July 20, 2020


Remember in our real part 122 we discussed dialectics.Here is a reminder that this process he called dialectical process.When the Eleatics had proposed a claim,Hegel regarded the standpoint a thesis and then the rise of contradictory thought to oppose that claim,he called it negation.Herarclitus for instance and he was the negation of eleatic philosophy.Now the tension between these contradictory thoughts with the emergence of empedocles who argued both were partly right and partly wrong.The standpoint of the Empedocles was what he called negation of the negation.Then he called the three stages of dialectical process mainly thesis,antithesis and synthesis.For instance,Descartes'rationalism was contradicted by Hume's empirical antithesis.
About Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Dialectic Spiritualism


Plead the readers to go back to philosopher s stone to relieve this piece;that is art music and folk music.The former is controled by a composer such as Bach, Mozart and Beethoven.Whereas folk music not written by a particular group of persons.Given the lack of clarity of the origin and date of numerous folk melodies,or folk tales and art tales,the best norm of how to exploit them,as they knew it was to help refine the mordern times'art and reparkage their use,for cultural and economic development.The fairy tales genre was activated by the Romantics and we know E.T. A. Hoffman as popularised in his works,The Tales Of Hoffman was acknowledged as one of the German masters of this genre of absolute spirit.Another art tales was written by author Hans Christian Andersen and a host of other folklorists.Indeed fairy tale was the absolute literary trademark of the Romantics,the way theater was the absolute art form of expression of the baroque era.The artistry gave poet the audacity to play God in a fictional universe and a platform to fully e
Mozart - Composers - Classic FM
xplore its creativity.Not only they did they


Learn how to add value.What they have been able to do consistently over time is to simply add value. From Bill Gates to Warren Buffet,it is the old same logic and formula.The former took software expertise down to Microsoft,from the domain of I B M that pioneered it and made it a household name,first and foremost among techies and technological geeks then aro
What I learned at work this year | Bill Gates
und the world through microsoft windows.


Which cummulatives set him dire,in that quirky path of amplitude despondency,Forgone grievances may thee as abhor'd solitary aloft thy thatch'd roof? Why didst those pledge if any craft,by remorseful backward violet ever renege or such grandiose delay,and maketh more misgivings climb their willpower to renege,a supplement to extant bales to let not grovel over this deranged clouds,gliding thy slavery in their goof of instinctive trajectory?Tis not an ample n
The 34 greatest poets of all time - Deseret News
esciency that through this gauchy cloud,thou fractures.


The attainment of optimal economic growth and debt price equalitarian stability.This is pure socialist system where the lowest rung of the market percentiles top the wealth table chart of market economy in contrast to pure market neoliberalism or pure capitalist system and it simply means an increasing proportion of debt goods and services are provided by the lowest rung percentiles made possible through government support in addition to what pure capitalist system can provide.Hence the role of debt price system is critical in attainment of this basic task.We can then adjust our sovereign wealth distribution formula through SONACA and precisely should favour the poor population bracket and hence close the gap,banish inequality of wealth and mass poverty forever from the human society.Then fruits of mordern technological and economic freedom would b
Wall Street ends higher as investors look past immediate downturn ...
e universal.

July 7, 2020


Nevertheless,the blogger is adding speaking engagement to its portfolio of activities and will never turn down the challenge of speaking engagement at public forums local and international.As a motivational speaker delivering awesome speeches at international conferences,workshops and seminars,with charges up to $20,000 per gig would gladly be welcomed.
This is addition to revenues from advertising sales,product reviews and other proposed corporate projects at hand.The blogger as a poet and playwright equipped with immense presentation skills and that would be a delight for such corporate routines.Kindly send text and further enquiries to 09064784512 or mail me ibikabram@gmail.com.web journalist
                                               IBIKUNLE ABRAHAM LANIYAN

July 4, 2020


The hardship of blogging in Nigeria should not be compared with other climes or elsewhere around the world not in terms of quality of bloggers,posts,articles and the logistics or the environment to support good blogging that constitute major concerns here but the wherewithal, or survival rate or the passion that enhances the blogging spirit itself that is my bone of contention and which  is  grossly lacking.
Our country is not a fertile soil for the smash hit or apotheosis of good blogging.Imagine a population of over 200million people have been able to produce only one Linda Ekeji whose blog has been a force to reckon with beyond this shore.I doubt in the next six decades we shall be able to break that jinx.

My lamentation at this point in time like an elegy to the death of blogging passion was informed by my experience and hardship to churn out good content.On June 1 i posted 12 essays and on the second i desired to post 20 and lo i was out to charge where it was lost and i saw hell just because of the loss.I have faced challenges of malfunctioning system,bad phone,poorly connected Wifi etc.Every blogger is faced with that challenges especiallyPhotos from Linda Ikeji when you are still building traffic base.

June 1, 2020


will keep at bay preventable diseases while cultivating basic hygiene standard,know right medical personel to patronise and not quacks.Enlightened women with adequate antenatal care during pregnancy will be well delivered of their babies.This will help leads in the long run to help reduce the nation's high infant and maternal mortality rates estimated to be second highest in the world.A lot of good provisions were made with the promulgation of universal basic education law of 1999.It guarantees all children free and compulsory education for the first 9 years of school age.This included 6yrs of primary schools and 3yrs of junior secondary school education.These are glaring opportunities provided by law that the northern oligarchy instead of taking advantage of them are bent on destroying the implementation of free and compulsory primary and junior secondary school program in the country.The Almajiri schools built by the erstwhile goodluck jonathan regime were neglected for many years under lock and keys .


