April 15, 2020


TH GREAT CHARTERS OF LIBERTY.PART.4.like army, navy, or airforce; the logistics of defence or the kind of clothing worn and material carried on stated duties by the military such as in marching order; the manner of activity or way things happens.
The division of things into group like social group either in plants or animals or in class or family, social strata;the honour system of the society, in which group of people received special honour from leadership,for service in a bravery like the English order of the garter system.All this definition certainly impressive but take a look at this one to better appraise the resourceful depth and quality of the definition if not the best.
Now read this"The acceptable norms for the eradication of disorder.The proper ethics of compliance issued to laid down rules in order to avoid disorder and social disobedience. This is done so as to comply with the rules, needs, exact discription and plan of that person or society.It refers to institutional orderliness of the mandatory nature of the order itself like in the phrase"orders are orders"that is it must be obeyed and subject to compliance of the relevant authority .
It refers to the transparency and honesty of the mandate;And where it is a moral law,it bestows a moral duty,like the ordnance issued or command of a king or ruler.In a standard institutional settings or public institutions like the Parliament there must be orderbook or its charters or the constitution or so say structured ethics
Wall Street - Wikipedia

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