Marx(1848-1883)was often fond of historical
materialism and this dialectical interaction, through which history and
world spirit progress that he made it the cornerstone of his
philosophy.There is no doubt that Marx and Marxism had an indelible
influence on the scholarship of history,historicism, philosphy,art and
culture respectively.
There is no yet freeing the hassle that the cannon of Marxism,was not frozen long
after him nor an ample claim after his departure, until we have learnt
to change history and then the world.When in 1841, Kierkegaard went to
Berlin,according to an historian he might have sat next to Marx, at
Schelling's lectures.The former had written his master of arts ' thesis
on Socrates, while Marx did his doctoral thesis' On the materialists of
Antiquity,' specifically Democritus and Epicurus.Marx became the father
of marxism
after 1840s, in the much same Soren Kierkegaard became the
December 30, 2019
in the general debt prices and hyper debtflation deals with when rise in
debt prices, and debt money supply ngrowsmoree than twice the ratio of
poor population. that can be controled by technocession.Galloping
debtflation is a very high rate of debtflation between 30 to 100percent
beyond normal mode of low debtflation, of less than 25 to 30percent,
that is above stag debtflation.Othets include runaway debtflation and
hyper debtflation.Galloping debtflation follows hyper debtflation, that
could be twice the debt money ratio or 200 to 300percent of the poor
population in the debt economy.It takes chronic monetary debt policy to
plunge into the deep sea unscathed and you extricate human poverty index
ratio,from the debt economy, what could have taken decade to attain.To
the timid policy debt investor approach,it could be evaluated from the
zero point to hypodebtflation oint onward to stag debtflationary
level.In other words that is a gradual approach or e volutionary method,
as opposed to radical approach that begins from hyper debtflation that
requires trillion of naira to crash the twin evils.Zero debtflation is
followed by stag debtflation,in which growth or prices is
unsustainable,and policy makers struggle to curtail poverty and
inequalities of wealth.To control debtflation,be it radical or
slow,while the debt monetary authorities deal with debt money supply,
the fiscal credit policy of the investment
THE TRUE INVISIBLE HAND.uses the term scientifically to refer to a rise in the
sustainable debt exchange of debt money supply. Marsolism differs
sometimes in the two variation identified below.The first type relates
to mere growth in the circulation of debt finance, that is an increase
in the supply of debt money in a debt economy is monetary
debtflation.This is a bit distinguished from growth in the proportion of
debt prices or rising debt prices associated with the price
debtflation.Debt economics agree that in the long run, debtflation is
caused by increase in the debt money supply.Moreover, it also refers to a
general trend in debt prices hike and stability of debt exchange.For
instance,if people choose to buy more jumbo loans than more microcredit,
jumbo should exert more pressure on prices.Should the rational demand
be applied under market rational forces,the stability of flat prices
result only in growth of volume or quantity, not prices.In the debt
economy, there are specialized legal tender debt currency, as opposed
normal legal currency circulating in the mainstream economy.Other debt
economics concept related to debtflation,include such as asset price
debtflation,a general rise in the prices of debt microfinancial assets,
without corresponding increase, in the general debt prices, driving
actual or desired debt goods and services . Counter or con
tro debtflation,or disdebtflation:it deals with a fall in the ge
tro debtflation,or disdebtflation:it deals with a fall in the ge
December 28, 2019
THE MARSOLIST MANIFESTO AND THE ABRAHAM'S LAW:THE TRUE INVISIBLE HAND.7.Apart from the fact that market rational forces,could function on its own without the interaction of volatile market forces,to give us a picture of the Marxist type economy or classless society, the depth or mode of applicatio of the law, specifically in the debt exchange stabilization process, matters a lot.However the theoretical consensus view is that a long and a sustained period of debtflation,is caused by debt money supply, growing faster than the rate of mass poverty incidence,the so called headlong approach,in the debt economy.Today mainstream economic is fast imploding and irrelevant, where no bold attempt except for microfinance is made to ensure full employment ,attack or eradicate the twin evils.