He lamented and partly blamed the British for deliberately discouraged western education in the north.This i considered an inapropriate excuse considering huge chunk of federal allocation that flowed to the region since return of democracy.For instance,between 2007 to 2016 in a breakdown of allocation,states in the northwest,northeast and north central to be precise collected 3tr.;2.5tr.;and 2.2.tr.respectively.This means that out of over 10tr.naira allocated to 774 Local Governments during the period the northern states collected over 50%.Between 2005 to 2016 19 states,in the north collected 153billion for universal basic education compared 115b.for the 17 states in the south.With exception of Adamawa,Plateau,Kogi and Niger states that did not access funding in 2015and 2016 all northern states had accessed UBE Intervention fund.Northern nigeria inspite of the funding,still lagging behind and there are 10million Almajiris or beggars in the north begging for alms and food.The truth is with basic education,you


at 96.30%;Ekiti,95.79%;Rivers,95.76%;Abia, 94.24%;Anambra,92.11%,Osun,90.57%;Edo,90.53%;Enugu,89.46%;and Cross River,89%.Frankly speaking,it might take an eternity to bridge this huge gap between this light and darkness.The former minister of finance Shamsudeen Usman in 2011,speaking to the world bank statistics at the Northern Nigerian Economic and Investment Summit said northern nigeria has the highest children illiteracy rate in the whole world.He blamed northern leaders for this heinous atrocity of deliberate backwardness and that despite his admonition six years after the moribund education profile did not change abit.Particularly worrisome was the enrolment rate of the school age girl child for the north east and northwest according to world bank stood at 20% and 25% in contrast to south west and south east at 85% and 75%for southsouth.In the same Summit,the Emir of Kano Muhammed Sanusi a vocal critics of chronic under development in the north,blamed the British for dismal education profile of the North


Whereas in the south less than 3% of children in the age bracket of 6 and 16 are not in school.They recorded 10%,8%,6% for Ebonyi,Oyo and Ogun states respectively.while for Abia it is 1% and 2% recorded for both Lagos and Enugu and same trend reverbrated on numeracy skills where it is higher in the south than the north according to NEDS report.There is no doubt that the highest illiteracy rate in the whole world is in the north.According to literacy index published in 2017 by National Bureau of Statistics,states in the North west,Northeast and North central have the lowest literacy rates in the country.Yobe,7.23% has the lowest;Zamfara,19.16%;katsina,10.36%;Sokoto,15.01%;Bauchi,19.26%;Kebbi,20.51% and Niger 22.88%.The report claim Taraba at 72%has the highest literacy rate in the north.In contrast to North,the highest literacy in the south and the country Imo state put at 96.43%. In the top 10 literacy rates in the country when compared to the north,the gap is frightening.Lagos state follows Imo state closely


from 142m to 67m.Whereas in the case of Nigeria it is retrogressive.The Nigerian minister of state for education Nyesom Wike during the period under review,in an appraisal of the country's performance in the Education For All goals,put adult literacy rate in the country at 56.9%.Millenium development goals monitoring statistics put the figure of Nigerian children between the age of 15 to 24yrs that cannot read and write at appalling 71.8%.When we compare the six geopolitical zones,where the odds are glaring the north fell behind.The Nigerian Educational Data survey 2010 presented in May by National Population Commission shows North east and North west respectively lagging behind with the highest illiteracy rate in the country.NEDS Report also shows 72%of Borno state children within age bracket of six and 16years out of school while the figure for Yobe state and Bauchi state were put at 58%and 52%respectively.Then in North west,Zamfara,Sokoto,Kebbi states put at 68%,66%,60%respectively for out of school kids.


Certainly Nigeria for close to sixty years of independence has not made significant progress in reducing her high rate of illiteracy.It is a common knowledge that majority of the 60m to 75million illiterates in the country are in the north and the challenge of halting high illiteracy prevalence in the north does not seem to constitute immediate priority of the northern cabal deliberately bent on holding the country perenially backward.Pathetically,still compounding the malaise with frightening dimension and dire implication or likely effect on poverty,health,life expectancy and other human development indicators.According to Punch Editorial(December 20,2011,pg.18)which juxtaposed Nigerian literacy scorecard with other countries and fellow entrants into E-9 group unveiled the appaling rate of her literacy backwardness.It noted that other countries made attempt to reduce their non literate population.China for instance,made startling improvement to her nonliteracy population cut by half between 2000-2010......


and provoke moral agitation and launching their golden resolve that their rights should be respected.This would not go down well with imperialists who intensify suppresion tactics,massacre and heighten deaththreats to their captives.The purpose of moral agitation is to wrestle for environmental freedom to avert imperialists from undermining their control.First,liberty of the will summons liberty of the mind upon the birth of an idea to initiate deliberate proceeding of intellectual freedom.The first tripod of the great charters is under mandate to strategically demand wisdom or ideological freedom as the only metalanguage recognised by the imperialists.There is no free pass nor free port for the slaves nor the subservient for the price of freedom must be paid.To the wise it is affordable and to a fool if wit is applied,it can equally be affordable.The freemasons fight for their people and when they effectively leverage this first tripod,to procure ideological freedom,then imperialists begins to pay attention.


