April 15, 2020


THE PURPOSE OF HISTORY.PART 1.A..We are what we are because we are made by history spring from history and returns back to history.The blogger below explores the importance of history and its influential role to mankind in general.Enjoy the reading.
Man as earthbound creatures, a social ,economic, political and a cultural animal at large is planted on the utilitarian field, with the sole essence of human kind basically engaged, in the vast assembly line of mass information freedom production. The aim of the exploration is first and foremost for the survival of mankind, secondly for the health of man, then thirdly for the progress of mankind respectively.
The actors of this task as farmers and farmees on the field in their operative mode, is driven by the mandate motive to nurse great charters of liberty on that field, for the golden age dividends of universal justice.The intricate pattern of vast information production and management, ranging from generation,distribution or dissemination and consumption, could seem so overwhelming to the preliterate class of connoisseurs in this field, but not so to the widely exposed artists of the social enterprise.
They require conservation or preservation by its processors,from the vectors to the endusers,requires cyclical voyage of the triple fields, in the aggregate transaction of the rudiments of the cultural components interacting together for the
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purpose of history.   


GREAT CHARTERS OF LIBERTY.PART 8.Economic forces cannot solve and pay off social debt outstandings completely without the support of political and social forces respectively. In a benighted clime ruined by social instability and related chaos, it is so deranged  here due to the fact that there is no freedom equity and that jeopardises power hierarchy and order hierarchy respectively, but in a saner clime, freedom equity balances the power equation that forces the periodically intended interaction betwixt the substructure and superstructure to move development cycle transition, equity and history forward.
It does not necessarily implies whether the society or its economic system moves from free market to socialism or vice versa but this solid interactions must often ensures there is equity in the  power market economy.Infact in most cases, where social stability is ensured, a middle goal of the state social inequity in the power often transcends into structural imbalance in the social interaction and the inequality of wealth among the people.
It goes with the saying that society should look beyond social stability as basic goal of the survival of mankind but put in place optimal growth plan or structure to attain equalitarian order in the long run.Of course we know abuse of power as evidence of this structural power market inequity, a social iniquity,is rampant in every mordern state advanced society included which requires complete overhaul of social scientific thinking
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basis.In the marsolic age,


GREAT CHARTERS OF LIBERTY.PART 7.The welfare of  development, development planning and management looks bleak where it is impaired and to attain the strategic ideals and reap the dividends of the great charters,might take an eternity to dream.
This indicates we have to invest in our local tradition and customs.The movement up the development cycle as evidenced by rising temperature of the great charters is proven by the consequences involved and the changing texture of SOA  principles and components. They include the principles of order hierarchy, social contract including the power hierarchy and great charters of liberty cultural contract itself including cultural components that make up the cultural architecture.
The first existential contract to be appended by mankind ever since the transition from the  spasm of nature into the tangled web of the society was the social contract, but the transition itself was sealed by cultural contract a signatory to our existence and survival. Now the first existential contract prior to the transition, cultural contract pioneered human society and social contract became the manager.
The strategic essence of social contract is to manage SOA with the goal of social order systemic stability or so to say ensure social stability.With the formation of the society the author now became the foundation and to be precise,highly distinguished historiocists sometimes might not see huge differences between them but certainly cu
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ltural contract is broader.


GREAT CHARTERS OF LIBERTY.PART 6.undertaken in action translations, then it means egalitarian order and it is the climax in order politics.Whilem"the strongest will always translate strength into right, the weakest obedience into duty and slavery.
So, social order is the constitution of social, political and economic development and the sole institution of existence.It sets freedom as the purpose of history and structure the purpose of freedom or main goal as universal justice and the essence of order politics, mankind civilisation.In most nations of the world, where social stability is deficient, the primacy of social order politics is injured and sickly. It refers to growth inorganic and organic instabilities as basically social order system related.
Social order system is basically fit and proper society, where social infrastructure and social safety net including the universality of free basic facities and quality living standard exist.This ensure equalitarian order and almost closes the ratio of inequality of wealth and mass poverty below 10percent.In a socially moribund society the right of the weakest will always be hijacked by the right of the strongest.As a better organised social groups, the right of the strongest ordinarily better organizes social leverage that prepares them for the  swindling of confidence games with robust  organisational powers that undermine the weak .This flags off the growth instability and evidence that in social order is critically impaired.
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GREAT CHARTERS OF LIBERTY.PART 5.so to say deployed by the business people or business organization written in respective order Then they can handle a properly organization that srlls to the outside world.No parliament ever betrays order paper or order book.
They having standing rules or standing custom to comply with and truly indicates social order as noted by the French political philosopher is the most sacred right of all human rights.It is the executive summary of all rights from human to nature, or from nature to human immortal, determining the ultimate destiny of the human,social and mankind or civilisation in general.
Ordinarily, the entire human, political,and economic orders are guaranteed by freedom of social order architecture (SOA) principles, human society's prime order custom,the sacred basis of all rights reserved development objectives and they barely come from nature, but byeproduct of human arts.
The attainment of these principles simply means social stability and social stability is the same as social order stability, stipulated for growth and development cycle transition and mankind civilisation.Social contract and its motherboard cultural contracts are basically social order papers that must be complied to grow living standard and robust institutions.
Here we quote Rouseau again that " the right of the strongest is never strong enough to make the weak weakest "If it were to be translated into the law of action and pragmatic action undertaken and persistence
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TH GREAT CHARTERS OF LIBERTY.PART.4.like army, navy, or airforce; the logistics of defence or the kind of clothing worn and material carried on stated duties by the military such as in marching order; the manner of activity or way things happens.
The division of things into group like social group either in plants or animals or in class or family, social strata;the honour system of the society, in which group of people received special honour from leadership,for service in a bravery like the English order of the garter system.All this definition certainly impressive but take a look at this one to better appraise the resourceful depth and quality of the definition if not the best.
Now read this"The acceptable norms for the eradication of disorder.The proper ethics of compliance issued to laid down rules in order to avoid disorder and social disobedience. This is done so as to comply with the rules, needs, exact discription and plan of that person or society.It refers to institutional orderliness of the mandatory nature of the order itself like in the phrase"orders are orders"that is it must be obeyed and subject to compliance of the relevant authority .
It refers to the transparency and honesty of the mandate;And where it is a moral law,it bestows a moral duty,like the ordnance issued or command of a king or ruler.In a standard institutional settings or public institutions like the Parliament there must be orderbook or its charters or the constitution or so say structured ethics
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HE GREAT CHARTERS OF LIBERTY.PART.3.to churn out its maturities using this mutation curves of knowledge fields polishing quadrants to undertake the mechanical transaction of climbing the development cycle on the timely exigencies of mothernature  s driven spiral of necessities.The operative mode of transmissible thinkologies gets accelerated with this emergent or perambulatory node of robust organisational structures and sustainable capacity building wrought by mothernature, wherein the rising spectre of mortal activism and social management builds its strategic impetus.
The timely rate of mutation,incorporated by these fields,in the long run gives filip to the gradual institutionalization of the requisite unction standard of the great charters of liberty to rapidly climb the development cycle and achieve the purpose of freedom itself.Then we are forced to critique the word " Order".What is order in the layman point of view?It means command issued from its ordnances and charters or set of norms or things properly arranged, fitness for use or for operation; special way in which group of things, or people are organized, in connection to another.
It also refers to power of a person who has right to command for something to be done.A request to supply goods or good supplied in accordance to the mode of request; a written paper, a thing in which allows a holder to do something with its command or rules; the arrangement of men or technology like ships, aircraft etc or defence or the
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