April 15, 2020


THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE  ARTS AND DEVELOPMENT AND THE COMPLEX ROLE OF THINKING ENTERPRISE. PART 1.If we consider the long road by which we have trodded and journeyed from the bank of savages into freemen, this tortuous road indeed could be nasty a labyrinth to peruse.How much worse,from the evolution of arts into the industrial institution of development. The blogger examines the case study and proffer market solution. -AUTHOR.                     
            In the dispensation of arts and cultural management, we shall have to contend the tardy evolution of professional arts itself, in the much same way, we have comprehended growth and apprehend it,at least the growth of traditional art into industrial arts.This also includes the evolution of traditional thinking into scientific thinking and joined by stategic thinking the midwife in the entire thinking enterprise right. Now, the dispersal of professional art, by voyage of its system of artist cycle,that feeds cultural cycle must be distributed evenly.Otherwise the dispersal of  arts,precisely to say to professional arts or where technical evolution of environmental forces favour evolution of one generation of professional arts,over the other generation of traditional arts.If left uncurbed,such inequal distribution of information freedom,triggers high inequalities of the wealth.As the former automatically ascends the knowledge power curve, the other fallen behind, the sturdy structural inequalities is bound to persist.
क्यों कहते है Dean Ambrose को Lunatic Fringe ? Why ...


THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS OF THOUGHLESSNESS. PART 4. that weak or poor observation induces poor thinking. That intensive observation induces intensive thinking theplores or produces scientific thinking.
To be frank with ourself, to preach selflessness, is to be thoughtful and mobilise consciousness out of our subconscious arts of the seven senses, for a reminder of the fact that whatever you see, is what you think, and what you think is what you feel and what you feel is what you hear and what yu hear is what you taste and what you taste is what you know and what you know, is what you do.
This law of rational action known as the equation of activity we already master and apply subconsciously on a daily basis, in the cohesion of tradition and habit formation,yet we are guilty of the deadly sins for lack of scientific application, and failure as reward.To jump the equation.You cannot see more than you do and you cannot do more than you see.This implies that the law of sight interacts with law of action, to engender a classica
Lunatic fringe' - meaning and origin.
l or non classical reaction and a response.


THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS OF THOUGHLESSNESS. PART 3 . learning to walk, dominant control of active sensation , a sort of internal impression, unleashes a child art, and similarly, uses such observatorial instinct to pioneer the use of human senses, though mildly, and to learn o walk,in this way, gain mastery gradually of traditional thinking enterprise.
Every little kid born of a woman,given the fact there is no guide,latter misses the road and heavily restricted its obsession to mere cultural task like observation, complacent without the need to traditional thinking perambulating from scientific thinking and the schools in this part of the world does not help either. There are no tutors at early age to enable us imbibe the thinking culture too quickly and all righteousness of mankind,fails even before it begins and social debt before our very eyes multiplies.
We were never told that the moment,we started walking under sun, we were planted from abstraction field into the utilitarian field, for gradual development transition of arts and we the fruit of knowledge on the same empircal field by consistent practice of knowing how to properly walk.We gather knowledge on these fields by consistent hunting, walking over short or  longer distance and traveling.The requires a grueling habit formation strategy, through the law of empirical compounding.The same natural law extends to grown ups of later years.We see many things,while growing up,but we hardly observe them and
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it also speaks volume that


 THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS OF THOUGHLESSNESS. PART.2.BY thoughlessness, we mean we are all fools, if we fail to pay our ever increasing social debt and to be careless in our attitude, simply indicates our lawlessness as our witlessness.
We know that the pioneering routine of human arts is observation, not sensation, first experienced by newborn child an extrinsic or extraneous impression.It is the key stone to the formation of habit in other words,arts and custom of the new creation.It is the first muse of human existence, prime mover of human absolute control over the immediate environment.Then you ask yourself that at what age does a little child begins to observe?
Shortly after the early childhood or post six years old children.No,it starts when a child begin to master the daily routines.This include but possibly limited to  learning to walk,indicates it is totally taking charge of sensations, this type active sensaion, not passive sensation such as being fed,being clothed and being bathed.The moment observation of the active sensation commences, scientific decision follows upon which the traditional mode later alights.
Passive sensation opens up subconscious mind of the new child, but conscious mind opens up with active sensation and active sensation, internal impression, that is reflection to mere habit formation begins with observation. To dominate the natural environment , a toddler must learn to work, at least, the first true obsession of the embryonic arts.Hence,...


THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS OF THOUGHLESSNESS .PART 1.Thoughtlessness or Witlesness as a reprobate affliction of the social psyche,can be guded against by preventing the occurrence of its seen deadly sins.We examine the delicate path, man must must avoid.
Now, take a look:1.See meaning, if you cannot see(sightlessness); 2.If you cannot feel(emotionlessness);3. if you cannot show willingness, lack of volition(apathy);4.if you cannot taste,no appetite or have a foretaste(tastelessness);5.if you cannot think, not using your horsesense (senselessness); 6.if you cannot hear (hearlessness/tympanum death);7.if you can not believe (faithlessness).The first five objective sensors correspond with five human senses and then add horsesense making the 6th sense and then the 7th sense, the faith sense.Hence contrary to Grecian claim that humans have five senses, it is seven senses rather. We hardly use the core senses well,talkless of the whole lump.
Now,it appears majority of us hardly use it well and we are confronted with thoughlessness like epidemics or pandemics.They are supposed lit our way through every mission, with cultural task at hand. We are bound to fail, if we abhor them and because of ignorance, we proliferate these deadly sins that underpins our moral failure.We cannot use our vast potential,reduce us to a mere bland observation,without a recognition of these glorious light of mankind.And because of this artistic insubordination that the light is dar
The evolution of the Lunatic Fringe - 10 standout moments from ...
kness we are damn dead.


A HOICK OF THE HOLOIPOLOI-A Poem from the anthologies of  ST.BLUES QUEER STREET. Part 1.                                                                                                                                                    Oh pour not adulation on he,The adventitious adrift of silver moon,Athough thy libation be long and tiring, That coat of arms shall not refrain the grafitis of a pedigree,nor its waxworks coarsened,What a feint felicitous being so fatheaded and feather brained, to so much impugn himself,yonder the hoick of the holoipoloi.Are minnows farcical and fatcats, farthest  pedagogue, not faraway,from living obscurity? Nancy teens,naifs and nambypambies,at the plow,nailbitten by gales nigh and farthest astray.Necropolis needleworks, never do wells and mongolian navel gazers.Yet still,with a neaptide of silvermoon,a mere hoick of holoipoloi,And lo they that neign do well the nemesis catch.Mutinous mudslinging,mules and gutter middlings that spared,not the idiosyncratic muffs, slingshots'hooded Jack Robinsons,barely silvermoon amiss,Approach the end of the tunnel and perseveres the muddy waters,yonder the midgets and middlings of the middle of the road.What miasma of milchcow,thou art been booned,legion of necropolis,leeched by humorous sungods and sungoddess,silvermoon's milchcows,navel gazers and haphazard trojan horses, forlorn kindred spirit of the nirvana,jetlagged jeremiads , forsooth silvermoon jailbirds.The bedridden Aluplutan neither belayed nor belicose as her holoipoloi's hoick, nor behind
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