The most influential gadget of development,a cardinal element of developmental enterprise and the keystone of development system for the entire stretch of mortal history is indubitably the school of imperialism.It strikes impudently the simple and the reckless and were it not for its scholarship and its selfincurred omnibus ideological freedom none of mankind would have been freed nor ever deemed possible to birth or rebirth human civilisation procured at the spectrum end of slavery terminated from this school.The insecurities of previous generation create buffer and security for successive generation freed from this hodgepodge.During the wilderness period,the interaction of various modes of freedom and every form and class of freedom politics or master slave politics must be experimented for freedom by all ramification to be procured.The imperialist politics of environmental terrorism opens the floodgate of erudition for slaves and by the law of nature of the great charters,is a legal precedence to arouse


in the great charters of liberty.The ethical system of great charters that guides freedom politics invariably begins by diplomacy and duplicity.This fired salvo however should be seen as a ploy to capture the environmental freedom of the unsuspecting prodigy.It hardly dwindles its intensity until the power broker has captured the intelligence,the hidden secrets of the insensitive.Heypresto the language of diplomacy and persuasion could be usurped by the instrument of terror and there is war,then conquest and once upon a time equal patner changed drastically to make one a slave and then another his master.It is of the blackest dye and the most complex form of slavery master politics popularly known as imperialism.In another context it is strictly diplomacy and deceit all through the trough which keeps one subservient to the other.The third form begins with war and ends with conquest and then the winner takes all.History recognises this tripod.Does the imperialism creates any better incentive to the slaves?


History provides empirical evidence and establish a legal precedent so to say a natural law that you consume one generation of freedom,a type or class of freedom being desired goal at a given period to procure the actual freedom at another period.But to be articulate to communicate substantial effect,it has to be nurtured in the wilderness period and the school of oppression.We extremely underestimate and underate the power of freedom until we have been freed.The imperialism of power brokers in due time tends to appreciate the optimal value of freedom.It begins by unconsciously provoking tardy liberty of the wills and liberty of the mind or psychological freedom.True forms of freedom,nature,mode and types are motivated and inspired obsessively by the school of imperialism.The critical responsibility of this school under influence of mothernature wisely deploying scientific time investment is to oppress and suppress the liberty of the environment and then restrict fundamental liberties as enshrined by history


Not to be frozen into obscurity of history and build commensurate capability to logically demand for freedom,we should be endeared to learning.We can build up stakes to consistently grow optimal learning being the size of what should be known and appropriate enough to open up passion and sharpen critical awareness and thence makes the positive leap.A giant leap of faith commences golden feet with killer information to traverse the downright impossible.The tension between positive leap and negative leap endows the presiding artist with the right choice to grow optimal learning and therefore supply the mental and physical energy including the environmental discreet preferences to fight for freedom one desires.It takes liberty of the wills for the liberty of the mind to be grown at appreciable mass to first and foremost demand for intellectual freedom.It is much maligned resource and dark age societies barely demand for it.This scarcest commodity often demystified holds the torch to defend all freedom types.


Our ultimate quest is human freedom to show the liberty of manliness and the manliness of manhood.It is the prestige of man and it does not make any sense if economic freedom is not mated with it.Man is glorified with this golden prestige when we are armed with the awareness that this axiom strictly matters.Not to be armed with it and still subconsciously passes the test makes an ordinary man an extraordinary man.It cannot be differentiated from a wise fellow who being mindful of this fact gets same result.The moral appeal of growing expertise and human technology influences the strategic demand of freedom in the most ideal direction.So,it can be argued that the search for true freedom is indeed a sectarian pursuit and not all mankind have the capacity to evenly demand for it.To majority it is an uphill task and barely few are not frozen on its everest struggle.It is not only those without wherewithal and the extremely gifted but most importantly fellows with decrepit strategy or total lack fall by way side.

May 31, 2020


In the history of succesful history,there is empirical evidence and a common knowledge that great minds were quarrantined from the infectious ailment.What is the prospect for successive generation that barely takes after them?They have been infected by this moral ailment once avoided by their ancestors and the counterpoise of moral energy and the pressure to reenact golden achievement.We search for freedom given the fact that we desire someday to find justice.We are accustomed to the fact that the maintenance of the isolation strategy will accelerate the quest for human freedom.Economic freedom does not come until human freedom is materialised.A prentice freedom must be attained to indicate human freedom is fully accomplished.When the activity and expertise of human freedom commences and begins to operate,the road to economic freedom is paved and to be succesful is to indicate that economic freedom on a percapital basis is attained.Freedom is freedom to be freedom within the confines of the law undisputed.


of human skepticism.Skepticism is an infectious moral disease and it stings bitterly more the most ambitious minds than the league of dreamkillers.Vision destroyers for precautionary motives should be avoided and the intention of those who spread the virus and the plague of skepticism,compel the worst setback to the prospective minds.The battle to the mountaintop is a clarion call for the visionary and every daunting odd must be isolated to actualise the ingenuity of the golden dreams.Otherwise the moral infection of the ambitious psyches may contaminate objective stake of dreamland pursuit.It takes the art of leadership to discover the fortune field and follow lead and get to dreamland in record time.The history of economic freedom is a worthy tales of the most visionary men and those whose minds were freed from the infections of this moral disease.It would be easier for larger humanity all sundry to achieve strategic goals should this plague be ostracised from the abode of worthy men and mankind at large.