Debt economics favours a high and steady rate of debtflation.It encourages universal prosperity, eradicate mass poverty,banish inequality of wealth.Through the balance of credit payment,it offers adjustment mechanism for every economic agent to be able to adjust their living standards from penury to riches, in this era of universal capitalism or Marxist capialism.The task of keeping debtflation low, in the firstI instance, may be graduated to a high and steady state, is a choice determined by debt monetary authorities like CBM for instance to handle.Other definitions for debtflation, refers to the growth or Increases in the amount of debt money finance in debt economy at a given period.Debt economics
Debt economics favours a high and steady rate of debtflation.It encourages universal prosperity, eradicate mass poverty,banish inequality of wealth.Through the balance of credit payment,it offers adjustment mechanism for every economic agent to be able to adjust their living standards from penury to riches, in this era of universal capitalism or Marxist capialism.The task of keeping debtflation low, in the firstI instance, may be graduated to a high and steady state, is a choice determined by debt monetary authorities like CBM for instance to handle.Other definitions for debtflation, refers to the growth or Increases in the amount of debt money finance in debt economy at a given period.Debt economics
In this guise,considerable growth in debt money supply is the only antidote to attain the posile equation of the equalitarian income wealth hypothesis. and therefore grow the required debtflation rate, from the steady approach of debt price stability.In the Abraham's curve there is inverse correlation between full employment and debtflation, then debtflation and universal prosperity.This contrast sharply with Philips curve, which predict an inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment. While it suggests a trade off between price stability and employment, that to buy an increase in the quantity of inflation, at the price of more employment, debtflation and employment, move in the same direction.The trade off ended with the stagflation of the 70s when unemployment and inflation, go in the same direction,an epoch that inspired debtflation.This trade off was predicted by Milton Friedman and led to the prominence of the monetarists movement and the later preeminence, it enjoyed ever since.
That only those with power to buy can demand and it implies a considerable level of disposable income has to be in circulation of the debt economy fir people to be able to buy.And only those with power to supply,also implies a considerable ratio of capacity, boosted by saving and investment creates per capita leverage to demand.Ordinarily,the dearth of disposable income,is perpetrated by dearth of sustainable savings,itself.This savings gap like every market rational liabilities,cannot be bridged at that disequilibrium. The grand plan of the marsolist manifesto, is the cheap accessibility of income by all sundry and enhances the propect of universal prosperity.This uses the law to identify the problem, prospects and then solution.There are stark privileges avail by the law,that guarantees equalitarian income that is to put income in every mortal's hands through the invisible hand.Moreover the theoretic benefits, are massive especially which the balance of credit payment and the quantity theory of debt money offer to attain this prime goal of the manifesto.Equalitarian income promotes both the proletariat and the croletariat, to accelerate the chances of universal prosperity.It is the best bet to prove that equalitarian income wealth hypothesis is possible and defy validity and warped relevance of mordern orthodoxies.
Indeed,we cannot dispute,the axiom when juxtaposed with the orthodoxies,that the market clearing motive and the logics that supply creates its own demand or vice versa or the complex reality of Philips curve lies in the ideological freedom of this market rational equilibrium.Unlike J.B.Says,marsolism's Abraham law disagree that supply precisely cannot create its own demand,when not every economic agent or man has the economic power to invest and thenspend to buy.
Likewise,demand cannot create its supply, when not every agent has the economic power to sell.The two immediate sentences form the rule 5 and 6 of marsolism.Hence, for economic agent to reach aggregate economic freedom,where there is a connect between these aggregate rules, credit income converted into disposable income, has to be under control of every economic agent,by practice in the debt macroeconomics,M3-credit money supply has to grow by more than twice the ratio of poor population, to accelerate actualization of market rational equilibrium.
This parameter in the quantity theory of credit money is obscene, given the claim by monetarism,in the quantity theory of money,about the immanent role of money and its influence on inflation.Yet it is embarrassingly obvious, this gospel truth of self regulation,uncovers itself as the true invisible hand.By all ramification,for the
Likewise,demand cannot create its supply, when not every agent has the economic power to sell.The two immediate sentences form the rule 5 and 6 of marsolism.Hence, for economic agent to reach aggregate economic freedom,where there is a connect between these aggregate rules, credit income converted into disposable income, has to be under control of every economic agent,by practice in the debt macroeconomics,M3-credit money supply has to grow by more than twice the ratio of poor population, to accelerate actualization of market rational equilibrium.
