THE PURPOSE OF HISTORY.PART 1.A..We are what we are because we are made by history spring from history and returns back to history.The blogger below explores the importance of history and its influential role to mankind in general.Enjoy the reading.
Man as earthbound creatures, a social ,economic, political and a cultural animal at large is planted on the utilitarian field, with the sole essence of human kind basically engaged, in the vast assembly line of mass information freedom production. The aim of the exploration is first and foremost for the survival of mankind, secondly for the health of man, then thirdly for the progress of mankind respectively.
The actors of this task as farmers and farmees on the field in their operative mode, is driven by the mandate motive to nurse great charters of liberty on that field, for the golden age dividends of universal justice.The intricate pattern of vast information production and management, ranging from generation,distribution or dissemination and consumption, could seem so overwhelming to the preliterate class of connoisseurs in this field, but not so to the widely exposed artists of the social enterprise.
They require conservation or preservation by its processors,from the vectors to the endusers,requires cyclical voyage of the triple fields, in the aggregate transaction of the rudiments of the cultural components interacting together for the
purpose of history.
Man as earthbound creatures, a social ,economic, political and a cultural animal at large is planted on the utilitarian field, with the sole essence of human kind basically engaged, in the vast assembly line of mass information freedom production. The aim of the exploration is first and foremost for the survival of mankind, secondly for the health of man, then thirdly for the progress of mankind respectively.
The actors of this task as farmers and farmees on the field in their operative mode, is driven by the mandate motive to nurse great charters of liberty on that field, for the golden age dividends of universal justice.The intricate pattern of vast information production and management, ranging from generation,distribution or dissemination and consumption, could seem so overwhelming to the preliterate class of connoisseurs in this field, but not so to the widely exposed artists of the social enterprise.
They require conservation or preservation by its processors,from the vectors to the endusers,requires cyclical voyage of the triple fields, in the aggregate transaction of the rudiments of the cultural components interacting together for the
purpose of history.