hospital due to blurred vision.When they complain,a mist or spider web is covering their eyes and that is another symptom of diabetes.Another symptom is delayed wound healing that is when an injury or wound takes time to heal.It may sometimes leads to chronic cough and another symptom is increased appetitite.When a person eats too much and still feel like eating more.They should check his sugar level.Obese is another syptom like stress.Diabetes is a critical situation and you cannot cure it and can only manage it.Type 1 diabetes hereditary type can be the result of childhood problem that affects part of the pancreas that produces insulin.Type 2 diabetes linked to affluence and affects person who has eaten too much and then gain weight.12.5million Nigerians have diabetes.Diabetes affects all body parts and it kills slowly.You cannot eat your bestfood.The person with diabetesshould be on fruits and vegetables.But garden eggs,watermelon,cucumber and vegetables and not fruits like orange,pineaple,pure honey,apple

May 30, 2020


Blogging challenges my capability to write and i make bold to say if it were not for blogging,i wouldnt have increased my writing intensity.Then again if it has improved and polished my writing style,towhat extent have i made a good use of this blogging platform?It is a mixed grill and i desire to grow my posting target several times beyond my current attempt.I think that it is the same in other professions where competition and growing expertise bring out the best in every artisan.Every month and every year you desire to put in your best.Sometimes,when i remember some of the times i had wasted and those who have beaten me behind,i feel like cringing wanting to double up efforts for the lost ground.The challenge of waking up in the morning to realise you must meet your posting target is enough stimulating drive to drive you crazy and keep you on your toes.I was searching through other bloggers a month ago,who were consistent with posting target,i almost went crazy and heavily lamented the time i had wasted.


potential carriers.One person dies every second from diabetes.2million type 2 diabetes diagnosed every year.Dr Drummond Rennie in the Journal of American Media Association says companies are simply making money from people's life.No drug is effective yet even the so called herbal remedies are prized beyond the affordability of the poorer class.Diabetes patients cannot eat what they want to eat.You cannot eat the volume of food you desire.The first sign of diabetes is too much thirst due to so much sugar in the blood called hyperglycemia giving the victim afflicted with serious thirst.Then the patient drinks too much water and urinates quite often.He urinates too much at night and the third symptom is weight loss.The fourth is persistent weakness and in women experienced increased vagina discharge.Now for the pregnant women with diabetes they discharge bigger babies and can fizzle out after delivery.Another sympton due to hyperglycemic agents maybe person fallen into a coma.Patients may visit hospital for.....


leads to more heart attacks and more patients'death.Glucose lowering drugs kill more type 2 patients than those who dont take them at all.The Journal found out that A Vandia(Rosig-Litazone)increases patient risk of heart attack by 43% and staggering death by 64% compared to patients who dont take them at all.This indirectly means for those not taking to Avandia in the type 2 patients,their survival chance is more than 200%.The study also found out that blood pressure drugs prescribed increased the risk of diabetic patients heart attacks strike and deaths by 50% and fibrate/statin cholesterol lowering therapy woefully failed to reduce cardiovascular disease death.In the U.S.FDA consistently issued warning that diabetes medication is critically linked to the growing risk of bladder cancer.The solution is turn to natural care,cleanse yourself from toxin,taxing your cells inside to restart them functioning effectively again.Your body can restore damaged cells and organs.More than 7million Nigerians are potential


It also leads to causes of myriad of many killer diseases such as highblood pressures,heart attack,alzheimer and kidney failure.Dangerous antidiabetic drugs dont work and we can refer to a large scale study from Duke University school of medicine published in the New England Journal Of Medicine.The study shows that despite dangerous side effects,diabetic drugs dont work and to worsen the case often leads to other diseases.Consequences are found in weight gain and insulin injections.Researchers according to 2010 randomised Accord Clinical Study sponsored by U.S. Government confirmed perils of blood sugar lowering drugs.Now,it examined risk for heart attacks,stroke and death,in about 10,000 diabetic patients.It is obvious for the patients that had their blood sugar level reduced to 60%A1C had a higher risk of cardiovascular death and heart failure in patients with type 2 diabetes.Infact the study was halted and scared to witness more death and killing many patients.The decline of blood sugar levels leads to...


by cells for energy.This transfer is possible through insulin,organs produce this insulin known in the pancreas.Stronger cells in the pancreas,produce insulin and when there is diabetes that process is completely truncated,leading to insufficient insulin production.Unfortunately like every disease,diabetes is incurable,a pointer to the failure of mordern medicine and miserable attempt over the last centuries of corporate research.While conventional medicine fights symptoms through incessant administration of drugs,it hardly deals with the root of the problem,not the disease itself.Infact doctors acknowledged their inability to cure it too.Why taking drugs when doctors say they dont know how to treat it nor have the solution?Madness!The same for cancer,heart disease,cholestereol,athritis etc.These drugs increase the risk of heart attack,stroke,cancer and liver failure.Inspite of the proliferation of prescriptive drugs worldwide,diabetes is still the 4th biggest killer disease.It also causes myriad of other ...


When the body cannot produce insulin or cannot properly uses the insulin,it produces,the kind of disease that ordinarily result from this form of debilitating condition is called Diabetes.Insulin is a hormone that controls the amount of glucose (sugar) in the body.Diabetes leads to high blood pressure,damages organs,blood vessels and also damages nerves.In order to use sugar as an energy source the body requires insulin.Diabetes is a condition where blood sugar level goes beyond normal and can be very deceitful at first when you hardly even feel sick.What blood vessels are to the body are what fuel hoses a means and pipe are to fuel vehicle.When blood vessels are damaged what can we do?We find a replacement?The inability of the defective situation to convert glucose into energy.The digestion of food is converted into protein,carbohydrates and fats.Carbohydrates are food that affect bloog sugar,when we consumed it,it transforms to glucose.Glucose is now transported into the blood to be utilised by Cells to

