November 16, 2020


 Kunlemicrofinance deals with economy and this includes economic matters and other

sent October 28 at 1:04 PM

I need a write up about it so from it I make a video

You sent October 28 at 1:08 PM

Yea I understand my connection is breaking that is why I didn't complete that above write up.just read and copy tem ı start again

sent October 28 at 1:09 PM


You sent October 28 at 1:17 PM

Other topics include poetry, microfinance, philosophy, short stories, entertainment and science and technology. The blogger in the piece

You sent October 28 at 1:29 PM

entitled"PHILOSOPHERS' STONE.PART 1-144 "wrote the longest philosophical treatise in africa .He also wrote the longest sonnets of any poet in africa entitled"PROFESSOR ABRAHAM SONNET DIARY".

You sent October 28 at 2:11 PM

He wrote the longest book of poetry by a single poet overtaking Ferdowsi an iraniZDB an, now but then a persian a feat he achieved with the book SHANAMMEH .St . Blues Queer Street is a thriller book of poetry over 3,000 pages yet unpublished and some of the poems were published on the blog.

You sent October 28 at 2:16 PM

He is a freelance journalist at vanguard newspaper, at National mirror and entrepreneur a founder of Meddlesex

You sent October 28 at 2:31 PM

He started blogging January 2011 and truly believes blogging like every form of writing is a medicine to the body and spiritual travel that we barely know. According to him writing takes the best part of him and made him a better person."To me writing is the best form of therapy to cure and to prevent stress, stresful rout

sent October 28 at 9:34 PM

Ok I'll re go through it

You sent October 31 at 11:23 AM

Stressful routine leads to ailments but with writer's stress, hidden emotions that could lead to psychological stress even before normal are let loosed for the human freedom and healthy lifestyle.Otherwise should they be hidden would lead stress to terrible ailments. "Therefore he believed writing is an emotional purging instrument best form of Freudian therapy for the soul, spirit and body.Although not everyone can write he advised audio books for nonwriters as a way to purge emotional stress that could lead to bodily stress and inability to belch the carthasis leads human ailments. First our daily routine when they pressured gives birth to stress and the best palliative is excite the routine not to be stressed and at best lightens its yoke.Writing therefore provides the everlasting to excite the routine and similarly prevents stress and when we re stressed too also provide antidote for the carthasis tribulating its victims to be belched too quickly.However he enjoined that positive writers either lived much longer or last much longer in the readers' psyche.

You sent October 31 at 11:23 AM

When words spoken by mankind are stamped and written in the tablets of human mind and pile up for a considerable period of time, specifically negative ones invariably leads to stress and then human ailments. It is irreversible unless they are purged ailments are inevitable and writing is the best form of therapy known to mankind.

You sent October 31 at 11:23 AM

In the "INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES".PART 1-60 published blog and a host of other almost a thousand inspirational quotes on the twitter@kunlemicrofinance, the blogger spoke extensively on the inevitable price of history and the significance and strategic impact of freedom enterprise on mordern civilisation.In "THOUGHTLESSNESS"PART 1-60, he brought to the frontburner the strategic imperative of thoughtfulness, to human development, development enterprise and human civilization. In the HAMILTONIAN UNIVERSE, PART 1-10, he explored the indepth virtues of the man who founded America and the greatest in living history that ever lived.In a local newstand in Lagos, Nigeria, like 3 or 4 of the local newstands, he frequented for two decades, where with polymathic midas touch he argued extensively on world history and philosophy first as a vendor, then as free reader,he was propelled one day to counter the argument of a fellow dicussant."You are wrong to say that Jesus christ is the greatest man that ever lived.No, it was Alexander Hamilton, the first treasury secretary of the united states who singlehandedly initiated and founded America, the world greatest civilisation ever . Sorry sir, but that is the gospel, the latter uses brainpower not spiritual power."Then he paused in consternation after the bombshell.