This parameter in the quantity theory of credit money is obscene, given the claim by monetarism,in the quantity theory of money,about the immanent role of money and its influence on inflation.Yet it is embarrassingly obvious, this gospel truth of self regulation,uncovers itself as the true invisible hand.By all ramification,for the
Though there are exceptions to the rule, in that self interest is not often being driven by market rational forces,to defy the Abraham's curve where the rule or the law fails to apply.Objectively,one should not exhume dubiety to tinker with the fact that where there is misleading mismatch between market forces and market rational forces, regarded as market rational disequilibrium.This inherent structural inequity, a causal dislocation at this Abraham's curve causes inflation and unemployment,poverty and unfavorable business cycles,familiar with mordern economics.It seem that market forces are not reliable gauge for equality of wealth and universal prosperity,and the seed capital of its own destruction.If we attempt not o condescend or vouch safe this distressing portion of the curve,Abraham negative curve which condones market rational disequilibrium,we reach the market rational equilibrium,where the two forces meet and the inherent causal macroeonomic dislocation vanishes, like a meteor.Then we are propelled not to convincingly label economics again with the tag 'dismal science'as popularised by Thomas Carlyle.Of course,it sound absurd and indeed the theatre of the absurd to concur that supply creates its own demand.Nor is it rational to infer that market clears,in such market neurosis or causal dislocation it bestows upon itself
December 24, 2019
Human Habit.of this institutional distress, threatening the
sanity of socioeconomic system, could markedly by its hollow self be
counterclockwise, counterculture and counter cyclical boon to ebonoid
over the long haul.Thomas infringement on the right of intergrationists
to be heard, opted for autonomous distinction of the black universe.The
redundant entrepreneurship of universal justice, propeled by the
prejudical norm of the hate system,warranted by sectarian justice, to
balloon by the inequal fabric of the prejudiced custom and tradition,
driven by natural selection, was catalyst, responsible for the explosive
burst of sectarian technological freedom of the volatile mordern
age.Selective Mankind,basking unseemingly in the plethora of this
technological freedom,might be doing themselves,surreptitiously untold
and unknown hardship, by persecutorial bent of this depraved social
enterprise, in view of the imperative buoy of karma derision of
retributive justice. Any attempt that dominated the natural forces
should not be confused w ith a fraction of frangible resolve to dominate
the rubric of mothernature. It is not the former that pays the karma
price,for the entire mankind tediously tied to the apron spring of
institutional equity and constitutional liberty,to exit the inglorious
times of the middle passage into the nirvana, where the Marxian concept
of classless society,
indemnify all mortgaged
mortals ,
dividends of universal justice.
the disintegration of Soviet Union in early nineties, when he was
nominated to the Supreme court, and having written over seven hundreds
opinion, his quirky view about race being the center of his
jurisprudence, hasnt change a bit.He must have been a disciple of
Oliver Wendel Holmes, to me tosubscribe to the legal realism that took
the nation's courts by storm, during his childhood period, which was
dealt a blow by H.L.Hart of the school of legal formalism.The passage of
times as well as that of the checkered erudition,has come with
extrinsic and intrinsic force that propel Thomas, to revive, the fate of
legal realism, once advocated also by Benjamin Cardoso, Roscoe Pound
etc. The author himself barely discountenance the probity or mendacity
of Thomas postulation, but to append with historical fact, the empirical
evidence of institutionalized vintage fallacious position of the social
enterprise's debased value. The complex challenge of immutable
psychological position in this racial context of intangible or tangible
vintage fallacious libido is racial inequality, a boon to the bucaneers
of justice. Human and social prejudices of the arts system, with
lopsided value system reflects the summersaults of the human or social
intergrity.Much more appalling to be seen to interogate the intergrable
industrialisation and interoperability value of universal
justice,shortchanged by the operative structural inadequacies of the
human or social prejudices. The stressful nature of this
Habit formation contd.a farce of empircal burlesque. The
incorrigibility arising from the betrothed arts' passionate commitment
libido, might lampoon the need to change most profitable ethos that has
shaped the course of a life.It may be extremely hard for the human
personage to jettison a once bounteous course of his satisfactory life,
that might have given it,either the glorious or imperial antecedence.To
strangulate this lucrative mode, is to extinguish the concrete pedigree
of accomplishment, sometimes attained by deposition of moral sanctity.
This is what i call Vintage fallacious libido, and we hardly change the
deeds of human arts, tradition of the human enterprise and deeds of
social arts, custom of social enterprise, once formed.To a larger
extent, prejudicial arts system strangulated along this rationale is
invariably infallible. Let me here quote from the words of wisdom of
Clarence Thomas, the most successful and longest serving supreme court
justice in the United States, when he detailed his vision and profile in
the Atlantic.He says:"There is nothing you can do to get past black
skin. I dont care how educated you are, how good you are at what you
do,you'll never have the same contacts or opportunities , you'll never
be seen as equal as white".This wisdom must have been informed by the
strains of intellectual fractional distillation of dark groping years
of street erudition, that was begun from the precinct
s of Savanah in nineteen fifties to the sixties
s of Savanah in nineteen fifties to the sixties
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