May 29, 2020


According to Bernard Montgomery"Leadership is the art of accomplishing more than the science of management says is possible".Listen to the above definition once again and requote.It is the best quotation on management and leadership.Ordinarily in the concept of leadership the lowest hierarchy in the organisational framework of classification and theoretical grading is followership and the topmost hierarchy is led by the spectre of thought system or psychological system.The heart of a given ideology is the value system and the heart of a value system is thought system.Now the heart of leadership system is the ideology in the same way in which the leadership is the epicentre and controlling verve of the management system.The heart of governance system is the management system.We do not discountenance the fact the heart of the regulatory and legal system is the governance system even as the legal system is the theocentre of social system.Finally the heart of followership system is the social system.This type of


With the benefit of history for a vast swathe of mortal history in the successful search for human civilisation and the cultural practices that led to its discovery,survival and sustainability could have been possible without the art of leadership.Therefore leadership is the glue and a collective responsibility cabalised by the extremely gifted few and opportuned class.The fundamental principles of the art of leadership can only be preserved and safeguarded when there is a challenge to answer a need,fill a vacuum and the critical response of leadership to the immediate environment is management and the capability to management.The structure upon which management floated by leadership crystalises into full corporate,social,political and economic goals is governance.To betray this ethical structure or lampoon its structural fabric and hierarchy,is to be accused of bad leadership and mismanagement.This we bear the full essence of leadership.Let me play around abit with smart definition of leadership."Bernard


support yourself with your hands or elbow.While you change several positions,try to equally improve your distraction techniques unconnected with sex by either pinching yourself hard or bite the pillow or sometimes scream or provoke yourself by occasional slapping the lady's bum in a dog's style.3.)Condom:Wear a personal condom and it will be better to prolong sensation.It is one of the most underated methods of curing PE and the best way to avert sexually transmited diseases.Most PE's moral and critical infrastructure lies in well fought plethora of psychological battles.It does not spare even so called machomen from bedroom embarrasment.Certainly men that are becoming unhappy take advantages of this abnormal situation.They have included new mode of phamarcological treatment and no longer believe in their natural recovery ability.Drugs like viagra and many others too numerous to count proliferated worldwide.The herbal approach too has dominated a new mode of PE treatment to boost male confidence and stamina.


start again,look beyond your quick ejaculation and be determined not to leave her unsatisfied.Rather than apologise you could defend your early ejaculation was her fault.2.Stay calm and sulk:You think grown men should not sulk?What if you dont get a second chance?No matter what,stay calm and try to act as if it's not big deal.Dont panic in the event of another round of unexpected climax.There is no explanation for this kind of humiliation and wont definitely believe you on insistence of first time occurrence and rarity.Matured ladies know it happens and dont need protest too much.While you keep your distraction formula,the ultimate saver for PE is repeat performance.Try,try again and always try again.Waow,repeat performance!Will it have a redeeming value and what positions to boost ejaculation?Besides,letting her sulk which type of position?3.)Woman on top:This is the opposite of missionary style in which your lady lies on top of you rather than you on top.It offers better control and you have to support....

May 28, 2020


antics for a man who's barely made it past one minute mark struggling at second attempt at Coctus to achieve another erection.The method allows you to prevent disatraction not to allow frustratedlady stares quizically into your eyes with split second to decide what to do about your early ejaculation.When you are stuck in that quandary,then apply these tips:1.)Joke and laugh it off:The best option when you are stuck in that culdesac is to joke about the lady's private part and erogenous zones then laugh it off.Some ladies may not even know it and if she does make a fun about it and laugh hysterically to start again.What if the lady doesnt see it as funny?Then try the disatraction in repeat mode while doing oral sex such as kissing down to fingering,or find a compatible patner a lady or a girl not so uptight or supercillious.To apologise:Some schools of thought believe that a man should tender apology to a lady for such embarrasment.Apologise for what?I do not think so but the best thing is to pause relax and


another findings,but if it occurs at more than 50% of the time of penetration attempts is classified as abnormal situation,for which a treatment is required.Clinicians and Therapists have also defined it as" the occurence of ejaculation sooner during sexual intercourse than he or his patner would like".But it does not include broader performance duration of sexual activity with outburst energy reaching climax,especially male reaching orgasm after 7 to 8minutes of sexual intercourse or patner reaching above 5minutes,then that is not PE.Or male ejaculation above 15 to 25 minutes due to foreplay and all that and his patner still not reach orgasm at 25 to 30minutes of absolute sexual activity,he may still classify it as PE.Why?Because the lady is not yet satisfied and in routine practice is not called PE.Now based on the above definition,we shall concentrate on nonpharmacologic solutions to men who finish too quickly and what they must do to satisfy the lady.This method like facesaving palliative and time buying


sexually fit experiences normal erections but just fail to hold orgasm much longer,he is ordinarily said to suffer from PE.I think as normal challenge can be solved so much easily.Though there are herbal remedies and tradomedical therapies such as Forever multimaca and aloe vera gel combined that can be applied as prefered remedies,i will like to focus on nonpharmacologic remedies and its form,occurrence,nature,method and techniques and solution.PE is mostly common associated with men under 40 and manifested across all age groups and much more prevalent in the age group above 60.Infact the Journal of Sexual Medicine unveiled findings that it is a condition common or almost prevalent in all age groups.If a man experiences uncontrollable discharge of Semen from penis ejaculation either before or shortly after sexual penetration often within 1 to 2minutes of penetration is called PE.Mayo Clinic in America says when a"man nearly always ejaculates within one minutes of penetration is called PE.In another..


