A HOICK OF THE HOLOIPOLOI-A Poem from the anthologies of ST.BLUES QUEER
STREET. Part 1. Oh pour not adulation on
he,The adventitious adrift of silver moon,Athough thy libation be long
and tiring, That coat of arms shall not refrain the grafitis of a
pedigree,nor its waxworks coarsened,What a feint felicitous being so
fatheaded and feather brained, to so much impugn himself,yonder the
hoick of the holoipoloi.Are minnows farcical and fatcats, farthest
pedagogue, not faraway,from living obscurity? Nancy teens,naifs and
nambypambies,at the plow,nailbitten by gales nigh and farthest
astray.Necropolis needleworks, never do wells and mongolian navel
gazers.Yet still,with a neaptide of silvermoon,a mere hoick of
holoipoloi,And lo they that neign do well the nemesis catch.Mutinous
mudslinging,mules and gutter middlings that spared,not the idiosyncratic
muffs, slingshots'hooded Jack Robinsons,barely silvermoon
amiss,Approach the end of the tunnel and perseveres the muddy
waters,yonder the midgets and middlings of the middle of the road.What
miasma of milchcow,thou art been booned,legion of necropolis,leeched by
humorous sungods and sungoddess,silvermoon's milchcows,navel gazers and
haphazard trojan horses, forlorn kindred spirit of the nirvana,jetlagged
jeremiads , forsooth silvermoon jailbirds.The bedridden Aluplutan
neither belayed nor belicose as her holoipoloi's hoick, nor behind
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