You sent October 31 at 11:23 AM

With the new found entrepreneurial spirit as the founder of Meddlesex cosmos, an investment holding multinational, he intends to challenge corporate orthodoxies and even better still macroeconomic orthodoxies.To counter, tons of extant macroeconomic theories, specifically the most influential ranging from the classical economics of Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Thomas Malthus, father of mordern population study and a host of others down to neoclassicals like Alfred Marshall, the keynessians that erupted during the great depression of 1930s to counter the wage theory of the neoclassical with their total spending theory that eventually nipped depression in the bud and then the monetarists that resolved the stagflation of the 70s and George Lucas generation, he was inspired to theorise Marsolism.Hence launch the most comprehensive in macroeconomics since it was begun from the golden pen of that giant economist Maynard Keynes, the chancellor of exchequer during the great depression.

You sent October 31 at 11:23 AM

He believed economists and theories barely tell us the truth let alone rational enough about the new changing world economic order. And like Joseph Schumpeter and Karl Marx, he was forced to conclude that should the mainstream orhodoxies persist and stinking statusquo not altered,capitalism would soon eventually crash.He enthused that Marsolism is the last panacea and the first apologetics of true free market economy. In the letter to the investing public published in the Meddlesex cosmos he noted universal capitalism is more than possible specifically within the powers of multinationals and not underestimating their strategic capabilities at eradicating world poverty and mass unemployment. He criticised economists and prejudice an distrust at guarantee full employment and he posted tons of essays and treatises on the blog about his new macroeconomic findings.Based on the intelligence report of , on some of his macroeconomic papers,he had extensively cited in many universities worldwide . From the faculties of philosophy at the university of freiburg, university of frankfurt and a host of others down home in Nigeria, where the citation was first made by Uthman Dan Fodio university and down south by Lagos Business school top 50 business school worldwide, a unit of pan African university.He intended to establish the Lagos School of Economics to domesticate the theories, challenge unworkability of western theories administered to underdevlop African economies.This ushers universal prosperity in Africa and charity begins from his country, will seeking research money from donor institutions.

You sent November 3 at 10:49 AM

Given the fact that mordern societies think rationally the way human minds think, created extremely complex situation which a far more human cerebral theories to propell the sustainable growth of equiproportional development enterprise with optimal verve to absorb societal subtle riddles of chronic underdevelopmental challenges.

You sent November 3 at 11:03 AM

He also admits every clime is by nature suitable to different brands of economic principles as may applicable to diverse societies at divergent times. Hence, he campaigns in favour of paradigm shift and aversion of intellectual terrorism and subterfuged imperialist doctrines of the west.He lampooned developing region like Africa, strictly in the context of poor greymaterisation , retarded intellectual freedom and conventional inability to think or take vital decision as lamented Albert Hirshman as the greatest challenge of developing societies.It therefore behooves that the sole panacea to clean the augean stable and avert mass perdition of developing region predominantly and ethically Africa is to regain the modulated frequency of greymaterisation and spectre of intellectual freedom.It is the greatest price of history and the greatest economics of a civilisation. We are fallen by the same price whereon we stand in this contraption and which could not be paid by the entanglement of societal warped ethos that warranted the disconsolate ire of this intellectual pitfall.Nature gives them freedom elsewhere where this contextual laws of development are obeyed.

You sent November 3 at 11:12 AM

whereon we rode pillion of this spectra similitude for thousands of years that was begun from the crash of great Egyptian civilisation to the dusk of the long forgotten but still traumatic colonial times.Territories and races have moved, nations and nationalities had been born and dead, yet the connundrum of bespattered serfdom and particularly thraldom of fear still persist beyond the confluence and confines of defeated times.With marsolism he believes the era of golden age of african civilisation would soon begin

You sent November 3 at 11:22 AM

Moreover,mass human and institutional development and sustainable capacity building ladened with massive capacity gaps are chronic underdevelopment ailments afflicting beleaguered African societies and he took the pain of conceiving the unprecedented businss methods and pristine corporate models to liberate Africans and the world economy at large from the etchinated aspersion of western and occidental institutional terrorism.He concluded"We shall move on, we shall aspire and we shall succeed".