Premature ejaculation is a big issue to men in general when we talk of sexual politics of pressurised bedroom amorous wranglings and their most important sexual challenge of a lifetime.We aggree men are often concerned about their performance in bed with the opposite patner.Hence premature ejaculation(PE) is a big thorn in their flesh.Though they've made it a problem and it may not be a problem per say,but a sexual challenge that must be wisely handled and effectively treated and working towards its essence.Men are confronted with other psychological factors such as the penis size,masturbation habbit,sperm quality,confidence swings,bed energy,performance pressure and how long it takes them to make a lady reach orgasm etc.The whole essence is how to avoid unsatisfactory sex.PE frankly speaking is not a sexual disease and if not treated either through pharmacologic or nonpharmacologic sex therapies or herbal remedies may worsen as problem that could lead to impotency etc.If a person sexually fit experiences....

May 27, 2020


We are seriously also looking in this area of fruit juice.Once we launch the pioneering unit the fruit juice production will also follow shortly after the launching of Meddlesex farms,Meddlesex poultry and feeds.We are interested in investors who have money to invest but no time and technical expertise to handle the investment rigor.We plan a lot of potential spin offs in the nearest future and of the top 10 potential spin offs of the Meddlesex group will be involved in fruit juice production and hence Meddlesex will be doing private placement to canvass for limited number of shareholders in this vastly untapped industry.Therefore we are looking for creditors,shareholders,venture capitalists,hedge fund investors,private equity,sovereign wealth fund investors,angel investors and crowdfunding to give patronage to this highly diversified group also prioritised local fruit juice production.For further details and enquiries,mail info@meddlesexcosmos.com and ibikabram@gmail.com or call 2349036790644,2348148272375.


demand.This creates stable prices for the products and enhances employment opportunities to prevent rural migration to cities.The preliminary investment analysis will show estimated cost of establishing the project and feasibility studies depending on the location.We have standardised practices already having been involved in the running of defunct Midlands foods and we know what it takes to run succesful project excluding triars and errors,and factors that could lead into failure of such project and how to avert them.We created the best marketing method in the industry and one of first set of soft drink factories to pioneer plastic bottles in the country and we exported even all the way to Libya with our flagship product'Fruito'.Having recently revived the project we set up MeddlesexCosmos (www.meddlesexcosmos.com)to reincorporate the experience of beverages production to include fruit juice which will be on stream over the next three years.This program falls under our pioneering food and agroallied unit.


used as substitutes for fresh fruits as the need arises.We find out that due to the availability of fruits everywhere makes the localisation of plants anywhere ideal.So project can be cited anywhere in the country and the importation of concentrates from overseas suitable to the localised plants.The production processes to engage plants involves comprehensive treatments of the fresh fruits that is sorting out of the ripe and fresh fruits from farm,suppliers,washing,peeling and after that the raw material has to be fed into the installed machinery for clinical juice extraction.This consequently leads to pasteurisation,bottled and canned and tetra packed depending on packaging methods applied by the investors and promoters.When they add preservatives the essence is to prolong the shelf life of the juice.While plant outlays will be presented in the feasibilities,the space requirement is 400square meters.You get raw materials from local farmers to supply factory and will be encouraged by massive and consistent


year.As it were over the last ten to twenty years ago or more,so it is today and nothing ever changes in Nigeria.About 40% of the fruits are wasted annually in the country and investment consultants and business experts have linked the problem to lack of storage facilities and preservatives.Now with the availability of raw fruits a promoter's plant can churn out between 2m.to 3million litres of pure quality fresh fruit juice drinks every year producing at an average of 250days per annum.As the plant expands and operating processes progress,production outputs could be doubled.The most important thing now is your packaging and quality of your products when you set out with the project.In this case we refer to your branding and your attractive packaging can either be in form of tetra packing,bottling and canning.There should be comprehensive feasibility studies and bankable business plan for the investors.The major raw materials for the project include concentrates and the fresh fruits.The former will be used


of bottling,canning and spectra packing for the marketable product,is available to the prospective investors,home and overseas,who might require detailed information for the profitable and effective setting up and efficient management of production plants and machineries in the country or elsewhere around the world.We have links to foreign companies in America,Europe,South Africa and Asian countries.Fruit juice production will create advantage for its promoter and who would be so delighted to engage in production throughout the year deploying assorted kinds with different types of fruit to sustain the production season.Hence the promoter is guarranteed tireless streams of fruit juice inventories throughout the year for the ready made market.It means with different growing periods for the fruits for the substantial parts of the year,the promoter's plants and machineries will be busy,generating capital and investment returns for the owners.It is on record that Nigeria generates and grows a lot of fruits every


Let us look into the potential of the industry.Ordinarily,natural fruit juice that can be purely extracted from paw paw,oranges,mangoes,guava,pineapples,watermelons,cashew fruits and a host of others contain a lot of vitamins such as vitamin C also known as Ascorbic Acid and can be packaged,preserved and conserved without any loss whatsoever of their nutritional values.Frankling speaking its deficiency causes lengthened body malfunctioning and malnutrition in the long run.To go into this business there are locally available plant and machinery much needed to kickstart setting up of this project.This is not to say however that there are no detail information to the prospective investors that might be in need of foreign produced machines.A handful of foreign companies into production of these equipments at very affordable and competitive prices.They include sorting tables,homogenizer,extractor,washing machines,pasteurizer,corking machine,bottling and canning machines with complete packaging system.The option of