 THE ARTS OF TIME:THE PROGRESSION AND RETROGRESSION OF HISTORY IN AN EXISTENTIALIST ERA.PART 2.the proposition of traditional thinking that squandered judicious use of time for the advancement of scientific reasoning that ultimately vanguard the institution of freedom.They carried the debates basically known as the intellectual freedom through timesm and space, from towns to cties, nations, nationalities, customs and traditions,until the institution of intelectual freedom was laid as harbinger of mordern civilisation. The outburst of remarkable progress was more than proven through the empirical evidence that held the primacy of the fact that the superiority of scientific reasoning over traditional thughts, could not ben disputed for once.Unknown to some pundits am there is no complex thinking beyond the cajole and steady interactions between these modes of reasoning, that afford us the sustainable growth of mordern scholarship.They ensure the progression of history, due to their time rencmelevance of necessity's moral exploitation.Consequently nobler modes of discoveries were made, through thibust interaction.Hence, the glorious light of mankind, hakm97rdly caught for so long in a contraption, even in the medieval was responsible for the growth of the progression of history as it were from the ancient until now.The transaction of vast information production over the ages and institutional interaction between the two modes of scholastic thinking, enables


 THE CONCEPT OF LEGAL EGALITARIANISM:A TURNING POINT IN WORLD JURISPUDENCE:Preamble.P.1.The concept of the law has come a long way, having principally evolved from the empirical evidence of philosophers'world rationalistic bent.With their theoretical worldview,they debated jurisprudence from the obscurity of history,clarified what is law or what should it be or what should it not be.They were able to draw inference,using informed instincts from the cases of human precedents,to adjudicate the logics, precepts,that should be or not be, in the court of law.Jurisprudence or a legal theory as a theoretical study of law,as heavily debated by philosophers of the 20th century did not during the period exclude in any way also the works of social scientists.Then jurists, or legal theorists or scholars of jurisprudence,were being optimistic to delve deeper into the spectre of legal reasoning and with their legal theories evolve legal systems deemed appropriate to changing times, supplanted by legal institutions,that survived the test of times and sustained with workable statutes,cases, constitutions, to groom ethical societies of the ancient and the mordern civilization,carefully guided by tolerable sanity of the law and intertwined to the role that laws play in human society specifically the institutional guarantee of social order.Though mordern jurisprudence was begun in the 18th century,but unarguably it had its roots in the ancient times from the obscurity of Egyptian civilization,to

October 24, 2020


of life,through the first law that makes one doubt everything occupies his aim.The rationalist believes in principle was possible to doubt every and this ordinarily informed his intellectual freedom to think,philosophise and theorise himself out of the scientific lacuna that early mordern age was inflicted.It is by no means certain the mordern age would advance philosophical quest by relying on the outdated philosophical norms of the antiquity and pelucidly began his thought construction.He believed not their deception and instituted mordern rationalistic culture that had lasted till this day.


He opines unless we can clearly perceive a thing,that we cannot accept them as being true.This requires breaking down compound problem into compound pieces,broken in diverse single factors as many as possible.This allows us to form logical conclusion.It could have been similar to Galileo's concept of measuring the immeasuring but certainly Descartes believed philosophy should move from simple to complex and consequently,one can construct a new insight.To reach such philosophical conclusion requires constant calculation,enumeration and deep discretion.He was a mathematician,father of analytical geometry and a great contributor to algebra science.He was fond of using mathematical method for philosophical conclusion.


The basic life principle according to Aristotle present in every matter and organism was the soul.He was able to identify and categorise them as plant soul or animal soul and they could not be conceived as separate from the body.The radical division of soul and body by all ramification was not introduced by philosophers until the dawn of 17th century.And it was nt feasible,given the fact that they were seen as one big indivisible mechanistic entity,that is all material objects'motion,body human or animal and plant invnm


The basic life principle according to Aristotle present in every matter and organism was the soul.He was able to identify and categorise them as plant soul or animal soul and they could not be conceived as separate from the body.The radical division of soul and body by all ramification was not introduced by philosophers until the dawn of 17th century.And it was nt feasible,given the fact that they were seen as one big indivisible mechanistic entity,that is all material objects'motion,body human or animal and plant involving mechanical processes.To believe that there must be esoteric connection between body and consciousness,clearly influences Descartes' thoughts and theory.


dogmatism.Religious sects such as anabaptists and independents,were influential behind the most notable spiritual types such as Diggers and Quakers acted on divine revelations.Prebysterian program was the most influential in the house of common.The sect type dominated the army independents or congregationalists to which Oliver Cromwell belong.The influential sect Levellers was led by the most eloquent orator John Lilburne who translated Christian doctrine into political terms.He also advocated parliamentary reform and suffrage extension and organised them as a party with mass meetings


that the earth moves,.."...,.considering the fact that in the past"learned men .....have proved that the earth rests immovable in the middle of the heavens as the center of the universe.For a long time therefore i hesitated whether i should publish my comments."..,.considering the"scorn which i had to fear on account of the newness and absurdity....." " But my friends made me change my course inspite of my long continued hesitation and resistance.First,among them was Nicholas Schonberg, Cardinal of Capua,a man distinguished


compilers including magic stones'collection and lists,medieval herbs and bestiaries,curious learned men like Fredrick 11's anatomical dissections and other later dissectors.The converted works of the antiquity such as the works of Aristotle later debated and disputed and the thoughts of other ancient scholars like Galen,Euclid and Ptolemy,great Arabs such Avicenna,Lycurgus and Hammurabi,were extremely influential.They


that despite retarded intellectual output,borrowed from the medieval such as rudimental propositions of the prepythagorean geometry;the use of counting frame or abacus and some decimal fractions,so that by the end of 13th century,the mathematicians were tackling advanced pythagorean theorem.What the middle ages took over from the Greeks or the ancient they did not very much enrich. With this discovery,they were to change the situation with Renaisance as the magical response

October 23, 2020


The same with Johannes Kepler German Astronomer in 1600s both extensively utilised telescope to pointblank observe the heavenly bodies.While Galileo became the first scientist to formulate the law of inertia and noted the moon had mountains and valleys similar to planet earth,extensively studied the moon's craters,kepler presented a comprehensive evidence that planets move in eliptical or in oval orbits with sun at the center. 


They also saw language as an organism.Infact,the entire material world like a poetic work was a living organism.Hence,no sharp contrast exist in between them and they bear testimony to the vivid presence of world spirit in people,culture not just popular culture as nature and art.They collected folksongs from distant lands,captioned as the ebulient voices of the people,of which Herder was their preeminent forerunner.He said folktales was the mothertongue of the people.For instance,Brother's Grimm and a host of others collected folk songs and fairy tales in Heidelberg.

October 16, 2020


 When  he entered the compound earĺy morning breeze blew his suspicion away cuddling his android phone close to his chest and raised his cheeks to witness the new customer's entry into the cybercafe.When he collected his ticket he resumed to browse ratheŕ involuntarily as if it was a vogue thing to do.Theŕe was so much authority stamped upon his voice when he spoke and unleashed the bombshell, the writer's breath was blown away.Ņot long when his boodļe was interred in the desktop, his long waiting aficionado began to interogate him."Emmauel  could you please recall what you told me yesterday about Coveņant University "he withdrew his engross from the screen and shifted his attention to his countenance.                                       Now downtoearth, Emma with gusto reeled out statistics once again, looking sternly."I said í was shocked to the bone marrow two or three years ago at the students affairs dept.of the school as an employee,to notice that about 500 students awarded first class. "remarked bitterly."Jesus christ, ňot even Soyinka finished first class .'' "You mean it?" "Hé said he graduated with second class upper" "Uhmm.....I didnt know .You can clarify those facts .They were simply giving them marks.Assuming they score 40, they 20 or 30 more marks.Ýóu know why? Their parents paid exorbitant tuition fees.We are talking of millions here.Corruption in Nigeria is official. "  "So, first class 

September 15, 2020


resolved no longer to seek any other science that the knowledge of myself or of the great book of the world." That".......our senses sometimes deceive us,i was willing to suppose that there existed nothing really such as they presented to us...,.,..i supposed that all the objects that had ever entered into my mind when awake had in them no more truth than the illusions of my dreams.But immediately upon this i observed that whilst i thus wished to think that all was false,it was absolutely necessary that i who thus thought should be somewhat;and as i observed this truth i think therefore i am,was so certain....".In the principles of knowledge"


Yet both quite independent,shares no contact with each other.To theorise this independence or freedom of the material process and the intangible made Descartes a diehard dualist that depicts their sharp division.To arrive at a conclusion that only man has a mind and not the animal,the latter been seen as complicated automaton does not too logical of a mature mordern philosophical,given that they posess soul atoms too.Just like St.Augustine and Thomas Aquinas,he also sees man as a dual creature with both a mind and extended body.Our mind is perfect machine that can operate independently of the body.