I think it was the late M.K.O.Abiola,the first billionaire in the country that said if America is a land of opportunities,i tell you Nigeria is a land of better opportunities.Some emphasis mine.Infact at a time my late father Mr Moses Okunlola Laniyan,(A.C.I.S.),a chartered accountant,industrialist,an economist,a lawyer,ANAN pioneering member and member of numerous professional bodies,civil servant at a time and one of the first set of Nigerians alongside Professor Lambo to work at world health organisation(WHO) and the founder of the first soft drink factory now defunct Midland foods and beverages in Ogbomosho,Oyo state was fond of the statement.This i quickly emulated and it has since been my motto.The point is there is boundless oportunities in virtually all sectors and all industries including the densely endowed informal sector still remains virtually untapped.We wanted to point out employment opportunities and we shall focus on just one industry:Fruit juice manufacturing.We make analysis in this area.


With breathtaking advances and jawdropping giant leaps in the neuroscience of optimism,we now know better the strategic optimism of the relaxed minds elongates life expectancy and a good therapy to effectively handle stress management.These findings have been epochal,according to explosive growth of phenomenal brain imaging data,compiled through brain scanning processes in which neuroscientists identify both negative and positive information about the future from the brain.That in a period of learning,studies show their neurons loyally encode much cherished information that can drive and empower optimism but invariably a failure at incorporating unexpectedly undesirable information.(Sharot,2011).Not just because positive expectation enhances odds for survival but also because our brain device is simply wired by the optimism bias.We are so wired to such conclusion either driven by rationality or by brain illusions.Our optimism bias encourages us to grow indirectly mass opportunism from the bank of optimism.

May 26, 2020


The primordial values of human faith empower the entrenched fabric of the knowlege character.They cannot be altered even by the sanctity of cultural architecture nor of its court in the ecosystem of change,to which they are ordinarily subscribed for the purpose of social order.The entrenched fabric of this character must have to evolve by the critical absorption of time investment leveraged upon by the same pristine value,not necessarily detached from human prejudice.They drive the contextual powers and inordinate moral influence of the presiding artists.We do not borrow a clue from its architectural insolvency to bankrupt the prestigious credibility of history submerged by jackdaws of witless cannibals.This retards over the longhaul,the renegade mental alacrity of the homosapiens and the interaction of their motives to alter the periodical momentum of science of culture known as history,authorship of nature to grow change.It does not seem to alarm the wise or few informed human personels of airborne ailment


the main objects of history.The most affordable incentive to compel into being downright impossible scenarios,is to basically apprehend,technicalities of cultural components,their architecture,form and reaction to the immediate environment that supplant them.They can be complex and sometimes unwieldy,due to the motives of history to hide them in the enshrined texts and oral evidence of human tradition.It takes critical learning to unlock their esoteric pedagogy and to make it simply affordable,to reduce prejudicial stress and inaccuracy associated with knowledge assymetry,we resort to knowledge of faith.Whatever you know,you must extremely believe in it and that is the starting point,the middle way and eventually,the finishing line of the world greatest conquest.Behold,what great mountains have been conquered and what great valleys lifted?What we blankly fail to know,we boldly fail to believe and we faintly fail to believe what we hardly summon courage to act.It is a domino effect,no one can change history.


for a fair share of our golden antecedence.The battle for the great fight of freedom begins with the celebrated memoirs of golden antecedence as the most disturbed period of history over which triumphant gladiators rejoiced their collective trophy and human laurels.To rise up and take the challenge to fight,is indeed a hallmark of the great warriors and to triumph at the battlefield is infact the best pedigree of a serving army and legacy for the generation yet unborn.When men at arms fail to sell their conscience,by all ramification,they should be glorified by history.It is uncommon for the giant achievers to be reinterpreted into obscurity.We are judged by the dividends of hypercritical history and the culture of freedom is unleashed by the enlightenment of history.This moral enlightenment if given the true ethical interpretation,can hardly be politicised by the prejudice of historicists and the hypercritical students of history.We are boldly written in the letters of historical tradition to reinterprete

May 24, 2020


cannot only be disbursed even before death but in the case of lawsuit when you assign this asset to another party at 50%,you have protected the asset from unfavourable claim or verdict.Knowing that the trust can never be abolished,you release the asset to hand it over to listed beneficiaries.Learn how to transfer assets to your trusted siblings or beyond.They qualified as less risky attractive property investors.Reliable titles ensure property cases heavily protected against lawsuit.Sometimes hiding in offshore trust in line with an international best practices is a method that can be used by the extremely wealthy to preserve their wealth.The strategic option of sharing your wealth is vital too and when you pay your tithe or church offering say 10% of what you earn is believed to be an act of insuring or saving your wealth from the locust or destroyers.Those who give 10%to charity by sharing such wealth are simply not doing a disservice to humanity,but simply insuring,enriching and preservingtheir posterity.


personal assets from business obligation.A visit to the corporate affairs commission(CAC) or seeking the advice of a competent attorney should be beneficial to get you the badly needed help to know the type of business incorporation or structure that suits your commercial goal.Similarly,you do not underate the merit of getting a life insurance policy.It is not disputed that death benefits of this policy are exempts from claims of creditors in most states.The deposited money or savings of the policy can be borrowed or cashed against with the least fee and not just accessible only until death.When you have a qualified retirement plan,you invest maximum permissible contribution,while you are protected from lawsuit or bankruptcy by only qualified non-asigned plans.I think contacting a seasoned accountant might be of immense benefit.Your asset can be put into unbreakable trust and hardly can you take out contribution without the beneficiary's consent.Assets like money under control of this trust,therefore can be


4.Insurance:A lot of people especially in this part of the world understimate the power of insurance to offer their business and wealth,full personal and corporate protection.When you have insufficient insurance,you ordinarily allows insurance firms and notary publics to target your personal assets.This happens so easily due to failure to do liability coverage and keeps your asset safe.There other policies of insurance firms like property insurance and homeowners insurance to reduce your financial liability.You can also ask a competent lawyer in case you have a massive wealth to review all insurance policy documents prior to appending your signature.This is to ensure you are given full protection.5.How to protect money from lawsuit:In order to protect money from legal tussles,several tips below including incorporating your business and getting life insurance politicies and a host of others are worth given consideration.When business owners incorporate their business they are indeed protecting their personal


Given that only a fraction of your wealth is liable to be liquid and the remainder subject to the volatility of economic factors such as interest rate,capital market growth,money market movement and inflation.In this sit-tight,a diverse portfolio popularly known as diversification ensures that your wealth is heavily protected from this market risk of volatility.In case of business ownership your wealth should be included in both business holdings and personal assets.Learn how to transfer some assets to your spouse,siblings or structure joint ownership making wealth transfer much easier and cheaper.I think i have this mindset too when i set up Meddlesex Cosmos(www.meddlesexcosmos.com)and we desire private placement as the most diversified corporation in the continent.Though the site still needs 80%improvement,however we include only the pioneering divisions like fund management,agriculture and real estate.Diversification reduces risk,promotes synergy,economies of scale and also improves knowledge investment.


to charity from your own pocket money to purposely reduce your tax liability.The most important part is that it can include a will that takes your priority into consideration to ensure your wealth wont be squandered when you re no more in control.2.Patience and Investment:Patience is less emphasized and highly underestimated in the world of wealth or money management.When you invest it takes patience to recover your investment.Let me quote from the golden words of financial expert Busayo Ogunmade"Money grows on the trees of patience".So,it is an essential money making skills and you can indeed make a lot of money you have to be preserve or conserve that is sustainability and it takes patience and investment knowledge to protect it from the worldly dangers of loosing it.3.Diversification:There is an age old adage'do not put your egg in a single basket'and it typically means spread your nest.It is one way to protect your wealth and to spread it out over every sector of the economy and over wide range of assets.


Life is all about what you know and is not so different when we compare it to money management or wealth management or critical issues such as making money and enriching yourself.To attain financial freedom,there are certain things you must as enumerated in the list below.1.Financial planning:I think there is nothing like planning in this life and there can be no other way first and foremost to attain such freedom without it.What kind of planning are we talking about here?We are talking about financial planning a strategy to create and grow your wealth and also protect it.It can also be called'Estate planning'and you have to find an expert a financial planner to aid in such planning.It is important because he knows what you dont know in that aspect and he has wealth of experience in that field and knows what options available to you to protect and maximise your returns and wealth in today's market.He or she can tell you what it takes to set up a trust and protect your assets from estate taxes and donate to

May 22, 2020


The society is full of challenges and human arts so much befuddled by the right choices to take and the most affordable lead to follow,in the face of growing social debt crisis.How can we maintain time investment,freedom allure and candid ability the great charters'way?Is it rational for the allure to be so overzealous to conceal the potency of the time investment spread over duration that guarranteed maturity of great charters?The breathtaking paces of the investment certainly are catalyst for the evolution of human civilisation.Given the exigency and strategic demand of the investment,understanding the target and operative mode of reaction of great charters accelerating equiproportionate disbursement of socioeconomic energy to actualise full amortisation of this unnoticed outstandings,is of vital incentive.We shall not be a debtor to the unborn generation to withdraw our consciousness from the abbattoir of dreamkillers,should we abet the investment without purpose.We owe previous generation a credit for our

May 21, 2020


There is no doubt that in the nick of time the defense of freedom shall be onto us a boon and a golden respite for slaves and labourious fellows.But who will fight the battle for the yoke to be lifted and liberty freed to the glory of the slaves?None practically none yet we wanted to go to nirvana and live in glass houses where they hardly throw stones.History as essence does not seek to abolish leadership derelicts and dearth of its quality that often reverberates in its tympannum guile when historians make critical analysis of its antecedence or pedigree.It is to its delight that we mankind so selfevasive and too complacent hardly lament the stigma of this quality.A dent instrumental to the cummulative growth of social debt crisis,a horrible outstanding and burdensome garbage that the future generation might not be able to pay even to the unforgiven pawnbroker the true fury of time.We should not be detered like every gladiator that future as a means to an end,liberty of the will,of the mind to the society.


There is no doubt that in the nick of time the defense of freedom shall be onto us a boon and a golden respite for slaves and labourious fellows.But who will fight the battle for the yoke to be lifted and liberty freed to the glory of the slaves?None practically none yet we wanted to go to nirvana and live in glass houses where they hardly throw stones.History as essence does not seek to abolish leadership derelicts and dearth of its quality that often reverberates in its tympannum guile when historians make critical analysis of its antecedence or pedigree.It is to its delight that we mankind so selfevasive and too complacent hardly lament the stigma of this quality.A dent instrumental to the cummulative growth of social debt crisis,a horrible outstanding and burdensome garbage that the future generation might not be able to pay even to the unforgiven pawnbroker the true fury of time.We should not be detered like every gladiator that future as a means to an end,liberty of the will,of the mind to the society.