The basic life principle according to Aristotle present in every matter and organism was the soul of that matter.He was able to identify and categorise them accordingly such as plant soul or animal soul.That they could not be conceived as entity separate from the body.The radical division of soul and body by all ramification,was not introduced by philosophers until the 17th century.And it wasnt feasible given the fact they were seen as one big indivisible entity that all material objects' motion,body human,animal or plant involving mechanical processess.


The basic life principle of every matter according to Aristotle present in every organism which could not be conceived distinguished and separated from the body.So,he identified plant soul,animal soul and the introduction of radical division of the soul and body by any philosophers whatsoever did not occur until the 17th century.Descartes believed there must be some esoteric connection between body and consciousness. And like Plato,he was convinced of sharp contrast between spirit and matter,though the former could nt prove how the soul or mind influences the body.In solving a philosophical problem,Descartes in his Discourse On Method,raises question of the type of method a philosopher uses to reach a conclusion.That we cannot accept anything as veracious unless we clearly perceive it.According to him,requires breaking down into compound pieces of compound problem as soon as possible.Galileo too

September 11, 2020


movements;first when the solar system was formed,they had rectilinear movements and now through gravitation revolved round the sun.He abolished the notion that one set of laws was applicable to the heavens and another one on earth and contended both segments of the universe applied the same physical laws.During the same Renaisance era,church or theology and science and philosophy broke apart.There was so much attempt to open up the flagship multiplicand of the great charters of liberty basically intellectual freedom.For in


They discovered a new method called scientific method in the first phase and made technical revolution possible.This pioneered several inventions.Just like Francis Bacon says"Knowledge is power",they now laid more ephasis on pragmatic value of knowledge through the evolution of knowledge mass production,dominated the forces of nature for the first time that once controlled them.Man began to truly intervene in his own destiny,using selfcontrol and social control system respectively.Although technical revolution that led to wealth enhancement


They called the country ruled by Sons Of God,the Kingdom Of God.When it lost its glorious era,the kingdom,Israel was divided into both Northern Kingdom(Israel) and Southern Kingdom( Judea).The former in 1722.B.C.was defeated by the Assyrians and its political and religious significance was wiped out.It was in 586 B.C.when  southern kingdom was destroyed and conquered by the Babyloans And temple destroyed and most of its people sent of as slaves.The Babylonian captivity expressively lasted until 539 bc.


We can say that the middle ages was begun at the fourth century and by the eleventh,twelfth and thirteenth often regarded as the period of High Gothic and that was the period in which the great Cathedrals of Europe was built.Suddenly by the 14thcentury,the interminable middle ages passed away,choked in the middle and taken over by Renaisance era(1300-1600).Christianity was a strong force during the period and profiteth immensely from its evolution.Around 3 the Christian Church was banned but was accepted in Rome by Emperor Constantine,in A.D.313.Infact the Holy Roman Emperor was baptised on his deathbed and from year 380,it was official religion in Roman Empire,though some sources disputed it.Rome was threatened in the 4th century by barbarians,that pressed from the North,and by A.D.330,Constantine the Great moved capital to constantinople


A sentinel yonder hills a sentinel yonder hills.Beyond the gropping sun,lies a seer who sees the yonder hills, Sentry no more beneath the heated moon, Nor the sentinel pastime's pasture blushes,that it might be bereft of forages, that your indescribable cosmos salivates,hast renege not,Dissuade art thou gone not;and taken your libido gritty; Platonic platitude and hilly beans must redound fret,as bandwagon jumpers come home to roost,in their vagabond esplanade of bandwagon jump.Thraldom no more frollic when yonder hills,he sees,thoughtfully as artfully brudderless banks wary no more enchant,that strangling spectre of dose of physic,a leeway from thraldom imprisoned,the throng plausible but come to dust, Graveyard plaudits,wreaths at the tombs,lightens not frittered vintage,circa by circa,Nor prior pleadings,for a relief at this epitaph's dialect,quirky pall a sigh to placate